MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 171

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The sky suddenly flashed through the lightning, and the silver moon was already covered by dark clouds.

Lei Guang reflected Jing Yue's face, his eyes were red, and there was blood on his face that had not dried up, making him look like Hell Shura.

Jing Yue climbed up the ranks. Behind him were scattered and scattered corpses, spreading the entire long order; and the guards who were still alive in front of him did not consciously retreat at this time, and they feared such a killing **** from the bottom of their hearts.

Those people did n’t take any action, and Jing Yue ignored them. He went all the way to the end of the long order and saw that he would enter the Tianzi Temple. The guards finally woke up. Look at me, look at you, pick up weapons and try to get behind A sneak attack on Jingyue.

I did n’t know that Jingyue seemed to be born with binocular eyes, Xiao Canglan sword shot out, and under the shadow of the sword, the frost spread to the four sides, and the mountain flowers and jade trees froze instantly. This side of the space was trapped in Jingyue's ice field .

Ice dust floats in the air, like a lit star light, and on the long steps, there is only one ice sculpture with different postures.

When Jing Yue took back Xiao Cang Lan Sword and looked up again, he saw a figure outside the hall door.

The silhouette stood against the light and merged into the night, only the outline was still under the warm light.

Suddenly, Jing Yue's heart warmed up, and the corners of her mouth couldn't restrain the ground from rising, "Yan Zhi, I'll pick you up."

He took a few steps forward, and saw Qin Yanzhi's eyes with the same smile, and the other hand reached out, "Well, I'll wait for you."

The two hands clasped for a moment, the sky flashed again, a drop of rain hit Jing Yue's face, his sleeve robe waved, the area was foggy and cloudless, and Yinyue quietly showed his face.

Under the night moon, their shadows are intertwined, you are me, you are me.

In addition to each other, there is moonlight in their eyes.

"Lovers ... cough, cough ..."

A Wuben, who appeared from the lurking position, wanted Jing Yue to bring his disciple to worship himself, but the next moment, all his words were choked into his throat.

When I saw his apprentice, he suddenly hugged him tightly with the suspected apprentice. The posture made him feel creepy and scalp. This feeling came inexplicably, and A Wu frowned, thinking, and finally reacted in a long time-this way of holding, if a man and a woman, he would feel normal, but if two men ...

Ah Wu shook his body, rubbed his jaw with his fingers, and there was a consciousness under his eyes—the man in the west was so enthusiastic in expressing friendship.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of "slap," the call was very familiar, A Wu looked down, it turned out that the little spirit pet around the lover ran to his feet, at this time is holding his claws, his neck and handshake. Wings, a furry face can not hide the intoxication.

Lan Yan is really intoxicated. It is thinking of the beautiful scenery and the time when Xiaobei is newly married. According to the routine, Jing Jing and the hooligan should kiss up first, then pounce, and finally dry the fire, turn the clouds and rain, and the water and fire blend!

"Oh! Kiss! Kiss!"

Lan Feng kept opening and closing her beak, her heart was anxious, and she suddenly heard someone say, "What are you doing?"

Lan Yan froze, then his body froze and her eyes became blank.

After a while, he sat down on the ground with a slump, and he felt sadness from it. He changed, He is no longer the pure He who was in the past. The so-called entrance to the rotten gate is like the sea. From now on, I am just a dude ...

Lan Feng was sad alone, but unfortunately its scene was unknown.

At this moment, Jing Yue also hugged Qin Yanzhi tightly. He could smell the cold fragrance that belonged to the other side, and this breath was enough to make him ignore the **** smell of himself.

Of course, he can also feel that Qin Yanzhi's strength has gone further, especially the physical strength, which is no longer comparable to the descendants of the later races.

What did Qin Yanzhi go through? At this time Jing Yue didn't want to ask, he just wanted to calm down and feel the existence of the other party.

From the moment he saw Qin Yanzhi just now, all the panic, restlessness, joy, and perplexity that he came to in the torrent environment gradually settled down, gradually frozen, and his impetuous heart returned to peace again.

Because only then does Jing Yue feel that he is real. A Wu is tied to his past and future. Only Qin Yanzhi is his present.

"really miss you."

Jing Yue felt a tingling ear, a warm breath from Qin Yanzhi. He closed his eyes and said lowly, "I miss you too."

Qin Yanzhi: "I have something to tell you."

Jing Yue: "Huh?"

Qin Yanzhi: "I'm actually--"

"Love, is this my disciple?"

The sudden voice interrupted Qin Yanzhi's words. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw a man standing close to them, and looked at them curiously.

Qin Yan's eyes sank slightly, and she let go of Jing Yue a little, raising her vigilance—when did this person come? Didn't find out about your own cultivation?

Jing Yue also stunned, and his shame exploded. Why did he forget? Master is still there!

So, he couldn't even listen to what Qin Yanzhi hadn't finished, and quickly stood up straight. Su Rong said, "Yan Zhi, this is A Wu, it's my teacher."

Qin Yanzhi: "..."


He hasn't seen him in less than half a year.

Qin Yanzhi secretly looked at A Wu, seeing the other person's hands around his chest, a look of "not yet to worship Lao Tzu", guessing what was special about this person, he could make A Jinggan recognize him as a teacher. ?

Willingness is still unavoidable, Qin Yanzhi can still feel it, Jing Yue obviously obviously respects and trusts this master, but the two have known each other for up to half a year. According to Jing Yue's temperament, it is not easy to take off the defense ... ...

Qin Yan was full of thoughts. Similarly, A Wu was looking at him.

The young man's bones in front of him are clear and sturdy, and his color is like jade, and he is not inferior to Jing Yue. A Wu's heart can be said to be very satisfied, but he can't understand.

When he was about to have a problem, he saw his beloved apprentice with a guilty expression, "Master, the lie deceived you."

Ah Wu :? ?

Jing Yue: "Yan Zhi is not my apprentice, but my future companion ..."


A Wuyou didn't understand, he only responded for a long time, "You mean ... he's not your apprentice?"

Jing Yue nodded in shame: "Yes."

A Wu: "I don't have any disciples?"

Jing Yue: "... Yes."

A Wu: "But I have an additional apprentice? An apprentice? An apprentice?"

Jing Yue: "... Master can think so too."

Another weird silence, A Wuhu said, "You lied to me."

Jing Yue: "Master, this matter ..."

When he was about to explain, he saw A Wu slap him with one hand, put his **** up with his other hand, sacrifice the stone sword behind him, and attack Qin Yanzhi straight!

Jing Yue was pushed away hundreds of feet away, but his body was not uncomfortable, and where he was standing, Qin Yanzhi and A Wuzhi had an inextricable fight, but he saw that A Wu obviously had some reservations and knew The other party wanted to try Qin Yanzhi's ability, so he felt relieved.

He was right, A Wu really wanted to try this man's swordsmanship. Is there really a strong yellow sword like Jingyue's sword? But the more he fights, the more excited he gets, the more he fights, the more cheerful he feels. He has never felt it for hundreds of thousands of years.

An Wu was boiling all over. Although he didn't show the strength of the robbery period, his sword tricks were used without any compromise, but he was just as good as Qin Yan.

He likes this evenly matched opponent, prefers to win from evenly matched opponents. A Wu struggles his brain and pushes faster. Suddenly, his shoulders are cold. It turned out that the robe was cut open by Qin Yan's sword. Intentionally hurting him, he was able to cut off one of his arms at this time.

A Wu retracted his sword and laughed more than once, "OK! OK!"

He patted Qin Yanzhi's back, "I have no ability to teach you, you are better than me."

Qin Yanzhi hesitated, he could feel that this person's strength was far above him, but only swordsmanship was indeed inferior to him, but the other party actually admitted that he was inferior to a junior, which really surprised him.

Jing Yue's master is a pure person.

When he was alone with Jing Yue, Qin Yanzhi raised the matter, and Jing Yue laughed: "In my heart, Master is necessarily the best Master in the world."

Qin Yanzhi: "In my heart, you are the best teacher in the world."

Jing Yue looked at Qin Yanzhi's eyes suddenly, he saw the kindness and nostalgia in the other's eyes, and there were many complicated things.

Suddenly a strange idea came to his mind, and before he asked, his conjecture became a reality.

"I remembered everything, Master." Qin Yanzhi said slowly, simple and simple, but carrying the heavy burden that lasted for more than 10,000 years.

Jing Yue's eyes widened, "You ..."

"I remember it." This time, Qin Yanzhi's tone became firm. He held Jing Yue's hand with a smile in his eyes. "I think I'm a forget, it's your second disciple."

Jing Yue: "..."

It was an accident, and it didn't seem so unexpected. Jing Yue was too frightened during this period. At least he had some psychological preparation in this matter.

After that, Qin Yanzhi talked about the scenes he saw in Forgotten Flowers. He heard that Jing Yue was both distressed and emotional. When he learned that the other side entered the sword with three souls, Jing Yue suddenly realized that no wonder he could n’t sense Qin Yanzhi's apprenticeship with fate, Qin Yanzhi in this life is only a residual soul.

Wrong, if Qin Yanzhi loses the three souls, how can he be reborn?

"What's wrong?" Qin Yanzhi saw that Jing Yue's expression was different.

Jing Yue hesitated a little and said, "Yan Zhi, can you let me take a look at you?"

Qin Yanzhi shuddered, "Of course."

He closed his eyes, and his fluttering eyelashes leaked his tension slightly.

Qin Yanzhi did not forget, what happened last time when he entered Jingyue's soul?

Jing Yue was also very nervous. Last time, Yan Zhi's consciousness entered his soul and helped him disperse the remnant soul trying to occupy the house. This time, he wanted to enter the opponent's realm and inspect Qin Yanzhi's soul.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Read The Duke's Passion