MTL - My Lord is A Stone-Chapter 72

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"Why didn't you elder brother set up a bitch?" If the old lady Zhao Tiankun seemed to have a stomachache, he glanced at the somewhat restless second brother Zhao Tiankun and continued, "That's because he was retaliating against us who had persuaded him to give up For his son Zhao Yingguan, he hated us for not helping him find someone, but for helping him to give up this son! "

"He's upset himself, and he doesn't want to make us feel better!"

Everyone looked at Zhao Xingkun with a look of astonishment. They were afraid, suddenly realized, and some people looked inquiringly, but apparently Old Man Wu's words definitely worked. Everyone started whispering.

An uncle from the Zhao family stood up. He was over seventy years old, but he was well maintained and his words were very clear. He said, "Nie, I don't believe Tian Kun's words, but you didn't stand up so late. Xunzi is indeed a bit wrong. "Then he said," If you blame other people because of Zhao Yingguan's affairs ... it shouldn't be the same. At the time, he did such a shameful thing. When it comes to his ending, it is his fault. . "

Zhao Xingkun obviously respected the elder. Although his face was very ugly, he came over and helped the old man sit down. He breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes were reddish, and he seemed to want to cry, but felt that he should not be held back. ,"I know."

Zhao Xingkun's words immediately caught everyone's attention, and everyone's attention was focused on Zhao Xingkun's face, waiting for him to say the next sentence.

"I don't hate anyone." Zhao Xingkun glanced at Zhao Tiankun and Zhao Yunkun, "I was too spoiled for Ying Guan. At the beginning, he could leave his wife and son and run out of the house. I just assumed he was not my son."

"Then why haven't you set up a bitch?"

"That's because ..." Zhao Xingkun's gaze stayed on Xiao Zhenshan's face, and he sighed, "Because, I have an illegitimate child outside, that person is Xiao Zhenshan adopted by the Xiao family. How can I have a child? Recognize someone as a bitch? "

The old lady Mao's face was pale, and she pointed at Zhao Xingkun with her finger and said, "You ..." The word you just passed out before passing out.

The crowd was in a hurry, they were pinching the old lady, and they were yelling in the middle. The house was in chaos. When the old lady woke up, she almost jumped up and fanned her face towards Zhao Xingkun. With heavy slaps in his mouth, he shouted, "You old and immortal, didn't promise me at the beginning, all the children have to come out of themselves, why do you suddenly have an illegitimate child? Are you worthy of me?"

Those people did not expect that Mao would slap Zhao Xingkun in the middle, and hurried forward to pull people, this said, "Sister, are you confused?" Then said, "Sister, calm down, which man does not have three His wife and four concubines, it's not a big deal to have an illegitimate child. How can they be so disobedient to their husbands? "

However, Mao could n’t pull it as if he had taken Dali Pill. In the chaos, he slapped Zhao Xingkun with two slapping slaps, and his strength was not light. Zhao Xingkun ’s two cheeks were swollen like a hoe, and Mao ’s roared. "Don't stop me. I killed him and killed myself. Anyway, it's not a good day anyway, why is my life so painful?"

Who knows that the scene that was just tense yet has become a farce at this moment. No one has paid attention to today's protagonist Zhao Jinyu. He is persuasive and persuasive. The fancier is ignited by the wind. The only thing to sit on is watching tea.

When Chen Rong saw Zhao Jinyu step back, she put some seeds in her hand and said, "Don't worry, there will always be a saying." Zhao Jinyu knew that she was afraid she couldn't hold it, so she was comforting her. But in fact, Zhao Jinyu almost took the seeds and didn't fret. Thinking ... Isn't this the other person's fight, did she try to watch the seeds?

It's not that she was cold-hearted and too indifferent to Zhao Xingkun, it was because she hadn't developed a little affection for this grandfather and grandmother, so there was no excitement as others imagined.

Xiao Zhenshan always knew that Zhao Xingkun loved him and he knew that he was being adopted, but he never thought about it ... his true identity turned out to be Zhao Xingkun's son! He stood in a dull look overwhelmed.

Zhao Ruizhi, who had been silent for a long time, leaned over, and gently pushed Xiao Zhenshan's arm, Jiaosheng said, "Brother Zhenshan, are you all right?"

Xiao Zhenshan regained a bit of sensibility with the soft female voice. He breathed a sigh of relief, and said in disbelief, "Sister Ruizhi, do you say I'm dreaming?"

Zhao Ruizhi's gaze was very compassionate, but hidden in the dark was an irresistible excitement, saying, "Brother Zhenshan, what you hear is true ..."

Xiao Zhenshan patted his cheek fiercely, "I'm really the grandfather's son?"

Zhao Ruizhi nodded lovingly and said, "Brother Zhenshan, isn't this a good thing? You kept telling me at the beginning, I don't know who my biological parents are? I said we both had the same life." A sad look came, "In fact, you and I are different after all. I knew at the beginning that your birth must be extraordinary. Who knows how it really is, congratulations to my brother, and I can return to my biological parents."

After listening to Zhao Ruizhi's words, Xiao Zhenshan flushed and said, "Sister Ruizhi, are you making fun of me? No matter what my future status is, I am your brother Zhenshan. This will not change."

"Of course you are my brother Zhenshan." Zhao Ruizhi smiled, but the smile was unreachable, with distressing loneliness, and said, "In the future, you will be the upright children of the Zhao family, and I will just be a daughter ... ... "

Xiao Zhenshan then realized that if he truly recognized his ancestors, he would not be able to marry Zhao Ruizhi, because he and Zhao Ruizhi became brother-sister relationships. How could the Zhao family tolerate such things?

"Not so." Xiao Zhenshan eagerly wanted to hold Zhao Ruizhi's hand, but she avoided it, which made Xiao Zhenshan feel very unhappy, he said quickly, "I won't go to Zhao's house."

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Zhao Ruizhi looked at Xiao Zhenshan with affection. "This is the big house of the Zhao family, the person who inherits the inheritance of the family of the Zhao family. After you ... do you know what you want to give up?"

"I know." Xiao Zhenshan nodded fiercely.

Because the old lady Mao was very sturdy and the combat effectiveness was not reduced, she not only slapped Zhao Xingkun's slap, but also picked up the feather duster from the ground and chased Zhao Xingkun all the time ... from the hall to the yard, so many people followed the yard. Here, only Zhao Jinyu is left in the temple room, so she naturally saw Xiao Zhenshan and Zhao Ruizhi's confession hiding in the corner.

Suddenly she started worrying for Zhao Xingkun and Mao's. One was a full-fledged adoptive daughter, and the other was a little gimmick with a little innocence. With a few words, you could leave the parents' family business and follow the woman ..., It's not that she looks down on Xiao Zhenshan's feelings, but she envied him to be so innocent and straightforward, but how can things in the world be so simple? Xiao Zhenshan is so motivated to use things, he has less worry about doing things, and only depends on his own preferences, how can he last long?

The rock that had been honest around Zhao Jinyu's neck finally couldn't help talking, "You cheap uncle is really useless. A woman can't know anything north or south when she is coaxed. Even the nurturing grace of her adoptive parents is ignored . "

Zhao Jinyu always knew the poisonous tongue of the stone, but now he was told that it really hit the nails and weighed down the troubled mind, and said, "I just want to use the strength of the Zhao family to help a group of adoptive fathers ..., who knows things Is it like this? "

The emperor suddenly felt hurt when listening to Zhao Jin's weakness, and could not help but have two arms to embrace Zhao Jinyu and fulfill all her wishes.

Once this kind of thought came up, it was a bit overwhelming. The emperor felt that he was becoming more and more impatient now, as if the heart that had been withered suddenly became energetic, and his heart was very cheerful. Once the recovery is overwhelming.

"As long as you want, I can help you," said the emperor.

Zhao Jinyu reached out and touched the stone. I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion, but she felt the stone shrank. It seemed to be shivering and shy. I could n’t help but feel warm, and said, “I hope you did n’t lie to me before, if you Really today ’s emperor ... As long as a word of adoptive father will be fine, I will not be here to watch such farce, and I can go out to live the life I want. "I used to think that there is no relative in this world, and I need to work hard to make a living. Although I am free but always lack the foundation, I think the duckweed is average, but since I learned that Chen Rong is my aunt, I feel that life has a different direction. Follow Chen Rong to go outside to see it is another life. ?

Now it's for the adoptive father's forbearance, and her marriage is still up to the Zhao family ... she can't see the future direction.

The emperor really wanted to say that the original was the emperor ... but he thought and held it back. If Zhao Jinyu got out of the Zhao family, how could he let her enter the palace? Of course, he also had other ways to get her into the palace, but how could Zhao Jinyu bring the identity of Zhao's daughter into the palace? He didn't want people to look down on her because of his status ... because this man was his treasure.

Zhao Jinyu and Chen Rong sat next to the window and asked Xiao Er to order. Waiting for the serving to be empty, Chen Rong said, "It seems you made up your mind to return to the Zhao family." It is a famous family. Although Zhao Jinyu was born exogenously, the Zhao family is now withering away, and it is the only granddaughter, which must be extremely expensive, and Zhao Jinyu is determined to rescue Zhao Changchun. Now it is the Zhao family that has such influence.

"Aunt Chen ..."

Chen Rong said in disapproval, "Why do you still call me Aunt Chen? It should be your aunt." Then he took the teapot to hold water for Zhao Jinyu, and pretended to be angry, "It was so strange between us."

Zhao Jinyu smiled helplessly and said, "I just can't say anything."

"Then take it slowly." Chen Rong took the dishes from Xiao second-hand and placed them in front of Zhao Jinyu, solemnly said, "Since you decided to return to Zhao's house, I will follow you."

"Aunt Chen?"

"It's so easy to find you, how can you go to Zhao's house by yourself?" Chen Rong gave food to Zhao Jinyu. "Don't look at the scenery outside Zhao's house, because the long house is dying, the influence is not as good as before. People in the second room Bullying is about to happen ... hey, the doorways in those big house doors are annoying. "

Zhao Jinyu knew long ago that such a big family was prosperous because of his son-in-law, but in order to fight for the benefits, there were a lot of hesitating things, but when Chen Rong put it on the bright side, he still felt a little surprised, "The current owner is not Zhao Xingkun? "

"Yes, it's him, it's your grandfather. Otherwise, even if you cry so hard, I will tie you back to Jinling." Chen Rong saw Zhao Jinyu looking at him with a little surprise, and said generously, "Your aunt It's such a quack. "

Zhao Jinyu shook her head with a smile, and felt that since Chen Rong knew her identity, she was quite different from before, and her speech was more direct, and her tone was very intimate, like an elder with the same age. She prefers such a frank personality, saying, "I like Aunt Chen."

Chen Rong listened and said, "Good boy, eat more food." He also said, "I will take you to Xihu Lou Wailou to eat Xihu vinegar fish tomorrow. Let ’s have a good time to go back. You do n’t know those families. The clan, especially the centuries-old Zhao family, has a lot of rules to die. It is not easy for you to come up with a door. "

Zhao Jinyu was worried about Zhao Changchun, his adopted father in prison. Now that he has made up his mind, he ca n’t wait to return to Zhao ’s house immediately, and let Zhao ’s family find a way to save his father. But he also does n’t want to refute Chen Rong ’s kindness and says, “Okay, Aunt Chen ... "Shen Jinyu groaned." You don't have to go to Zhao's house with me. "

"It doesn't matter if you talk about it, auntie."

Zhao Jinyu, "..."

Zhao Jinyu ordered Dongpo meat again at night, but it may be because there were too many people. When Zhao Jinyu was gone, when the dishes were almost the same, Xiao Er said with a frown on his face, "Guest, I'm sorry. Now, this meat is not enough. Shall we change to another dish? "

Zhao Jinyu thought it was a pity. He was thinking about forgetting it. Who knew that there was a person standing next to him, wearing a jade-colored flower brocade robe, wearing black mink and a big cock, and looked very handsome man, he said with a smile. , "Let her go."

Who do you think this person is? It is not other people who are Su Qingchen who has been away for a few days. Zhao Jinyu feels that if Su Qingchen still has a fan in his hand, it is really a standard scene where noble sons talk.

Xiao Er heard enviously said, "Okay."

Zhao Jinyu, "..."

Xiao Er returned to the kitchen and saw a large tank of pre-marinated Dongpo meat. He said to the boss, "How much is left? Why not let it sell?"

The owner of the inn laughed, holding a silver ingot in his hand, and said proudly, "Did you see the uncle just now? It was a generous twelve silver ingots in one shot."

The fat chef staggered over and asked, "What do you say that grandpa wants? Why do we say there is no meat?"

The boss hummed, "Stupid, isn't this just trying to be close to someone else?"

"Well, it's a worldly day!" The fat chef shook the fat on his face, and said in disapproval, "Boss, it's not good for you to do that, what if that person is deliberate?"

"Fart! Let me go to the cooking, what do you know!" The boss hurriedly hid the silver ingot. After working hard for a month, it is not as good as a reward.

Su Qingchen cheeked up cheekily and said with a smile, "It's a coincidence that you met Jin girl again."

Zhao Jinyu thought to herself, "Brother, how many times have you happened to be okay?" At this moment, she started to shake her faith. Did Su Qingchen really like her?

But after a while the table was full of dishes and food boxes brought from the outside. When I opened it, it turned out to be West Lake vinegar fish. Su Qingchen smiled brilliantly and was very personable. He said, "This is how I asked people to come from outside the building. Bring it back. "

Zhao Jinyu, "..."

If Su Qingchen had been blowing the wind outside the inn for a night, he didn't know what he did wrong after thinking about it. After waiting for this time, he made up his mind to quickly get people to his wings. Next, when you become your own, everything will be easy to say, right? So this time the Raiders were even more brave, especially not reserved.

Do you want to eat Xihucuyu in the building outside the building? Let's come right away.

Are you going to see West Lake? I have a floor boat for you!

Going to Gusu? I happen to be on my way ...

Zhao Jinyu just felt that Su Qingchen felt fancy about himself, and now he was 100% sure ... This guy was not at all kind of kind! This is a kidnapper in disguise.

Fortunately, she has a firm mind ... In fact, don't look at Su Qingchen's tricks, but this guy is handsome, rich, powerful, and personable. He can't resist the gentleness of girls. Most people can't resist it!

At the invitation of Su Qingchen, Zhao Jinyu decided to go to the West Lake in a distressed situation ... In fact, she also wanted to see it, because like Chen Rong said, the Zhao family had great rules and waited to enter the Zhao family's door. The door was very difficult. While you are still free, do what you want to do.

Chen Rong guarded Su Qingchen like a wolf, and stood between two people each time. At this time, the West Lake was not as prosperous as the later generations, but the lake was also full of small storefronts. Lanterns were hanging in the evening. Going, the small bridge is flowing, the red light morning star, don't have a view.

Su Qingchen was blocked by Chen Rong, and his face became stiff several times, but his grace remained unchanged. He still had a gentle smile on his face. He stood on the deck, standing on the side of the railing, and the wind blew his horns against his jade face. As if Zhu Yu was on the side, she was fascinating, and even Chen Rong had to admit that Su Qingchen's looks were excellent.

"The scenery is fascinating. I should play a song in response to the situation." Su Qingchen took the jade flute from the attendant and said with a smile.

Zhao Jinyu never thought that Su Qingchen would still play flute, and was quite surprised, saying, "Okay."

Su Qingchen saw that Zhao Jinyu's eyes were all bright, but it was brighter and more intoxicating than the starry sky, and his heart swayed, unconsciously showing a gentle smile and blowing it with a flute.

This is a butterfly love flower, but the tone of the blow is especially like the theme song of the old version of Hong Lou Meng that Zhao Jinyu has heard. It is euphemistic and melodious, with a lingering affection in the voice, like an invisible silk sorrow. Entangled in it ... Both feeling deep and inexplicable sadness, Zhao Jinyu looked at the red light in the distance and reflected on the lake, and was unconsciously deeply attracted.

After a while, Su Qingchen put down the flute and said, "Sumou hasn't blown for a long time. It's a bit rusty now."

Zhao Jinyu has not recovered from the sound of the flute just now, and said, "Master Su, you are humble, and it sounds really good."

Su Qingchen was happy. He naturally saw that Zhao Jinyu had been perfunctory before him. At this moment, his face was finally showing some sincerity, which made him want to please her more and more, and said, "Since Jin Jin is not disgusting, then I Just ugly and blowing a song. "

There was little entertainment in ancient times, and it was particularly difficult to listen to music, let alone encounter such a good hand as Su Qingchen. Zhao Jinyu naturally treasured it and said, "OK."

Su Qingchen was very happy, and he was really desperate. He was blowing a good flute. At this moment, he became more serious, and the flute sounded like a butterfly with wings. The wings of the instigator are surrounded by beautiful, dazzling. People are immersed in this.

Zhao Jinyu listened more and more fascinated. The ships coming by twos and threes were all docked nearby. Obviously, they came to listen to the flute. For a while, the surroundings calmed down. Only the pleasant flute sound could be heard in the green. Picturesque lake.

An Wenyu was hidden in the dark, expressionless, just like an old stone monument next to him, without temperature.

But no one knows the uneasiness in his heart.

His inner monologue is like this; his mother, this Su Qingchen doesn't want to live anymore! Going on like this ... will your Majesty throw Thing Su Qingchen directly into the West Lake to feed fish tonight?

Su Qingchen was very clever in his daily life, how suddenly he became so dull?

The more you let him stay away from Zhao Jinyu, the more he sticks up like a dogskin plaster. His Majesty originally felt that he had become a stone, and he could be free from his identity and freedom. I guess it still feels like the original Is your body better? At least Da Zhou didn't know, your Majesty's **** was the best! Your Majesty definitely wants to let Miss Zhao know ... he blows better, right?

Zhao Jinyu didn't know, but at this moment the emperor's thoughts turned round and round, planning her future life. 2k novel reading network

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