MTL - My Husband With Scholar Syndrome-Chapter 9 You are my window

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The previous conversation between the two was interrupted by a few students who suddenly appeared. After completing the occupation certificate, Fang Hui dragged Mu Xiaoya to the neighborhood Coffee shop.

"Cappuccino plus a piece of black forest cake, you go buy it." Fang Hui directed Mu Xiaoya politely as soon as she entered the cafe.

"Good young lady, do you want something else?" Mu Xiaoya matched.

"Let ’s do this first, and then add this to Miss Ben." Fang Hui Ao Jiao shook her head and went to find a seat inside.

Mu Xiaoya smiled and went to the front desk to buy cake and coffee.

Fang Hui took a sip of his coffee, and Yu Guang swept into the black coffee in front of Mu Xiaoya, frowning suddenly: "How do you drink black coffee, how bitter it is."

Mu Xiaoya was surprised, and then came over. After going abroad, because she was too busy to study and work, she often stayed up late to catch the design draft, so she got into the habit of drinking black coffee. But now I don't like it.

"I haven't slept well recently, refreshingly." Mu Xiaoya casually made an excuse.

"Uncle and aunt don't agree," Fang Hui guessed.

"I didn't say no, I was still thinking about it."

"Consider? When did your uncle and aunt consider your decision from childhood to age, and which time did not fully support it? It means that they disagree." Fang Hui was most envious of Xiao Xiaoya's enlightened and democratic Parents, unlike her parents, love to be blind.

"They will agree." Mu Xiaoya said confidently.

"It doesn't work if you don't agree, anyway, you've got your card." Fang Hui said.

"Yeah." Mu Xiaoya suddenly remembered that Shirakawa seemed to have said the same thing last night. She didn't hold back immediately, and laughed out loud.

"Do you still have a laugh?" Fang Hui reminded, "Seriously, Shirakawa is an autistic. Does he know what marriage is? Marriage is not an impulse to get a certificate. The husband's chief looks good. Live together. When you have children later ... yes, does he know how to have children? "

"Fang Hui!" Mu Xiaoya glanced at her friend with a bad temper, and she said it was serious, how she got to the back and became less funny.

"Are you ... that one?" As soon as this thought deviated, how could he not turn back, Fang Hui was not afraid that Mu Xiaoya glared at her, and the more she asked, the more explicit.

"what are you thinking?"

"That's gone." Fang Hui knew Mu Xiaoya's expression and knew that the newlyweds were still pure and indistinguishable from Zhang Baizhi. "No, I'll have to check, if the autistic patient wouldn't You should leave as soon as possible. "Then, Fang Hui really checked with her mobile phone.

"You're enough!" Mu Xiaoya was ashamed and angry, grabbing Fang Hui's cell phone.

"Okay, don't tease you." Fang Hui saw Mu Xiaoya anxious and stopped teasing her. "When are you planning to hold a wedding?"

"Should ... not do it." Mu Xiaoya said hesitantly.

"Also, after all, an old man died at home." Fang Hui nodded in understanding.

When referring to Grandma Bai, Mu Xiaoya couldn't help but glance at the jade bracelet on her left wrist.

"The bracelet on your hand was given by white grandma?" Fang Hui noticed Mu Xiaoya's expression and guessed.

"Um." Mu Xiaoya nodded.

"This bracelet does not look cheap. It seems that the elderly are really satisfied with your granddaughter." Although Fang Hui does not understand jade, as long as it is true, the price is definitely not low.

Mu Xiaoya smiled and didn't speak.

"By the way, what's the attitude of Shirakawa's parents towards you?" Fang Hui asked again, "Aren't you going to study abroad next month? Will their family agree with you?"

"I ... don't study abroad." Mu Xiaoya said.

"Aren't you going?" Fang Hui frowned. "You gave up even studying abroad for Shirakawa?"

"It wasn't for Shirakawa. I didn't want to go by myself. I thought about it and I decided to open a studio with you." Mu Xiaoya originally wanted to talk to Fang Hui about this, and just when Fang Hui asked, she asked Simply said.

She and Fang Hui University both studied footwear design. In the second half of the senior year, facing the situation of graduating, she and Fang Hui made completely different choices. She applied for a postgraduate degree from Sg Design College, and plans to continue her studies. Fang Hui decided to open a studio and do footwear design herself.

"Do you open a studio with me? You don't mean, as for our unrecognized university graduates, is it definitely a loss to open a studio?" Fang Hui was surprised. When she said she wanted to open a studio, Mu Xiaoya didn't interrupt. And Fang Hui knew that Mu Xiaoya was worried, but she didn't care. She actually opened a studio just for fun, and it doesn't matter if she loses, anyway, her dad is rich.

"Pattern you have said, if you lose, you will lose your money. Anyway, my sister is rich." Mu Xiaoya exasperated.

In the last life, Fang Hui's studio was not very effective, and Fang Hui himself supported the money with no money. If it was before, Xiaoya Mu would naturally not choose to open a studio with Fang Hui, but now, she just wants to do a job she likes, and spend the next four years at leisure.

"I almost forgot, you are married to a rich man now, not bad money ~~"

"Yes." Mu Xiaoya responded with a smile. In fact, she had some savings. When she was in college, she sold several design drawings of the shoes to the manufacturer. The design fee was added to the commission. There are also two or three hundred thousand. It is basically enough to use it as an upfront investment in the studio.

"Let's go to the house that afternoon. I'll make an appointment with the agent?" With Mu Xiaoya's joining, Fang Hui immediately became full of energy.

"Okay." Mu Xiaoya readily agreed.

After school, Mu Ruozhou went to the vegetable market with his wife to buy vegetables, and then slowly walked home. When they were discussing whether to make fish or meat first at night, they suddenly found that two people were standing upright in front of their door, carrying many gift boxes in their hands.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Shen."

"Mr. Bai, Mrs. Bai?" Mu Ruozhou hesitated slightly, and then knew the other party's intention.

Although he and his wife were somewhat unacceptable about their daughter's sudden marriage to Shirakawa, they could not keep people out.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Shen, Xiaochuan and Xiaoya got married, it was rude to our Bai family." As soon as he entered the door, Bai Guoyu apologized first.

"Mr. Bai doesn't need to do this, Xiaoya told us that the matter of marriage is her own decision, and it's not your business." Mu Ruozhou is not an unreasonable person. This matter is actually not bad for Bai family. Their daughter is going to marry herself.

Bai Guoyu and his wife looked at each other, both of them knew clearly that although Mu Ruozhou said politely, he was actually reluctant to marry his daughter to Shirakawa. At this point, they had prepared in their hearts before coming.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Shen, in fact, we are here today and want to formally discuss with you the marriage of the children." Li Rong said.

"How are you going to discuss?" Mu Ruozhou frowned.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Shen." Li Rong said extremely sincerely, "This marriage, I know it is our Xiaochuan Gao Pan Xiaoya your family. Ask yourself, if Xiaoya is my daughter, I will not agree to let her marry To a husband with autism. But I ’m Ogawa ’s mother, and I personally want to promote this marriage. So we are here today to win your consent for Ogawa ’s family. ”

Seeking the consent of the woman's parents, this kind of thing should have been the man's own, but Shirakawa is an autistic patient, he can't do it, so only the Bai Guoyu couple can come. This happened to be the place where the two couples, Mu Ruozhou, cared about most, but they listened patiently.

"Ogawa has autism. He lives in his own world and it is difficult for others to walk in. This is where you worry. But what I want to tell you is that in the world of Ogawa, there is Xiaoya. Li Rong said, "Shirakawa's grandmother said something when she was in the hospital. She said that Ogawa's world is very small, and he can almost only fit himself. But when he is open to someone, that person It will be his world. That's how your daughter is to my son. "

"Of course, we also know that we are not convinced by saying so, so we brought in the doctor in charge of Ogawa. If you are convenient, can you listen to his professional opinions?" Li Rong asked for their consent.

Doctor in charge of Shirakawa? Mu Ruozhou and his wife looked at each other, then agreed with Li Rong's suggestion.

Baichuan's attending doctor, Professor Feng, is an authority on autism. In order to visit the Mu family today, Bai Guoyu personally went to the hospital to invite people. Professor Feng had been waiting outside the car before.

Bai Guoyu went out personally to invite Professor Feng. After a brief greeting, Professor Feng did not rush to introduce Shirakawa's condition, but put a few videos of Shirakawa's treatment first.

In the first video, Shirakawa is very small. It looks like he is seven or eight years old. He sits quietly in the chair and draws pictures. He is very focused. No matter how much Feng wants to communicate with him, he always Ignore it until Professor Feng asks him, "Is the **** the painting your friend?"

"Mu Xiaoya." Half a ring, Shirakawa's childish voice was clearly transmitted from the video.

In the second video, Shirakawa grew up, about eleven or twelve years old, and he was reading a comic book.

"Ogawa, why do you suddenly think of reading a comic book?"

Shirakawa ignored it.

"Does this comic book look good?"

Shirakawa ignored it.

"Who bought this book for you?"

Shirakawa replied for a moment, "Xiaoya's."

Later, two or three videos of treatment were broadcast one after another, most of which were similar. When Professor Feng could not communicate with Shirakawa, as long as Mu Xiaoya was mentioned, Shirakawa would give more or less responses.

Professor Feng later explained: "I have encountered many children with autism. Some of them do not speak at all, and some of them do not even know their own family. Very few children with autism who express their desires are rare Some have recovered to the point of Shirakawa. The recovery of Shirakawa is a miracle in the medical records I studied, because he almost restored his ability to socialize. "

"Of course, there is still a gap between this ability and ordinary people, but as long as he is willing to go out, he is entirely possible to live independently." Professor Feng said, "and the reason why he can recover so well , Because there is a window between his own world and our world. This kind of window, most autistic patients, may not have it for life. But Shirakawa is very lucky to have two . "

"One is Grandma Bai, the other is Mu Xiaoya."

The mood of Mu Ruozhou and his wife was extremely complicated, and they couldn't help looking at the final frame in the video. In the picture, Shirakawa, who looks like a teenager, is painting. On the drawing paper is the back of a girl. She is sitting on the green grass and looking into the distance. Under the skirt are colorful flowers. The color of the whole painting is bright and lively, and the bright and cheerful mood almost jumps on the paper.

That's Mu Xiaoya in Shirakawa's eyes.