MTL - My Immortal Cultivation Game Life-v2 Chapter 292 broken space line

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Hearing what Liu Ningshuang and the others said, Peak Master Ling Luo was stunned for a moment, and frowned with some doubts: "What kind of technique do you practice? Can you actually help this kid?!"

Peak Lord Ling Luo couldn't imagine it. Based on her understanding of Lu Yi, Lu Yi would definitely not let Liu Ningshuang and the others take risks.

Such a dangerous situation, to bring them?

funny right?

Lingluo Peak Master couldn't accept it, she was obviously stronger, she felt that if she went, it might hold back Lu Yi.

This doesn't just need to be powerful, it also needs to be able to resist the spirit of the Nine Serenity.

Hearing Lingluo Peak Master's question, Liu Ningshuang and the others all blushed.

Donggong Mingyue cooed: "It's the fairy scripture deduced by senior brother himself, it's nothing."


Song Daheng and others at the side looked at Lu Yi in bewilderment.

Just at the level of a fairy, can you deduce the fairy scriptures? !

What kind of genius is this? !

Although Peak Master Lingluo knew that Lu Yi was deducing the Immortal Scripture, he also knew that Lu Yi had achieved something.

However, seeing the shy faces of Liu Ningshuang and the others, she still didn't quite understand.

So what happened to deduce the fairy scriptures?

Why not let her know?

After all, she is also a master, okay?

However, the situation was urgent now, and Peak Master Ling Luo didn't ask any more questions.

She looked at Lu Yi and asked again: "Boy, are you really going to investigate the situation?"

Lu Yi nodded, and said seriously: "Don't worry, Master, I have confidence."

Seeing what Lu Yi said, Peak Master Ling Luo no longer objected, and nodded: "Then you should be careful."

"Don't worry, Master." Lu Yi smiled, then looked at Liu Ningshuang and the others: "Let's go."

While speaking, the Dao Dao pattern in Lu Yi's body flickered, and the air of Dao circulated, enveloping Liu Ningshuang and the others.

The four of Liu Ningshuang were naturally aware of it, and they all looked at each other. The aura of the Dao was similar to that in the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra of the Dao.

They didn't have much insight, they didn't expect Lu Yi's Dao breath to be so strong.

Naturally, Peak Master Ling Luo and others who were stronger nearby also noticed the same thing.

This Dao Qi is too strong, making all the monks terrified.

Lu Yi didn't care about other people's opinions, he used his Escape Technique with all his strength, and disappeared with Liu Ningshuang and the others.

The next moment, they passed through the garrison formation and entered the Nine Nether Storm.

Inside the Nine Nether Storm, the terrifying Nine Nether Qi formed a hurricane, sweeping the world with terrifying destructive power.

As soon as Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang appeared, the endless Nine Nether Qi rushed towards them, and noisy whispers rang in the ears of the five.

However, when the Nine Nether Qi approached, it was resisted by the Dao Qi.

Entering the Nine Nether Storm, Lu Yi's Dao Dao pattern floated outside his body, turning into a light curtain that enveloped the five of them, resisting all the Nine Nether Qi.

On the foreheads of Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang, a mysterious Dao seal appeared.

It is the seal of Yin and Yang.

The Yin-Yang Dao Seal can make five people connect with each other and form a big formation. Even if the secret technique is not fully activated, just by relying on the five people's normal skills to operate, their aura has been greatly improved.

All five of them have risen to the fifth level of the Celestial Immortal.

This is the mystery of the Dao Yin Yang Immortal Scripture.

And if they push the Yin-Yang Dao Seal with all their strength, their cultivation base can be improved again.

The yin and yang seal emerged, and the law of yin and yang turned into mysterious brilliance, which merged into the avenue pattern, reinforced the light shield, and resisted the nine secluded storms.

Even so, the mask is still shaking slightly, one can imagine how powerful this storm is.

Lu Yi squinted his eyes, and took out a small black jade clock. On the clock body, there were pieces of flowing magic clouds.

This is the middle-grade fairy weapon, the magic cloud clock, which Lu Yi obtained a long time ago.

The magic cloud clock flashed a pitch-black brilliance, and the endless magic cloud fell down and merged with the mask, this time completely stabilizing the mask.

Afterwards, Lu Yi used the Escape Technique again to travel through the space.

Because of the endless storm of the Nine Nethers, the space lines are distorted. Fortunately, Lu Yi's Escape Art is a Golden Immortal Immortal Art. Coupled with his powerful space law, he can feel like a duck to water in such an environment. .

Soon, he led Liu Ningshuang and the others through an extremely distant area, and the Nine Nether Storm fell behind.

On the peaceful Jiuyou battlefield, Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang appeared, and they turned their heads to look behind them.

It was found that the Jiuyou storm enveloped the area around the station and surrounded the station.

"This storm... feels like it was deliberately created?" Liu Ningshuang raised her eyebrows and said.

"Yes, look at other places, the storm has subsided, only the area where the storm is still left." Jian Ruyu looked around and agreed.

At this moment, several terrifying auras approached quickly, causing the expressions of Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang to change slightly.

Soon, they saw four distorted black figures appear, surrounding them.

Four Nine Nether Demons at the level of true immortals!

The leader is the peak of true immortality!

The faces of Liu Ningshuang and the others changed all of a sudden.

This is the pinnacle of true immortals, and even if they use the Yin-Yang Dao Seal now, they are only at the fifth level of the Celestial Immortal.

The four immortal-level Jiuyou demons looked at Lu Yi and the others with murderous eyes, and their eyes were full of rage.

The air of nine secluded surroundings swirled around them and attacked Lu Yi and the others.

At this moment, the aura around Lu Yi erupted like a volcanic eruption.

His black hair danced wildly in the storm of fairy spirit energy, his cultivation level increased rapidly, and he soon surpassed the level of a fairy, and reached the second level of a true immortal.

Ascension formula.

After using the Ascending Immortal Art, a pair of dark golden gloves appeared on Lu Yi's hands at some point.

The aura emanating from this glove made Liu Ningshuang and the other four beside him shudder.

A high-grade fairy weapon, a broken glove.

This is also the reward Lu Yi received from the previous mission.

His face was icy cold, and he clenched his fists tightly, as streaks of dark golden Qi and blood surged, an incomparably terrifying power erupted.

The next moment, Lu Yi swung his fist, and a dark golden storm of Qi and blood spewed out, and the roar of the giant dragon could be faintly heard.

The dark power of the Nine Nethers was swept away, and the terrifying force attacked and enveloped all the Nine Nether Demons.

The four Nine Serenity demons at the level of true immortals were annihilated almost instantly, and even a little mental fluctuation could not be transmitted.

The death is very direct.

Lu Yi, who is on the second level of the True Immortal, coupled with the 80% power law, the ultimate level of the Rifting Fist, and the top-grade Immortal Artifact Broken Gauntlet, the power it exerts is simply unimaginable.

The Nine Serenity Evil Demon at the peak of the True Immortal couldn't even block a single punch.

With such power, even Liu Ningshuang, who gets along with Lu Yi day and night, and even Liu Ningshuang who often contacts at a negative distance, is dumbfounded.

Although they occasionally sparred with Lu Yi, Lu Yi never used his full strength even in sparring, and they couldn't understand how strong Lu Yi was.

But now, seeing such strength, they were inevitably shocked.

"Master, senior brother! You are so powerful now?!" Donggong Mingyue's originally round eyes were wide open, and her mouth could be stuffed enough to lay eggs.

Liu Ningshuang and the other three also had expressions of disbelief.

As the people next to the pillow, they don't even know that Lu Yi's current strength is so terrifying!

Even the Nine Nether Demons at the peak of the True Immortal could be killed with one punch, and three other Nine Nether Demons were also killed incidentally.

This kind of strength, even a master, may not be able to match it, right?

Thinking of this, Jian Ruyu's face suddenly became weird, and he glanced at Lu Yi and said: "...At first, I was wondering if the perverted junior brother could suppress Peak Master Lingluo, but now it seems...even if she is with us, it is probably impossible Not the opponent of the perverted junior brother."

Hearing this, Yun Xi nodded seriously: "I think sister Ruyu is right."

Liu Ningshuang and Donggong Mingyue next to her were a little embarrassed.

After all, Peak Master Ling Luo is their master, and they are still a little embarrassed about master and apprentice together.

Lu Yi coughed dryly, and said, "What are you thinking? The situation is urgent now, let's leave quickly to see what happened there."

Hearing this, the four of them stopped thinking about these things and nodded.

Then, Lu Yi used the air escape technique to move towards the area where the Nine Nether Demons gathered.

As for the location, Lu Yi and the others naturally knew about it.

The speed of the Escape Technique even exceeded the speed of light, and after only a few hours, Lu Yi came to an area billions of kilometers away from the station.

As they approached this area, Lu Yi and the five found more and more Jiuyou demons.

And the strength is also extremely strong, and even encountered a terrifying Nine Nether Demon who has just entered the Xuanxian level.

Even Lu Yi had used the Ascending Immortal Art and the Yin-Yang Dao Seal to the extreme, coupled with his own Splitting Fist and Xingxing Sword, to kill him, which took a lot of effort.

Lu Yi felt a little lucky, fortunately he brought his senior sister and the others, otherwise, there would be no Yin-Yang Dao Seal, but relying on the Ascending Immortal Art, it would only be more troublesome to deal with, and it might not even be possible to beat them.

After defeating the Xuanxian-level Nine Nether Demon, the spirit energy of Liu Ningshuang and the others was almost exhausted.

After all, using the battle formation means that Liu Ningshuang and the other four also have to use their kung fu skills, bursting out with all their strength, which naturally consumes a lot of energy.

The four of them were out of breath, and their faces were a little ugly.

"Didn't it mean that the Star Realm Army often cleans the Zhen'an battlefield, and the number of Xuanxian-level Jiuyou demons on this battlefield is very small? We are really unlucky, so we encountered it?" Jian Ruyu sat on the ground and complained.

Liu Ningshuang glanced at the depths, frowned and said: "Have you noticed that there seems to be something wrong with the breath in that direction?"

Donggong Mingyue, Yun Xi and Jian Ruyu all looked over and nodded.

Because Lu Yi used the Dao Dao pattern to resist the Qi of the Nine Nethers, they were almost immune to the influence of the Qi of the Nine Nethers.

But that doesn't mean they lost their senses.

They could easily feel that there was an extremely strange aura surging in that direction.

Lu Yi also had a serious face, looking deeply in that direction.

All four of Liu Ningshuang felt it, and he was no exception.

"It seems that something is really wrong." Lu Yi said.

"Lu Yi, what should we do?" Yun Xi asked.

Lu Yi thought for a while, and said, "The Nine Nether Demons are getting stronger and stronger along the way. There must be more powerful Nine Nether Demons in that direction. We should restrain our breath so as not to overwhelm others."

Liu Ningshuang and the others nodded slightly.

Then, Lu Yi used the law of space and the law of darkness to completely envelop the five people.

In terms of ability to hold back breath, the law of space allows monks to enter between the space lines, coupled with the law of darkness's essential ability to hold back, combined, it is enough to interfere with the perception of most creatures whose cultivation base is not too strong.

In order to prevent accidents, Lu Yi even used the air escape technique very carefully so as not to cause too much space fluctuation.

Also, each use is just a short distance traveled.

If they encounter the Nine Nether Demons, they will choose to take a detour.

As Lu Yi guessed, the deeper they went, the more powerful the Nine Nether Demons they discovered.

The Heavenly Immortal-level Nine Nether Demons had completely disappeared, and all the ones they encountered were True Immortal-level demons, and they even encountered three Profound Immortal-level Nine Nether Demons, which were stronger than the one they had killed before.

This makes them have to be more cautious.

Soon, they came to the area where the two Astral Army monks found weird.

It was a plain.

On the plain, there are huge stone pillars standing.

These stone pillars surround a huge platform in the center, engraved with patterns that Lu Yi has never seen before.

What surprised Lu Yi and the others was that monks were nailed to these huge stone pillars.

These monks were dressed in rags and were seriously injured. The blood from their bodies was continuously flowing down and merged into the stone pillars.

Several of the monks have been sucked dry and turned into mummies, and the other monks also look extremely weak.

"Look over there!" Jian Ruyu sent her voice in shock.

Lu Yi and the others looked over by gesturing, and found three monks wearing star military armor nailed to a stone pillar.

"Could it be the teammates of the two previous Star Guardsmen?! They didn't die, they were captured alive?"

"There... there are quite a few Nine Nether Demons!"

Lu Yi and the others saw nine secluded demons at the level of Xuanxian crawling on the central platform.

The Nine Nether Qi circulated around them, and the thick black mist escaped and merged into the pattern.

Then, on the platform, distorted cracks gradually appeared one after another, and a series of incomparably weird Nine Nether Qi escaped, as if something terrible was about to rush out.

Seeing this crack, even Lu Yi's scalp felt numb and his back felt cold.

He had a premonition that if the crack opened, even he might not be able to escape.

"Something really happened." Yun Xi's spirit was shaking.

Even Lu Yi felt a fatal threat, let alone Liu Ningshuang and the others. They were able to stand because they had endured enough coercion and had a strong ability to withstand pressure when they broke through the restrictions of the heavens.

"What are these Jiuyou demons planning to do?! That aura is far beyond the Xuanxian level, should it be a Jinxian?! Didn't it mean that the Jinxian level Jiuyou demons can't come through the space?" Jian Ruyu His face was as pale as snow, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

Lu Yi took a deep breath, with strands of chaotic air flowing deep in his eyes, looking at the platform.

In his eyes, the endless space lines are not being pulled and twisted, but are actually breaking one by one. Even if he has mastered the not weak space law, Lu Yi can't believe it.

He never thought that the endless space line could be broken!

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