MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 183

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Whether it was Jing Yue, Qin Yanzhi, or the head of Liuyuan Pavilion, he was at a loss at this moment.

Generally speaking, the sword-soul-like humanoid either chooses the appearance of the master, or the appearance of the person who the owner likes, both Taiqing and Daoyi.

Qin Yanzhi was very heartbroken, but Lan Feng, who was so angry that he was about to explode at this moment, immediately turned into a humanoid shape and hugged Jing Yue's arm, his face flushed and said, "Hey, I know!"

After finishing talking, I glanced proudly at Qin Yanzhi, "I am the main palace, you are all glamorous and cheap".

Jing Yue: "..."

He didn't want to ask Lan Feng what he knew?

Under the eyes of Qin Yanzhi's grievances, Jing Yue dared to attract Xiao Canglan Sword, "Why do you look like a puppet?"

The young man smiled, "Because Xiao Canglan likes him, he is smart and cute."


Everyone suddenly realized that they had forgotten that there is still another possibility for the original form of the sword soul, which is what the sword itself likes.

It's just that there are few sword souls, and it's rare to choose this kind of sword soul, not to mention, Jing Yue usually doesn't feel any special thing about Xiao Canglan's confrontation.

But no matter what, Qin Yanzhi was happy, Jing Yue's crisis was relieved, but Lan Feng was a little overwhelmed.

While he was dissatisfied with Xiao Canglan and being altruistic, he was glad that Xiao Canglan praised that he still liked him, and he hesitated in the end whether to choose to get angry or simply default?

Lan Feng was in distress, Jing Yue didn't care about him, but turned to salute a middle-aged man, "Thank you Mr. Shen."

"Dare not dare!" The middle-aged man waved his hands in a hurry, "I want to thank the ancestor Jing."

"Shen Qiu?" The eyebrows of the head of Liuyuan Pavilion that followed came out, "You, you, how do you ..."

But he quickly wanted to understand that Shen Qiu's previous stagnation was also due to the irregularities in the path. Now that Shen Qiu has refined a superb fairy, what bottlenecks are he talking about? Did you advance directly?

In this way, the head of the bureau rephrased: "You have become a purple house?"

Shen Qiu was 100 times more spiritual and restored her temperament. She rejoiced, "Exactly. Exactly. I never thought of it. I never thought of it ..."

Not to mention him, how do other people want it?

Although they knew that a fairy might emerge, they did not expect it to be a fairy with a sword soul!

The head smiled helplessly: "Just now, I'm afraid that the whole Qifang Reality will be sensed. Our Liuyuan Pavilion will be lively again ..."

And Shen Qiu, who was originally abandoned, will become hot, because from this moment, he is well deserved the world's first swordsman!

In the afternoon of the same day, Jingyue left with Qin Yanzhi and switched to Sanjie Temple.

At the gate of the temple, a young monk was waiting for them, and when he saw someone coming, he made a ritual.

I wondered if the two guests were holding together at the same time, and said in unison: "Little wine?"

The monk froze, "Little monk Xueming, not a little wine."

Jing Yue and Qin Yanzhi looked at each other. This monk was similar to Ruan Jiuzu in seven or eight points. Did they really admit it?

But the next moment, Xueming said, "Who is the little wine, and is it similar to the little monk? Why do you all mistake the little monk for him?"

Jing Yue: "All? Who else?"

Xueming's face turned red, and it seemed a bit difficult to open her teeth. Before he whispered, "There is another Wei donor ..."

Jing Yue: "Wei Zhentu?"

Xueming unexpectedly said: "Jing ancestors also know him?"

Jing Yue smiled. He had no doubt that the young monk in front of him was Ruan Jiu.

Because he and Qin Yanzhi may mistakenly recognize each other, but Wei Zhentu will certainly not, but I do n’t know why Ruan Jiu became a monk?

When he saw Kong Miao, he asked this question for the first time.

Kong Miao glanced at the door knocker that Ruan Jiu closed for them, and laughed, "He is indeed Ruan Jiu. In this millennium, Ruan Jiu has been reborn three times, and Xue Ming is his fourth rebirth."

Jing Yue: "Is there no spiritual root in the first three generations?"

If there is a spiritual root, Wei Zhentu will surely lead Ruanjiu to the road, and there will be no fourth generation.

Kong Miao nodded slightly. "But this time, he has Huigen."

Shortly after Ruan Jiu was born that year, Kong Miao had counted his fate with Buddhism in this life, and specially asked Master Ruan Jiu's master to come down to pick him up and return to the temple. It has now passed two hundred years.

Jing Yue: "Wei Daoyou, he didn't come to the temple to pass someone?"

Kong Miao smiled mysteriously, "Here, but their fate is exhausted, and I did not let Xue Ming see him."

When Jing Yue and Qin Yanzhi heard this, they all sympathized with Wei.

Lan Feng in your arms sighed: "I liked you back then, and you don't cherish me, but now I am in love with you, I have no fate with you, but you are pursuing hard, it is really evil ..."

Although sighing, Jing Yue had something important today, so she turned to the topic and said, "I don't know what the clue in the letter of the Master is ..."

Kong Miao: "What do you know about the Three Prestige Temple?"

Jing Yue: "Who doesn't know in the repair world? Bodhi Zhaoxinbi, the demon tower, and Tallinn."

Emily smiled slightly, "The clue is in one of them."

Having said that, when Miao Miao waved her sleeves, several people moved to Tallinn.

At this time, the setting sun fell in the west, and the warm red shimmer reflected on the stone towers.

"Have you heard of Wanfo Temple?" Kong Miao asked in a few stone towers.

Jing Yue: "Wanfo Temple?"

He thought the name was familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

Jing Yue glanced at Qin Yanzhi, and the other person shook his head.

But there was also a omnipotent blue phoenix beside them. He leaned out of Jingyue's arms and said loudly, "I know! I know!"

I saw Lan Feng transforming and turning into a humanoid boy, bearing the hand: "Wanfo Temple is a large temple in ancient times. Although it is a Buddhist practice, it is a class of happy Buddha. It should be a magic repair. Hundreds of thousands Years ago, the one-time host of the Wanfo Temple suddenly sensed the intention of the true Buddha, so that he realized that he would fully utilize the 100,000 demon monks in the temple in one day, thus gaining great merit, and then he became a Buddha.

Kong Miao knew that Lan Feng was physically at this time, and was not surprised by his "knowledge". "Yes, the host named Shi Zhen. After his ascension, Wanfo Temple disappeared and there is no inheritance."

Jing Yue was shocked: "Everything? He has such ability?"

It should be noted that the Buddhist monks emphasize fate law and spend 100,000 people in one day, unless the true Buddha teaches the scriptures.

Empty Miao: "Destroy people."

As soon as the words fell, Tallinn suddenly blew a gust of wind.

Between the leaves falling, Jing Yue could not help but shudder, but he could feel the meaning of killing just by hearing the four words.

Killing 100,000 people in a day, let alone mention how strong the release really is. What's more frightening is that the other party can really be hard-hearted and Tiandao can really admit his merit?

Although he has also cut 100,000 demon, but it is a demon, not his own kin!

Lan Feng sensed what Jing Yue thought and explained: "At that time, Wanfo Temple was the first Buddhist gate temple, Wanfo temple fell, and other Buddhists on the right path have risen one after another. In other words, Shizhen can be said to be the key to the rise of Buddhist gates. Characters, killing 100,000 demon Buddhas is also the mission entrusted to him by Heaven. "

Jing Yue still feels palpitated, but think about it, even these characters disappeared from the legend, and the realm of the world has been for hundreds of millions of years. I don't know how many stories are buried in the river of time.

Today, they are facing a terrible fetal death, but for heaven, it is just a moment of rising and falling of the vast waves.

Suddenly, Jing Yue was weak, but immediately, a hand rested on his shoulder, and the temperature from the hand made him feel calm.

He turned back and smiled at Qin Yanzhi, and asked Kong Miao: "Is the clue that the Master said is the Wanfo Temple?"

Kong Miao: "Exactly, after I read the Secret Codes and explained the 100,000 demon Buddhas, there was suddenly a pool of water in Wanfo Temple. The water in the pool was transformed by merit. I think, maybe You can purify the merit stones and find the heart of the stone. "

Jing Yue frowned, "How sure?"

Kong Miao: "I am also guessing, but you said that the opportunity to find merit stones should be in Sanjie Temple, and I have searched the classics, and all the things related to Sanjie Temple are the most likely."

Both Jingyue and Qin Yanzhi were shocked. "The Three Realms Temple is related to Wanfo Temple?"

Kong Miao pointed at a stone tower in front of her. "Tallinn in my temple was originally a map pointing to the ruins of Wanfo Temple."

At this time, the setting sun had sunk into the distant mountains, leaving only the last bit of afterglow.

The shadows of the stone towers stretched old, gradually becoming entangled, like a large net.

Kong Miao: "The lines formed by these shadows together are a map of the ruins of Wanfo Temple, but I can't see where they point."

Jing Yue was studying the shadow on the ground, but Lan Feng jumped out again, "I know! I know!"

He stepped on the shadows on the ground and raised his head: "These shadows need to refer to the stars in the sky. With the stars as a guide, I can figure out the location of the ruins!"

In this way, when the moon rises and the stars fall, the blue phoenix corresponds to the star position, and it is concluded that the ruins of Wanfo Temple are on Xiaoxiluzhou Island.

Due to time constraints, Jing Yue and Qin Yanzhi did not intend to stay any more, and immediately left.

Before leaving, Kong Miao stopped them. "I have deduced that there is no danger for you to go here, and a disciple in my temple has a good connection with Wanfo Temple, so I will let him accompany you."

Kong Miao had spoken, of course Jing Yue would not refuse, but he did not expect that the visitor would be Ruan Jiu.

The young monk was clearly in an aggressive state, followed by Jing Qin and the two came out of the temple door staggeringly. Before walking out a mile, he was stopped by a Taoist.

"Ajing, where are you going? I happen to be fine, so I will be with you?"

Read The Duke's Passion