MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 114

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Bone sitting cross-legged, as if in a fixed posture, I do not know how long it has been maintained.

For some reason, the bones have not been corrupted.

Jing Yue didn't expect that there were people of ethnic origin here. Is it someone who entered here before? It's a pity that the other party is dead and there is no way to solve his doubts.

He looked at Qin Yanzhi, and the other person looked dignified, rolled over into the hole, picked up a token from the ground, and glanced at only one glance: "Smell the ancestor!"

Jing Yue: "Smell the cicada ?!"

Actually the name he heard!

In the previous life, he had heard that Wan Ming Jianzong had an outstanding disciple named Wen Chan. Only in this life, Jing Yue heard that this person had been sacrificed in the demon robber, how could the bone of Wen Chan be here?

He asked the doubts in his heart, and Qin Yan branched out: "The ancestor of Wen Chan did not die from the robbery. He even participated in the subsequent seal of the demon mountain. But there is no one of the seven disciple disciples of Wen Chan. Disappeared, having affected the state of mind, he killed the enchantment with eight other Zongmen predecessors, and wanted to kill some of the fleeing semi-sages while the demons were weak.

"After that, there was no news from the ancestors of Cicada and several seniors, and the soul light went out. Zongmen sent people to look for it, but the misty forest was now at that time, and they found no results for a full hundred years, and then gave up."

Qin Yanzhi sighed, "Unexpectedly, the seniors actually fell into this space."

"I want to see his bones, can I?" Jing Yue asked suddenly.

Qin Yanzhi knows that Jing Yue's so-called look-out is to use God's consciousness to check one inch at a time. The reason why he asks him is also out of respect.

"I heard the Taoxian ancestor said that Wen Chan's ancestor has always been informal. I don't think he would mind."

Jing Yue immediately released a scrutiny of enlightenment, and about a quarter of an hour later, he said, "The ancestor of Wen Chan didn't seem to have been killed, but seemed to sit on his own."

There is no slight scar on the bones of the opponent, nor is there any magic or evil spirit erosion.

Qin Yanzhi frowned, and the doubts in his heart grew larger. He and Jing Yue were like being in a misty mountain forest, not even seeing the truth.

"Anyway, I have found the bones of the ancestor of the cicada. I wonder if my cause and effect should be here?"

Having said that, Qin Yanzhi put the token in his arms, knelt down on his robe, and worshipped for three weeks.

When he was about to get up, his chest was suddenly hot, Qin Yan froze, and hurriedly took out the token, but saw that the original cold token was exuding a radiant and soft silver light at this time.

Jing Yue was wondering what was going on, so he heard a majestic and old voice, "Who is coming?"

Qin Yanzhi shuddered, and immediately knelt down again. "The younger generation is Wan Ming Jianzong's eleventh generation disciple, Qin Yanzhi."

As soon as the voice fell, a ball of white light emerged from Wen Chan's decree and stopped in front of Qin Yan's support.

"I am the fourth generation of Wan Ming Jianzong, Wen Chan."

Really smelling cicadas!

Jing Yue only returned to God at this time. He never found out that there was a hint of God in Wen Chan's order. Out of respect, he also saluted Wen Chan.

But Wen Chan's divine thought clearly did not care about him, but said: "It has been eleven generations, and I don't know how many years have passed ..."

Qin Yanzhi: "Back to my ancestors, it has been more than 8,000 years since the demon ransom."

"Eight thousand years ..."

The light group seemed to dim, and said, "Why can you come here?"

"The disciples don't know." Qin Yanzhi roughly spoke about his experience with Jing Yue, and asked, "Where exactly is this place?"

Wen Chan: "Here are the semi-holy altars of the demon tribe."

Jing Yuewei was a little bit confused. He thought it was a cemetery, but he didn't expect it to be an altar.

The so-called altar is bound to have sacrifices, but this space seems to have no creatures before.

Qin Yanzhi: "But the semi-sages who fled during the looting?"

Wen Chan: "Yes. That year ..."

With the old voice of Wen Chan, a secret that has been buried by time slowly unveiled.

It turned out that eight thousand years ago, Wen Chan and several disciples crossed the enclave, trying to kill the injured demons half-sacred.

In order to avoid chasing, several semi-sages were afraid of the human race to settle accounts after the autumn, simply borrowed the land of the demon mountain to transform the foggy forest with the flesh, and created the altar with the spirit.

They wanted to use the inheritance as a bait to attract the big demon goblins into this place as their sacrifice. The half-saints can devour each other's power through the altar, and when the spirits are condensed stronger, they will have the opportunity to reshape the flesh.

Jing Yue instantly realized that the misty forest was actually to protect the altar, and it wasn't why the monster city.

He also knows why the other party's cultivation is not enough to soar, but it can create a space. There were three demon holy holy men who fled that year. The so-called holy holy man was equal to the strength of the human race during the robbery period. The three holy holy men could barely use 30% of the power of ascension to create a small space. .

Wen Chan: "During the creation of the altar, the Demon Semi-Holy happened to bring people to death. Although I didn't understand what they were doing, it was definitely a bad thing for the human race. So we tried to destroy it. They were furious and tried to bring us into this space by virtue of the power of nature. Of course, I was unwilling to go with you, so I fought with them. "

"At that time, their altars were almost completed, and they could control half of the power of the law. We were constrained by this, and we were always in a disadvantage. Because of this, they did not look at us and demonstrated the real purpose."

Jing Yue is not surprised. The demon clan has always thought that the human race is cunning, and to put it plainly, the demon race really needs to be "simple". It is also normal for the semi-saints to see the victory swell.

Wen Chan: "Although we are dubious, but seeing that there is no chance of success, the nine of us have decided to sacrifice our flesh and soul, and change the mystical spirit of countless spirits to prevent them from achieving their goals."

"The semi-saints resisted madly, and used the power of the law to exclude all our transfigurated auras from the altar, but at that time the space was immature, and the power of the law could not completely dispel the aura. Those auras formed a valley of spirits around the altar. Siege the altar firmly. "

"As for the divine thought you see, I just kept it in case, if someone comes here in the future, I can also tell the truth of each case."

Hearing here, Jing Yue finally understood why the demon clan was the master here, but there was no control law to kill him and Qin Yanzhi. Because Wen Chan and others built a prison with aura outside the altar, so that the demons in the foggy forest could not perceive the existence of the altar. The holy spirits of the half-saints have not been enshrined all year round and have gradually collapsed.

Incomplete consciousness cannot control the laws here, even if they are the masters of creation here.

This spirit valley prison, although still under the control of the law, also restricted the law. For him and Qin Yanzhi, it was the only vitality in this space.

Qin Yanzhi is also shocked. If there is no sacrifice from Wen Chan and others, the demon semi-sacred can really be resurrected again, and the human race will be a disaster!

There is always some peace that comes from unknown sacrifice.

Wen Chan: "It's over 8000 years ago, and their spirits are very weak, even losing their self-consciousness. Without accidents, the altar will soon collapse and die completely, but I don't know why it suddenly brought you in."

"But since it's here, don't go for nothing."

Qin Yanzhi: "You mean ...?"

Wen Chan: "There are three altars here. There are several semi-sacred spirits and their destiny magic weapons sealed in the altars. Whether you can get anything depends on your ability. Once the altar is destroyed, this place will inevitably collapse. And you can leave. "

Qin Yanzhi: "Yes!"

The light group trembled, slowly condensing into a ghost image of a Taoist priest, but he was seen with white hair and eyes hidden, "Another eight fellows should be not far away from me, Qin Yanzhi, and you find them, send Come to me. "


Not long after, Qin Yanzhi and Jing Yue carefully placed the newly found eight bones next to Wen Chan.

Xingying looked at the eight bones, his sharp eyes gradually softened, he said, "So, we have done what we can do, and then we will see you."

Qin Yanzhi: "Please rest assured that the ancestors of Chan Chan, the disciples will do their best."

Wen Chan nodded slightly, and gently touched him.

Suddenly, a mighty aura poured into the branch of Qin Yan, as if all the auras in this valley had gathered here.

Even Jing Yue on the other side was stained with light, and his spirits washed away every vein and every bone of him. He only felt that Dantian was full, and Lingtai swelled.

Suddenly, he jumped into the light and entered the Jindan Grand Satisfaction without warning.

Needless to say, Qin Yanzhi, who directly benefits, is bound to advance!

When the aura became thinner, the two finally woke up from the mysterious state, only to find that the ghost of Wen Chan was more transparent and almost disappeared.

"Heard the ancestor of the cicada!" Qin Yanzhi called anxiously, but did not know what he could do for the other party.

Wen Chan changed his previous seriousness and paid homage to Qin Yan. "Everything is entrusted to you."

His ghost image disappeared slowly, and the nine bones lined up suddenly turned into dust at the same time, as if he had wished.

On the ground, there are only a few Zongmen tokens left.

Quiet all around, Jing Yue and Qin Yanzhi did not speak to anyone. For a long time, Qin Yanzhi picked up the tokens one by one, Jane replayed, and scratched three heads again against the ashes of the ground.

Then he stood up, frosty in tone, "Let's go."

Seeing that his face was not good, Jing Yue knew that he was in a heavy mood at this time, and he didn't say much, so he nodded and went with Qin Yanzhi.

Although at this moment they still don't know why they came here, but at least, they know something about the situation and are no longer as tense as they were just now.

The two soon reached the waterfall again, and Jing Yue broke the ban through Yaodan.

It took ten days this time, and the ban was finally lifted. The land they stepped on was suddenly empty, and the two fell simultaneously.

The hunting wind blew across their ears, and they seemed to fall to the endless abyss.

Just listening to the sound of the sword, the Taiqing sword reacted faster than Xiao Canglan sword. It automatically took off the scabbard and became Zhang Kuan, catching the two at the speed of a flying star.

Jing Yue instinctively approached Taiqing and wanted to thank him, but the space shook violently, stronger than when Shimen opened.

There were roars in all directions, with men and women, with heavy grievances and hatred-

"Too clear!"

"Too clear!"

"Too clear!"

One sentence after another, as if echoing.

At the same time, a white light flew out of Qin Yanzhi's dandan field, which was the soul of Taiqing sword.

The soul of the sword turned into a sword, beheaded at the void——


The sharp sword spreads, and all the resentment is cut off instantly, and the surroundings are restored to tranquility.

Jing Yue was startled and said, "Why do several semi-sages know too clearly?"

Yes! Eight thousand years ago, one forgotten was to destroy the demon holy with the Taiqing sword. How could the semi-holy men not remember this sword that made them hate?

Suddenly, Jing Yue had a premonition. The big cause and effect felt by Qin Yanzhi might not refer to the ancestor of the cicada, but was brought by Taiqing!

But he couldn't think much at this time, because they had been sent to the first altar by Taiqing.

The altar is high, and the stone steps leading to the altar are hidden in thick fog. Although it does not generate cobweb dust, it is inexplicable and old.

Jing Qin and the two stepped directly on the stone steps, the more they went up, the colder their sensations became, and fine frost gradually formed on the stone steps.

"I remember in the book that the three and a half holy ancestors were the Wanse demon ancestors of the Butterfly clan, the Leishan demon ancestor of the Leopard clan, and the ancestral demon ancestor of the Eagle clan." Jing Yue analyzed: "I heard Wanse The demon ancestor is good at the way of ice, and most of the altar above is her. "

Qin Yanzhi was much quieter than when she first came in, but still responded to Jing Yue's words, "She is the weakest of the three semi-sages, and it is good to meet her first."

After another quarter of an hour, they finally came to the altar.

The so-called altar is actually a vast platform full of frosted flowers, with a table for the table in the middle. The table is empty, and a tall ice stone stands behind the table. A petite butterfly is sealed in the ice. .

It's really colorful! Once the demon tribe becomes half-sacred, it can be restored to its true nature at any time, and it can also be transformed into a behemoth at any time.

But the butterfly they saw was not the real body of Wanse, but was transformed by the spirit.

Jing Yue winked at Qin Yanzhi. The latter immediately cut out a sword, the sword shadow passed, and the sword hit the ice stone heavily. A cobweb-like crack suddenly appeared on the ice surface, and then burst into pieces.

Flowers bloom on the altar, all colors come out of the ice!

The butterfly wings fluttered and turned into a charming woman with a pair of colorful wings behind her. There are 10,000 colors on the wings, but they are not fancy.

The tens of thousands of sages of the demon world who had no eyes at this time looked like the same stagnant water. Jing Yue knew that Wanse had lost her self-awareness, or that her self-awareness had long since broken.

After eight thousand years of passing, Wanse's repairs have fallen to the ground.

Jing Yue let out a sigh of relief, and saw Wanse butterfly wings, and the violent cold wind rolled in. The snow fluttered in the wind, dancing all over the sky, dyeing his vision white.

Before he could do anything, Qin Yanzhi had already raised his sword, and one man and one demon quickly wrestled.

Jing Yue saw that Qin Yanzhi was clearly suppressing Wanse, forcing Wanse to retreat, and stood side by side.

Suddenly, Wanse's hands pulled out a slump posture, and a thick mist was created all around, and a strong venom was hidden in the mist.

Qin Yanzhi held her breath and attacked faster, but Jing Yue felt that the venom in her body was tempted and started to move again.

He pressed hard, but saw that the white mist was getting thicker and thicker, concealing Wanse's figure.

Jing Yue reminded: "I heard Wanse is good at illusions, so be careful."

Qin Yanzhi nodded slightly-illusion, "he and I" may hit, but he will never at this time!

Jing Yue was obviously right. Soon, the dense fog spread and the surrounding scene changed. He and Qin Yanzhi appeared in a yard full of grass at the same time. When the wind came, the weeds blew, and a rustle came.

At the end of the courtyard, there is a small mountain temple.

Jing Yue looked curiously, but did not notice Qin Yanzhi's instant stiffness.


A thunderous thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, the wind blew harder, and the heavy rain poured down.

A shadow appeared in the misty rain.

The man had loose hair and was soaked, standing alone in the storm and shyly, "Yan Zhi, can't you come?"

Qin Yanzhi: "..."

Jing Yue: "... the ancestors of Taoxian can do the same ...

That figure is Taoxian, the ancestor of thousands of swordsmen. Jingyue feels that the whole person is not good, so how can he look directly at Taoxian in the future?

Qin Yanzhi's original tight body was relaxed. He thought Wanse had seen the secret in his heart and tried to reproduce the illusion in the six rounds of mystery. The last time only he was in a fantasy, Jing Yue didn't know the truth. If he was seen by the other party ...

Qin Yanzhi thought that she felt her chest tightening!

Although I don't know why the fantasy has suddenly changed, but only I can't help the Taoxian ancestor!

In the face of such an oolong, Qin Yanzhi slayed the Taoxian ancestor with one sword, and said: In fact, this Taoxian ancestor is also very scary.

When the illusion was gone, the two were still on the altar. Jing Yue also sighed: "I didn't expect Wanse's illusions to be so poor, most of them are degraded, resulting in poor strength."

Qin Yanzhi was silent for a long time. "You are right."

Wan Se had no choice but to take Qin Yanzhi from the beginning to the end, and had to transform into a huge prototype. His wings spread out to cover the sky and the hexapod was as sharp as a steel knife.

Her forefoot stroked toward Qin Yanzhi, but was cut off by Qin Yanzhi's understatement.

Wanse, who had no consciousness, could not feel the pain, but felt the danger instinctively. She forced something out of her body, which was a translucent white leaf.

At the sight of Jing Yue, my heartbeat suddenly missed half a beat. That was ...

-Ice Cicada Leaf! The Five Elements to the Cold of Wooden Attributes! Wanse's natal magic weapon is actually what he has been looking for!

Xiao Canglan sword also sensed the flavor of the ice cicada leaf, and immediately wanted to take off the scabbard, but was held down by Jing Yue, "Zhenjun, the ice cicada leaf is of great use to me, you must not break it ! "

Qin Yanzhi, as the person who gave away the sword pill, certainly understood why Jingyue needed it, and the attack converged a lot.

Despite this, Wanse was not Qin Yanzhi's opponent, and eventually died under the sword of Taiqing.

Flowers on the altar withered, and a huge crack cracked in the center of the platform.

Qin Yanzhi picked up the ice cicada leaf and handed it to Jing Yue.

Jing Yue was overjoyed, and it took no effort!

No, that's wrong. He didn't spend any time, it was Qin Yanzhi.

Jing Yueyuan wanted to say, "I'll pick a baby to give you back", but somehow thought of what he said-you send him, he sends you, and you send it, it is a token of love.

So stiffly changed, "Thank you."

Qin Yanzhi: "Why do you care about me like this?"

Jing Yue smiled and said nothing, because he saw the prohibition inscribed in the huge gap.

Since he was almost ineffective, he was full of energy at this time, and began to set up in a spirited manner.

Ten days later, the first altar collapsed, and Jingyue and Qin Yanzhi were teleported to another altar. As soon as they entered it, they saw the mad thunder descend from the sky!

"Be careful!"

The two spoke at the same time to remind each other, avoiding the thunder and lightning that was split at the moment.

Where the thunder fell, the sand and stones splashed and smashed a large pit.

Within the field of vision, lightning fell like a curtain of rain, dense like a giant net, blowing the earth out of the blackened caves.

On the rocky pile in the distance, a white leopard with white wings and dorsal wings was sleeping heavily. Even when the thunder fell, it never opened his eyes.

Qin Yanzhi and Jing Yue both recognized each other, the Leopard's Lightning Demon ancestor, and it is rumored that it was born to be able to control thunder, and roaring at will could provoke Wan Lei to growl.

It was just Jingyue who had seen Thunder, and he was not afraid of the lightning in front of him.

Qin Yanzhi also had the same attitude. He summoned Taiqing, and the Taiqing sword immediately passed through the thunder net like a flowing cloud. Everywhere he went, all the thunders were split. The two collided and made a violent sound explosion. The momentum of the Taiqing sword kept on pointing at lightning.

"Roar--" Just listening to the roar, Shan Lei awoke from her deep sleep, and opened a pair of ice-blue eyes.

There seemed to be a little consciousness remaining in his eyes, but it soon became chaotic. Shan Lei's forelimbs stepped on the ground, and a silver current spread along the ground toward the two of Qin Jing. The two immediately floated up.

But in the sky, there are several silver snakes rushing at them!

The thunder here is born of demon power, and does not even need a dark cloud to lead. Although it is not as lethal as the sky thunder, it is more fierce than ordinary thunder and lightning.

While the two were avoiding the falling thunder, Shuang Lei's hind limbs were forced, and their bodies fluttered, facing Shang Jingyue!

Jing Yue had seen that the thunderbolt was a little stronger than Wanse, and he had a great consummation, not that he could match, so he quickly retreated, traversed through the interwoven thundernet, and a flashlight came to the right of the thunderbolt.

The lightning flash responded extremely quickly, turning his head to bite, and the stinky venom spit out from his mouth. Jing Yue caught off guard and took a sip accidentally.

At that moment, his face was all green, and other people ’s venoms were released. Why did the lightning venoms have bad breath?

Even more uncomfortable is that the demon venom in his body was once again motivated, the spiritual force was retrograde, the veins were sore and painful, Jing Yue's body flashed, and his movements were obviously not as smooth as before.

Fortunately, he was not alone. Qin Yanzhi suddenly appeared behind Shan Lei, cutting off the tail of the leopard with a sword!

Sanlei snarled angrily, flashing fierce light in her eyes.

Jing Yue frowned and shouted, "He still has a little consciousness, be careful!"

Sure enough, Lightning's body is more flexible for a moment, and the lightning he controls is more lethal.

While fighting with Qin Yanzhi, he did not forget Jing Yue, and kept controlling the mad thunder to split him.

Jing Yue kept avoiding, but was occasionally hacked because of demon poison. Fortunately, his spiritual root had mutated and he had some immunity to lightning.

However, once he is hacked, the venom in the body will be more active, and his movements will be more stagnant, so it is more likely to be hacked by thunder, which almost forms a vicious circle.

Qin Yanzhi noticed Jing Yue's situation, guessed that the other party was demon venom, and anxious to get Jing Yue into his sleeve.

However, Jing Yue seemed to guess his mind and yelled, "Don't, your technology is really bad!"

Qin Yanzhi: "..."

The author has something to say:

"Second Interview"

What is Jingjing's favorite?

Jingjing: Soaring!

What is your favorite?

叽叽: Slap!

What is Rouge's favorite?

Rouge: sword, and Jingjing

叽叽: No, no, no, I want to change it! I also love Jingjing!

Rouge: Hehe

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