MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 629 Enchanted Night City

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When Jiang Liushi's base vehicle drove into this Mi country military base, it was already in the evening. After a day's adjustment, Jiang Liushi completely absorbed the energy of the two secondary mutant nuclei and reached his peak state.

The base vehicle was driving in this gathering area. Jiang Liushi didn't feel much of the militarized atmosphere. On the contrary, it was like a drunken night city.

Because of the presence of this Rice Army, many islanders from the nearby islands also gathered here to form a gathering area. There are no high-rise buildings, but they are full of various shopping malls and shops of three or four floors. Now, in the last days, these shops Almost all have been transformed into bars, casinos, and some places with pink neon lights. At the door of these places, there are often beautifully dressed girls who are winking at passersby. This is obviously a **** place.

There is nothing strange about sexual places. What surprised Jiang Liushi was that there was electricity here, and depending on the density of the lights, the electricity was still sufficient.

"Is it the carrier power?"

Jiang Liushi froze for a moment, think about it, it is really possible, the active Nimitz-class and Ford-class aircraft carriers in the country are nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, this kind of nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is equivalent to a mobile nuclear power plant, running for 20 years at sea is no problem .

An aircraft carrier's power is at least equal to hundreds of thousands of kilowatt-hours of power supply units, which is more than enough for a small city of more than one hundred twenty thousand people.

In fact, similar things happened several times in history. For example, during President Hoover ’s administration, a city in the country was shut down due to drought. President Hoover immediately ordered an aircraft carrier that had just been commissioned to use it, using the power of the aircraft carrier. Power generation has burdened the city with power supply pressure for up to a month.

Since then, when encountering natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods, aircraft carrier power supply is nothing new.

Among the survivors of Mi Jun, there should be no shortage of talents such as engineers. Although it is impossible to maintain the aircraft carrier, it is only possible to connect the cables and let the motor of the aircraft carrier supply electricity to this small gathering area.

"These rice soldiers are really nourishing."

Jiang Liushi looked at the casinos and bars, and from time to time, there were soldiers from the rice country. When he went in and out of these places, carrying wine bottles and carrying women, he seemed to have completely forgotten that this was an end time full of death and hunger.

"Mi people like to play." Ran Xiyu said, she has studied abroad for a long time, and she knows a lot about Mi culture. Since high school, she is full of parties, carnivals, sports, and is good at all kinds of baseball, ice hockey, and rugby. Don't have too many societies.

Except for high school, many people in the Mi country have implemented the spirit of enjoying life into their lives. Unlike Chinese people, they always work diligently.

Save money, buy a house, save money, raise children, save money, provide for the elderly ...

Even now, in the last days, the gap between Chinese people and Chinese people is also very obvious. Chinese people are desperately improving their strength. Ordinary soldiers, crickets mutate animal meat to eat, and strengthen their physiques, while abilities will evolve and crystallize to increase their power levels. The crisis consciousness is very strong.

And these Mi people, desperately enjoyed earning some money, came to the bar for a pastime, looking for chicks, for example, now Jiang Liushi saw a majestic black man, grabbed a beautifully-dressed beauty in one hand, The ticket was stuffed into the beautiful woman's corset, making the beautiful woman giggled.

Jiang Liushi saw that the strength of black people was relatively ordinary. He believed that the other party was actually not so rich, but he was accustomed to it. This made Jiang Liushi think of a black American star who was too extravagant when he was in service. To the point of arrest.

When Jiang Liushi saw a large shop selling various trophies and weapons, he let Ying stop the car. He was very interested in this big shop, and he saw the Mi Jun logo on the shop.

This is officially run by the Mi Jun.

As soon as he got out of the car and before entering the shop, Jiang Liushi heard someone whistle at himself. He looked intently. He was a guy with a gun, a muscular body, and a crested head on his head. It is nine meters long, of course, he did not blow to himself, but to zero to Jiang Liushi.

Zero is usually a black leather clothes, although the body tends to be petite, but very hot, this suits the appetite of some Chinese people who have a special hobby for two-dimensional beauty, which is why some people whistle.

Zero's face cooled down, and she almost touched the dagger.

"Sister Zero, just ignore him. After all, we are here to buy things. If he starts and kills him directly, the Mi people are somewhat polarized. The elite class is excellent in both moral quality and brain, but there are also a group People, stupid. "

Ran Xiyu said that when she was studying in the rice country, she felt too deeply about these.

Zero didn't speak, just nodded, Jiang Liushi touched his chin, if there is no strength, it is really dangerous to walk with a group of beauties in such a place.

But now, Jiang Liushi is not afraid of getting in the door. Someone really finds them in trouble, just go to war.

Jiang Liushi walked into this shop, and at first glance, the shop was a gun shop, with various rifles, machine guns, grenades, and even bazookas and explosives.

In addition, there are island samurai swords, rice nation sabers, special forces equipment and so on.

Of course, there are mutant nuclei.

However, there is no secondary variation nucleus that Jiangliuishi wants. There is only a primary one. For the primary variation nucleus, Jiangliushi is not very interested.

"Well ... this is ..."

Originally thinking that he could not find the mutant nuclei he wanted, he might return empty-handed, but when Jiang Liushi turned over a large shelf, he found an exaggerated thing behind the shelf.

A six-machine machine gun with a large body and full metal texture. In fact, this can no longer be called a gun. The super caliber of 20mm makes it more suitable as a machine gun.

M61 Vulcan Gatlin Air Cannon!

This thing is usually mounted on a fighter aircraft. The weight of 120 kilograms makes it impossible to achieve individual combat, and the mad rate of fire of 6,000 rounds per minute makes it even more recoiled. To bear it.

The power of each bullet can far exceed that of Barrett. Such a super gun cannot be found in a gun shop on weekdays, but it is not the same in the last days. This M61 Vulcan aviation gun , Apparently removed from the fighter plane, placed here, I am afraid that some teams can use it!

It might be really possible for a psionicist to control such a metal beast.