MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 140

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"what is this?!"

Other monks also fell on other stone piers one after another. They couldn't help but be shocked. Even the magic repairs used to seeing the "big scenes" looked ugly. After all, they were staring at so many strange faces.

Jing Yue saw that everyone had stood firmly, and regained his strength, "This is an aquarium creature, a human face fish."

At that time, the Dragon and the Demons broke up. The Shui had the blood of the Dragons and belonged to the rule of the Dragons. The others were all counted as the Demons. The human face fish looks terrible because its large fish has a human face on its back. This face has the same expression as a human being. It will be happy and sad, and sad and happy, but it will not speak.

The crowd was silent, Lin Huaifeng looked at the stone pier scattered on the water and could not see his head.

These stone piers are not too high from the water surface, so he always has the illusion of stepping on the face.

Suddenly, a two-foot human fish jumped up into the air, the human face on his back stared at him with his eyes slanted, and the mouth of the fish opened wide, exposing rows of sharp teeth, and biting at him!


Lin Huaifeng couldn't help but broke his swearing. He punched the human face fish with a punch, the fish fell into the water, his body was bleeding, and the face on his back also showed a painful expression, while the other people's face fish swarmed up and surrounded the injured one. The human face fish, but three breaths, devoured it all.

Many people's throats are rolling. Although monks are much more tolerant than mortals, watching the scene before them still makes them uncomfortable.

Jing Yue: "Let's go, as long as it doesn't fall into the water, there is nothing terrible."

He took the lead and jumped into the next pier, Qin Yanzhi followed, and other monks reacted and hurried to follow.

At this time, Lin Huaifeng heard a message from his elder brother, "Let's follow Mr. Jing carefully. I think he seems familiar with Dragon Tomb."

Lin Huaifeng also said, "I found it too, but he couldn't possibly come to the Dragon Tomb?"

Lin Huaiyu: "You forgot, he and Qin Zhenjun were sent by the dragons. Since the dragons can violate the dragon order for them, it is not surprising that they told the tomb of the old ancestor Jing".

Lin Huaifeng suddenly realized, "That makes sense."

Many people still think of them like this. While avoiding the attack of Mermaids, they followed Jingyue swiftly. In the process, the sight of Mermaids has been following them.

I don't know how long it has been, the stone pier in front of me is getting scarce, and finally there is only one row left, which extends straight into the distance.

Jing Yue stopped and said, "Further down, some of the stone pier may be fake, and it will go empty when you step on it. Everyone must distinguish it carefully and don't want to find shortcuts."

After that, he and Qin Yanzhi jumped to the previous pier.

Jing Yue was followed by a demon monk. Although the demon monk and the right monk were still in trouble, just now, under the gaze of thousands of human face fishes, and there was no spiritual power, no one thought about it, only Want to leave quickly.

Moreover, they also wanted to use Jing Yue's ability to go further, and immediately kept a low profile.

The demon repair tried to distinguish the true and false stone pier, and found out that the difference must be used to check the difference, but in this way, it consumes a lot of knowledge.

Thinking of the many unknown dangers in the tomb of the dragon, Mo Xiu wanted to steal the laziness and save his strength, and followed Jing Yue to jump, and nothing would happen.

So, when he saw Jing Yueyue descending to the next stone pier, he quickly jumped on the stone pier that Jing Yue had just stood on, but when his feet were empty, the man fell into the water.

The surface of the water tumbled, accompanied by the screams of magic repair, gradually red waves.

The others looked at the tragedy in horror, and felt terrified.

Jing Yue: "Everyone said that they had been carefully discerned. The truth is that these stone pier are uncertain. Maybe I step on it for real, and you step on it as false."

Some magical wrath said, "Don't tell me earlier!"

Jing Yue: "I'm willing to say, it's already love, you just wanted to kill me, didn't you?"

Magic repair: "..."

The Moxiu thought, also, that the two sides have different positions, and Jing Yue has been benevolent.

And Qin Yanzhi also heard Yin Jingyue at this time: "Why do you help them?"

Jing Yue: "I thought about it. Last time, I only went to Dragon Prison. What dangers there are after Dragon Prison are unknown. There are more people, and maybe they can come in handy at critical moments."

Qin Yan nodded tentatively, reminding him: "Devils are uneasy, even if you use them, you must be careful."

"I know." Jing Yue took a special look at him, his eyes were a bit complicated, "Moreover, isn't there you?"

Qin Yan shivered, always feeling that Jing Yue had just said something.

The two continued to move forward, stopping along the way, and finally passed the place where the human fish were most dense. A stone step appeared not far from them.

Everyone was refreshed and knew that they were finally going to get rid of this ghost place!

Jing Yue stepped on the last stone pier at this moment and was about to step up the stairs, listening to a muffled sound, the stone pier shaking violently, as if caused by a heavy object.

When he shook, Qin Yanzhi quickly hugged him, and they looked down together.

The water surface is still as clear as a mirror. Under the water, a large face with a wide width is slowly rising. Obviously, this is a giant human fish.

In previous lives, Jing Yue did not encounter this situation, and I wonder whether this human fish has grown up in this 10,000 years?

The big face became clearer and clearer, and there was even a smile of joy on the corner of his mouth, as if he had found the long-awaited prey.

Jing Yue retracted her gaze, and Qin Yanzhi quickly leapt forward and ascended the stone steps.

Almost at the same time, the human fish broke through the water and bit off the corner of the stone pier!

In this way, the monks who have not yet landed quickly jumped up the stone steps. It was better to be closer, but once they were far away, some people fell into the water halfway and became the ration of human fish.

The rest of the monks saw the human face fish rushing, only to sacrifice the weapon first to attack, the human face fish hurt, the face on his back twisted, and a green mist sprayed out of his mouth.

The mist was obviously poisonous. Lin Huaiyu accidentally inhaled and felt itchy in his right palm. He stretched it out and found a face in his palm, exactly the same as the face behind the mermaid, smiling at him.

Lin Huaiyu was shocked. He instinctively dug out with his other hand and tried to tear the human face. When the left hand touched the human face, his fingertips began to itch, and a small piece grew on all five fingers. Human face.

Lin Huaiyu screamed. For him, the psychological stimulation was far greater than the physical discomfort.

So he pulled out the long sword, cut off the first phalanx of the five fingers of his left hand, and changed to hold the sword with his left hand, and severely cut off his right hand!

Lin Huaifeng was also disgusted, but the injured person was his brother, which made him feel anxious and painful. Suddenly, Yu Guang spied on a demon repairer and tried to push his brother into the water.

Lin Huaifeng immediately understood that the other party wanted to borrow the elder brother's sacrifice to attract the human face fish's attention in exchange for the opportunity to escape.

"Brother! Behind!" Lin Huaifeng shouted and rushed over, Lin Huaiyu was reminded by his younger brother to avoid the attack of the magic repair, but where can he be free from the magic repair plan?

Lin Huaiyu turned around and fought with Moxiu. He was injured and was originally in a disadvantage, but Lin Huaifeng soon joined in. The two brothers fought wildly and beat Moxiu down the stone pier.

I saw the giant human fish jumping out of the water, and the splashing water was like a fog, and the magical magic falling from its bite was faintly visible.

This scene made all other monks embarrassed, but when they saw the two brothers of the Lin family fled to the stone steps while chaotic, they all realized that this was feasible.

So the people quickly changed their targets, and the two were fighting again.

Seeing that the scene had become a mess of congee, the human noodle fish swallowed several monks again and again, there were magic repairs, and there was also the right way, Jing Yue could not help but be anxious.

At this moment, both sides are playing real fire. Despite losing their spiritual power, their moves are still brave and lethal.

The test in the dragon tomb not only comes from the danger of the evolution of the mystery itself, but also from the human heart.

At this time, a figure slammed into the left again, and a sword crossed in his hand. The sword shadow injured four or five magicians in a row.

This man is a woman. From her posture and momentum of holding swords, most of them are sword repairs.

Shi Jie Shang Jingyue saw this scene and branched out to Qin Yan: "She is somewhat similar to you."

He didn't speak very loudly, but the female Jianxiu heard it and looked towards Qin Yanzhi, with admiration in his eyes and more war-fighting.

Qin Yanzhi: "She is a disciple of the Baifeng sword school, and she is quite famous in sword repair. She and Ruan Jiu participated in the same ten-party performance martial arts conference. Ruan Jiu was the first and she was the second."

He glanced down at the sword in the opponent's hand. "Now the sword in her hand was obtained from the sword pill pool of Wan Ming Sword Zong. For this sword pill, she broke through the Zong inside with Jin Danzhongjing. Qianji Sword Formation. "

Jing Yue was quite surprised. According to his knowledge, Qianji Sword Formation was used by Wan Ming's sword sect to evaluate his disciples. The formation contained a thousand changes in Kendo. Every disciple in the sect had to go through this before Zifu. To learn the techniques of the Zifu period.

But most people don't have this ability until Jin Dan's great success.

"What's her name?" Jing Yue whispered.

Qin Yanzhi: "Cheng Yun."

Jing Yue praised casually, "It's really amazing."

If he were replaced with him, he would not be able to break through the Qianji Sword Formation in Jindan's midfield.

Qin Yan paused and said, "I have already run through the foundation period."

He didn't seem to feel that his behavior was childish, and his expression was natural: "I think of a way to save them."

Jing Yue: "How to save?"

The human face fish in the water just knows how many months they have cultivated. At this time, everyone's spiritual power is sealed. At most, it can cause some skin trauma. Besides, the human face fish's wound recovers quickly and can obviously repair itself.

Later, he saw Qin Yanzhi taking out several Tao robes from Xu Mijie, dancing with a sword, and the robes shattered into cloth strips. Qin Yanzhi tied the cloth strips one by one, stood on the stone steps and threw it, and the cloth wrapped around someone's waist. The man lowered his head in astonishment. The next moment, Qin Yanzhi pulled him over.

The rescued monk was grateful, but Jing Yue was silent.

For a long while, Jing Yue said, "I don't have so many robes."

Qin Yanzhi: "You use mine."

Having said that, I took a few more from Xumi's commandment.

Jing Yue: "..."

Read The Duke's Passion