MTL - My Husband With Scholar Syndrome-Chapter 56 Tanabata gift three

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Five points.

Mu Xiaoya, who was already packing things to get off work, suddenly received a message from Shirakawa, opened it, and let her make a strange noise.

"What's wrong?" Fang Hui asked.

"Ogawa said he was going to work overtime." Mu Xiaoya was puzzled, and she planned to pick Shirakawa off from work for a while, and then find a place to spend Qixi Festival.

"Isn't it that the Qixi Festival is overtime? Didn't you remind him?" Fang Hui asked.

"Not reminded ... Ogawa doesn't work overtime." A major feature of autism is the extreme regularity of life.

"So what's the situation?"

"I'll ask." Mu Xiaoya found Bai Ao's WeChat and sent a message in the past: Brother, Xiaochuan has to work overtime today?

Bai Ye also seemed a bit strange, and replied: I'll check it out.

Five minutes later, Bai Ye finished checking it, and replied to a WeChat: it is necessary to work overtime. Don't worry, I will arrange the driver to take him back.

"It seems that you can only pass me this Tanabata." Fang Hui said with regrets, leaning on Mu Xiaoya's shoulder.

Mu Xiaoya dropped her cell phone and lay on her face with a loss of face.

"Don't be sad, isn't it just the Qixi Festival, you haven't been through it for the past 20 years or so." Fang Hui comforted.

"Can it be the same?" She hadn't had anyone with her for the past 20 years, and now her husband has it, and she can't spend it with her, she feels depressed, "I gave him a gift in the morning, and reminded him specially Today is Qixi Festival, but he actually went to work overtime, nerd. "

Isn't it nerd? And he's not ordinary. He hasn't heard of autism being cured yet. In these words, Fang Hui only dared to vomit in her heart. Of course, she still had to work hard to appease this lost married woman friend.

"Okay, the Qixi Festival sisters will accompany you, eat and watch movies, and accompany them to the end. Definitely happier than your husband."

"Go, I'll blow his card." Mu Xiaoya indignantly.

"It's time to buy a house, otherwise it's hard to crack." Fang Hui teased.

Naturally, the two did not go to buy a house. They went to eat together, strolled for a while, and finally broke up without buying anything. The reason is without him, just because Ms. Mu Xiaoya was absent-minded all the time, looking at her cell phone over and over again, Fang Hui let her go simply after seeing her like this, and then went to look for love alone. The more pairs and singles in this bar, the more single men and women in the bar. Today is a good time to hunt for each other, and don't worry about hunting people who already have friends with men and women.

Mu Xiaoya returned home, Shirakawa still did not return, but the rest of the Bai family is in the living room.

"Xiao Ya, come back." Li Rong saw Mu Xiaoya, a lonely person, with a little apology in her eyes. Today is Qixi Festival, that is, she and her husband are already old wives and wives. Bai Guoyu also gave her a gift. But Shirakawa worked overtime on such an important day. Thinking of this, Li Rong couldn't help but stare at the other two men at home.

"..." Bai Guoyu, who had been given a gift and was glared, had some grievances. Although he was the chairman, he never got involved in the game company. To show innocence, he and his daughter-in-law united front, looking at the concubine on the other side of the sofa in condemnation.

Bai Yan stood up calmly, leaving a sentence I went back to the house, and left freely.

"Parents, I went up, too." Mu Xiaoya was indeed in a bad mood. After saying a greeting, she followed Bai Bai and left.

"Look ... how did you become the chairman? Today, such an important day, actually let Xiaochuan work overtime?" Li Rong asked her husband.

"Where do I know that this game thing, I always do not care." Bai Guoyu explained, "Besides, Ogawa's character, if he wants to work overtime, even if I force him to work, he will not listen."

"... Regardless, it's your fault anyway." Li Rong also knows what her husband said makes sense, but as women, Li Rong understands Mu Xiaoya's mood better today than they do. What's more, for Mu Xiaoya, the only advantage of Shirakawa is that everything is centered on her. If even this advantage is gone, what can Shirakawa rely on to keep Mu Xiaoya?

"Xing Xing Xing, let's all be big pigs' hoofs." In this unreasonable aspect, no one is better than a woman, let's make a big hoof quietly.

Back in the room, Mu Xiaoya was a bit uncomfortable with the empty space. It seemed to be the first time since she married Shirakawa, and she returned to this room alone. The Bai's maids are very dedicated and clean their rooms every day due diligence, but without Shirakawa's company, this unusually clean room looks a bit like a hotel.

Mu Xiaoya took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat to Shirakawa: Xiaochuan, when are you coming back?

Shirakawa: I'll be back when things are done.

Mu Xiaoya: Pay attention to your body, don't be too tired.

With a sigh, Mu Xiaoya put down her phone, turned to the cloakroom, took the pajamas from the closet, and when she looked back, she saw the shoe box put on the shelf by the baby Shirakawa.

"I was so happy when I received the gift, but I didn't go home at night." Mu Xiaoya glared at the shoe box, as if staring at Shirakawa. Although there was some resentment, she knew better than anyone else. Shirakawa was like that.

He has autism, his natural emotional intelligence is low, and many things cannot be thought about and taken care of. He will not understand your requirements, will not be able to detect your hidden meaning, and will not even give you back your efforts. Before getting married, Mu Xiaoya was actually prepared for these things. And it turns out that after getting married, Shirakawa performed well.

He would hug her when she was crying, give her flowers the next day, and walk for three hours to pick her up for surprise. These are far beyond Mu Xiaoya's expectations, but ** is always more inflated than reason. It wants to ask for more.

"Wait for you to come back and see how I can clean you up." Mu Xiaoya was in a better mood after the ruthless words. She all thought about it. When Shirakawa comes back, she must read Shirakawa every future festival and let him keep in mind that these festivals will not be allowed to work overtime.

Taking a shower, blowing her hair, watching a movie, Mu Xiaoya sat alone on the bed and waited until eleven o'clock to see Shirakawa return.

"Why so late?" Dissatisfied with anxiety, Mu Xiaoya couldn't help but call Shirakawa with her mobile phone.

The call was quickly connected, and there was no need for Mu Xiaoya to ask. Shirakawa spoke first: "I have ten minutes left and I'll finish it. I will be back before twelve."

"Can't do it tomorrow?" Mu Xiaoya worried.

"No, you have to finish it today, you wait for me." After that, Shirakawa hung up Mu Xiaoya's phone for the first time.

At the same time, on the balcony on the third floor, Bai Ye was also calling special assistant Lu Yang: "Is Xiaochuan still in the company?"

"It's still, but it's fast. Astro Boy said that the second child is already finishing, and it is estimated that it will be done soon." Lu Yang reported while sipping coffee.

"Send him back in person for a while, pay attention to safety."

"Yes." Lu Yang hung up the phone, wrinkled his face and went to pick up a cup of coffee. "I have to drink another refreshing drink."

Shirakawa did not return, and Mu Xiaoya had no sleepiness. She wrapped a blanket and sat on the balcony looking at the villa door. Although she knew that Shirakawa was still in the company at this time and could not be here for a while and a half, but looking at it this way, she felt more secure.


The phone's prompt light turned on, Mu Xiaoya picked it up quickly, and saw Shirakawa's message: I'm back, wait for me.

"What are you waiting for? I'll show you to sleep." Mu Xiaoya stood up, walked back to the bedroom, and even lay on the bed for a while, but after turning around for a while, she returned to the balcony honestly.

"I'm waiting, I'll let you come back to see me, and you can't let it go." The wind on the summer night is cool and pleasant, and the wind smells of sunshine, which also blows out the anxiety of Mu Xiaoya's heart. If there is also a sycamore tree here, put a swing underneath, and she can go to cool.

It's already 11.45. If you don't come back, Qixi will pass.

Suddenly, a beam of light came straight from the front. Mu Xiaoya narrowed her eyes and saw a car approaching the door of the villa.

"Second younger, is second younger back?" Uncle Li, who had been worried about Shirakawa, hadn't slept yet, and saw the car hastily opened the door of the villa.

The car drove in, stopped, the back door opened, and Shirakawa was holding something, and hurried to the villa after getting out of the car. Uncle Li, who wanted to help in the past, didn't even have time to see the appearance of Shirakawa.

"Two young ..."

"Uncle Li, I'll go back first." Lu Yang, who completed the task, greeted Uncle Li with a smile, then fell back the same way. This Qixi Festival is the day when the Cowherd and Girl Weaver meet, and he is just the magpie.

"Hmm ..." A series of footsteps, heavy and anxious, Mu Xiaoya controlled her urge to rise up, stood in place, waiting for Shirakawa to come in.

The door was pushed open, and Shirakawa saw Mu Xiaoya standing on the balcony at a glance.

"I'm back." Shirakawa smiled, smiling happily, like a traveler returning from a long journey, seeing the lights at home.

"Come back." Mu Xiaoya also laughed, all her grievances, all plans, all those ideas that want to make Shirakawa look good, were all disintegrated when she smiled at Shirakawa.

"11:50." Shirakawa walked to Mu Xiaoya's side, even breathing hard.

"You know you're late." I'm sorry to tell the time.

"Ten minutes left." Shirakawa raised his hand and held the contents of his arms to Mu Xiaoya's eyes.

"Ar glasses? Why are you coming back with this?" Shirakawa was holding a white ar eye in his hand, and the indicator light was flashing blue light.

"A Tanabata gift," Shirakawa added, "I made it myself, unique."

"You ... for me?" Mu Xiaoya suddenly couldn't breathe, did she ...

"Look at it, there are still nine minutes, and the video is seven minutes, you can finish watching it." Shirakawa helped Mu Xiaoya put on ar glasses and pressed the power button.

The blue light emanates from the glasses, and Mu Xiaoya enters a whole new world in a halo.

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