MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 132

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Into the night.

The wind was blowing, and the leaves in the courtyard rose gently and fell again.

A small-finger snake crawled slowly, and the belly of the snake rubbed dead leaves, making a tiny noise.

The little snake swam all the way to a room and got in through the gap in the door.

In the room, there was a person lying on the floor, sleeping heavily.

The little snake swam past the other side and climbed up the bed along the bedpost.

There was also a man on the bed with his eyes closed and his chest undulating gently. The little snake crawled towards the head of the bed, raised the snake body, spit out the cold letter and licked the other person's cheek.

Seeing that the person was unresponsive, the little snake turned into a plume of black smoke and got into the other's ear.

The person on the bed was shocked and calmed down.

In the darkness, there was a little light suddenly, the light group was getting bigger and bigger, and there was faint glory in the light.

In the flowers in the courtyard, the four- or five-year-old boy stumbled and slammed at one person. He hugged each other's thin long legs and rejoiced, "Brother!"

"Kang Ji, don't you listen to your father and practice well, and come to me again?" The man's voice was light and cold, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Kang Ji: "I like to be with my brother. Doesn't my brother often not practice?"

Kang Yan seems to be really untrue: "I am the son of the snake king Kang Duo, born with honor, I don't need to practice hard."

Kang Ji: "I, me, me too! I am also the son of the snake king Kang Duo, and my brother's brother, I don't have to practice! Father and brother will protect me!"

Kang Yan laughed softly and touched his head, casually saying: "Smart boy."

He hugged Kang Ji, "You are so anxious to run, but is something wrong?"

Kang Ji twisted, adjusted his posture, clasped his hands tightly around Kang's neck, a pair of rare eyes of the snake clan were full of doubts, "brother, what is realgar?"

Kang Ji said for a moment, "Realgar?"

Kang Ji: "My father just got angry, and said that Mrs. Xilian mixed realgar powder into his wine, which caused him to delay business."

Kang Yan smiled slowly and said slowly: "Realgar, in the legend of the mortal mortal, is the thing that the snake demon is most afraid of. As long as the snake demon eats realgar, it will change shape, and can no longer be transformed into a human, and gradually lose Be wise and become an ordinary snake. "

Kang Ji arched, struggling to land, he hurried: "Will the father become a common snake?"

"That's just a human legend. How can we snake demon be afraid of realgar? Not only is realgar still ..." Kang Yu's smile became ambiguous. "You will know when you grow up."


From autumn to winter, Shirayuki pressed the branches.

Still the yard, or the two.

Kang Ji has grown taller, and now he is about the same size as Kang Yi, and can no longer hug his opponent's legs to be coquettish.

At this moment he was holding Kang's hand. "Brother, you are so cold."

Kang Ye let him hold it, "The snakes were originally cold."

Kang Ji: "I am very warm."

Kang You joked halfway: "You have always been a alien of the snake family."

Kang Ji said seriously: "I just saw my brother, and my heart was warm, so I was very warm." He took Kang's hand, kissed his fingertips, "like brother."

Kang Ye's body was stiff and he met Kang Ji's eyes.

After a long while he pulled back his hand and left with a calm face.


Scene by scene, from childhood to juvenile, emerged staggered, as if reading a book full of memories.

In the end, the picture stays in the floating bathtub, Kang Ji hides in the water, Kang Yi holds a glass of wine for him.

Kang Ji's ears were reddish, and he did not dare to look at Kang Yan, glaring at the wine glass and said, "What wine? It has a pungent taste."

Kang Yu: "Realgar Wine."

Kang Ji's neck shrank. "My brother knows that I didn't like realgar since I was a kid."

Kang Yan: "That's all I tease you, do you still not know?"

Kang Ji: "I know, but I still don't like it."

Kang Yan: "If you know the true taste of this wine, you won't dislike it. It can ..."

Kang Ye got to Kang Ye's ear and said something gently.

Kang Ji's ears turned red instantly, and immediately Kang Kang's pair of cold hands touched his shoulders, slowly down.

Suddenly Kang Kang's hand was caught.

As soon as he looked up, he found that Kang Ji was looking at him coldly. There was no half-friendship in his eyes, and there was a touch of disdain.

Kang Yan frowned, and said subconsciously, "Who are you?"

"You don't have to come to evoke my memory. Those things I haven't forgotten are very clear. But, the day you sent Haisong to kill me, I didn't want to think about it again."

Wei Zhentu said calmly, he was sober, he knew everything that had just happened.

From the moment the snake approached the house, the array he had laid down was already felt, and he fell asleep with Ruanjiu.

When the little snake turned into black smoke, he originally wanted to avoid it, but thinking about Kang Yu's talent and Kang Yu's complicated thoughts on Kang Ji, he decided to take a gamble and let Kang Yu completely dispel his doubts.

Kang Yun is a dream snake family, his talent is dream-making, and Xiao Snake, just he transformed with demon power.

Then, Wei Zhentu entered into the dream that Kang Yu himself made.

At the beginning, his consciousness was a bit vague, but he knew he was not a Kang Ji, so he just stood by and watched.

He speculated that Kang Ye wanted to stir up Kang Ji's memories, and reminded him that before, he wanted to push the boat to see the common experience of the two brothers, but at this point, he had to stop.

Kang Yi froze, "When will I ..." Then his eyes sank, and he whispered, "Waste!"

He looked at Kang Ji again, looked into the other person's eyes, his heart was suddenly pulled, but his mouth was still stubborn, "Are you going to break with me?"

Wei Zhentu: "You want to kill me, you killed Kang Duo, Kang Duo is my father."

Kang Yu didn't explain, but instead taunted, "Your father doesn't believe you."

Wei Zhentu: "I broke his heart."

Kang Yan was silent for a long while, "You really blame me."

Wei Zhentu: "No, I blame myself. Lord Kangyu, I woke up, and your dreams should wake up."

As soon as the voice fell, all the images in the consciousness slowly dissipated, and Wei Zhentu on the bed opened his eyes.

In a room in the upper house, Kang Yu spewed a spit of blood—the dream-maker was spotted, and the dream-maker would also be back-flavored.

But it was only he who knew what really hurt him.

The next day before dawn, there was a demon servant to call a few people, leading them to the door of the house, Kang Ye was already waiting there.

Kang Yu took them to the holy mountain. There were many snakes who came to worship, but they could not enter the temple unless they could get the snake emperor's token.

Along the way, Kang Yan said nothing, his expression was as cold as thousands of years of ice, and he did not look at Kang Ji more.

The colder the more you walk up the holy mountain.

The snake family should have been afraid of the cold, but Kang Yan had no response to this. Wei Zhentu somehow had an idea-maybe Kang Yan was much colder than the holy mountain.

When he came to the entrance of the temple, Kang Ye took out a token and put it in the groove of the temple's stone door. The stone door slightly vibrated and lifted up.

Behind the door is a long gangway that leads directly to the main hall, and at the end of the main hall is a short tree that is half a foot tall, with a scarlet fruit on the tree, and a thin layer of golden light outside the tree.

As soon as a few people entered the martyrdom, Shimen lowered immediately, making a loud noise.

Kang Yue still walked to the front without saying a word, but when he was close to the main hall, Jing Yue's steps were a meal.

He saw a portrait hanging on the left side of the main hall. The drawing paper was made from the demon snake. There is a young Taoist in the painting. Thick silver needles are pierced in several large caves of the Taoist. Just looking at the position of the silver needles, he knows that this person is deeply hated by the demons, because if this method is used on living people, he can Trapped the other's soul, so that they will never be born.

And the face of the young Taoist also recognized that it was just a forget!

Jing Yue finally understood why there were portraits of Jing Yuan everywhere in the demon clan, but forgot about it. It turned out that the portrait of Yi forget was stored in the temple by the demons, and in the most cruel way, his anger was shameless. His body could not help but tremble slightly, and his anger was bursting out of his chest. The huge sadness almost swallowed him.

Suddenly, he held him with both hands.

The opponent's hand was warm. Jing Yue knew that it was Qin Yanzhi. He closed his eyes and knew that he couldn't be impulsive at this time. He could only bear it.

But the word "forbearance" was so easy. He was almost convulsed by the pain of a knife in his heart. As long as he thinks that other similar places in the temple will have this portrait, he can hardly restrain his heart.

Jing Yue held Qin Yanzhi against his hands and forced his hands as if the person beside him was his only life-saving straw.

Wei Zhentu and Ruan Jiu also recognized a forget. Although they are not Han Yunzong disciples, Yi forget is a hero of the human race. Even if they fail to survive the ascension, they are no different in the hearts of these monks. To save the human race to the **** of water and fire.

Forgetting is a belief.

No fear, no compromise, brave and firm faith.

If they are beliefs, how can they not be angry, but the situation forces them, and even Jing Yue chooses to endure, what can they do?

Kang Ye kept his back to them, and did not find any abnormalities. Instead, he stepped forward, knelt down to the low tree, and read an ancient and obscure mantra in his mouth.

Immediately, he remained motionless.

Until the first rays of morning light came down, the golden barrier outside the dwarf tree fluctuated slightly. Kang Ai took a few steps on his knees and took off the demon fruit on the dwarf tree with both hands.

He didn't lie to anyone. The demon fruit can only be picked up in the morning light, and the symbol of blood and sin still needs light.

Kang Ye gave the demon fruit to Qian Su very simply, and finally looked at Kang Ji again, and suddenly said, "Your father, kill my father and mother. You want revenge in the future. I don't blame you, but I don't Will show mercy to your men. "

Wei Zhentu still did not speak, Kang Yan lowered his eyes, covering his emotions.

After a while, he turned around and removed a bone whip from the wall on the right.

Jing Yue is unknown, so I saw Kang Yi throwing his bone whip and yanked to a forgetful portrait!

"call out--"

The bone whip crackled, tearing the wind in half.

This scene was slowed down in Jing Yue's eyes. He clearly saw the bone whip stretched, straightened, and cracked ... it was about to touch a forgotten portrait.

Reason has finally been replaced by anger. No, even if he is still sensible at this moment, he will never be able to watch others treat him like this!

His dead apprentice!

Jing Yue blinked for a moment, holding the bone whip with one hand, and a pain in the palm came from her palm.

His eyes were staring at Kang Hong, who frowned, "What do you do?"

As soon as Jing Yue pulled the bone whip in Kang ’s hands, others saw this and knew that the situation would develop towards the worst situation, but they all understood Jing Yue, and no one could stand the humiliation of the ancestors in the door.

Moreover, they even speculated from Kang Yun ’s move that every person who entered the temple had to whip so many whip on the portrait of a forgotten ancestor when he left?

As human beings, they can no longer bear it.

That being the case, let's start with it!

Wei Zhentu took the lead in throwing a catalogue. The array method in the picture trapped Kang Ye, who was shocked and felt the Snake Emperor's token instantly, but the next moment, his right arm was already supported by Qin Yan's flying sword. It was cut off and the whole person was taken into a bronze mirror.

The mirror is called Dementor Mirror, and it is now being held in Jingyue's hand, which is also the treasure given by the Fox Emperor.

This mirror can ingest all the people below the Purple House. Kang Yu is just a demon handsome, with the same strength as the Purple House, but weaker than Jing Yue who is also the Purple House.

Therefore, he can only be imprisoned in the mirror, even if there is another hidden means to contact the snake king, he will not be able to make it out at this time.

In the same way, Jing Yue did not kill Kang Yan, but she was also worried that the other party would have a secret technique that could make the snake emperor feel its life and death.

The reflection on the mirror was not Jing Yue's reflection, but Kang Yan covering his broken arm. His eyes were shocked and frightened, and he gritted his teeth, "You are human!"

Judging from the exercises of several people and their maintenance of Yi forget, it would be foolish if Kang Yun could not guess the truth!

But soon, Kang Yu's fear was replaced by panic. He turned his eyes to Wei Zhentu and repeated: "You are human! What about Kang Ji? What happened to him?"

Wei Zhentu's tone was calm, and with cruel coldness, "Kang Ji is dead."

Kang Zheng froze, then began to tremble, his whole body curled up in pain. He knew that these people were all true, and Kang was dead, so some people replaced him with an impostor.

For some reason, he suddenly found some happiness in his heart. Kang Ji had not changed, and he had not forgotten what he had said to him, but he was just dead!

But this little bit happy, quickly squeezed away by a huge sadness-his brother, died.

No wonder the acacia is withered.

He should have known, because many years ago, the grass-giver said-

"In the legend of the Yao tribe, the acacia grass is always unbeaten, which means that I will not change to my brother."

The teenager has the rare big eyes of the snake family, and puts out a pot of green grass in his hands. "In this pot of acacia, every leaf is my favorite brother. If the leaves are dead someday ..."

The opposite youth smiled, "You don't like me anymore?"

Boy: "No, I'm going to die."


Kang Ye has always used these words as a joke, even if Changcai, Changshen, has only a hundred years of life.

The teenager was full of confidence: "It will be green again when it is dry."

But Kang Ming now understood that the pot of grass would never have new green.

"I ... I'm going to kill you," Kang Ai muttered. The next moment, he was struggling all over, causing the Dementor to tremble.

Kang Mi's expression was reflected in the mirror, and the Yin's eyes looked as if suddenly poisoned.

Wei Zhentu said: "Don't pretend, if not you, Kang Ji is still the son of his snake king in the snake family, loved by Condor, respected by the snake family. You betrayed him, killed him, you even , Did not recognize that he changed a soul. "

Kang Ye paused suddenly, as if he had been fixed by a mantra, motionless.

His eyes collapsed, as if he was suddenly taken away, staring wistfully at Wei Zhentu, staring at a pair of skin.

Seeing this, Jing Yue directly threw the dementor mirror into Xu Mijie, and searched the forgotten portrait with divine knowledge, but did not find any hidden traps, so he swung his sleeves and pulled out the silver pins in the painting.

He stepped forward quickly and carefully took the portrait.

Even if he could take only one, and even if the snake could hang up again, he took it down.

Jing Yue rolled up the portrait and put it away, saying, "Wei Daoyou, please refining a pile to serve as a concubine, we will leave immediately."

He knew that I could not hide the Snake Emperor, but fortunately, Longe was close to the Snake Royal City. As long as they had half a day, they could leave the demon world.

He destroyed the good situation, Jing Yue felt guilty, but did not regret it.

On that day, many snake clan saw Lord Kang Yu lead a few demon belonging to the Fox clan to the temple, and after a short time, they left the temple again. Later, Kang Kang returned to Fuzhong, and Qian Su and others turned to Longi and disappeared.

Shuxizhou, a mountain belly.

Jing Yue was staring at a section of black hand bones: "It was this thing."

This is the holy relic of magical magic—the refining of **** bones. It is said that it was made from a number of digital magical magic bones.

Jing Yuedao: "Wei Daoyou, if we remove this hand bone, can it be noticed from the outside?"

Wei Zhentu observes this secret state, "The demon is very strong here. If you remove the hand bones, the demon will gradually fade, and the outside will be aware of it."

Jing Yue frowned: "How long can the demon maintain?"

Wei Zhentu: "At most one day."

Jing Yue: "One day at a time, otherwise if Kang Ye's affairs are noticed, I'm afraid that he can chase after a day."

Now that there was a judgment, Jing Yue immediately took the hand bones and asked Wei Zhentu to arrange a small magic array.

If someone inspects it, you won't notice it if you glance at it. Only by a closer inspection can you find that the real hand bones have disappeared.

Several people pretended to walk out of the mystery casually, and there were many magicians guarding it outside, but because of the strong demon in the secret world, they rarely entered.

A demon said: "How many demon messengers?"

His eyes were calm and he should have known in advance that a demon would come.

Jing Yue: "Exactly."

The magic repair immediately laughed: "It's pretty much waiting for you, please follow me."

The monk led several people to fly for half an hour, and finally came to Guifu Zong, and it wasn't Han Guang who waited for them, but an elder monk.

The other party greeted Jing Yue enthusiastically at the first sight, explaining that the suzerain was closing the door and could not meet each other. However, Jing Yue suspected that the right way had cleared Shuxi, and Han Guang had consumed so much that he was recovering.

After a brief greeting, the elder asked, "Dear everyone, have you brought the four demon fruits?"

Jing Yue nodded, pretending to ask casually, "how is that?"

Moxiu: "Although I haven't learned it yet, I have already been able to devour Disha and Underwater. As long as I have these four demon fruits, maybe I can come to life within millennia."

He put on a look of regret: "If the demon tribe can give an extra demon fruit, it can be shortened by hundreds of years."

Hearing here, Jing Yue's heartbeat stopped, and a terrifying suspicion was born in his mind. He tried to look a bit ugly, and said, "Four are already the limits of the demon tribe. This is probably what the Korean ruler can understand. Anyway, after 1,000 years, the fetus It will be born sooner or later? "

The elder laughed subconsciously: "Yes."

Then he smiled stiffly, because he noticed that the four demons were all in the same color, and in his eyes was a fear that could not be hidden.

The magic fetus was born in the heavens and the earth, born from heaven, and cannot be stopped or changed.

As soon as the demons are born, the magic path will be greatly promoted. If it is not destroyed, the right path will usher in a devastating disaster, and the entire human world will be ruled by the magic path!

But does the magic fetus mean that it can be destroyed? The magic fetus does not simply refer to a certain person, but also means the magical luck of the magical Tao. If the number of qis that are destined for the heavens is bad, how can very people do it?

At this moment, thunder exploded in the heads of the four Jingyue at the same time-no wonder! No wonder the magic road has been moving frequently over the years, and they are just preparing for the birth of the magic tire.

All they have done is to weaken the right path of luck, the weaker the path of righteousness, the more they grow, the faster the magic fetus grows!

And the cooperation between the rebellious human race and the demon race can finally be understood. Now the right path is great. Without the help of the demon race, the magic fetus does not know when it can be born.

As for the demon tribe, although the birth of the magic fetus is a matter of human realm and has nothing to do with them, they hate the human race deeply, especially the right way of the human race. Although they will still be subject to the control of the magic realm when the Tao of Magic is unified, it does not prevent them from intervening at this time. As long as the human realm is chaotic, the demon tribe may be able to find a turning point in it.

Therefore, they don't hesitate to present the relics of the demon tribe for the fetal fetus to suck. In this way, the fetal fetus can be born faster, and the catastrophe of the human world will soon come.

This news is extremely important, they must pass it back immediately!

A few people's minds turned sharply, but they listened to the elder: "Some, give me the demon fruit now?"

Jing Yue was waiting to speak, but the elder had quickly shot and caught him!

The other side had a strong hole in the sky, Jing Yue was able to avoid it, and asked, "What does the elder mean?"

Moxiu didn't reply. The matter of the magic fetus was secret. Only a few demon emperors and demon emperors knew it. These people were sent to give fruit and said the word "devil fetus". He only knew when the other party knew the secret. .

However, according to the expressions of a few people just now, the so-called "devil" is simply the temptation of the other party, and he is on his way!

Regardless of whether these monsters know the truth, he must first control them and confirm with the Emperor. Even if they misunderstand the other party, they will apologize.

This thing does not allow a little error!

At this moment, Jing Yue and others all knew that they were showing their feet, and their hearts were upset.

But in the face of such a big event, even if the emptiness of Sanjie Temple comes, it is difficult to stop the heart and change the face, right?

It's too late to regret it now. Jing Yue pulled Wei Zhentu and Ruan Jiu to send them to Haotian Realm, and the two of them informed Han Yunzong on duty.

But the moment he sensed Haotianjie, suddenly, the connection was cut off.

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