MTL - My Immortal Cultivation Game Life-v2 Chapter 281 The reception team arrives

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Lu Yi and Peak Master Ling Luo also came to the sky.

Liu Ningshuang and Jian Ruyu's power of law surged around their bodies, ice crystals appeared on the surface of one body, and the surrounding vacuum seemed to be condensed by frost.

The other one is surrounded by a sharp sword light, and the whole world is like a sea of ​​swords.

The strength of both of them is very strong, and Lei Yun naturally gathers a lot of them.

The two had a good understanding, and they started crossing the catastrophe after a long distance, so as not to be disturbed by each other.

After Lu Yi and Peak Master Lingluo arrived, Long Yuan and others from a distance flew over immediately.

"Second miss, friend Lu Yi."

Immortals greeted the two of them one by one.

"Fellow Daoist Lu Yi has broken through to the Heavenly Immortal level, so he should be going to the Jiuyou Battlefield right away?" Long Yuan looked at Lu Yi.

The other immortals were also curious. When they heard about the Nine Nether Battlefield, their faces were filled with apprehension and even a little fear.

As immortals, they have naturally been there, and they have left indelible memories there.

Lu Yi smiled and nodded: "When the monks from the Three-eyed Clan come over, we will leave."

Wang Jianyuan sighed: "Daoist Lu Yi, you must be careful when you go here, the land of the Nine Nethers is extremely weird, I was corrupted by the Nine Nethers at the beginning, and it eventually led to a big mistake."

[In other words, reading aloud and listening to books is currently the best, change the source, huanyuan. Install the latest version. 】

Lu Yi understood that Wang Jianyuan was talking about the Immortal Sword Sect, he nodded slightly: "Thank you for reminding me, fellow Daoist Wang, I will pay attention."

Buyunjian opened his mouth, then clasped his hands together and said, "Daoist Lu Yi, if you are going to the Zhen'an Battlefield in the territory of the Three-Eyed Clan, can you please take care of Wei Kang from our Excalibur Sect?"

Hearing this, Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, "Who is Wei Kang?"

"He is the second ascended immortal of my Divine Sword Sect, but he entered the Zhen'an battlefield decades ago, so I don't know what's going on now." Buyunjian said with a wry smile.

Lu Yi nodded slightly: "If I went to the Zhen'an battlefield, I would take care of it for fellow Taoists."

Having received Lu Yi's promise, Buyunjian was overjoyed, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you fellow Taoist Lu Yi!"

Soon, the catastrophe of Jian Ruyu and Liu Ningshuang officially began.

Both of them are people with astonishing talents, and their strength is equally strong, and the Ascension Thunder Tribulation they attracted is naturally not weak.

Although it is far inferior to Lu Yi, there are also two alien thunders.

This made all the immortals startled and envious.

In the Mortal Realm, they might be geniuses, but after ascension, they discovered that there are many more geniuses than them.

Although Tianjie is very strong, Jian Ruyu and Liu Ningshuang are not weak. After all, they are often pulled by Lu Yi to compete, and naturally they also get Lu Yi's perception and guidance on fairy arts and laws.

Coupled with the fairy artifact that Lu Yi gave them, it is not particularly difficult to resist.

However, disgrace is inevitable.

Soon, the thunder calamity dissipated, and the two were soaked in blood, but their aura was many times stronger than before.

They officially ascended to immortality.

The injuries on the two of them recovered extremely quickly, and they looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Then they flew towards Lu Yi and the others.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Jian Ruyu."

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist Liu Ningshuang."...

In the past, they were only juniors, but after becoming immortals, they are equal to the status of these seniors.

Liu Ningshuang and Jian Ruyu responded one by one.

Peak Master Lingluo nodded in satisfaction: "Not bad, go back."

Long Yuan and others: "..."

Their desire to eat and drink was shattered again.

The group returned to Lingluo Peak.

Liu Ningshuang and Jian Ruyu couldn't wait to go back to the cave to retreat and consolidate their realm.

They are different from Lu Yi. When they break through to the Celestial Immortal, their aura is transforming into the aura of a fairy spirit. The aura fluctuates violently, and it takes a certain amount of time to consolidate their realm.


Another half month passed.

Suddenly, a hole appeared in the vacuum, and a spaceship carved with the statue of the Three-Eyed Race rushed out and flew towards Tianming.

On the spaceship, Bam and several three-eyed monks looked at the dawn not far away.

Several three-eyed monks looked a little nervous, and one of them looked at Bam: "Fellow Bam, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you to introduce me to the guide job this time."

"The breakthrough this time is probably that legendary figure? A genius who is praised even by Lord Yu Tianfeng, the personal disciple of the second lady of the Yu family?"

"I don't know the temperament of that fellow Taoist? It won't be difficult to talk, right?"

Bam smiled and said, "Fellow daoists, let's talk about it. Now that you have found me, I will try my best. From my point of view, I'm afraid it's that fellow daoist. His talent is really strong. How long has it been?" , and actually ascended. But don’t worry, that fellow Taoist has a very gentle personality and won’t embarrass you. And the second lady is also there, this is the rule set by the Yu family, and she obviously knows it best.”

Hearing this, several three-eyed monks were visibly relieved.

"Having said that, the few of us are not familiar with that person after all. There is an acquaintance here, so it's easier to talk, isn't it?" A three-eyed monk said with a smile.

Bam nodded slightly: "Yes."

The spaceship soon entered dawn, and under the guidance of Bam, it flew in the direction of Baiyunzong.


Lu Yi naturally felt the powerful immortal aura appearing in Tianming, and it flew towards Baiyunzong. He opened his eyes, and there was a stream of light in them.

"come yet?"

He turned into a streamer, left the cave, and came to the peak.

"Master, I ask to see you." Lu Yi stood in front of the bamboo house and called.

Soon, the bamboo house door opened: "Come in."

Lingluo Peak Master was lying on the bamboo couch, like a salted fish, with sleepy eyes.

Since the Rakshasa army retreated, this guy has returned to his original salted fish appearance.

"It should be the person who received the guide." Lingluo Peak Master naturally also felt the breath.

At this moment, the spaceship landed not far from Baiyunzong, several breaths approached quickly, and when they came outside Baiyunzong, they consciously stopped.

"Comrade Baiyunzong, Bam, is a friend of Fellow Daoist Lu Yi. I want to meet Fellow Daoist Lu Yi."

Hearing this, Lu Yi's face became slightly strange.

Unexpectedly, it was Bam.

Lingluo Peak Master also had a strange expression on his face: "I'm afraid the guide team guessed that you were the one who ascended, otherwise they wouldn't have such a good temper when dealing with ordinary monks who have just ascended."

In fact, not only Lingluo Peak Master had a strange expression, but even Long Yuan and the others, who were planning to watch a good show, also had strange expressions at the moment.

They were also attracted before, and they were not less angry at the beginning.

Lu Yi didn't think much, Lingluo Peak Master took him and flew out into the sky.

Bam and several immortals from the Three-Eyed Clan were there, and after seeing Peak Master Lingluo, Bam hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I've seen Second Miss."

The other monks of the Three-Eyed Clan are very discerning people. Seeing Bam's appearance, they quickly followed suit: "I've met Second Miss."

"Well, you are the guide group of the Three-Eyed Clan, Lu Yi can't go with you."

"Ah?" The expressions on the faces of the three-eyed monks, including Bam, froze.


blue sky wash rain

Read The Duke's Passion