MTL - My Immortal Cultivation Game Life-v2 Chapter 346 fairy king of fate

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Lu Yi was actually looking forward to the actions of the experts in the Jingling Starfield. If they could really find the Nine Nether Demons, it would also be of great benefit to the Tianluo Starfield. Of course, Lu Yi also hoped that they could find the target.

As the strong men from the Jingling Starfield entered, the ruins of the abyss became very quiet. The strong men from the Tianluo Starfield and the strong men from the Jingling Starfield all set their sights on the ruins of the abyss, waiting for those strong men to come out.

During this time, Lu Yi was still practicing steadily.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred years have passed.

Lu Yi's cultivation has finally broken through to the peak of Xuanxian, only one step away from Jinxian.

Immediately after his breakthrough, he released the task of breaking through the Golden Immortal.

As expected by Lu Yi, the rewards for breakthrough missions were as generous as ever.

A total of ten Chaos Hearts were rewarded, which seemed to be more precious than the Chaos Supreme Treasure rewarded before.

Of course Lu Yi accepted the task happily, and his next goal was to break through to the Golden Immortal Realm safely and steadily.

Time continued to pass, and another thirty years passed.

On this day, Lu Yi was retreating, when he suddenly felt a breath approaching, he opened his eyes and walked out of the cave.

A figure landed outside Lu Yi's cave, and there was a lot of movement, which startled the sleeping little Xing Xing.

It is Yuhan Guang.

Seeing Yu Hanguang's anxious look, Lu Yi couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Brother Han Guang, what's the matter? So urgent."

Yu Hanguang took a deep breath and said, "There is news from the Jingling clan who entered the ruins of the abyss."

Lu Yi was taken aback, seeing Yu Hanguang's serious expression, he couldn't help frowning: "Isn't it good news?"

The corner of Yu Hanguang's mouth twitched, and he smiled bitterly: "Of the three immortals and more than a dozen golden immortals who went in, only one escaped with a serious injury, and it is said that he died after just saying a word."

When Lu Yi heard this, he was also very shocked.

The three immortals and more than a dozen golden immortals are basically dead?

You must know that these monks who entered the ruins of the abyss are aware of the horror of the ruins of the abyss. It is certainly impossible for them to go deep into the ruins, and they are just exploring in the outer area.

And they must be very careful, and they also brought a lot of cards.

Even so, only one of them, a strong man at the level of a fairy, escaped, and he died of serious injuries just after he escaped.

One can imagine how dangerous the abyss ruins are.

Lu Yi felt a little lucky, fortunately, he was not too curious about the situation in the ruins of the abyss before, and did not follow the monk Jiuyou into the ruins of the abyss to have a look.

In fact, with Lu Yi's means, he could follow up quietly without being discovered by the immortal monk Jiuyou, but he finally gave up.

After all, it is too dangerous.

Thinking about it now, fortunately, I was quite sensible at the time, otherwise, maybe he would have a cold too.

Lu Yi was full of thoughts for a while, and then asked: "By the way, what did the strong Xianjun say?"

Yu Hanguang's eyes flickered, and a very strange expression appeared on his face.

After he was silent for a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "That fairy only said four words."

"Four words?" Lu Yi looked stunned: "What are you talking about? Brother Han Guang, stop playing charades."

Yu Hanguang smiled wryly and said, "'Fate Immortal King', he only said these four words."

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, a little stunned: "Immortal Destiny King? What do you mean?"

Yu Hanguang shook his head: "I don't know, but you also know, Lu Yi, our Yu family's secret method of destiny."

Lu Yi nodded slightly: "Of course I know."

After all, he has already cultivated to the limit.

Afterwards, Lu Yi's face was slightly strange: "Fate, Destiny Immortal King...Then Fate Art is not the inheritance of Destiny Immortal King, is it? Could it be that those strong men of the Jingling clan encountered the inheritance left by the Immortal King in the ruins of the abyss?"

Yu Hanguang shook his head, then said, "I don't know."

He was silent for a while, and then he said: "But I heard that some strong men of the Jingling family think that the Immortal King of Destiny is buried in the ruins of the abyss. Even those who can't go deep, I'm afraid it's because of this."

Lu Yi was thoughtful, then he frowned and said, "Could it be that the cultivator Jiuyou who entered the ruins of the abyss was heading for the tomb of the Immortal King Destiny?"

Yu Hanguang shook his head: "I don't know, but according to what we have learned so far, this possibility is not small."

Lu Yi felt a little serious in his heart: "The cultivator Jiuyou is so confident that he can go deep into the ruins of the abyss?"

After all, the Jingling Clan sent three immortals this time, but they died inside in the end. Even if the cultivator of Jiuyou is stronger than the three immortals, there should be a limit to how strong they can be, right?

Lu Yi didn't believe that cultivator Jiuyou would be so confident.

Perhaps, that cultivator of Jiuyou has some unknown hole cards.

Lu Yi thought about it.

And Yu Hanguang beside him was also thinking about it.

Both of them were silent, and after a long time, Lu Yi asked: "Then the Jingling clan will continue to send monks into the ruins of the abyss now?"

Yu Hanguang rolled his eyes: "You bastard, is it a Chinese cabbage to be an immortal? The death of three immortals this time is enough to make the Jingling clan suffer for a long time. In a short time, there will definitely be no more immortals." Jun went to the ruins of the abyss, unless they have the courage to directly dispatch the ancestors of the immortal level... But this is unlikely, there are also many Jiuyou battlefields within the scope of the crystal star field, and the immortals also need to sit in the town and cannot leave of."

"Then what about the cultivator Jiuyou?" Lu Yi couldn't help asking.

"Now the Jingling Clan and our Yu Clan have discussed it. The two clans have sent monks to guard outside the ruins of the abyss. If the monk Jiuyou rushed out of the ruins of the abyss, we can get the news as soon as possible and react as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Lu Yi nodded slightly, this is indeed a solution.

"That's the only way to go."

"Yeah, I really don't know what that monk Jiuyou thinks, he dares to go deep into the abyss and ruins like this." Even Yu Hanguang couldn't help complaining.

Yu Hanguang came to Lu Yi this time just to tell Lu Yi about the powerful Jingling clan. After that, Yu Hanguang left and Lu Yi returned to the cave.

Although he was still a little worried about the Nine Nether cultivator, after all, the Nine Nether Devil Qi was too corrosive, and it would easily cause big trouble if he was not careful.

However, Lu Yi couldn't do anything, so he didn't think too much, and went back to continue practicing.

Break through the cultivation base as soon as possible.

In the following time, Lu Yi returned to a stable state.

Although the Poros family lost one-third of their peak combat power and their power in the entire Three-Eyed Star Area has become much smaller, they have a good relationship with Lu Yi, and the top forces in the Three-Eyed Star Area have to be given to Lu Yi. In order to save face, the Poros family has preserved part of the resources and wealth that originally belonged to them.

However, during this period of time, the Poros family also focused on the commercial planets of the Celestial Star System, which could shrink the original power and give some of the benefits to other powers, which also made them live very peacefully.

Saipan and other elders of the Boros clan have already issued an order to let the top geniuses of the younger generation of the Boros clan go to the commercial planet to help Nuke and try their best to show favor to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi was well aware of this, but he didn't say much.


Time passed, and a hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yi finally reached the peak of Xuanxian realm.

For this breakthrough, Lu Yi still chose to go to Yuxing.

He came to the top of Lingluo Peak, found the masters of Lingluo Peak, Yu Hanguang and Yu Yuanwu, and explained the situation.

"What?! Brother-in-law, you are going to break through the golden fairy realm?!" Yu Yuanwu was dumbfounded when he heard that Lu Yi was going to break through the golden fairy realm.

He is still one hundred and eight thousand miles away from Jinxian!

Even if he can listen to Lu Yi's preaching every once in a while, plus his own talent is quite good, there are almost no bottlenecks along the way, and the cultivation environment here is also quite good. As for the cultivation resources, as a direct genius of the Yu family, of course There is no shortage.

Such a condition can be said to be the dream of all monks.

Even so, Yu Yuanwu feels that he still needs about two or three thousand years to break through to the golden fairy realm!

And what about Lu Yi?

He has only broken through to the Profound Immortal Realm for about a thousand years, and he has soared all the way from the Profound Immortal Realm to the Golden Immortal Realm? !

Yu Yuanwu even doubted life.

In fact, not only Yu Yuanwu, but Yu Hanguang next to him also looked bewildered.

He stayed in Tianming all these years, listening to Lu Yi's preaching every time, and gained a lot. Now his cultivation has improved a lot, breaking the bottleneck of the early and middle stages of Golden Immortal, and reaching the fourth level of Golden Immortal.

Originally, Yu Hanguang was very satisfied with his cultivation speed, but now that he heard that Lu Yi could break through the Golden Immortal, this made Yu Hanguang feel that he was satisfied so easily, and felt a little ashamed for a while.

The gap between myself and Lu Yi is so big, not to mention catching up with Lu Yi, I have to work harder!

Yu Hanguang murmured to himself and made up his mind that he could only practice harder.

Peak Master Ling Luo beside him was already numb.

After all, Yu Lingluo spent the longest time with Lu Yi.

Ever since Lu Yi first entered the inner sect of Baiyun Sect, entered Lingluo Peak, and worshiped under her sect, the two have been together all the time.

For Lu Yi's talent, Yu Lingluo has long been used to it.

But even so, Yu Lingluo couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

She never thought that the disciple who was accepted because of boredom at that time would have such an exaggerated talent.

It's only been a few thousand years, and it's so much more than her.

She said, "So you want to go back to Yuxing to break through?"

Peak Lord Ling Luo, who knew Lu Yi very well, guessed Lu Yi's thoughts at once.

Lu Yi nodded: "Well, the movement of this breakthrough should be even greater. Presumably, the ancestor should be able to gain more insight into the Dao, which will be of great help to the ancestor breaking through the realm of the fairy king."

Hearing this, the three of Yu Hanguang looked at each other.

Yu Yuanwu grinned and said: "This is a good thing, brother-in-law, you are worthy of it. With you, I feel that our Yu family can really produce a fairy king!"

Yu Hanguang also smiled slightly: "Maybe there is more than one. If Patriarch Yuxuan breaks through to Immortal King, the other patriarchs will have more time. As long as they can get Lu Yi's Dao comprehension by then, they should also have a lot of time." I hope to break through to the realm of the Immortal King."

"Hiss..." As soon as Yu Yuanwu thought about the future, his eyes began to light up: "If we can really have a few more fairy kings, wouldn't our Yu family be invincible?"

Lingluo Peak Master said speechlessly: "Even the Immortal Emperor disappeared for some reason, let alone the Immortal King? How can you be considered invincible?"

Yu Hanguang smiled slightly: "What Lingluo said is a bit arbitrary. Who can tell what happened in the ancient times? At least in our current universe, there are probably no monks at the level of immortal kings. If our ancestors of the Yu family can If there are a few immortal kings, they will definitely be the top forces in the universe... Among other things, it will be much easier to resist the Nine Nether Demons."

Peak Lord Ling Luo thought about it, and felt that it made sense. She looked at Lu Yi, and couldn't help but feel weird. Why does it feel like the ancestors took advantage of this guy's breakthrough?

She shook her head helplessly: "In that case, when shall we set off?"

Lu Yi said, "I'm going to find my senior sister and the others, let's go now."

"We have no problem." Yu Hanguang and Yu Yuanwu expressed their views.

After that, Lu Yi went to find Liu Ningshuang and the others.

The four of them have been working hard to cultivate and understand the law these days.

Of course, Shuangxiu didn't fall behind, and the four of them are now in the Xuanxian realm. If they use the Yin-Yang Dao Seal with their current strength, Lu Yi's strength can also skyrocket.

Although it is not as suitable as the secret technique suitable for him like Tianxin Jue, it can be regarded as an extremely powerful trump card.

Hearing about Lu Yi's breakthrough, Donggong Mingyue's eyes lit up and she smiled: "I knew that senior brother would definitely make a breakthrough in the next few years."

Yun Xi nodded slightly, with a smile on her ethereal pretty face: "Well, in the process of double cultivation, we have the deepest perception."

Yun Xi has always been outspoken, which made Liu Ningshuang beside her blushed a little. She couldn't help but glance at Yun Xi, and then said with a smile: "Congratulations, Junior Brother. After the Golden Immortal, with your combat power, I am afraid that you can compete with the Immortal!" Have you fought?"

"That's needless to say? The perverted junior has the Houtian Lingbao! With the Houtian Lingbao, it shouldn't be a problem to fight the Xianjun." Jian Ruyu put her hands on her hips, very proud, as if she could fight the Xianjun generally.

Liu Ningshuang and the others all knew about her possession of the Houtian Lingbao, and Lu Yi didn't intend to hide it from them.

What's more, when Lu Yi used the Eternal Light Shield on the Zhen'an battlefield, Liu Ningshuang and the other four were also there.

Seeing the excitement of the four, Lu Yi smiled and said, "When I break through, I should be one of the top experts in this three-eyed star area."

Lu Yi is also not sure whether there will be hidden immortal-level bosses in the UU Reading three-eyed star area.

Thinking of this, Lu Yi suddenly paused and thought of something.

I don't know if there are hidden fairy kings and fairy emperors in the universe who are not dead?

Lu Yi's expression was slightly strange.

However, soon Lu Yi didn't care. After all, he is still just an ordinary Xuanxian. Even if he breaks through the Golden Immortal soon, he is still very weak in front of the big bosses of the Immortal King and Immortal Emperor. He cares about this. What?

"Let's go, go to Yuxing to break through."

Lu Yi brought Liu Ningshuang and the others to the top of Lingluo Peak, and then the group left Tianming on the Chiyang Boat and flew towards Yuxing.

Thanks for the 100 points rewarded by the 08a boss~

(end of this chapter)

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