MTL - My Husband With Scholar Syndrome-Chapter 70 No need to understand sadness

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Autistic patients are only willing to listen to what they want to hear or what they care about. If it's something they don't care about, then even if you repeat it countless times in front of them, they can automatically block it. But if it's something they care about, even if you just inadvertently say a word in front of them, they will always remember it, even grumble.

Bai Ye is just a hypothesis, but this hypothesis that every time he goes through Shirakawa's mind, he will irritably smash things.

No, you have to control yourself.

Some hurriedly opened the drawer on the right-hand side, and Shirakawa took out the headphones inside and put it on himself, until all the surrounding noises disappeared, and only Mu Xiaoya's singing remained in the world, and his mood gradually eased.

"What's wrong with Er Shao?" Outside the office, the fat man slid his chair to Astro Boy, "I haven't seen Er Shao wearing headphones for a while."

"I guess it was a fight with the general manager." After all, these two young men just returned from the general manager's office.

"Well ... Big news, Er Shao gave the general manager a shit." Astong's voice fell, and suddenly someone shouted aloud.

"No, how is it possible." The gossips of excitement rose up.

"It is true that this matter has spread in the company group. I checked it, and the source of the gossip is the first secretary of the general manager's office."

"I'll go, your boy will go to the black gossip group next door again, but the news from the general manager should not be fake."

"Our two young men are mighty, even ** oss dare to talk."

"Is only curious, what did the general manager do to our second younger, that made us both more lazy to talk about the second younger, and suddenly started?"

"I'm more curious. How can our younger brother, the general manager, be reluctant to anger us?"

The discussion in the R & D department was in full swing, and while discussing the matter, they were observing Shirakawa's look through the glass while secretly rubbing his eyes. With the help of Shirakawa's inaudibility, the bright gossip came to the parties.

After listening to it for a while, Astro Boy took out his mobile phone and sent a small message to Mu Xiaoya: Er Shao called the general manager. At this moment, he was in a bad mood.

The mobile phone number was given to Astro Boy by Mu Xiaoya, so that in the event that Shirakawa has something in the company, someone in the R & D department can contact her directly.

When Mu Xiaoya received the news, she was startled. How could Shirakawa beat Shiba? She immediately responded to the message and asked: What happened?

Astro Boy: I'm not sure. The general manager must have been beaten anyway. It is said that his eyes were bruised. (From the latest supplementary gossip message.)

Mu Xiaoya frowned: What about Shirakawa now? Are you feeling good?

Astro Boy: Er Shao wears headphones, and her mood is still stable.

Mu Xiaoya: OK, thank you.

How could Shirakawa hit someone? And listening to Astro's narrative, although Shirakawa's mood fluctuated, he did not develop the disease.

In the case of no illness, take the initiative to hit people, in addition to worrying, Mu Xiaoya is more curious, what happened, can give a good-tempered Shirakawa to beat people anxiously.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Shirakawa appeared on time in front of the studio door. He ran in like a gust of wind and held Mu Xiaoya on the sofa tightly in his arms.

"What's the matter?" Mu Xiaoya, who was suddenly hugged, looked up in surprise, only to find that Shirakawa was holding too hard, and she couldn't move.

"Xiaoya." Shirakawa lowered her head and buried her face in Mu Xiaoya's neck, her voice muffled, as if she had suffered endless grievances.

"What's wrong?" Mu Xiaoya asked again patiently, and couldn't help whispering in her heart. The news she got was clearly that her husband had beaten the uncle, how could it look like her husband was wronged.

"Will you divorce me?" Shirakawa asked, and subconsciously clasped the person in his arms for a few moments, fearing that his wife would suddenly run away.

"Divorce ?!" Where does this start, Mu Xiaoya's face is confused, "Why should I divorce you?"

"Don't divorce?"

"Do not leave."

"You promise." Shirakawa was still uneasy.

"I promise, if you are still not assured, we will tear up the marriage certificate when we go back, so we can't do without it." Mu Xiaoya laughed, and she had to hurry up to show her position, otherwise she would soon be out of breath Here comes anger.

"Well, tear it back when you go back." It turned out that there was still this method. He knew it long ago.

Really want to tear, Mu Xiaoya was speechless: "What's the matter with you, why suddenly mention divorce?"

"Both brothers are not good." Shirakawa now remembers it, but she still feels very annoying. "He has been divorced himself, and he wants me to divorce."

"Not so much." Mu Xiaoya did not believe, how could Bai Yan be such a person.

"Then why did he suddenly let me divorce you?"

Mu Xiaoya froze for a while, feeling that she was about to solve the case.

"So you hit him?"

"Huh." Shirakawa paused and looked up and asked, "How do you know, he has sued you?"

How could Baihuan sue me? Mu Xiaoya was almost teased by Shirakawa: "It was Astro Boy who told me, he told me that you had killed your elder brother."

"Well, I'm sorry! I hate him!" Shirakawa felt angry now.

The cause of the fight is known, but how could Shiba let Shichuan divorce himself for no reason? Mu Xiaoya thought for a while and asked, "Brother is not this kind of person, have you misunderstood him, did he still say something?"

"I gave him a gift, and he accepted it." Shirakawa was a little bit grieved. He wouldn't give him a gift if he knew it. "Then he asked me suddenly, what would happen to me if you left me?"

It turned out to be...

Mu Xiaoya understood, she pulled La Baichuan's arm, motioned him to sit beside him, and moved the cup of coffee that was almost spilled in front of Shirakawa, persuading: "Brother said if, if it is a kind of Suppose he doesn't really want us to divorce. "

"I don't like this assumption," Shirakawa frowned. "I hate this assumption."

"I know you hate it, but ..." Looking at Shirakawa's extreme resistance, Mu Xiaoya suddenly realized a problem. Now Shirakawa's expression and understanding of feelings are much better than before. So if he left after a few years, would he really accept this parting as he wished. A little sad, but not too sad?

Obviously, Bai Ye was so jealous of this, so he tried to test Shirakawa after telling him that he might be sick. The response given by Shirakawa was clearly beyond his expectations, and beyond his own expectations.

"Ogawa, I won't divorce you." Mu Xiaoya straightened up.

"Um." Shirakawa nodded happily, this kind of guarantee, he won't get bored many times.

"But if I get sick ..."

"Are you sick? Let's go to the hospital." Shirakawa immediately stood up from the sofa, pulling Mu Xiaoya to the hospital.

"No, you sit down, I mean if." Mu Xiaoya reluctantly soothed Shirakawa.

"Why do you have to say if, I hate if." Shirakawa hates these assumptions, because every if there is something bad behind it, so is Big Brother and Xiaoya.

"Because cousin ..." Mu Xiaoya asked, "cousin suddenly left, my cousin was very sad, and I was also very sad, how about you?"

"I ... I'm not sad." Shirakawa answered his feelings honestly. "I ... I don't understand the emotion, sorry."

Shirakawa couldn't understand this sad emotion, but his reason told him that this situation was not right, because it was a very bad thing for someone to leave.

"You don't need to apologize, you are so good." Mu Xiaoya was relieved when he heard Shirakawa's answer. Shirakawa really didn't understand. He didn't know how to feel sad and sad. This is great. It ’s good to never understand. "

Shirakawa understood it, he always let himself grow in the direction that Mu Xiaoya expected. If Mu Xiaoya wanted him to understand, then he worked hard to learn, if he didn't want to, he worked hard to maintain As is. He didn't ask much, as long as Xiaoya didn't leave him.

It was another weekend, and Shen Qingyi, who had not let them eat for several weeks, suddenly called a day in advance to let Mu Xiaoya pass the weekend. They dare not neglect, and went to the Mu family early Saturday morning.

"Let you come over for dinner, why are you here so early?" Shen Qingyi gave her daughter a white look. "My dad and I have to go to school in a while."

"Not ready for the final exam?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"It's so easy to get the papers done, and then you have to arrange for examinations, correct the papers, a lot of things." Shen Qingyi said.

"It's okay, you guys are busy with you, and I'll go to the next room and read a book next time. Wait for the afternoon, we will go shopping, I will cook for you at night, you remember to come back and eat."

"This marriage is really more and more virtuous." Shen Qingyi laughed. "That line, you cook, then let your dad wash the dishes."

"I wash the dishes." Shirakawa quit, how could his father-in-law **** away his work.

"Good son-in-law, I don't feel bad for you, your old husband." Mu Ruozhou was relieved when he saw Shirakawa doing this.

Shirakawa gave a pleasant hum. He didn't know what he did, but the old man was boasting that he understood.

Shirakawa's response was too funny, making people laugh for a while. Later, the Mu family husband and wife went to school to work, and Mu Xiaoya and Shirakawa spent a few days at home, then went to the study in the courtyard next door to read, always seeing lunch time, came back and simply cooked bowl of noodles. Waiting for the afternoon, the two went out to buy something, stuffed the kitchen refrigerator.

Because Shirakawa particularly likes eating at home, Mu Xiaoya's cooking has improved notably over the past six months. In the afternoon, a dinner was prepared very richly. Four people, six dishes and one soup, the soup was stewed chicken soup for one afternoon, so that the second home of Mujia, who was still at home, smelled the fragrance from afar.

"Still boiled?" Mu Ruozhou strode into the kitchen. "Oh, it's chicken soup. I haven't had it in a long time."

"Then you drink more later," Mu Xiaoya laughed.

"Okay, I'm going to change clothes." Mu Ruozhou laughed and turned back to the bedroom to change clothes. Shen Qingyi glanced at the table and found that the food was almost ready, and went back to the house to change clothes.

Mu Xiaoya and Shirakawa served the chicken soup together, and when they brought it to the table, the oldest member of the Mu family also changed clothes and walked out.

Four people ate at the table, the food was delicious, and one at the table talked and laughed in a warm and harmonious atmosphere. At the end of the meal, Mu Ruozhou and his wife looked at each other, and at the same time put down their chopsticks.

Mu Xiaoya immediately guessed that her parents had something to say.

"Xiaoya, my mother and I called you over here today, and there was something I wanted to say to you and Shirakawa." Mu Ruozhou spoke.

"You said." Mu Xiaoya put down her chopsticks and listened to her ears. Seeing Shirakawa, he stopped his movements and learned how his daughter-in-law looked like he was sitting tightly.

"In the recent period, something bad happened, and your cousin ... suddenly disappeared." When talking about Lin Han, Mu Ruozhou couldn't help but sigh again, "This life is so impermanent."

"Dad, you can just say whatever you have," Mu Xiaoya found out, this teacher just likes to pave the way, and her dad is no exception to a math teacher. In fact, as soon as her dad spoke, she already guessed what the second old man wanted to say.

"Let's do it." Shen Qingyi knew that her husband was uncomfortable, so he took the initiative and said, "This is your cousin's disease. It is a genetic disease. We learned about it later. People with blood relationships may have the disease in their genes. "

Genetic disease? !

Shirakawa, who had been listening quietly, stood up for a moment. He looked at his father-in-law and his mother-in-law with horror, and asked with a trembling voice: "What genetic disease?"

When Lin Han was found to have a genetic disease, Shirakawa was not in the hospital at that time, and Mu Xiaoya did not deliberately mention it with Shirakawa after returning, so Shirakawa did not know about the genetic disease until now.

"Don't know?" Shen Qingyi looked at her daughter in doubt.

"I didn't say it." Mu Xiaoya shook her head, calming Shirakawa and sitting down again.

"What genetic disease, Xiaoya and cousin also have blood relationship, does it also have genetic disease? Does Xiaoya also have the same disease as cousin?" For a moment, strong logical thinking reminded Shirakawa of all possibilities. As a consequence, the more he thinks about it, the more afraid he becomes, and the more afraid he becomes, the more disturbed he becomes. The sense of helplessness that he hadn't had for a long time is constantly expanding in his mind.

"Don't be nervous, listen to me." Shen Qingyi knew that Shirakawa was worried about Xiaoya, and hurriedly explained, "Xiaoya is okay. I asked about it during this time. Most women in our family have grown up I have dizziness, I have it, Lin Han has it too, but Xiaoya doesn't, so Xiaoya should be safe. "

Mu Xiaoya glanced at her mother, blinked, and said nothing.

"What about the mother, will the mother get sick?" Hearing Xiaoya was okay, most of the helplessness and anxiety subsided instantly, and the rest were concerns about the mother-in-law.

"That's ... we want to tell you today." Shen Qingyi said.

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