MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 178

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Qin Yanzhi had to take the initiative and asked, "Can you be human?"

Lan Feng glanced at Qin Yanzhi. He is now an adult. Not only is he no longer bald, nor is he an eunuch, and he is not afraid that Jing Jing will leave him alone and soar. It thought it had no shortcomings, so it was no longer pleasing to Qin Yanzhi.

Humph! Even if the gangster dared to blow pillows with Jingjing, he was not afraid at all, he was better than the gangster!

Lan Feng: "Jing Jing! The hooligan is so stupid that he is here, and he still has to ask such questions."

Jing Yue: "..."

Qin Yanzhi: "..."

Well, he can confirm that the hooligan is calling him. Although he has seen Jing Yue's memory, it is just those flashy pictures that do not let him know these details. He also naively thought that he called him in private. "Mother", although weird, is it better than listening to "rogue"?

If you want to be in the theory with Lan Feng, listen to Jing Yue said, "Well, now you have the complete inheritance of the Lan Feng family?"

Lan Feng nodded and said that he had rushed into the Black Sea that day.

It turned out that he was summoned by the Soul Tree that day, and flew into the Black Sea staggeringly. The more he flew, the more he felt full of strength. Before long, he saw a giant tree in the middle of the sea.

"The tree is dark and not autumnal, but as soon as I emerge, it suddenly lights up, especially bright." Lan Feng said proudly, "I flew over, stopped on a branch, and soon fell asleep. . "

He seemed to have a long dream, in which there was Han Hai's knowledge integrated into his knowledge of the sea.

In the end, he saw Zu Feng leading the other Feng clan to sacrifice together, turning the remaining Qing Qi from heaven and earth into vitality, leaving only one Phoenix egg.

That egg was originally hung on the soul tree, but hundreds of thousands of years later, the soul tree died.

Once again in the vicissitudes of the sea, the Phoenix Egg did not know where to go, suddenly one day, a spirit entered the Phoenix Egg, and awakened the consciousness in the Phoenix Egg.

"Later I just woke up!" The boy raised his face. "I sensed that Jingjing was in danger, and Feng came here constantly."

Jing Yue: "I am awesome."

Lan Feng couldn't do it happily. She turned around in a circle, and her cloak was spinning, she was amazingly beautiful.

Qin Yanzhi didn't want to see him smelly, and said, "Since you have inherited it, what do you know is useful for us?"

Lan Feng: "Of course! Jingjing, I'll tell you ..."

As soon as Jing Yue heard this opening remark, she wanted to stop Lan Feng's mouth subconsciously, but this time Lan Feng was very reliable. "This stone in front of you is a falling star, but it is next to the water of heaven forever. The essence of the sun and the moon and the essence of water also carry the first set of ancient methods of spiritual cultivation since the beginning of the world, and the Tao of Heaven has its own great merits. It is exactly this way that it can survive a million years without weathering, and still retain a small piece, And he has his own memory. "

"In simple terms, it is a star that has been nurtured by the heavens and resurrected after being nourished by merit. It has deep causality with Jing Jing, so Jing Jing found it, but in addition to Jing Jing's mind, it also Have a more important role ... "

Lan Feng suddenly shut up and looked at Jing Yue with a look of anticipation.

Jing Yue immediately understood, and exaggeratedly co-operated: "He is so powerful, he is so erudite."

Lan Feng saw Jing Jing go on the road and nodded with satisfaction. "You need to find a way to deal with the magic fetus, but it actually falls on it."

"Are you serious ?!" Jing Yue and Qin Yanzhi asked at the same time, they had no hope in this, but could hear Lan Feng's tone, and they knew how to deal with the magic tire?

"Of course it is true!" Lan Feng lifted his hands, shook his head and shook his head, "The magic fetus was born in the heavens and said that it is dealing with the magic fetus, but it is actually dealing with the heavens. We can use the stars to arrange a large array of stars from all walks of life. This array is one of the four ancient arrays. If successful, there will be a short time to blind the heavens and even reverse the heavens. Just seize this opportunity to kill the magic fetus. This game is solvable. "

Jing Yue heard the fog in the clouds, but he felt very powerful. "How to arrange this array?"

Lan Feng: "The formation method must correspond to 44,444 stars, so monks of 40,000 Jindan, monks of 4,000 Purple House, monks of 400 caves, monks returning to forty, and four more The monks robbed each other in the southeast and northwest, and finally they fought with merit stones. "

When Jing Yue saw Lan Feng's eyes, his eyes fell on the gray stone, and he asked, "Is it the eyes?"

Lan Feng: "Yes, it is a merit stone. After ancient times, the human race became popular. This stone is of great significance, of course, it has great merit."

Jing Yue: "Then I respect him ..."

Lan Feng: "He has evolved into one of the Three Thousand Avenues and will never die."

When Jing Yue heard this, she did not know whether it was joy or sadness. The joy is that the master has achieved the extreme of the human race. The sad thing is that the master can no longer be a person.

He was silent for a moment, and said to Lan Feng: "The vitality we have been seeking is actually in you."

When Lan Feng heard it, she was extremely proud.

Qin Yanzhi glanced at Lan Feng and said, "What you said is a large array of stars from all walks of life, and with the current strength of the human race, it should be able to be completed."

Lan Feng snorted. "But the outer layer of this stone is useless. Only the stone heart is considered a complete merit stone. You must find a way to remove the stone heart."

Qin Yanzhi: "Shi Xin? How to take it?"

Lan Feng: "Sanjie Temple, chance is in Sanjie Temple."

Jing Yue: "Okay, I'll go to Sanjie Temple when I make some arrangements to return to Zongmen."

However, Qin Yanzhi said quietly, "Did you forget one thing?"

Jing Yue froze and laughed: "Of course I didn't forget, we said yes, when you come back, you and I will be married."

Qin Yanzhi laughed as soon as he heard it, and there was a sense of contentment in his heart.

Lan Feng reluctantly Qin Yanzhi wished, sourly said: "Well, you still want to delay time, it has been more than a thousand years since you entered the secret place of the Middle Ages."

Jing Yue was startled: "Really?"

Lan Feng: "You stayed in it for three years. The mystery was affected by the array of star destroyers and the torrent of time. One day is one year in your own world."

Jing Yue and Qin Yanzhi looked at each other. When they entered the mystery, the magic fetus could be born within two or three thousand. In the past thousand years, the magic path must try its best to promote the magic fetus. Not really much.

And after Lan Feng reminded him, Jing Yue also remembered other people who were trapped in the mystery, and asked, "Where are they, Liuyun? Can they go back?"

Lan Feng: "When the torrent was broken and the torrent of time was chaotic, they left the mystery."

"That's good." Jing Yue breathed a sigh of relief. "Now Huanhua Village is still quiet. It can be seen that there is no dispute between Zheng Mo and the two. In the past one thousand years, the strength of Zheng Tao must be improved. ? "

Lan Feng: "Small leaves have taken your elixir and extended their life for thousands of years. They have become immortal."

Jing Yue: "..."

Jing Yue silently drew a leaf of wax, saying: "The formation of a battle involves too wide, and my wife and Yan Zhi's companion ceremony gathered all the parties in the right path to discuss this matter."

Qin Yan nodded, "So good."

Lan Feng froze, only feeling that she was bullied by Jingjing and the hooligan, and said indignantly: "Hum! Toad finally eats swan meat!"

Qin Yanzhi did not care about Lan Feng, and said lightly, "Take care of you."

Lan Feng immediately jumped his feet, "You, you, you, even if you succeed, you do n’t want to shake your position. You do n’t want to blow pillows to Jingjing, you vicious stepmother!"

Jing Yue: "..."

Qin Yanzhi: "..."

Regarding how the "stepmother" came from Lan Feng's mouth, Jing Yue and Qin Yanzhi both asked without interest, and on the day they agreed to meet, they said goodbye and returned to their ancestral gate.

As far away as Han Yunzong, far north of Luzhou, several Zhuji disciples were heading to the refining medicine hall, where they met the two in a hurry.

The disciples met, "Zheng Zhenjun and Gu Zhenjun."

The people who came were Zheng Bai and Gu Xia. They only entered the Purple House a short time ago. They just rushed to Qingyun Peak just after receiving the letter from the head.

When Zheng Gu left, one of the disciples said, "The two true kings are so anxious, but what's the big deal?"

Another person said: "I heard that the head of the order only issued an order, all the elders in the door gathered at the main peak, I wonder if the magic road has moved?"

Another disciple suddenly raised the volume, "Will there be news in the Middle Ages?"

As soon as he said it, everyone was silent.

One thousand years have passed now, and there was no trace of the power to go to the Middle Ages that year, even the Dragon Palace hinted that they were more ferocious.

This matter seemed to be covered with dark clouds on the heads of every monk of the right path.

On the other side, Zheng Bai and Gu Xia also came to Qingyun Peak. As soon as they entered, they saw that most of the elders in the door had gathered.

At that time, Wei Tianli, the head of Han Yunzong, had been promoted to elder elder. Today, the head is Jing Nian's apprentice Cheng Nian, that is, Xiao Hei. Due to the natural fit of his mentality and spiritual roots, his cultivation was extremely quick, and he surpassed many brothers and sisters, and took over the position 200 years ago.

Of course, Cheng Nian's identity is special, and there is another ancestor who has stood up to make it so smoothly.

It's not just Cheng Nian, many positions in Zongmen have been changed, and presumably thousands of years ago, it is a new sight.

When Zheng Gu saw the manager's complex look, they seemed to be happy and worried, and they were all "scratched" in their hearts, afraid to hear any bad news.

When all the elders arrived, Cheng Nian said solemnly: "I have received a message from the ancestors of Liuyun, and they have come out of the mysterious realm of the Middle Ages, and they will return to the court soon."

As soon as the words came down, everyone in the hall was shocked. I didn't expect it to be good news. Most of the people who went to the secret place of the Middle Ages returned to the power of imagination. They returned and helped the right path.

Just looking at the head's complexion seems to stop there.

Sure enough, he heard Cheng Nian said: "But they haven't found a way to deal with the magic fetus. What's worse, my master and Qin Qin disappeared again."

Cheng Nian came together with the specific content of the messenger, and everyone knew that some people were sacrificed in the mysterious realm, and since the two of them were taken away by the strange wind in the mountain stream, they had no news.

Zheng Bai glanced at Gu Xia, both of whom were very depressed. Jing Yue was not as unattainable as other ancestors. They were classmates and companions.

At this time, I suddenly heard someone say, "Jing ancestors must be fine!"

The two looked at the sound, and the speaker was Mu Feng.

Many years ago, Mu Feng was involved in the internal fighting of the Zongmen. When he was discussing with the ancestor of Jingshan who became Jingshan, he unfortunately destroyed Dantian, and then re-embarked on the road of cultivation with the help of ancestor Jing.

Mu Feng: "My ancestors and Qin ancestors have disappeared many times, but they have all turned into dangers, and they have been blessed by misfortunes. This time it must be the same."

He spoke confidently, but everyone knew that it was nothing more than self-consolation.

But at this time, they can only believe this comfort.

Cheng Nian: "You are right, Master is fine, but we must also prepare in advance ..."

He spoke halfway, and suddenly a paper crane flew outside the hall, but Zhang Chuanxinfu came again.

Cheng Nian took a photo with one hand and unfolded the paper crane. At the next moment, his eyes widened suddenly, and he became red instantly.

Everyone looked at each other, and their heart became uneasy, but when Cheng Nian suddenly laughed, tears soaked in the corners of his eyes, and he shook his voice after a while: "Master and Master are back, my Master is back!"

The hall was quiet immediately, until the needles could be heard, everyone was stunned by this shocking event.

Cheng Nian suddenly stood up and walked back and forth two steps, "I have to find an ancestor of Ye, right, I have to upload the letter Liuyun ancestor!"

He walked quickly to the door, and patted his forehead again. His anxiety was not as steady as usual. "One more thing, Master has found a way to deal with the magic tire!"

This made everyone so happy that they didn't know what to do, and when they wanted to ask again, they saw another paper crane flying.

"Well?" Cheng Nian grabbed the paper crane in his hands, curious in his heart, and everyone in the temple stared straight at him.

After knowing Cheng Nian's expression, the expression became very weird. Zheng Bai was anxious, and urged: "Head, who's the letter?"

Cheng Nian was silent for a long while, and seemed a little bit embarrassed, "... me, my teacher?"

The author has something to say:

Jingjing: What happened to the stepmother? Could you have a mother before.

叽叽: Of course, 叽叽 is born of Phoenix!

Jingjing: So am I also a late father?

Jiji said: No, no, Jijing was hatched!

Jingjing: But I didn't talk to Feng ...

叽叽: But Jingjing was a father and mother in his early years, and then the hooligan airborne, so he was a stepmother!

Rouge: Hehe ... Even if it is a stepmother, I will definitely make you feel the greatness of motherhood.

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