MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 33

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On the first day of work, Ji Ran's cell phone rang three times.

One time was from Xu Lin, the other was Lao Hu, and the last one was Yue Wenwen, all afraid that he would be late for work, and flew over the phone early in the morning.

Ji Ran bite the bread and hung Yue Wenwen's phone.

He got up early and was woken up by Qin Man.

"This suit suits you well." Qin Man put milk in his hand.

"Stop stabbing me." Ji Ran calmly yawned, "when I'm awake, I'll settle accounts with you."

Qin Man glanced at his watch: "It's almost time, I'll drive and come out after you eat?"

"I'm full." Ji Ran stood up and walked towards the garage. "Just your speed, want to keep me late?"

In Yongshi, Ji Ran drove the car to the parking lot. In the past, the "temporary license plate" was displayed on the display, but today it is the "employee license plate".

I have to say that Xu Lin is very thoughtful in all aspects.

Now is the rush hour for work. There are cars driving in the parking lot constantly. Ji Ran drove the car to the position that the security told him in advance and got out of the car.

As soon as he stepped out of the car door, he could feel a few hot sights around him. When he looked back again, those employees immediately retracted their eyes and looked straight ahead.

However, Qin Man caught a look that had not been recovered. He looked at each other twice, then nodded his head, and the woman returned to her head, nodding her head to say hello, panic-stricken.

In the past two days, Ji Ran's appointment has already spread throughout the company. Everyone has some vague expectations. Not looking forward to this new project team leader, but want to see whether the legendary Ji Jiayi's birth child is a what kind of person.

The elevator room was full of people. As soon as Ji Ran walked in, we greeted everyone's attention. It was full of curiosity, surprise, inquiry, and a small amount of subtle emotions.

He stood there for a while, and finally couldn't bear it: "What about monkeys?"

"..." Those gazes closed back.

Qin Man smirked. He suddenly felt that Ji Ran's temper was quite good, at least he could not swallow his voice.

All the way to the 23rd floor, as soon as the elevator door opened, Xu Lin was already waiting outside.

"Mr. Ji, Mr. Qin." Seeing that Ji Ran was not late, Xu Lin took the lead to relax. "I'll take you to the office."

After entering the project team, Ji Ran glanced around, and as expected, there were only five people sitting scattered in this office, including him, Qin Man and Xu Lin.

The men saw him coming and quickly got up to say hello.

"Good leader."

"Morning leader!"

Ji Ran was at the nightclub, and he was greeted by someone from the entrance to the seat. He was used to it. He said "um", and asked Xu Lin: "I sit with them?"

He was not very pleasant in tone. Xu Lin smiled and said, "Of course not, your office is there." He pointed to the partitioned room in the upper left corner of the space.

There are few people in the group, but Ji Ran's office is quite large, standing on floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city view, a large sofa for hospitality, and a carpet covering the entire area.

Ji Ran glanced at the extra set of tables and chairs beside his seat: "What is this?"

Xu Lin said: "This is Mr. Qin's position."


Qin Man put the computer on the table: "Tough work."

Xu Lin smiled: "It should."

Ji Ran snorted: "Can't his position be outside? Can't you just squeeze in with me?"

"When you first arrived, you may be unfamiliar with your work. I was thinking that Mr. Qin might be more convenient for you."

Forget it. Ji Ran waved his hand: "OK, you go out."

After Xu Lin left, Ji Ran took a seat on the boss chair and yawned again untimely.

As soon as Qin Man was about to say something, he heard a few whispers. A female employee walked in and put the documents on Ji Ran's desk.

"Leader, this is the project that our team is currently responsible for, please take a look. Just ask me if you don't understand anything."

Ji Ran flipped through two pages, and turned it to the end.

He asked, "Why is this department going to dissolve soon?"

The female employee blushed and explained quickly: "No. Because we are a temporary group, the project will be relatively small."

In fact, these Ji Ran have known for a long time, all mentioned in the information. When it comes to a group, it is actually a matter of picking a few people from various departments together. Some of the five came over voluntarily, and others were kicked out by other departments because of work-related problems.

The one in front of him is one of the volunteers.

Ji Ran said: "I see, you go out."

They have not only a small number of projects, but also small projects, which only return hundreds of thousands of water. Ji Ran threw the document aside at will, leaned back, and put his legs on the desk.

"What is Ji Wei's office cornet?" He asked the person next to him.

Qin Man came to him, picked up the item and turned a few pages. These items are even less than the materials he originally received, and they should have been changed halfway.

"do not know."

"Go ask Xu Lin."

"You call Ji Wei, and then?" Qin Man slowly put down the file. "Will he give you a new project?"

"Who said that I was going to get the item? Who is rare." Ji Ran said.

"You can't blame Ji Wei, no newcomer can get a big project as soon as he enters the company. After doing these, the later projects will have higher and higher gold content." Qin Man pushed the document in front of him "These are just to make you familiar with the process. And good projects depend on rushing. We have finished these and I will take you to talk about new projects."

"... Who wants you to take it." Ji Ran stared at him. "You are Ji Wei sent as a lobbyist?"

"How come." Qin Man smiled. "I'm yours. The contract is clear and black."


Ji Ran picked up the folder disgustingly, looked at a few lines of words, suddenly raised his eyes, "Hey."

"Go get me a cup of coffee," he said in a commanded tone. "It's all sugar and milk, I don't drink bitter."

Qin Man walked out of the office with an empty glass and heard the door open. Several people couldn't help looking at it.

"Ah, that." The woman who came to send the materials got up, "Qin ... Assistant, let me help you down."

During this time, the company spread the news of Qin Man, even if he didn't know him, he now knows it.

"No," Qin Man refused. "Where is the tea room?"

"Oh, I'll take you there."

When he reached the tea room, Qin Man slowly tore open the wrapping paper: "What's your name?"

The woman snapped: "Qu Ran."

"Qu Ran." Qin Man raised his lips. "Trouble you. I already know the road, you go back first."

Qu Ran was dizzy with this laugh second: "Okay, okay."

Qin Man was making coffee, and his cell phone rang.

He stopped and answered, "Huh?"

"Have you come to the company?" Ji Wei at the other end, "Are you still used to it?"

"pretty good."

"My office is on the 31st floor. Shall we meet?"

"No, I have something to deal with."

"What can I do?" Ji Wei, playing with the object in his hand, was silent for a while, and asked, "Is Xu Lin beside you?"

"No, I'm in the pantry."

"Okay. Have dinner tonight? I'll get you the wind."

"I have something tonight, let's do it another day."

Ji Wei didn't say much: "Then you have any help, then contact me."

Hanging up the phone, Qin Man turned back to the office and happened to hear the two men chatting while passing by the department next door.

"The one next door is here?"

"Here, Fan Er is big."

"Relationship households are not the same, they become a team leader."

"Haha, what kind of relationship does he have? You don't know what items are in his hands. If we are general and generous, if it is me, I will let him starve to death outside, definitely not Get him into the company. "

"You don't understand this. President Ji is humiliating him because he is a reformer. Putting people under his nose is not how he wants to do it."

"Haha, yes. But then again, he is indeed the star's son, looks so handsome, and the eyes of the girls are straight."

The man was smiling, and Yu Guang glanced at him, and saw the man standing outside the glass door. His smile was rigid on his face immediately, and the words behind him were swallowed back.

Qin Man held the cup and smiled at him.

He always felt that the man's smile wasn't too friendly, and he took the opportunity to glance at the name on the opponent's work card, and his expression was even more ugly: "... Qin, Mr. Qin, Jiu Yang."

The other heard it for a moment, and turned back.

Qin Man didn't say a word, holding the cup of coffee and turning away.

They only returned to God for a long time.

"That's Qin Man? He heard it?" One of them confessed, "He won't go back and tell Ji Ran?"

"Yes, shouldn't, and what we're saying is true."

"But how do I feel like he was just watching our job card ..."

"So how about it. Calm down, he is bankrupt even if he is even better, can he retaliate against us?"

"... Ha, too." The man wiped his sweat.

Ji Ran was bored and played a game on the spot. Yue Wenwen was also online and forced his team.

"Xiao Ran Ran, how did you feel about going to work on the first day?" Yue Wenwen asked him in the team voice.

"Boring," Ji Ran said.

"You still have an office, I'm at my dad, and I still need to direct the tractor!" Yue Wenwen thought about it, "I only spent the whole day making my hair! He asked me to bring a helmet! I just Well done nails! He wants me to wear those dirty gloves !!! The limited edition clothes I just bought! He wants me to stand in the wind as a scarecrow !!! "

"... then don't do it."

"No." Yue Wenwen can Qu Nengshen. "No money, don't you support me?"

Qin Man was just heard when he came in, and he raised an eyebrow and put the coffee on the table: "It's enough to taste."

"I have no money." Ji Ran took a sip of coffee. "All my money was fooled by a fool. You asked him to share it with you."

When Yue Wenwen heard Qin Man's voice, he immediately changed his voice: "We are good sisters, how can I ask for your money? Give it to him all. Xiao Manman, see you at night."

Qin Man said with a smile: "Okay."

Ji Ran raised his hand and closed the microphone and audio: "Well, don't be close to my friend."

Qin Man asked: "Does coffee taste good?"


Qin Man recalled the amount of toffee he added: "Like sweet?"

"No." Ji Ran didn't look up. "Just don't like to suffer. You can take a look at these items. If there are any changes, I will sign without them."

"it is good."

Ji Ran played a game all afternoon, and tired to sleep on the sofa next to him. He didn't wake up until the door opened.

"Leader, you can get off work at five o'clock if nothing happens ..." Xu Lin said half, and saw the man lying on the sofa, "... I disturbed you?"

"No." Ji Ran sat up and waved, "Then you get off work."

Xu Lin: "... Okay."

After Xu Lin left, Qin Man stood up, took the coat from the hanger and put it on, and put the documents in front of Ji Ran.

Ji Ran turned a few pages and found that detailed annotations were made on them, and some work even had printed notes next to them.

Qin Man's time in one day is estimated to be on this small hundreds of thousands of broken projects.

Ji Ran's refusal to blurtly turned into: "... I see."

The venue of the celebration was a seaside villa in the name of Cheng Peng.

Parked the car, Ji Ran got out of the driveway: "I smoke a cigarette outside, you go first."

"Well," Qin Man said, "spot less."


The nearby seascape was very beautiful. Ji Ran watched at the door for a long time. It wasn't until Yue Wenwen urged the phone to come in that he turned into the house.

"You're finally here." Cheng Peng saw him and said, "I bought a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, and you can cook what you want to eat yourself."

"Got it."

"Also," Cheng Peng handed the box over the cabinet, "your gift to work."

"Uncorrecting." Ji Ran took over.

"Chen An likes surprises, and is used to it. You touch his light."

"Who the **** is going to touch his light." Ji Ran slammed into his shoulder with a smile, "Let's go in."

"I still have to go to the kitchen. The barbecue is relatively simple, so I didn't ask the chef." Cheng Peng said, "I just pickled it."

"Chen An doesn't help you?"

"He is reviewing upstairs."

"..." Ji Ran put down the gift. "I'll go with you."

"Don't." Cheng Peng stopped suddenly and glanced at the direction of the living room, meaningfully. "You should go in quickly, there is no place to go late."

Before Ji Ran walked into the living room, he heard the conversation coming from inside.

"You don't get hot in a suit, I'll get it to hang for you." It was a gentle voice.

Qin Man: "No, thank you."

Immediately after that there was cooing.

"Qin Man, don't give him your clothes. I'm afraid that Wen Xiao won't be able to sleep at night."

"Don't say that, Qin Man and Wen Xiao have worshiped you for years. How pathetic, let him touch your clothes."

The first voice was obviously a smile, and at this moment he was a little shy: "Don't talk nonsense."

"What's the matter, doesn't Wen Xiao have a boyfriend?" Yue Wenwen was aggressive, "Don't you take off Xiao Manman earlier?"

"What kind of powder to take off. You didn't know last time, you didn't call Qin Man, and Wen Xiao drunk a drunk that night and even shed tears."

Yue Wenwen: "..."

"No. I cried with my boyfriend that day, and I cried." Wen Xiao looked down, afraid to look at Qin Man's eyes.

Qin Man sighed secretly: "It's all right."

Wen Xiao jumped in his heart, summoned the courage and looked up: "But I do worship you for a long time ..."


A voice interrupted Wen Xiao's words.

Everyone stared unconsciously at the sound source. I saw Ji Ran approaching a man and touching his stool with his feet.

"Give a spot." Ji Ran didn't look at Qin Man.

The man also knew how bad Ji Ran's temper was. Seeing this situation, he got up quickly and said, "Okay."

Ji Ran sat down, tilted an old-fashioned Erlang leg, and frowned and asked those who were standing still, "Bake. What do you want me to do?"

"And you." He looked at the soft and weak man next to Qin Man, "continue to talk, listen."

The author has something to say: In order to urge myself, I decided to add more nutrients every 1w in the future! !!

Thanks everyone for the nutrition fluid and Ray. 2k novel reading network

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