MTL - My Husband With Scholar Syndrome-Chapter 37 Surprise

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Because the market response of the shoes was better than expected, Fang Hui speeded up the promotion of the studio's official online store and created a new one with only three shoes. The shop launched the Taobao homepage. And on the homepage of the shop, a column display of the studio was created, which contained the physical photo of the studio, the address, and the telephone number. Thanks to the decoration of Baiyi, the studio looks high-end and high-end. At first glance, it is a studio with both taste and strength, giving the shop a lot of points.

The promotion of Taobao's homepage was extremely powerful, but it was only one morning that their new store had a lot of collections and clicks, and even sold a pair of shoes. This can break Fang Hui's happiness. As soon as he waved his hand, the four people went out to celebrate once, eating out ten pairs of shoes for a meal.

"Fang Hui, come over and help me see. Is this bracelet good-looking?" During tea time, Mu Xiaoya sat at the bar and browsed the official website page of a certain brand of jewelry.

"Let me see." Fang Hui walked over and glanced, "Well, their family has a new style. This bracelet can be styled. It must look good on it."

"Then buy this one." Mu Xiaoya placed an order online and chose the store to pick it up.

"You want to go to the store to pick up the goods? This store is quite far away from us. If you go to pick it up, you might as well get them to courier. The same city will work in a day." Fang Hui said.

"I'll take it away in a while." Mu Xiaoya replied.

"Send someone, who?" Fang Hui curiously.

"Shirakawa's girlfriend."

"... Is this relationship a little far apart?" Fang Hui was speechless.

"Yesterday Shirakawa came back with a bouquet of roses and sent me." Thinking of yesterday's bouquet of flowers and flowers Xiaoya laughed. "I only knew when I asked that he had got a colleague from his office who was going to give it to his girlfriend. flower."

"... It's all right." Fang Hui was impressed by Shirakawa's operation.

"So, I'll have to return it to someone later." Although Mu Xiaoya didn't know exactly what happened yesterday, anyway, Shirakawa did take someone else's things. Shirakawa doesn't know how to be human. She is a wife and a beneficiary of flowers, so let's show it. So she bought a gift and was ready to go to Yifeng Group to apologize for this innocent colleague whose rose was stolen by Shirakawa.

"You are tired enough, too."

"But I received the flowers." And it was the first time Shirakawa gave her flowers.

"Isn't it just a bunch of roses." Fang Hui couldn't help but whispered, "You haven't seen the world before, and get married a few years later, to ensure that you receive your flowers softly."

Xiaoya Mu laughed, of course she had received the flowers, but the gifts were different, and the flowers were naturally different.

After picking the gift, Mu Xiaoya skipped her class again in advance. The shop where she ordered the bracelet was in a shopping mall not far from Yifeng Group. Mu Xiaoya first took the bracelet and ordered chicken steaks for 15 people in the fried chicken shop outside the mall. He Cola ordered them to send the things to the game research and development department of Yifeng Group, and then they went to Yifeng Group first with a bracelet.

Mu Xiaoya had not been to Yifeng Group before, and did not say hello in advance because she wanted to surprise Shirakawa, so she was stopped by the front desk in the lobby downstairs.

"Sorry, you can't go up without an appointment," the front desk explained patiently.

"..." Mu Xiaoya was helpless, and it seemed that the surprise could not be given. When he took out his mobile phone, Mu Xiaoya was preparing to send a message to Shirakawa, and suddenly he heard someone calling himself.

"Miss Mu? Miss Mu is indeed you, do you still remember me? I'm Wang Jing." Wang Jing seemed to have just come in from outside, holding a pile of documents and information in her hand, and saw Mu Xiaoya look at her and hurried away Come over.

"Secretary Wang." Mu Xiaoya nodded. Of course she remembered Wang Jing. Although she had only met her once, how could she easily forget Shirakawa's "ex-wife".

"Are you looking for Er Shao?" Wang Jing glanced at the mobile phone in Mu Xiaoya's hand and said, "When Er Shao was working, he was very focused and hardly reacted to the outside voice. He called I won't pick it up. I'll take you up. "

"That ... trouble." Mu Xiaoya didn't worry that Shirakawa wouldn't answer her call, but she could cooperate with him without ruining her surprise to Shirakawa.

Wang Jing took Mu Xiaoya through the gate and entered the elevator.

"The R & D department of the second major is on the 22nd floor." After pressing the floor, Wang Jing introduced.

"I know, Ogawa told me." Mu Xiaoya replied.

"That's it." Wang Jing was silent for a while, and a sudden struggle appeared on her face. When I met Mu Xiaoya just downstairs, Wang Jing actually had something to ask her, but she didn't know how to speak. Now only the two of them were in the elevator. It was a good time for conversation. Wang Jing struggled After a while, Asahi Xiaoya, who couldn't bear it, finally asked what had been puzzled in her heart.

"Miss Mu, can I ask you a question?"

"What?" Mu Xiaoya looked at Wang Jing strangely.

"That's right. I used to be a life assistant for Er Shao, and I've always got along well with Er Shao, but this time Er Shao came back to work after taking a break and suddenly started to resist me. I want to know if I What didn't do well caused the second child to be upset. "Although Wang Jing kept asking why Shirakawa suddenly resisted her, the expression in her eyes was clearly revealed, and she knew that this matter was related to Mu Xiaoya. relationship.

She thought about it a lot during this time, and she found that the changes in Shirakawa should have happened when she first sent Mu Xiaoya back to her home.

"It's not that Ogawa suddenly started to resist you. I told him that I didn't want you to be his life assistant." Mu Xiaoya answered quite simply.

it is as expected.

"Why?" Wang Jing's voice couldn't help but a hint of anger. She didn't know where she had caused Mu Xiaoya to make her treat herself this way.

Her qualifications in Yifeng Group are not deep, she was not strong when she first came to the company, and she is under great pressure every day. Until she worked part-time as a life assistant for Shirakawa, she was responsible for taking Shirakawa to and from work and Shirakawa's needs in all aspects of the company's life, and her pressure was reduced.

Later, she slowly discovered that both the chairman and the general manager care about Shirakawa. As long as she can have a good relationship with Shirakawa, she will have a firm foothold in Yifeng Group. Therefore, every time she picks up and goes to work in Shirakawa, she always keeps trying to chat with Shirakawa. But no matter what she said, Shirakawa almost never responded to her, so she thought of another way.

She made a little cleverness and changed the name of Shirakawa. She found that no matter whether she called Shirakawa the second younger person or her first name, Shirakawa gave her the same response. So in order to show her closeness to Shirakawa with skill, she began to call Shirakawa kindly.

This method is very easy to use. It is just a name that distinguishes her from all the life assistants before Shirakawa. She became the most loved life assistant of all Shirakawa's life assistants. Because of this, she turned smoothly, and each quarter's bonus was the highest in the general office.

But apart from playing such a little cleverness, she thinks that she hasn't done anything sorry to Shirakawa. She is really good to Shirakawa. So she really couldn't understand why Mu Xiaoya did it.

Mu Xiaoyawang felt Wang Jing's anger, and her emotions were a little complicated. After all, why Wang Jing of the previous life burned Shirakawa is not very clear, so it is not clear whether the current Wang Jing is really good for Shirakawa. If the fire of the last life was really an accident, then Wang Jing is now innocent, and she has no reason to blame each other.

But no matter the reason, as a person who knows the ending, Mu Xiaoya sees Wang Jing, but he can't like it anymore.

"Because, I don't like you." Mu Xiaoya's answer is simple and straightforward. For people who don't like it, Mu Xiaoya has always been impatient. She didn't have much time in her life and didn't want to waste on people who didn't matter.

"?!" Wang Jing's face was unbelievable, apparently did not expect Mu Xiaoya to say such a straightforward.

"Sorry, I know this sentence doesn't sound very good, but I really don't like you very much. You can think of it as, as a wife, you don't like the appearance of a beautiful strange woman beside your husband." The elevator is just at this time On the twenty-second floor, the elevator door opened with a beep. "I went in by myself. Thank you for bringing me over."

After speaking, Mu Xiaoya ignored Wang Jing and walked out of the elevator.

That's it, no matter if you did it on purpose in the previous life, you will have nothing to do with Shirakawa in this life.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" Xiaoli at the front desk politely asked Mu Xiaoya who stepped out of the elevator.

"Hello, I'm here for Shirakawa." Mu Xiaoya curiously looked at the environment on the 22nd floor, only to find out that the 22nd floor is not only an office, if you don't ask, you don't know In which office is Shirakawa?

"Looking for the second youngest? Are you?" When I heard that she was looking for Shirakawa, Xiao Li's expression became serious for a moment. Their second family is not easy to find.

"I'm his wife." Mu Xiaoya replied.

"Ah! Are you Mrs. Er ??" The girl's expression changed in surprise for a second. "I ate a candy you gave me yesterday, which is especially delicious."

"One?" Mu Xiaoya said strangely, "I remember I had ten sweets in it."

"Erhao didn't give me candy. I drew it from someone in the R & D department." Xiaoli said with a smile. Erhao only gave the candy to someone who was in the same office as him. No one else did. She managed to get one.

The speaker did not feel anything, but the listener was embarrassed, and the smile on Mu Xiaoya's face couldn't stop. I knew I would buy a few more packs of candy, and I took it in my pocket.

"Mrs. Er Shao, Er Shao is in this office, go straight in from here, Er Shao is in the inner small office of this office." Xiao Li pointed to an office on the left.

"Okay, thank you." Mu Xiaoya walked in. Turning her talents, Xiaoli already posted the news of her arrival in the group, so when she stepped in from the door of the office, fifteen shiny heads radiated by the computer looked at them.

That scene ... how to say, a little panic.

"You ... hello." Mu Xiaoya's greetings couldn't help shaking.

"Mrs. Second Young." Fifteen people answered in unison, with tacit understanding. The scene was like a leader's inspection, and the people shouted slogans.

"..." Mu Xiaoya smiled awkwardly, moving to Shirakawa's office step by step under the eyes of everyone.