MTL - My Hi-tech Library-Chapter 314 Enemies meet

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The success of the Hadron Weapon-Negative Matter Cannon experiment means that this interstellar weapon will soon be installed on interstellar ships, especially the interstellar warships being built by the First Star Fleet of the Alliance. If large-scale construction can be achieved, it will be possible to deal with aliens in the future. The threat of civilization also has a killer.

"The focus of the next step is to solve the miniaturization of hadron energy cannons, especially the work in materials technology." Li Yi indicated as he looked at the scientific research work.

After speaking, Li Yi stood up, looked at and said goodbye to everyone: "If there is no problem, I will go to see other project teams."

"Mr. Li, please wait a moment." Professor Lin Liqun said in a reserved voice.

"Well, what else is there?" Li Yi stopped and turned to look at Lin Hai.

Professor Lin Liqun had a solemn look on his face: "Mr. Li, hadron weapons require huge energy, if the energy intensity is insufficient, and the target exceeds a certain distance, the energy efficiency will be rapidly reduced, and it will be developed into a naval gun weapon, which will put an energy burden on the spacecraft. I'm afraid I can't bear it!"

The most important core of a spaceship is to have a powerful power heart. However, this power 'heart' is responsible for propelling the flight of the spaceship, activating the energy of the energy shield, maintaining the gravity environment of the spaceship, maintaining the ecological environment, ..., etc. In all aspects, huge energy support is required, coupled with the energy required by hadron weapons, even if the interstellar spacecraft uses an antimatter furnace, the spacecraft is far from being able to cope with so much energy demand.

Li Yi frowned, looked at Professor Lin Liqun and nodded: "Well, I understand what you mean."

"Mr. Li, do you have other ideas?" Professor Lin Liqun asked curiously.

"Yes, the Hadron weapon can be used to deploy the star defense system first. As for the energy consumption of the ship's weapons, we can wait until the energy supply system is upgraded." Li Yi explained, and smiled and said: "First Let’s talk about the miniaturization of the Hadron Energy Run!”

"Understood!" Professor Lin Liqun breathed a sigh of relief and nodded understandingly.

Since Li Yi said so, then he must have other ideas, and there is no need to worry about energy problems.

"Mr. Li, can I ask what kind of energy you want to use to replace the existing antimatter energy?" Professor Zhang Ming asked curiously.

"Mr. Li, in which energy field have you made a breakthrough?"

"Is it dark matter? Mr. Li, has the physics experiment team discovered dark matter?"


As soon as Professor Zhang Ming's voice fell, their eyes turned to Li Yi. The energy supply method used by human civilization has just shifted from controllable nuclear fusion to antimatter. Now, for hadron weapons, Li Yi needs a deeper energy field. Exploration, which can not help but shocked the scientists.

Li Yi shook his head with a smile, and said, "Dark matter has a general research direction. As for breakthroughs, we still lack a little luck."

The visible matter in the universe only accounts for 4% of the total matter in the universe. The other 96% of matter and energy are invisible. At least 90% of the matter in the universe is invisible. Such matter does not absorb light or reflect. Light does not react, and it is difficult to find their constituent properties.

With the advancement of science, human beings have gradually discovered that seeing things around is due to the existence of light, and the essence of light is electromagnetic waves. Humans can see electromagnetic waves within a certain range. They are called "visible light", but there are some in the universe. Matter and energy that do not reflect or radiate light.

All visible matter radiates heat outward, but humans cannot see or detect it, and with the advancement of science, there is still "dark matter" in the universe that completely subverts cognition, which is an invisible matter, and Normal substances in human cognition are completely different.

Before human beings entered the interstellar age, human civilization explored dark matter. In modern times, the theory of dark matter as an explanation for the accelerated expansion of the universe has long been confirmed. Through the transaction with Mo Yan, he obtained the technology of a stellar fortress, Li Yi Have absolute confidence to lead human civilization to find dark matter and how to use dark energy.

From the point of view of physics, the mass and energy of matter are equivalent, so there is not only dark matter, but also dark energy in the universe. Dark energy is considered to be the background energy that drives the motion of the entire universe.

Dark matter, dark energy, they are very important existences in the universe. It is because of their existence that the material structure in the universe can be so tight. If you have to describe it, then dark matter is the "glue" that holds the universe together. , dark energy is also the energy that drives the expansion of the universe.

However, if you want to use dark matter and dark energy, with the existing technology level of human civilization, there is still a long technology tree to climb. Maybe, when human society uses dark matter and dark energy technology, you will already be dead of old age!

Li Yi sighed, his expression a little urgent.

Although he has worked very hard, the technology of human civilization has entered the more difficult 'abyss field'. Even if he and Da Hei are behind the boost, it is still difficult to transform human civilization from primary planetary civilization to stellar civilization. It's a very hard job.

Time is not waiting for me, only the day and the night.

"That's it! You guys are busy first, I'll go to other places to see!" Li Yi looked at the scientists and said goodbye.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Li!" Professor Lin Liqun said again, holding back.

"Huh?" Li Yi paused to disconnect the virtual link and looked at him puzzled.

"Mr. Li, the Hadron energy weapon project has almost been verified now? If there are other suitable projects that need support, we are willing to take on another burden." Professor Lin Liqun looked at Li Yi and said excitedly.

"Yes! Mr. Li, the Hadron energy weapon project can begin to wrap up, we have time!" Professor Zhang Ming looked at Li Yi and nodded.

Under the leadership of Prof. Lin Liqun and Prof. Zhang Ming, the other scientists also looked forward to Li Yi and asked him to arrange the project.

There is a well-known thing in the Xingyao Experimental Center. If the project is arranged by Li Yi, the scientific research project will soon achieve a major breakthrough, and it is all key areas, such as: cold nuclear fusion, gravitational waves realm, space-time wormhole realm, antimatter energy, etc.,…,

Prof. Wei Hanzhi, Prof. Chen Tao, Prof. Zhou Shuzhi, …, all the scientific leaders of Xingyao Science and Technology, all cooperated with Li Yi’s work, and only later could they achieve their current scientific status. This is almost an open secret of Xingyao Experimental Center. .

Now that the hadron energy weapon has been completed, they are all eager to achieve a historic technological breakthrough in a certain key field under the guidance of Li Yi.

Any scientific research project directed by Li Yi will soon be a success. Not only will he gain huge fame and fortune, but more importantly, he will be able to learn a lot of new knowledge from it. Therefore, hearing about the dark matter project is only a matter of 'luck'. The breakthrough made the scientists feel as if countless cats were scratching their hearts.

"Can you make sure that you don't delay the development of Hadron's weapons?" Li Yi asked worriedly as he looked at the scientists with a frown.

"No, no!"

"Mr. Li, Hadron can come to the weapon experiment successfully, and the theory is confirmed to be no problem. We promise to complete the next finishing work!"

"Yes! Mr. Li, hadron energy weapons require advanced energy systems. If there is a project in this area, we should let us participate in it. This is conducive to the application of hadron energy weapons."


As soon as Li Yi's question came out, all the professors gave you a word, and I said a word, and they all gave him advice.

Li Yi thought for a moment, looked at Professor Lin Liqun, and nodded with a smile: "Okay! Professor Lin, please arrange it, and leave some people in charge of finishing. When that time comes, I will arrange a project for you."

After speaking, Li Yi disconnected the virtual connection, and his figure disappeared in the virtual laboratory in an instant.

Li Yi appeared in Professor Wei Hanzhi's laboratory, the virtual experimental area of ​​the adaptive gene enhancement project.

Professor Wei Hanzhi, who was prompted by the news, showed up with his scientific research team and greeted in unison, "Mr. Li!"

"I heard that there has been a major breakthrough in research, so the country came to take a look, so I didn't bother you!" Li Yi asked with a smile.

"Of course not, we are preparing to report to you!" Professor Wei quickly waved his hand and explained with a smile.

"Okay! Let's connect to the lunar base and go to the experimental area to have a look!" Li Yi nodded with a smile and suggested.

"Okay!" Professor Wei readily answered the order, and the next moment, Li Yi brought a virtual projection of Professor Wei's scientific research team to the biological experiment at the lunar base.

In the clean and dust-free laboratory, Sun Yi, who was wearing a white hospital suit, was eating with a numb expression. On the metal table, there were large lobsters, tomahawk steak, roast chicken, ..., etc., fragrant and hot. Brilliant food.

However, in Sun Yi's eyes, these delicacies are like rubbish, eating like wax, and there is no emotion on his face.

"What's wrong with him?" On the other side of the glass window, Li Yi looked at the experimental subjects in the laboratory and asked puzzled.

Just now, Li Yi received the good news from Da Hei, saying that there was a breakthrough in the adaptive gene enhancement project, so he eagerly contacted Professor Wei and came to check, but he saw that the experimental body injected with the adaptive gene enhancement gene lost his face. The appearance of consciousness is not at all like the appearance of a breakthrough in an experimental project.

"Mr. Li, the experimental **Sun Yi, is the experimental subject with the least side effects and the best reinforcement effect among all the reinforcement experiments. Therefore, we have conducted the most experimental tests on him, which has caused some negative effects on his emotions. I just look gloomy." Professor Wei Hanzhi explained with a smile.

"That's it! It's probably because I've been locked up for a long time, and I haven't been in contact with anyone for a long time. Take down the blinds! Let me have a chat with him." Li Yi nodded and suggested.

"Okay! I ignored this point. Next, we will conduct more research on the influence of the subject's emotions on strengthening genes." Professor Wei Hanzhi nodded, and then instructed his subordinates to remove the shielding window.

The next moment, the glass window in front of the laboratory suddenly disappeared, and Sun Yi was taken aback by the scene in front of him.

I saw an empty metal laboratory in front of it, various manipulators, surgical machines, complex instruments, and a beam of light projected in the center, and virtual images of more than a dozen people appeared.

Sun Yi felt inexplicably familiar with the virtual image of a young man in the lead, as if he had seen it somewhere.

He was wearing a set of white casual clothes, with handsome features and a unique temperament, and he looked like the kind of person in a high position.

"Hello, Sun Yi, thank you for your contribution to the genetic enhancement experimental project!" Li Yichong greeted Sun Yi with a slight smile.

"You, you, are you Li Yi from Xingyao Technology?" Sun Yi was startled. Hearing this voice, he had already removed the identity of the other party, a person he could not imagine.

He actually saw the world's richest man and the world's greatest scientist with his own eyes. Although it was just a virtual image, Sun Yi still felt extremely honored, and his numb nerves became excited.

"It's me!" Li Yi nodded with a smile, and then asked with concern: "You participated in our adaptive gene enhancement experiment, how do you feel now? After testing, there is no major negative impact on your body, except for your appetite. The increase in body temperature will be more caused by the temperature of the surrounding environment, and all aspects of the body will be greatly strengthened. Now, can you tell me your true feelings?"

"No problem! Mr. Li, this kind of strengthening can turn a person into a superman, right? My strength is many times larger, and I don't pay attention to control. I have already destroyed a lot of things. The way to sleep normally, I will have a lot of dreams every day, I will wake up after sleeping for an hour or two, and my mood will become impetuous, ..." Sun Yi looked at Li Yi and gushed about his feelings.

"Dreaming, what do you usually do, is there any repetition? The sleep has become lighter? Is it the reason for being too excited? ... Why didn't you tell me earlier with these problems!" After listening to Sun Yi's introduction, UU Reading www .uukanshu. com Professor Wei Hanzhi was taken aback and asked Sun Yi a series of questions, and asked angrily.

Hearing Professor Wei Hanzhi's questioning, Sun Yi's face immediately turned black. He was too familiar with this voice, and he presided over the painful experiment after trial.

"It's you, the person in charge of the experiment who asked me to date King Yan again and again, who is constantly subjected to inhuman experiments?" Sun Yi turned his head and stared at Wei Hanzhi, and asked angrily.

Hearing this, Professor Wei Hanzhi was immediately embarrassed, and he was very embarrassed by Sun Yi's questioning.

Professor Wei was definitely unwilling to apologize for this, and he asked, not to be outdone, "What's the danger to your life? You are not living well now! Besides, you have gained unimaginable benefits from participating in the experiment, so don't be dissatisfied. !"

"Yeah! Don't forget your identity. If you didn't have this opportunity to experiment, you would have died long ago!"

"Sun Yi, cooperate well with the experiment, we will never let you die easily!"

"This experiment is very important to the future of human civilization. You should feel very honored to have the opportunity to participate in such an experiment."

All the scientists spoke for Professor Wei and persuaded Sun Yi to cooperate with the experiment.

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