MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 9 Take the throne

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After walking for two days, Jing Yue came to a valley.

Guzhong Yao Caoqi flowers, the clouds are foggy. Under a boulder, Jingyue found several buds of golden chestnut grass. Because of its appearance similar to ordinary weeds, it has not been picked.

The trip was so smooth that Jing Yue couldn't help feeling happy, and he carefully took the golden chestnut into the Qiankun bag.

Suddenly, he noticed that someone was coming this way, and he hid behind the boulder and covered himself with divine knowledge.

Three young people walking not far away seemed strange.

Lan Feng, who was very honest these two days, flattered at this time: "I have seen them. The first two were Chen Liu and Chen Fang, the sons of the Chen family. The tallest was Chen Liu, and the latter was the son of Chen Sanfang. Fai. "

Jing Yue rarely held Lan Feng. When he was practicing, Lan Feng often flew outside to walk around, so it was not surprising that he knew the Chen family, but Jing Yue did not expect that Lan Feng would go to Xiao Huang Shu.

I only listened to Chen Liu: "The Chu family is really more arrogant. Since Chu Yun broke through to Jiu Jiu Ji, his son has also shaken up, and he hasn't regarded us at all!"

Chen Hui of Sanfang sighed: "Since the death of grandfather, our second uncle who has been the highest in our family has also practiced qi. The repair world is based on strength, and the Chu family is stronger than us. Of course, they have eyes on their heads. "

Chen Liuyan said: "What do you mean? Blame my dad? If grandpa didn't favor the long room, all the good resources were given to the long room. Based on my dad's talent, it must have been built! Huh, what about partial favor? , The long house is not the only waste that cannot be cultivated! "

When Chen Hui saw Chen Liu being rude, he was also angry, and deliberately shouted: "Chen Shi was a waste, and he also climbed up to the Danhuomen. If he wants to take home the position of the master, the second uncle is afraid to have Give in hand. Besides, how did he become waste, you and I know! "

Chen Liu: "You--"

"Okay! Let me say a few words!" Chen Fang, who has been silent, stopped and said, "We are one family, we are all glorious, we are all damaged, and we can only let others see the joke."

He told Chen Hui again: "Brother Hui is going to talk nonsense, the origin of Jingyue has not been confirmed. Although we have heard that Danhuomen did have a disciple traveling down the mountain, that disciple may not be him. In case he is pretending to be, you But there was no cover outside the mouth, Dan Huomen came to the door, and our Chen family would be involved! "

Jing Yue couldn't help laughing when she heard this. I thought it was a coincidence that it's no wonder that the Chen family hasn't come to trouble him for months. It turns out that they haven't identified their identity yet?

Chen Hui pursed his lips, is there still less internal fighting in the Chen family?

Then someone came again.

Chen Hui looked up subconsciously, it was actually Chu Yun's son Chu Xiao, who they mentioned earlier, and ... Chen Liu's fiancee Jiang Yuer.

"Yuer!" Chen Liu ran to his fiance in excitement, but immediately after discovering Chu Xiao, he said, "Why are you with Yuer?"

Chu Xiao smiled and didn't care, "Yuer, tell your fiance, how can I be with you?"

Jiang Yuer glanced at him and said, "Who is my fiance? He is not as good as me, so stupid, how can he be worthy of me?"

Chen Liu was shocked and furious. He and Jiang Yu'er had entered into a marriage contract six years ago. The other was the niece of the Jiang's head. The originally agreed marriage date was this year, but now, not only does Jiang Yuer taunt him in front of Chu Xiao, but he also says he doesn't deserve her?

Moreover, looking at the intimate posture of the two people, I am afraid the relationship is not innocent!

Chen left his face flickering, his fingers trembling, "You, you bitch! I must tell my father!"

Not to mention him, even Chen Hui, who had just quarreled with him, felt deeply insulted and said, "Jiang Yuer, what you say today, we will definitely talk to the owner of the Jiang family!"


Chu Xiao and Jiang Yuer laughed at the same time, the latter said: "What if Chen Yong knew it? In truth, he still has to thank our Jiang family. If it weren't for the Jiang family's good intentions to remove the people in the long room for you How can Chen Yong be the owner? "

Jiang Yuer's words exploded like a thunder in the ears of the Chen family. It turned out that Chen Qi was actually killed by the Jiang family?

Chen Fang first reacted, he drew his sword and attacked Jiang Yuer. The latter quickly moved away, but her clothes had been cut through a hole, and she furiously pulled out the soft whip and threw it to Chen Fang, and the two were fighting together.

Chen Liu and Chen Hui finally recovered, and hurriedly joined the battle. Chu Xiao blocked the two with a high degree of repair.

The two sides fought more and more fiercely, and finally offered the spell. Chu Xiao seized Chen Liu's mistake and pierced the opponent's heart with a fire blade.

After listening to Chen Liu's scream, people were out of breath.

The remaining Chen Hui and Chen Zengzhang were astonished. They did not expect that Chu Xiao really dared to kill! No wonder, no wonder they would tell the truth about Chen Qizhi's death. It turned out that they wanted to die!

Chen Hui raised fear in his heart, crushed the teleporter given by his elders, and tried to escape from the place, but unfortunately, Chu Xiao severely cut off his hands halfway. Chen Hui fell to the ground with pain and rolled over, miserable.

Chen Fang was so anxious that he stepped up the offensive. He had the same strength as Jiang Yuer, and it was difficult for him to compete. Unexpectedly, Chu Xiao attacked him from behind, only to hear a "bang", a translucent light curtain lit up, blocking Chu Xiao's blow.

Chen Fang was terrified. If his father had specially given him a sublime magic weapon to protect himself before he left, he would probably die here!

While the magic weapon has not expired, Chen Fang quickly crushed the teleportation charm, and there was no shadow in a few breaths.

At this point, only Chu Jiang and Chen Hui were lying on the ground and moaning.

Chu Xiao came to Chen Hui and pointed his sword at him. "Your brother left you and fled."

Chen Hui's voice was hoarse, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Fang has escaped. What you do will be exposed. The Chen family will never give up!"

Chu Xiao's lips twitched slightly, and his tone of mercy said: "So what? You're going to die anyway."

Jiang Yuer frowned, "Don't talk nonsense with him!"

Chu Xiaodao said: "Since Yu'er has spoken, you can rest assured."

Jian Guang chilled, Chen Hui was in a different place.

Chu Xiao stepped on the blood, and unconsciously took off the Qiankun bags of the two bodies, easily breaking the restriction.

He shook the contents of the bag to the ground and asked Jiang Yuer, "You either?"

Jiang Yuer glanced and saw Chen Liu's Qiankun bag with his own handkerchief. There was a disgust in his eyes. "It's boring, a pile of garbage."

After saying nothing, he turned and left, Chu Xiao shook his head with a smile, closed his bag and chased it up.

When everyone was gone, Jing Yue came out from behind the rock.

Just now, he has been watching this big scene calmly, without any sympathy.

Say he's ruthless, cold-blooded. He did not want to risk being a farmer who saved the snake, never.

Jing Yue glanced at the corpse on the ground, releasing a palm thunder. A large pit was blown out of the mud. When Jing Yue waved his sleeves, the bodies of Chen Liu and Chen Hui fell into the pit and were buried in the mud.

He looked at the direction where Chu Xiao and Jiang Yuer left, and thought, it turned out that the two Chujiang had already joined forces, but the father of Little Stone was killed by the Jiang family, but why did Chu Xiao and Jiang Yuer stay Chen Fang's life?

The Chen family was unknown in the game, but Jing Yue saw that the score was clear. The two had enough power to kill Chen Fang, but they let him go. Aren't they afraid that Chen Fang will shake things out of the mystery?

It can be seen that the two have a fearless look, but they arranged it intentionally-intentionally telling the secret of Chen Qi's death, and deliberately letting Chen Fang escape and preach.


Jing Yue suspected that there was change outside, and that he had received golden chestnut chestnut, so he hurried to the exit of the mystery.

Two more days later, Jing Yue returned to Day City.

Sure enough, the city is talking about the grievances between the two Chujiang and the Chen family.

I heard that Chen Yong had surrendered to the city's main government, hoping that the Zhao family could help him to get revenge. When the city's owner, Zhao Huai, learned about the mystery and the truth about Chen Qi's death, he immediately promised to protect the Chen family.

In the end, the city's main government decided to host a banquet two days later and invited the three great family members to jointly resolve the Chen family.

News spread throughout the city, some said that the city owner invited the Desert Snake Tower to support the scene; some said that Jiang Chu and the two had compromised with the city owner and wanted to share the Chen family resources with the Zhao family; and that the Zhao family would cooperate with the Chen family To jointly curse the two Jiangchus ...

In short, rumors are flying.

In the small town, Liu Laohan was also frowning. The Chen family actually sent someone to invite him and Little Stone, saying that he hoped that he could abandon his former suspicions and support the Chen family at a critical moment.

After all, the Chen family was in short supply.

He understood that those people were mainly for Jingyue, but he was very contradictory and wondered whether he should go? Although annoyed by Chen Yong's ruthlessness and meaninglessness, after all, he was trained by the Chen family, and his benevolent homeowner dedicated his life to the Chen family.

What's more, the Jiang family killed Chen Qi, which led to the internal chaos of the Chen family, and indirectly harmed the small stone. Liu Laohan hated his teeth and rushed into the Jiang family to avenge Chen Qi.

"Go." Jing Yue said calmly.

Liu Laohan: "But my cultivation is not high. If something really happens, I'm afraid I can't protect the small stones."

Jing Yue: "Can you go, are you willing? Can you just watch the Chen family fall? This time, if you don't go, Little Stone will no longer be eligible to retake the Chen family. People will always remember that at the Chen family When it comes to crisis, his choice is to avoid it. "

Liu Laohan was silent.

On the eve of the feast, Jingyue found a wooden sign and carved a twisted rune on it with a knife. Then, he imprinted God's consciousness on the rune, and when it was a while, the wooden sign came alive and glowed blue.

Between the Guanghua circulation, the lines of the runes flashed, forming a few powerful characters-Han Yunzong.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the feast.

As soon as Liu Laohan took the small stone and Jing Yue into the flower hall, he saw a young man in a yellow robe sitting in the top position. The other had a pale complexion, dark eyes, and a curly coiled snake drawn on his chest.

-Desert Snake Tower!

The Zhao family really invited the Snake Tower in the desert to sit down!

Soon, the heads of the four great families took their seats. Among them, Chen Yong followed the city leader Zhao Huai on the right side, while the Chu family and the Jiang family were sitting on the left side, the two sides were distinct, and there was an undercurrent in the air.

At first, several homeowners still fought with their machines, posing pretentiously for a while.

But when Zhao Huai asked Chu Yun if he knew that Chu Xiao had attacked the younger Chen family in a secret place, Chu Yun smiled proudly, as if he didn't seem to take him seriously.

Zhao Huai felt something wrong. He narrowed his eyes and asked coldly, "What does the Chu master mean?"

Chu Yun stood up, stunned the non-existent ash on his robe, and slowly raised his eyes to Zhao Huai, "I mean, it's better to sit for someone else!"

Read The Duke's Passion