MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 106 Cheng Peng x Jiang Yunjian (2)

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Back in the apartment, Jiang Yunjian was lying on his back in a lying position, silently scolded and not talking.

"I'm preparing for dinner! Your sister-in-law made a rare dinner today, but as soon as I picked up the first dish, the assistant of President Cheng called me!" Aggrieved, "Are you crazy? As for your current cafe, what resources can't be obtained? The script is just lined up two years later! What else do you need to go with Cheng Peng! If you treat me I'm not satisfied with the work I arranged for you, can we communicate? Aren't you pushing yourself to the edge of the cliff? "

"Brother, I'm sorry." Jiang Yunjian's voice was still dumb.

Bo Zhen regretted that he really shouldn't let Jiang Yunjian go!

"Are you sorry for me? You are sorry for yourself!" Bo Zhen was really mad at him. "How many days have you been on vacation in the past few years? How many times have you been injured in filming? It was so easy to get to this position What are you doing now? Besides, I will join the group after a while. Where can you spend time with Cheng Peng? "

Two years ago, Bozhen was not so excited. But this year's traffic between Jiangyun is too big. All the actions on weekdays are under the spotlight. How can it be hidden so well last time?

Last night alone was enough to make him nervous!

Jiang Yunjian was quiet for a long time and said, "Isn't the next filming place just in the city?"

Bo Zhen was shocked: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Yunjian pursed his lips: "... I watched the script, and there were not many night shows."

Bozhen is really speechless: "Why, aren't you going to sleep? There are so many action scenes in the lower part of the drama, enough ... Do you want to become a **** in place? Besides, even if you really make time, after that, What about your propaganda? You fly north and south, do you plan to take a flight back and forth at night? "

Jiang Yunjian said: "... I haven't thought so far."

"No, we must make a long-term plan for this matter--" Bo Zhenhua said halfway and stopped suddenly.

Yes, why did he forget that the duration of the last foster relationship between Cheng Peng and Jiang Yun was only two weeks, and the number of meetings was a handful. The lower part of Jiang Yunjian was a movie, at least two months. According to the previous urine, you don't need to worry so much.

Bo Zhen sipped and calmed down: "In short, whether I am from the perspective of an agent or a friend, I do not recommend that you continue to maintain such an improper male-to-male relationship with Mr. Cheng."

After hearing this, Jiang Yunjian justified: "... I have a bad idea and it has nothing to do with him."


Damn it.

Jiang Yunjian is usually not like this. On the contrary, his business ability is very high. Bozhen has brought so many artists. Jiang Yunjian is the most talented one he has ever seen. Whether it's acting, variety shows or even singing, they are born to eat this bowl of rice. Coupled with Jiang Yunjian's good personality, high emotional quotient, and resentment, he has almost no black spots since his debut.

If there is any shortcoming between Jiang Yun, it is only Cheng Peng.

"Bo brother, I really want to make it clear. I have experience and will hide myself very well and won't be found." Jiang Yunjian said, "In case, I mean in case. In case It is found that I will bear all the responsibilities, and I will not let you and the company be involved, and I will pay the money I have to pay. It happens that my contract with the company is about to expire, and I will not renew it at that time. "

Having said that, Bo Zhen knew that there was no room for change.

What can Bozhen say? Let ’s say that Jiang Yunjian is irresponsible. The benefits others have created for the company in the past few years are tangible. It has surpassed other artists by hundreds of times, works hard, and never asks the company for anything other than contracts. Willfulness, that's his own business, and no one else really cares.

After a long silence, Mr. Bo Zhen sighed, and it was full of hate for iron and steel: "... Small room, you have to promise me, this is the last time."

He could not bear to say something.

However, if Cheng Peng had some other thoughts on Jiang Yunjian, even if it was just a little bit, the two should have become a few years ago.

"Thank you, Brother Jiang." Jiang Yunjian said, "I told you before, I won't end the annual leave. What are the schedules for the next few days?"

"Still a trip?" Bo Zhen frowned. "You stay at home. I will give you the annual leave and rest well."

Bozhen stunned for a while. Before leaving, he reminded a little awkwardly: "Also, you pay attention to your body, don't get sick. Look at your throat, it's all dumb. I'll let someone bring you food, by the way Give you some cold medicine. "

One time before, Jiang Yunjian returned from Cheng Peng and had a full three days of burning, which scared Bozhen.

Jiang Yun was a little embarrassed. His throat was uncomfortable a few days ago, and with such a slap last night, it would be like this.

"No, I have medicine at home, you can go back. I can make the meal by myself, no need to bother to send it in."

After Bozhen left, Jiang Yun turned over and lay on the bed to play with his mobile phone.

He filmed a leading male TV series some time ago. As the number one male, he plays very heavily. He usually sleeps on the bed, and occasionally he reads the script when he is free. There has been no such comfortable rest time for a long time.

In fact, he is very tired now, in all aspects. But he had no sleepiness.

The microblog used by Jiang Yunjian was a trumpet, and he didn't pay attention to it. While watching some social news, a message popped up on WeChat.

It was sent by Bo Zhen, so don't forget to take a few daily selfies in the days of the annual vacation.

Jiang Yunjian made a good return. Just when he was about to exit WeChat, he saw a bright red "1" in the contact.

It is WeChat's default recommended address book friend function.

WeChat recommended him Cheng Peng.

He saved Cheng Peng's number for several years. Before that, he also applied to add the other party's WeChat friends, but Cheng Peng did not apply through his friends.

Jiang Yunjian stared at the prompt for a long time, still couldn't help but ordered another application.

How to fill in the application information?

Jiang Yunjian held his mobile phone and lay flat on the bed, thinking for a long time but couldn't decide. Don't be too concise, don't be too cumbersome, write your own name ... I don't know if Cheng Peng will remember.

He thought about it for nearly ten minutes, and at the end of it, sleepiness was about to drown him.

Why is it so difficult to decide?

After a while, Jiang Yunjian was almost asleep, and his head went to the left side along with force, and his fingertips were pressed on the screen of the mobile phone because of movement.

I don't know how long after that, the mobile phone trembled slightly in his palm, waking Jiang Yunjian awake.

He opened the message bar blankly and glanced.

[Cheng Peng: I passed your friend verification request and we can start chatting. 】

Jiang Yunjian read the words over and over again and again, and the sleepy image was mounted on the rocket, and he ran away without a trace.


Cheng Peng received Jiang Yunjian's itinerary the same day.

He glanced at the dense schedule above him and couldn't help frowning. The filming of the crew accounted for most of the table. At a glance, it was even more full than his schedule.

Are the current actors so busy?

He didn't think much about it and put the schedule in the locker after just a few glances. The cooperation that was discussed the day before had many details to deal with, and he didn't have much time to spend on the rest.

So two days later, when he received the WeChat message from Jiang Yunjian, he was still a bit surprised.

[Jiang Yunjian: Hello, this is Jiang Yunjian. 】

This sudden self-introduction made Cheng Peng couldn't help pulling his lips. He had just come down from the meeting and was about to leave the company. After receiving the information, he returned to his position.

He was a bit tired at the moment, and really didn't have the energy to type again, so he just called.

The head picked up very quickly: "General Cheng ... Hello."

"Find me something?" Cheng Peng asked.

Jiang Yunjian's voice sounded a little flustered: "I didn't disturb you."

"No, I just finished the meeting."

"……That's good."

The phone was silent for ten seconds.

Cheng Peng smiled and was very patient: "What's wrong? You say, it doesn't matter."

He didn't know, because Jiang Yunjian on the other side was nervous and his fingers holding the mobile phone turned white: "Nothing ... I just want to ask, have you received my schedule?"

"Yes," Cheng Peng said. "It's quite full."

Jiang Yunjian said busyly: "I'm crowded, I can definitely make time, you ... you can always find me, don't worry too much about that."

"It's okay, I said, I won't embarrass you in terms of time." Cheng Peng inexplicably found it interesting, and he asked, "You came to me just to ask if I received the schedule?"

"No ..." Cheng Peng heard the person on the phone take a deep breath, and then said in a tiny voice: "I ... these days are annual leave, I have no work, don't you see that?"

Cheng Peng raised an eyebrow, only a moment later, a laugh overflowed from his mouth: "Want to indulge in the holidays?"

In order to ease the tension, Jiang Yunjian was irrigating himself. He coughed for nearly half a minute, and his whole face turned red.

It was punctured.

"No, no," he explained hurriedly, "I just told you ... not what you think."

"Since you're idle, come here." Cheng Peng interrupted him.

Jiang Yun whispered, and after a long time asked carefully, "Can you?"

"I posted the address on your phone." Cheng Peng said.

Jiang Yunjian said quickly: "Which hotel is it? Can I wait for you in advance?"

Cheng Peng: "Don't go to the hotel."

"Huh?" Jiang Yunjian didn't understand.

"You are not fit to go to a hotel now." Cheng Peng got up and put on a suit jacket. "Come to my house, be safe."

Jiang Yunjian was sitting in a taxi, and his scarf almost covered his entire face. He looked out the window, desperately trying to suppress his heartbeat frequency.

Fortunately, it is winter now, and it is not surprising that he wears too much, otherwise he dare not take a taxi.

He never dared to think of being able to go to Cheng Peng's house, and now he seemed to be hit by a pie falling from the sky and dizzy.

The address given by Cheng Peng is an apartment. He reached the floor and took off his coat before ringing the doorbell, leaving only a base sweater.

Wear too thick for fear of looking fat.

The door opened quickly. Cheng Peng wore a beige-colored uniform with sleeves to elbows. It was a casual casual that Jiang Yunjian had never seen before: "It's so cold outside, do you wear this?"

"The heater on the car was turned on enough, so he took it off." Jiang Yun lied.

"Come in." Cheng Peng said, "there are slippers in the shoe cabinet, new ones, you can change them."

Jiang Yun nodded and followed him into the room.

The decoration of the house is as simple and elegant as he imagined. The brick red and white are elegant and generous, and the design can be seen.

But Jiang Yunjian had no extra thoughts to observe these. As soon as he entered the room, he felt that the smell of Cheng Peng was all in his breath—the case was solved. The thing he learned on the hotel bed that day should be used by Cheng Peng Some kind of perfume.

People who can adapt well in various environments usually stand cramped at this moment, not knowing what to do next.

"Why are you still standing here?" Cheng Peng came out of the bedroom. "I'm going out."

Jiang Yunjian said suddenly, "Where?"

"I was negligent. There was no condom or lubrication in the house. I had to buy it." Cheng Peng twisted his ears as he passed by. "Come up soon, you can look around and don't stand stupid."

With such a brief physical contact, Jiang Yun even forgot to breathe.

As soon as Cheng Peng was going out, Jiang Yunjian was pulling his clothes.

"I brought it."

Cheng Peng paused and looked back at him.

Because of nervousness, Jiang Yunjian blinked his eyes: "When I got out of the car, I was right in front of the convenience store ... I bought it by the way."

Jiang Yunjian still remembers his short time with Cheng Peng a few years ago.

At that time, Cheng Peng's company was in a state of high-level handover, so busy that they had never done anything except to go to bed. Almost every time, Cheng Peng started in a suit, and by the end he even dressed neatly.

Now, Cheng Peng wears soft home clothes, and occasionally the fabric rubs on him because of posture, which makes him feel extremely comfortable.

His throat was dumb, afraid that it wouldn't sound good, Jiang Yunjian endured desperately.

Cheng Peng was so funny, he stretched out his hand and shaved his throat: "Call out, I like to listen."

Jiang Yun froze, his body turned redder, and shouted in obedience again.

I don't know if it has been abstinence for a long time, Cheng Peng is very interested. He even wanted to pull Jiang Yunjian for a while and the phone suddenly rang.

Jiang Yunjian was lying on the bed, panting, still a little slow, and his face was very red. Cheng Peng lit a cigarette and picked up the phone.

The partner called and said he wanted to talk to him about the contract again and asked him if he had a video conference.

Hearing what Cheng Peng said, Jiang Yunjian could vaguely guess the content of the conversation. After Cheng Peng hung up, he supported himself and sat up: "Then I will not disturb you, go back first."

"Lying down." Cheng Peng got up, put on his clothes with his gloves, and rubbed his hair. "Temporary work, it won't be long. Let's have supper together before leaving."

Jiang Yunjian felt that Cheng Peng was not rubbing his head, but his heart.

A moment later, he retrieved his voice: "... well."

When Cheng Peng went out, he did not close the bedroom door, Jiang Yunjian could hear his discussion with the partner in the living room.

In the dimness, Jiang Yunjian's eyes glowed slightly, and the emotions inside could not be hidden at all. There was no one around, and he didn't need to hide.

He suddenly remembered that a few years ago, Bozhen asked him that in order to be with Cheng Peng for two weeks, it was not worth it to bury a mine that did not know when it would explode.

He smiled and said nothing. One is that his relationship with Cheng Peng is over, it is not worth it and it is not necessary to say it; the other is that the words are too sour, and he chews it in his heart.

But he regrets it now. After all, apart from Cheng Peng and Bo, Bozhen is the only one who knows that they have an intersection. If Bozhen asks again later, he will be very happy.

worth it.

Even if this happiness exists for only two weeks, two days, or even two hours, he thinks it is worth it.

The author has something to say: I do n’t ask for leave is day change, the time may be in the middle of the night, not long, I try to finish as soon as possible.

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