MTL - My Husband With Scholar Syndrome-Chapter 52 Make you better

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Almost all the furniture for the new house has been bought. Go to the business hall on Monday to connect to the Internet, and you can stay at any time. The Bai family is also ready for Mu Xiaoya and Shirakawa to move away at any time, and they always ask whether they are missing something on the dining table.

"There is no shortage, the shopping card given by my elder brother has not been spent yet." Mu Xiaoya said.

"It's so cheap to buy?" It took even a million to decorate a house.

"..." Mu Xiaoya.

Sorry for my fault. I can't even spend a million. It's so useless.

"Ah ... when are you planning to move?" Li Rong gave her son a disgusting glance. How much do you care about? And Bai Yu, who was scolded for giving money, had to bow his head in silence to eat.

"Next week." Mu Xiaoya laughed. "Although the newly purchased furniture smells nothing, I still want to get some ventilation."

"Yes, it is safer to ventilate, and those harmful gases will be gone." Li Rong came along with her husband to start a business and suffered harder than her eldest son.

"Mrs. Er, when I move, I will take my family over to help you pack up." Uncle Li came up with the fruit after a meal and smiled. In this newly renovated house, many places need to be cleaned. Little young people like Mrs. Er and Mrs. Er are definitely not good at it.

"It's not necessary to clean up, and the room is not large. I have cleaned up almost in the past two days." Mu Xiaoya invited with a smile, "But when we move, everyone can come and help us warm the room."

"This is good, how many will move next week? I will let the secretary free up time." As a president, although he has a lot of money, he still has to be entertained on the poor weekends. Bai Guoyu understands it. When you are rich, you usually have no time for this sentence.

"Then ... or Saturday, when I let my parents come together." Mu Xiaoya suggested.

"Okay, I'll notify the secretary." Bai Guoyu began to send a message to the secretary with his mobile phone. Bai Ao also silently stopped chopsticks and turned out his schedule with his mobile phone.

"Don't!" Suddenly, Shirakawa, who had been silent, spoke, and he stared at the crowd with a serious expression.

"Ogawa?" Mu Xiaoya looked at Shirakawa puzzledly.

"what happened?"

"Why not?" Everyone else came over.

"Don't come." Shirakawa frowned, reluctantly, "that's the home of Xiaoya and I."

"..." The restaurant was silent for a moment.

Bai Guoyu, who had just notified the secretary, put away the phone silently, Bai Ye did not turn over the schedule, picked up chopsticks again, and chopped a rib in his mouth. Li Rong, who has always been happy to see his son open, became complicated. Is this the legend that a daughter-in-law has forgotten his mother, and now she doesn't even let herself go in a new house?

"Xiaochuan." Mu Xiaoya saw that the atmosphere was not good, and hurriedly reached out to pull Shirakawa's clothes corner, whispered, "The house and furniture were prepared for us by our parents and big brothers. We are now living in it, so please They are going to be guests. "

That is! All three of the Bai family answered in their hearts.

"I also have money, and I give them back the money," Shirakawa replied.

"..." I knew I wouldn't pay you that high salary anymore, and Bai Yan fiercely choked another rib.

"Ah ..." Mu Xiaoya's embarrassed face was all green. How could this explain to Shirakawa? "Ogawa, we are a family, and we have to move around frequently."

"We come back for dinner every week." This was when Mu Xiaoya agreed to Bai's parents when he decided to move away. Every weekend, she brings Shirakawa back for dinner. Saturday's Bai family, weekend wooden family, both sides are treated the same.

Mu Xiaoya's headache support, how can there be a kind, I know that you are wrong, but I just can't feel how you feel!

The stalemate persisted, and eventually Li Rong calmed the atmosphere and said, "If you don't go, don't go, anyway, it's the same when you come back at the weekend."

"It's the same." Bai Guoyu also followed, and he and his wife understood that when Shirakawa committed an axe, no one could make sense.

"Hum!" Only Bai Yan, who dared to use mood particles to express his dissatisfaction, but it was only a mood particle. He didn't dare to look over Shirakawa when he hum.

Although the Bai family had compromised, the pleasant dinner changed. The whole table was the only one in Shirakawa that was not affected. After having a pleasant dinner, I dropped chopsticks and sat next to Mu Xiaoya.

"Ogawa, my computer seems to be a bit difficult to use. Could you help me check it out," Mu Xiaoya said to Shirakawa suddenly.

"OK." Shirakawa agreed, but didn't move.

"Would you help me see it now? I'll use it after dinner."

All the people present here were human spirits. As soon as Mu Xiaoya's remarks came down, everyone else in the Bai family looked at it. This made it clear that Shirakawa was to be opened.

However, the client Shirakawa couldn't hear. He believed Mu Xiaoya unconditionally, and nodded his head and left without hesitation.

"Xiaoya, do you have something to tell us?" Li Rong waited for Shiagawa to leave and immediately asked Mu Xiaoya.

"Yes," Mu Xiaoya replied, "It was a little late to return on Saturday, and I didn't have time to deal with your situation with Ogawa."

"What happened to Ogawa?" Saturday was the day when Shirakawa went to the nursing home to meet Professor Feng. When Li Rong heard Mu Xiaoya's words, he thought that it was Shirakawa's condition that changed, and his heart was stunned. In the same way, Bai Guoyu and Bai Yan also both came over.

"Don't worry, Professor Feng said that Xiaochuan recovered very well, and his mood was more exposed than before." Mu Xiaoya hurriedly explained.

"It scared me." Li Rong patted his chest and leaned back into the chair. "What are you telling us?"

"That's it, Professor Feng said that Xiaochuan recovered well and could be treated further. He suggested that we let Xiaochuan ... go to work alone." Mu Xiao Arden said after a moment.

"Alone, does it mean that you are not allowed to match the driver?" Bai Yan asked.

"Yes. Professor Feng said that in the beginning, Shirakawa could be allowed to take a taxi to and from work alone, which would create a relatively safe and less crowded environment for him. After he adjusted for a period of time, consider letting him sit in the public. Traffic to and from work. "Mu Xiaoya said.

"No, how can we let Xiaochuan commute to work by bus? He is most afraid of too many people, let alone let him go out alone." Li Rong first objected.

"The matter of taking the bus depends on the recovery of Ogawa, and he will be allowed to go when he adapts. If he cannot adapt, I will not let him go on the bus." Mu Xiaoya explained.

"No, I don't agree to let Xiaochuan go to work alone." Li Rong decisively said, for the first time in such a strong performance in front of Mu Xiaoya.

"Calm down first, and listen to Xiaoya first." Bai Guoyu and Bai Yan were much calmer than Li Rong.

"Mom, I know you are worried about Ogawa, and I am also worried about him. But I want to let Ogawa learn some basic life skills. At least when he goes out alone, we won't be as worried as last time. I want to make him change "Mu Xiaoya said sincerely," Of course, I will not throw Ogawa into the crowd at once. I think so. At the beginning, I would sign a monthly agreement with the rental company. Let them send a taxi each morning and evening to pick up and drop off Xiaochuan. I will know the situation of the driver and the car in advance, so that even if the car and driver are different every day, the safety of Ogawa is guaranteed. "

"Changing different cars for different drivers every day, so that Xiaochuan will not find that these cars are deliberately arranged by you, and you can urge him to communicate with the driver himself." Bai Yan immediately understood Mu Xiaoya's intention.

"Yes, as for taking the bus, I also thought about it." Mu Xiaoya continued, "There is a car downstairs in my studio directly to the Yifeng Group. I will send Xiaochuan to the car every day, etc. Ogawa arrived at Yifeng's site ... "

"I can let the security guard stare on time every day." Bai Yan answered immediately.

"You think very thoughtfully." Bai Guoyu nodded uncomfortably after listening. Mu Xiaoya sent it, and Bai Ye arranged a pick-up, so as long as Shirakawa didn't get off the bus midway, there would be no accident.

"What if, in case the driver is unreliable, or if Ogawa got off the wrong stop while taking the bus, how can we find Ogawa." When one is overly worried, she can find all the safety in this world. Hidden danger. As a mother, Li Rong easily had this ability.

"Now mobile phones have positioning capabilities, and I will always check Ogawa's location." Mu Xiaoya also took this into consideration.

"What if the cellphone is lost, so many thieves outside, Ogawa is slow to respond again."

"..." Mu Xiaoya understood Li Rong's concerns, but she really had to follow Li Rong's idea, let alone Shirakawa, and a normal person would not be absolutely safe in society. According to such excessive protection, Shirakawa can never have the ability to live independently. However, Li Rong is an elder and her mother-in-law. Although Mu Xiaoya does not agree with her, she does not have a strong attitude to refute it.

"Then bring an additional positioning device." At this time Bai Yan suddenly said, "I can install a positioning instrument in Ogawa's watch, but Ogawa is more sensitive to this, he seems to be aware of something in the watch. I had previously fitted him with a locator and he threw it directly. Is there any way you can keep him from taking it off? "

"I try." Mu Xiaoya replied.

"Baiyu, why are you ..."

"Mom, if you want to make Xiaochuan better, don't overprotect it." For Li Rong, Bai Ye didn't have as much scruples as Mu Xiaoya. Before the other party finished talking, Bai Ye directly interrupted her.


"I agree." Bai Guoyu also expressed his attitude at this time.

Four people, three to one, Li Rong froze, not talking.

"Then this matter started with me and Shirakawa moving in." Mu Xiaoya finally asked.

"Okay, I'll give you my watch in two days." Bai Yan nodded.

"Then I went up, dad, mom, elder brother, good night." Mu Xiaoya glanced at Li Rong with a guilty glance. She could understand her mother-in-law's uneasiness, but there were still some things to do.

As soon as Mu Xiaoya left, Li Rong couldn't wait to say something to her husband and son: "What happened to the two of you, did you not approve of Xiaochuan going out alone? Did you forget that Xiaochuan was lost four years ago? What happened day and night? When he came back, there was blood on his knees and elbows, and we didn't know who hit him ... "

Four years ago, Professor Feng also suggested that they moderately allow Shirakawa to move freely, but once Shirakawa disappeared and disappeared. The Bai family searched for it all day and night, but Shirakawa came back the next day. It was only when he returned that there was blood on his limbs, and the abrasions were particularly severe. The doctor said that it was most likely that a car was hit and handed over. Since this incident happened, the Bai family never dared to leave Shirakawa alone.

"Ogawa's situation is much better now than that time." Bai Guoyu said, "Moreover, I think Xiaoya is right, always let Ogawa have some social common sense."

"What if something goes wrong, do you think about the consequences?" Li Ronghong said with eyes, "I also know that Xiaoya is doing this to make Ogawa better, after all, no one I hope my husband is autistic ... "


"Li Rong!"

Bai Yan and Bai Guoyu stopped Li Rong's next words at the same time, in case she said something irretrievable.

"Mom, I know you care or mess, but Mu Xiaoya is doing it for Ogawa or herself. Do n’t you see it yourself. If she suspected that Ogawa was autistic, why did she promise to marry him? If it was only to satisfy grandma's last wishes, she could divorce at any time after grandma's departure. "Bai Yan reminded.

Bai Guoyu first glanced at his son before turning back to appease his wife, who knew she had said nothing, "Did we just say so, and give Xiaochuan to Xiaoya."

"I'm sorry. Old Bai, I'm just too scared. I can't accept that Ogawa has a little accident. After all, Ogawa is because of me ..." Professor Feng said the cause of "Scholar Syndrome". There is a medical term for "left brain injury" hypothesis". In other words, the damage to the left hemisphere of the patient's brain, that is, the side responsible for socializing, will cause the abnormal development of the right hemisphere, that is, the side that handles information. This damage may be caused by brain hypoplasia during pregnancy. Therefore, Li Rong has always felt that Shirakawa's autism was caused by his overwork during pregnancy.

"No, it's not because of you." The wife's heart, Bai Guoyu, has always known that what Professor Feng said is just a conjecture and cannot be fully confirmed. And if you must say that it must be because your wife is too tired during pregnancy, then he is the culprit. At that time, Yifeng was busy financing and going public. He was so busy that he stayed at home for three or four months. At the time, Li Rong was pregnant for six months, and she also took care of the sick Baiji.

Bai Ye knew that his parents had fallen into the blame of his brother again. If he had to be the culprit, he was only five years old at the time, and he was also very untimely sick. He is also one of the culprits. But what is the use of thinking about this, can self-blame cure Ogawa?

"What is there to be afraid of." Bai Yan said impatiently, "Anyone who has no blood relationship with us Xiaochuan dares to take this risk. Can't you, as your biological parents, bear it?"

Bai Ye ’s reason is somewhat unreasonable. The closer one is, the more worried he becomes. However, his voice questioned, but he woke up Li Rong. Love has a responsibility in addition to tolerance.

"Yes, you're right, I don't object, I support." Li Rong wiped her tears and sat up from her husband's arms. "I'll wash my face."

Bai Guoyu and his wife left and turned to look at the elder son on the opposite side, and asked with interest: "It was you who was the most uneasy about Mu Xiaoya and Ogawa getting married, why do you trust her now?"

Bai Yan glanced at his father and did not answer.

"Ask you." Bai Guoyu urged, even if the younger son was unwilling to ignore him, the older son still ignored him.

"I have started to feel uneasy because you blindly believe that now you feel relieved because you see people's hearts for a long time." After leaving this sentence, Bai Ye also left the restaurant.

Bai Guoyu shook his head with a smile, and picked a watermelon from the fruit plate with a toothpick to eat.

"Sir, you have high blood sugar and can't eat watermelon." Uncle Li intercepted the watermelon in Bai Guoyu's hand.

"I can't eat ... then what do you prepare?" Isn't this gnawing at me?

"Mrs. Er Shao likes to eat." Uncle Li laughed.


When Mu Xiaoya returned to the room, Shirakawa was sitting at the desk and working on the computer. When Mu Xiaoya came in, he immediately reported: "The computer card is because the program is unstable. I will reinstall it for you and it will be available soon. Now. "

"Don't worry." Mu Xiaoya was naturally not anxious.

"After the system is upgraded, you can use it." Xiaoya's computers are all pirated systems, which are not only unstable but incompatible, so they have to be easy to use.

"Thank you."

Shirakawa smiled, and he was already happy to help his wife.

"Xiaochuan, when you were downstairs, you refused to let their parents come to warm the house. They were a little upset." She couldn't speak straight.

Shirakawa froze, pursed his lips and stopped talking. However, Mu Xiaoya can feel that his mood has changed. From this, we can see that Shirakawa still cares about the Bai family.

"Shall we let them come to the house over the weekend?" Mu Xiaoya suggested again, "It's just that everyone will have a meal together and leave soon."

Shirakawa stared at the computer screen and unconsciously pulled his corner of the table, his face still unwilling.

"You still don't want them to come?"

"That's ... our house, you only cook for me." Shirakawa likes the home that Mu Xiaoya depicts to him, and he doesn't want any difference in these depictions. He knew that his own idea made his parents and big brother unhappy, but he just didn't want to. He tried to accept it, but he couldn't accept it in the end.

"Grandma said, I can refuse things that I don't want." Shirakawa can change things he can change for Mu Xiaoya, but there are some things that he doesn't want to change.

Shirakawa's voice was stubborn, but his face was full of grievances.

Mu Xiaoya was distressed, and she wished to take back all the words she had just said. She knew that Shirakawa had no ability to adapt in this area, and he did not understand how to give up and compromise. But she relied on Shirakawa's difference to her, and demanded that he change.

"Grandma was right." Mu Xiaoya changed his mouth immediately.

Aggrieved Shirakawa looked up in surprise, strange to Mu Xiaoya's change.

"Parents are angry, we just apologize. If we don't want them to go, we won't let them." Mu Xiaoya said firmly, as if she was the one who didn't let Bai family go to the house.

"Are you angry?"

"I'm not angry." Mu Xiaoya felt that she should reflect on, "Ogawa, what I said is not necessarily right. If you don't want to do something in the future, you will express it as resolutely as I did just now. I heard, I will definitely support you. "

"Then I ... apologize tomorrow."

"me and you together."

Shirakawa feels that grandma's words are really correct. Those who really love him will not only dislike him, but also understand and support him. Even if he doesn't do well or even makes a mistake, that person will stand by him and accompany him to bear it.

"The computer is ready." At this point, the computer update was complete.

"Oh, let's take a shower and sleep."

"Aren't you in a hurry?"


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