MTL - My Immortal Cultivation Game Life-v2 Chapter 285 A body stronger than Xianjin

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

"However, even if you become the ancestor's disciple, Yi'er, you have just become an immortal, and you still have to perform the duties of an immortal. You cannot escape with any identity."

The jade gorilla beside him stood with his hands behind his back and said.

Lu Yi nodded and said seriously, "I understand."

"Well, about this matter, the ancestor has already explained it, and I will teach you when you come back from the Nine Nether Battlefield." Jade Gorilla continued.

Hearing this, Yu Yuanwu said, "So Lu Yi, you haven't gone to the Jiuyou Battlefield yet?"

Lu Yi asked, "Have you been there?"

"That's natural, I just came back a few years ago." Yu Yuanwu's eyes flashed a solemn look, and he complained: "That's really not a place for people to stay."

The jade gorilla at the side glanced at Yu Yuanwu, and said calmly: "You can learn from your brother, Han Guang will go to the Jiuyou battlefield every time to experience himself, how about you?"

The corner of Yu Yuanwu's mouth twitched, and he said, "I'm not a pervert like Big Brother..."


Yu Yuanwu stopped talking immediately.

Lu Yi grinned, and found that Yu Yuanwu was still quite afraid of jade apes.

However, few sons are not afraid of their father.

Jade Gorilla snorted softly, looked at Lu Yi, his expression changed from stern to gentle: "However, you just came back, you can leave after a while."

Lu Yi naturally had no objection.


In the next few days, Lu Yi practiced in Lingluo Peak Master's courtyard.

Yun Xi and Donggong Mingyue were about to break through and were in retreat, so it was hard for Lu Yi to find them to double cultivate.

But Liu Ningshuang and Jian Ruyu are fine, the three of them will practice together when they have time.

Half a month later.

Yu Yuanwu knocked on the door of Lingluo Peak's main courtyard and shouted, "Brother Yi, Brother Yi, come out quickly."

Lu Yi was taken aback, and left the training room.

Outside the small courtyard, Yu Yuanwu and more than a dozen young-looking boys and girls were standing together.

After seeing Lu Yi, all the boys and girls looked over, with disbelief and curiosity in their eyes.

Lu Yi raised his eyebrows and asked, "Yuan Wu, who are they?"

Yu Yuanwu smiled and said: "Brother Yi, the news that the ancestor wants to take you as a disciple has spread. These are all direct descendants of my Yu family. I am very curious about you, so I came to see you."

"You are sister Ling Luo's disciple? My name is Yu Hanri, are you really so powerful?"

"Yu Yu'er has met Brother Lu, and it is rumored that Brother Lu's Ascension Tribulation attracted dozens of rare thunders? Is this true?"


All the boys and girls from the Yu family chattered and asked about Lu Yi.

Lu Yi was a little startled, the boys and girls here didn't look very old, but all of them were strong at the level of immortals.

This is probably not everyone from the younger generation of the Yu family.

As expected of the Yu Family, it is too powerful. In Tianming, even a million years may not produce a single celestial being, but as for the Yu Clan, the random younger generation is actually a celestial being!

Of course, I'm afraid there should be quite a few younger generations who are not immortals, but I'm afraid they won't be able to play with such a proud figure like Yu Yuanwu.

These are the geniuses of the younger generation of the Yu family. In the future, even if they can't become high-level figures in the Yu family, they will have to mix with middle-level figures, and maybe they can produce a few elders at the level of golden immortals.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

They were a little curious about Lu Yi's attitude, but also a little unconvinced.

Lu Yi didn't care, just smiled.

"Okay, Brother Yi's talent is affirmed even by the ancestors, how can there be fakes?" Yu Yuanwu said.

Obviously, Yu Yuanwu has great prestige among this group of people, and everyone stopped talking when they heard Yu Yuanwu's words.

Yu Yuanwu looked at Lu Yi with anticipation in his eyes, and said, "By the way, Brother Yi, you haven't forgotten our agreement, right? Come to learn from each other?"

Lu Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Yuanwu: "So it's because of this."

Of course he has no objection, after all, there are rewards for sparring.

Yu Yuanwu is also at the level of a fairy. As a genius of a big family like the Yu family, Lu Yi is very curious whether his own strength can be compared with him.

Lu Yi is also looking forward to this battle, which will let Lu Yi know whether there is any gap between himself and the top geniuses in Tianluo Starfield.

"It happens to be fine today, so come on."

Hearing this, Yu Yuanwu's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Okay! I've been waiting for several days for Brother Yi's words."

The children of the Yu family even showed anticipation.

To be honest, they all knew that Lu Yi was just a monk from a little fan star.

Although they were accepted as direct disciples by Peak Master Lingluo, they really couldn't imagine that a monk from a mortal star really had such a high talent that even the ancestors wanted to accept him as a disciple.

You must know that even among the younger generation, few people in the ancestors would look up to them, let alone praise them repeatedly.

This made them very unconvinced.

"Let us see Brother Lu's true strength!"

Yu Yuanwu smiled and said, "Brother Yi, come with me!"

The group of people turned into streamers, disappeared into the courtyard, and flew towards the distance. Lu Yi also smiled and followed.

All the children of the Yu family have mastered the speed-type fairy art, and their speed is extremely fast. Obviously they want to try Lu Yi's speed.

However, no matter how fast they were, Lu Yi's expression remained calm.

He stepped across the void, like a stroll in a garden, following them, walking slowly.

This speed shocked them all.

"Is this the law of space?"

"I heard from Uncle Tianfeng that Brother Lu has mastered a very powerful law of space, and can even pass through a large formation of Xuanxian level."

"??? Fuck, is it true? He can pass through the Xuanxian Great Formation?!"

The disciples of the Yu family transmitted voices secretly, a little dumbfounded.

Naturally, Yu Yuanwu had also heard of it, and seeing Lu Yi's speed was so powerful, he had to admire it.

The group soon came to a high mountain.

This high mountain has a height of thousands of kilometers, and the top of the mountain has been flattened to form a platform with a size of more than 30 kilometers, engraved with mysterious patterns on it.

Lu Yi glanced at it, a little startled, even he couldn't fully comprehend the profoundness of the formation.

This is a defensive formation that exceeds the level of Xuanxian!

A group of people landed on the platform. Seeing Lu Yi observing the surroundings, Yu Yuanwu said with a smile: "Brother Yi, this is the martial arts stage of my Yu family. There are many such martial arts stages in the entire Yuxing. It is used by the children of our Yu family to learn from each other. Each martial art stage is equipped with a golden immortal-level defensive formation and a large space formation. After opening, it will become a small world with a radius of thousands of kilometers, which is enough for monks under Xuanxian Compete in it."

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

Hearing this, Lu Yi grinned: "As expected of the Yu Family."

He can't arrange such a large formation now, and he didn't expect to see it everywhere on this planet.

The children of the Yu family all looked proud.

As the children of the largest family in the Tianluo Starfield, they have reason to be proud.

From birth, they are not on the same starting line as others.

All the immortals present at the scene, when they were born, were at worst cultivated in the realm of transforming gods.

It can be said that the strength of their birth is stronger than the strength of most of Tianming's monks who have struggled for a lifetime.

"Open the formation!" Yu Yuanwu took out a drop of star marrow and dropped it on the formation.

The next moment, the mysterious pattern flickered, and Lu Yi could clearly feel that the surrounding space lines were twisting, and the whole space was stretched and shrunk, and finally turned into a small world with a radius of thousands of kilometers.

Under their feet, the platform that was originally only more than 30 kilometers away was also extending at this moment, turning into a radius of thousands of kilometers.

Lu Yi and Yu Yuanwu stood opposite each other, more than ten kilometers apart.

For immortals, this distance is almost non-existent.

While the other Yu Family disciples stood in the distance one by one, looking forward to watching the two of them.

Even, in the distant area, there are some monks standing in the clouds, also looking at this area.

This also includes Jade Gorilla and Yuhan Guang.

"Brother, is he that Lu Yi?" A graceful and beautiful woman looked at Lu Yi with a gleam in her eyes.

"Well, it's him." Yu Zhuan nodded slightly, looked at Lu Yi in the distance, and was also curious about Lu Yi's strength.

After all, he had heard too many reports about Lu Yi's combat power, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. This time, it was the first time.

The woman raised her eyebrows, her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity: "He really has the aura of Dao as the ancestor said?"

When the men and women nearby heard this, they all looked over.

These people are all high-ranking members of the Yu Family, and their cultivation bases are at the lowest level of Golden Immortals.

As Jinxian and even Xianjun level powerhouses, they naturally understand what it means to have the aura of the Dao.

Jade Gorilla nodded slightly: "This is what the ancestor said, he is an immortal, he can see things that we can't see."

When the others heard this, their eyes flashed with inexplicable brilliance.

"Having the aura of the Dao is really a blessing... there really is such a son of the Dao." A tall man with his hands crossed his chest and exclaimed.

"It's a pity that he is not from our Yu family." A white-haired old man looked at Lu Yi and sighed.

"You can't say that, he is Ling Luo's direct disciple, no different from my Yu family." Another middle-aged man in Yushu Linfeng smiled slightly.

"Disciple... After all, the relationship with relatives is not good." The old man shook his head and said.

"Heh, it's not easy. Betroth this kid to a woman from our family. If one doesn't work, just bring a few more and let him keep his blood. Then he will be a member of my Yu family." An old woman laughed.

"That's a good idea." Everyone else smiled, their eyes sparkling, looking for something.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

"Brother, I think Xiao Lingluo is not bad, she is the most outstanding girl among the juniors of our Yu family." The graceful and beautiful woman smiled lightly.

When the others heard the words, they also looked at the jade gorilla.

The corner of Yu Gorilla's mouth twitched, and said helplessly, "I don't mind, but I'm afraid that Ling Luo won't like it."

"Hmph, isn't that girl happy? If this little guy really has the aura of the Great Dao, but the people who are loved by the Dao, such an existence, if there is no extreme in the future, will almost certainly become an Immortal Venerable, or even an Immortal King. This status will not humiliate her. Moreover, it is also of great benefit to my Yu family."

"After all, it's a master-student relationship. She's a little girl with a thin skin, you can ask Yuan'er to do some work for her." The old man chuckled.

The beautiful woman next to her rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "If Xiao Lingluo really doesn't want to, I can do it too. This is a good match."

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

Others wanted to say something, but at this moment, everyone paused and looked in the direction of the platform.

"it has started."

On the platform, Yu Yuanwu entered the fighting state, no longer had a playful smile like before, and there was a trace of sharpness on his face.

He pinched his hands, and there were dreamlike streams of light flickering in his hands. Lu Yi only felt that his soul seemed to have received some kind of strange impact, and his spirit was slightly dazed.

And Yu Yuanwu shot out pieces of streamer in his hand, trying to penetrate Lu Yi.

However, Lu Yi's trance only calmed down for a moment. When he saw the streamer, his expression was calm, and he disappeared in place, avoiding the space.

Lu Yi was a little surprised. After building the foundations of Dao Zhibao and Chaos Zhibao many times, even if he didn't specifically improve his own Yuanshen power, Yuanshen was still extremely terrifying.

I didn't expect to be disturbed even a little bit.

Even if it's just a little blurry, it's surprising.

It can be seen that the Yu family has a fairy art specifically for the soul.

When Lu Yi was surprised, Yu Yuanwu was even more surprised.

Of course he knew that Lu Yi was extraordinary, and he planned to catch him by surprise. Generally speaking, even for immortals, Yuanshen is the weakest point. He shot with all his strength, but he didn't respond at all? !

Is this guy even so strong? How did you practice?

Yu Yuanwu couldn't understand.

However, such an attack was ineffective, Yu Yuanwu made a decisive decision and changed the means.

A mysterious and dreamy line emerged between his brows, and then a terrifying aura emerged, and the space around Lu Yi shattered, turning into a crimson world of flames. UU Reading

This made Lu Yi raise his eyebrows, this method...was somewhat similar to his own master.

My own master also dragged other monks to strange worlds, and then fought against opponents in such worlds.

As the flames surged, Lu Yi felt a tingle of pain, and was a little surprised. Even he would feel a little bit of such a high temperature.

He looked around, and he could see from the sky that the space line in this area hadn't actually changed, but the Dao pattern of the avenue had some strange changes in this area.

Lu Yi didn't quite understand what was changed, but the whole area felt like a dream to him.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

Reflect the dream into reality, and then use it to deal with opponents in reality.

The power of this law is quite powerful.

No wonder the Yu family can become such a powerful family.

However, how powerful such a dream world is depends on the user.

The sea of ​​fire engulfed Lu Yi. However, Lu Yi only felt a tingling pain in his skin, but did not suffer any damage.

Yu Yuanwu in front of him stared wide-eyed: "????"

What kind of body is this? !

He actually manifested Chiyang Tianhuo!

Such a flame is enough to melt ordinary fairy gold!

Brother Yi's physical body is stronger than ordinary fairy gold? !

Not only Yu Yuanwu, but the children of the Yu family beside him were numb all of a sudden looking at Lu Yi who was observing his surroundings in the Chiyang sky fire.

"Fuck, what kind of monster is this?"

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