MTL - My Husband With Scholar Syndrome-Chapter 29 Jigsaw puzzle

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Mu Xiaoya drove the car near the studio, and in the distance, she saw a brand new door, h & Y two huge English flower letters, very Artistic carving on the door, so that everyone passing by can feel the fashion sense of this studio.

Mu Xiaoya parked the car, walked quickly to the door, and couldn't wait to push the door in.

The sun poured in from the floor-to-ceiling window of the whole glass, paved the ground with brilliance, green plants, and fresh design, which made people look good when they looked at it. In the small studio, there are several desks, several workbenches, and no obvious congestion, especially in the corners. It was as small as Mu Xiaoya's original idea, and a small coffee bar was installed. All kinds of coffee appliances are available on the bar.

Is this ... the surprise that Fang Hui said, the real surprise?

"Look silly." Fang Hui didn't know where to come out, watching Mu Xiaoya, who was standing stupidly at the door, teased.

"Fang Hui, you ... how did you do that?" Mu Xiaoya couldn't help asking, although she hadn't done any decoration herself, but she had eyesight. Just talking about the set of coffee appliances on the bar, not a hundred thousand can not buy. She wanted to make a coffee bar at first, but she just planned to buy a similar coffee machine online and just put it there.

"How much did you spend on this decoration? This sofa, bookshelf, desk, and any odor are not there, and we can't install it with that little money. Moreover, this decoration is completely different from the original design you gave me. what."

"Is it better or worse?"

"Of course it is better. The question is, where do we get the money?"

"No money," Fang Hui said smugly.

"No money?" Mu Xiaoya said for a moment. "How did you pretend that you didn't spend any money? Is it your father ..."

Fang Hui's family is quite rich. It is not impossible for Fang's father to support his daughter in starting a business.

"My dad brought two bottles of wine over, and I put them in the refrigerator. We will drink together when we go back to business." Fang Hui said.

"Not your dad, then is this?"

"One of us has a rich local father, and one married into a rich family. Since it's not me, then ..." Fang Hui stopped and let Mu Xiaoya understand.

"Shirakawa's family?" Mu Xiaoya guessed, "How come, I didn't tell them where the studio was?"

"This year, you ca n’t find anything with money. Besides, when we registered, we did n’t have an address on the business license. Now the business website has publicized it online, and one check is accurate." Fang Hui gave Mu Xiaoya from the refrigerator He took a bottle of water and said, "On that day, you came out of Yuncheng and someone came to your door. It was said that it was Shirakawa's brother's assistant who came directly to me with a designer. Design plan, material selection, decoration, labor It cost me nothing to worry about. I gave the keys and went home to sleep. "

"But I remember you wanted coffee, so I told them and installed them." Fang Hui sat down on the sofa and continued, "They only asked me to do all this, and that was Don't bother you with renovations during your honeymoon. "

"Bai Ye ?!" Mu Xiaoya never thought that Bai Ye would find someone to decorate her studio.

"Isn't it strange that you haven't taken the initiative to find you in the past half a month." Fang Hui asked.

"I thought you knew it."

"My aunt, you ran for your honeymoon yourself. Such a large studio made me renovate. If there is no one to help you, I don't want to annoy you." Fang Hui was unhappy, and in the early days of the business, she could let her go out. The honeymoon is good, and I still want to not bother her.

"Then how much is this?"

"It's five or six hundred thousand less to talk about, I guess, it's definitely not worth it, it's the gift of their Bai family." Fang Hui made the decision for Mu Xiaoya.

"..." Mu Xiaoya tangled for a while, feeling that her current economic strength was indeed unaffordable, so she had to keep this in mind and wait for an opportunity to return it later.

"I made a plan in the past two days. The studio has no business in the early stage and does not need too many people. We will just hire another one or two people." After visiting the studio, the two started talking about work. .

"I have no opinion. Do you want to open someday?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"Just tomorrow, put two flower baskets at the door and set off firecrackers or something."

"... Will it be too casual."

"I don't want to be casual, but the problem is that there is not a lot of people around here, and no one is watching such a big movement, so it is better to save some energy."

Mu Xiaoya nodded, thinking that Fang Hui also made sense: "Yes, how were the design drawings I sent you before?" She didn't go on vacation when she was in the cherry garden. She drew several pictures. The design drawings were passed to Fang Hui.

"I've already given me the drawings." Fang Hui's uncle is the owner of a shoe factory. There is a very large shoe processing factory under his hand. He does agency processing for international brands and also produces some shoes for sale. Mu Xiaoya made a pair of women's sneakers during the final exam of the second semester and gave it to Fang Hui as a birthday gift. Fang Hui didn't like it. When she wore it home and saw it, he asked Fang Hui to take it off and give him back to imitate it. .

Fang Hui had a quarrel with him at the time, but by the way let him spend 5,000 yuan to buy Mu Xiaoya's first design draft. Later, Mu Xiaoya cooperated with the other party several times in a row. Fang Hui also helped to talk about the share from the buyout design draft. Among them, two pairs of shoes were sold very well, so Mu Xiaoya made a fortune. With 300,000 entrepreneurs later.

"I hit that traitor and came up and said I would buy it out, and my mother scolded me."

Mu Xiaoya couldn't help laughing.

"After being educated by my mother, my uncle accepted my offer." Fang Hui said excitedly, "Now the shoes have been put into production, and my uncle agreed to sell it in his store and online store first, and marked our trademark. And add our website URL to the box. "

"So good?" Helps retail, and helps advertise.

"However, we have to share half of his profit." Fang Hui added.

"This is what it should be. Such a good distribution channel and free advertising can't be bought for a little money." Not to mention how much your own design drafts are worth, just give Fang Huizhen such a complete distribution channel directly to They paved the way, even if their shoes did not have a profit, they were not necessarily affordable.

"Who made her my sister-in-law? Shouldn't the nephew's daughter start a business?"

"I finally know why the rich are getting richer, so they help each other out." Mu Xiaoya sighed.

"Otherwise, you thought, the last university would be a leader, mixed in society, either with a high emotional quotient or a wide network. If it weren't for me, how could I dare to open a studio." Although she is not bad, but Not stupid, throwing money at play.

"Then how many shoes did our first batch put into production?"

"I originally planned to pay a cost of 300,000 yuan in the early stage. I planned to do less and wait for the profit to come back later and then continue to produce. But afterwards, wasn't the decoration fee saved? I invested in 700,000 yuan. Fang Hui said.

"All?" Mu Xiaoya was startled.

"Don't worry, with my uncle's distribution network, even if the sales situation is not ideal, it will not be difficult to get back the money, rest assured." Fang Huidan said calmly.

Mu Xiaoya is really not as good as Fang Hui in selling this piece, and seeing her so decisive, she has no words.

The two also discussed the sales plan after the shoes went on the market, the official flagship store's operating method, and the recruitment matter. After talking about this big and small thing, it was in the afternoon. Mu Xiaoya looked at the time, it was more than five o'clock, remembering the agreement with Shirakawa, she kept up from the chair.

"Fang Hui, I have to go back."

"What's wrong?" Fang Hui just screened a few resumes to show Mu Xiaoya.

"I promised Shirakawa to go back at six."

"... I don't think you look for a husband, but a mother with a child. You have to go home and cook for the child as soon as you get off work."

"Where do you bachelor dogs understand the romance of our married people," Mu Xiaoya said.

"Hurry off, you can pull anything on the single. What's wrong with me being single, I'm single today, but it doesn't mean that I'll be single tomorrow."

"Yes, yes, I wish you all the best tonight."

Fang Hui listened to her own music and was laughing. A little express boy came in the door, carrying a big box in her hand: "Excuse me, which is Ms. Mu Xiaoya."

"I am." Mu Xiaoya walked in surprise.

"Hello, this is your courier, please sign for it."

Mu Xiaoya signed the courier, and looked at such a big box in a fog.

"What did you buy?" Fang Hui curiously.

"I didn't buy it." Mu Xiaoya was also surprised.

"What is this?"

"It looks like a jigsaw puzzle." There is information on the courier form, which is a Taobao shop that specializes in jigsaw puzzles.

Regardless, Mu Xiaoya shoved the puzzle into the back seat and drove to his home. She hurry and hurry, but finally got home a dozen minutes late because of a traffic jam. By this time Shirakawa had been waiting for him for more than ten minutes at the door.

Mu Xiaoya didn't expect Shirakawa to wait for herself at the door, but she felt guilty at once: "Sorry, I'm late."

"It doesn't matter." Shirakawa was not very angry, because Mu Xiaoya has improved a lot compared to before. In the past, Mu Xiaoya always told him that he would come to see her in two days, but every time he walked, it was one or two months. It was only a dozen minutes this time, and he was done for a short while, and it was already fast.

At dinner, it seems that the second family member of the Bai family and Bai Ye are not at home. Mu Xiaoya and Shirakawa simply ate dinner and went back to the room. Mu Xiaoya opened the jigsaw received in the afternoon and revealed a nearly 50-inch puzzle frame and five large pieces of puzzle pieces.

"How many pieces are this?" Mu Xiaoya turned over the documents, glanced at the numbers, and exclaimed suddenly, "Five thousand?"

This is exactly who sent the puzzle, and she also knows the address of her studio. Mu Xiaoya turned over the packaging bag, and then found a complete picture of the puzzle in a pile of puzzle pieces: a pair of men and women sitting in front of the wooden house eating watermelon.

"Liang Nuo." Just one glance, Mu Xiaoya also knows who sent this pack of puzzles, this guy actually took their photos to customize such a large puzzle online, "how to make such a big puzzle."

Mu Xiaoya took out her phone frantically and began to reason with Liang Nuo-Nuo: "Liang Nuo-Nuo, what do you mean, make such a big puzzle."

"Oh, it arrived so soon. How about it, do you think this photo is particularly artistic. Don't thank it, it should be a new wedding gift for you." Liang Nuonuo said with a smile.

"The photos are good-looking, but you have made 5,000 pieces of puzzles. How does it make people do you know? I do n’t know if I have a hard time looking at a map?" Mu Xiaoya was 100% sure Liang Nuo-nuo was intentional.

"Such a good-looking photo, of course, is slowly fun to have fun, come on." After talking, Liang Nuo-noo stunned the phone, no longer Rimiaoya.

"... You did it on purpose." Mu Xiaoya said fiercely, and there was no way to get the other side. When he turned around and was about to put away the puzzle, Shirakawa was squatting on the ground and doing something.

"Xiaochuan, you are ..." Mu Xiaoya squatted and looked down, and immediately stopped.

I saw Shirakawa sitting cross-legged on the ground, and the puzzle package at hand had been opened. Shirakawa held scattered jigsaw pieces and quickly put them on the jigsaw puzzle piece by piece. Some of these pieces of jigsaw puzzles are placed in the middle and some in the corners. They are fast and firm, as if you don't need to think, just a glance will tell you where the pieces belong.

Mu Xiaoya watched so quietly, but half an hour, she saw her face on the puzzle board.

Five thousand pieces of jigsaw puzzle can be formed with just one glance, so ... is this another way to open the scholar syndrome?