MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 223

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"I'm going to figure out a way to fix this."

Wu An spoke very seriously, Fan Oka couldn't help but think, what is the captain doing?

How does he solve it?

Do you want to treat those people with kindness?

How can this be done, those people can't be frightened, just because they are timid.

This is not feasible.

"Captain, you must think twice."

Nami spoke worriedly, worried about what the captain would do under impulse.

"rest assured."

Wu An waved his hand, indicating that they don't need to worry, there is nothing to worry about, he must reverse this phenomenon, and he can't let them spread the truth and blacken him, he is very unhappy.

From Xia Qi's point of view, he was like an awkward child.

697 "What do you want to do?"

Xia Qi was very curious what he would do.

"Of course violence is used to overcome violence."

Wu An spoke confidently, Fan Oka couldn't hold back, and opened his mouth exaggeratedly.

"Then they might leave here overnight."

This sentence is definitely not a joke. The captain used violence to scare them with what they were afraid of. Didn't this make them more afraid, and it didn't work at all.

"You'll know then."

Wu An smiled mysteriously, he was very sure about this matter, and he couldn't ruin his reputation like this.

"Captain, your reputation is inherently bad."

Van Oka muttered, as if the captain hadn't realized it yet.

"What do you know?"

Wu An is not happy anymore. Reputation is the most important thing. Some people judge a person based on reputation. This is very unfair, but the persuasive power of the masses can still be convincing, so he wants to put an end to those things. Killing without blinking, big devil, names like that.

Hell Demon Lord is a good name, very domineering, it sounds like it makes Tianlong people afraid of three points, this is what is important.

This is the effect he wants, not to make other people afraid, it is useless to make other people afraid, at most his reputation is bad.

264 Akainu Akainu

Van Oka shook his head to himself, he didn't quite understand the captain's thoughts.

Wu An arranged everything in his mind and waited for the opportunity.

"The Five Old Stars sent the Yellow Monkey Red Dog, the two generals, to arrest you."

Xia Qi told them about the information she just got. Wu An had no accident, so she knew it would be them. Although the Five Old Stars had already spoken out, they had not caught them for so long. She was probably impatient and didn't want to be questioned. If Wu Laoxing's ability is questioned like this, Wu Laoxing will be angry, and the others will not have good fruit to eat, so they can only let Huang Ape, Akainu and the others make their own shots.

"The Five Old Stars are not in the legend. If you want others to die at the third watch, you will not survive the fifth watch. How long have we lived?"

Fan Oka said, in his opinion, the Five Old Stars are not as legendary at all, they are so powerful, what kind of power controller, why haven't they been caught yet?

Wu An discovered that this Fan Oka sarcasm was also a skill. If the Five Old Stars knew about this, he would probably die of anger.

Those who can **** off the Five Old Stars are all capable people.

"The officers under them may be afraid of us."

Wu An told the truth. Everyone is selfish, including the officers under the Five Old Stars. Although the Navy is the most sophisticated, they are also human and thoughtful. They are not ignorant. Xing's life-saving machines, they knew about the pirate world of the previous life, they all worked for the five old stars, and gave orders, they immediately executed without a trace of mistakes, but now this kind of thing, facing them, Instead, he lost the courage of his previous life.

It may be the butterfly effect. The name Hell Demon King makes them all afraid here, so that's why the people under the Five Old Stars do not go all out to treat them. Obviously, they all have their own selfishness. It is estimated that The five old stars will not think of it either.

The people under him can still have such selfishness, and if they know it, it will inevitably be a **** storm.

Kizaru, Akainu, two old rivals, want to see how they capture him.

In the face of these two people, Wu An did not have the slightest desire to let them go, and neither of them was a fuel-efficient lamp.

"It's good to be afraid of us々V."

"It also reflects the fact that the people under the Five Old Stars are not so loyal. It is conceivable that their most sophisticated troops are so afraid of them, which is really unheard of."

Nami told the truth, Wu An nodded in agreement, infidelity is indeed a big problem, but it is not his subordinate, he does so much.

"Don't worry about them, Kizaru, Akagi, they are all old rivals, and they are no different from trash when they are caught."

Wu An's words were very sharp, and they were startled.


The voice answered Wu An unanimously, this must be remembered, how could he lose to the old opponent.

"Just remember, let me know, whoever of you is caught by them and rescues you will also be punished."

The corners of Fan Oka's mouth twitched, with a bitter look on his face, and the scene of being punished has always been in his mind.

He couldn't shake it, as if he wanted to remind them deliberately that being caught by them was not terrible, but being punished by the captain was the most terrible thing. Wu An was very satisfied with their expressions.

"Don't get caught, or get caught. If you can escape without being discovered by me, that's fine."

Wu An kindly gave them advice, each of them was silent, Xiaoba didn't quite understand. Why do they look like they are going to the battlefield, is the captain's punishment so terrible? To be honest, he really wanted to see the captain's punishment.

"You don't know how the captain punishes people, right?"

Fan Oka approached Xiao Ba to speak, and the latter nodded in confusion.

"When the captain asked us to find you, if we couldn't find it, we would be punished."

Fan Oka's words, Yan, almost didn't start with Pangu, and Xiaoba listened very seriously.

He knew all these things, and he was a little embarrassed when he talked about it.

"You'll know when they get caught."

Fan Oka laughed and gave Xiaoba advice.

"Don't come up with food ideas."

Xia Qi still loves Xiao Ba, she is really afraid that Xiao Ba agrees, and if they are caught, it will be difficult to escape, so generally don't take risks.

"Are you kidding me?"

Hachi was on the verge of anger, Van Oka knew.

Xiao Ba's temper is not very good, so he quickly took a few steps back, he didn't want to quarrel with him at this time.

"When the time comes, I'll see how I punish people." Wu An stopped the fight, and the two almost got into a fight.

Little Eight is easily irritable, he knows that.

Fan Oka wasn't so angry. He knew the grumpy little eight from the beginning. He liked this kind of character very much.

An outburst of temper also means that there is nothing to say, nothing to bend the bowels, and the truth is spoken.

When Xiao Ba's anger subsided, he felt a little embarrassed and thought he would fight him.

"o\'Sorry to welcome."

Xiao Ba's anger comes and goes quickly, just like a child's tantrum, Fan Oka waved his hand, who made him young, he is a brother, of course, he has to let him, can't be with him Calculate so much.

Luo looked at this scene expressionlessly, and his mind reverberated, what they just said, Kizaru, Akainu, will arrest them personally, the two of them are not fuel-efficient lamps, and they will not stop until they achieve their goals. Not to mention two people.

I wanted to know how they would solve it this time. Listening to Wu An's relaxed tone, he didn't take them seriously. He also said that they were old rivals. It seems that they fought not only once, but how many times they fought before they were so confident. , Luo suddenly remembered that Xiaodao (Wang Nuozhao) had heard a piece of news, saying that the headquarters of the Navy had been burned. So far, the reward order has not been issued, and it has not been said who did it. Now it seems that the murderer is here. In front of him, it is estimated that the World Government also knows that because of their face, they did not give them a reward order. This is a shameful thing for them. It is estimated that there are many more. Arrest them back, without saying what wrong they made, just arrest them. It is not hard to guess that they must have done something, either the World Government or the Tianlong people. The amount of the reward this time is directly More than twice as many as before, and other crew members have reached hundreds of millions.

What did they do to make them so willing to spend money?

Xia Qi has been staring at Luo, and she has been talking about it just now, but she has not found out when there is one more person here.

Could it be the guest who didn't leave just now? Xia Qi's expression suddenly panicked.

265 Age of Aunt Xia

Could it be the guest who didn't leave just now? Xia Qi's expression suddenly panicked, if this was a guest, her bar would really be finished.

"This is my new crew."

Seeing Xia Qi crying, Wu An explained Xia Luo's identity, but did not tell Xia Qi the specifics.

"Scared me."

Xia Qi patted her chest uneasily, she was really frightened just now.

"Boy, let me tell you, this bar is to feed me and Rayleigh. It can't be closed. Otherwise, with Rayleigh's weak salary, it's almost as good as drinking the northwest wind." Xia Qi said very seriously, this is not a commotion It's important to play.

"Even if they find out, your bar won't go out of business, and it's a big deal to give you a bar."

Wu An said it very seriously. It was because of him that it was because of him that it was understandable to compensate her for a bar.


Xia Qi didn't push, and agreed very readily, without even a polite word.

Wu An smiled, Xia Qi has always been rude to her own people, not as false as she treats outsiders.

Xiao Ba knew that Aunt Xia was joking, and Aunt Xia would not let the captain pay her. Xiao Ba looked at the expressions of the two of them, and there was always a feeling that they both knew each other's intentions.

Luo was really bored at the bar, so he could only keep drinking. He and the other crew members, up to now, U700, have not been integrated together. I don't know if it is his illusion or what. I always feel that these people are intentional or unintentional. Ignore him, obviously he didn't do anything, as for excluding him like this?

However, Wu An seemed to be unaware of all this happening, and let them do it. Luo was a little angry, but he couldn't even mention this kind of thing. Do you want to sue like a child?

He can't do such a thing.

Xia Qi glanced at Luo, who was drinking alone. It was very strange. Looking at him, he seemed to be not familiar with other people. What was going on?

"He doesn't seem to have a good relationship with Xiao Ba and the others." Xia Qi said tentatively, Wu An nodded, of course he knew about it.

"Look at himself."

Wu An didn't say much about him, but Xia Qi understood. This meant that he didn't want to join them. It was strange. As a crew member of the Wu'an Pirates, what would he want to do if he didn't join them.

No one can help him in this matter, and only after he thinks about it can he integrate into them.

Xia Qi cares about each of their crew members, and hopes that they will be united and able to fight against the World Government. If they are not united, how can they fight against the World Government? Isn't this a joke.

"You can tell by the look of him that he is very capable."

Xia Qi blew out the smoke ring and watched Luo speak. She runs this bar for so many years, and she has never seen any kind of people.

You can tell what kind of person he belongs to at a glance, and he belongs to the kind of person who admires the strong and despises those who are not as good as him. This kind of person is too arrogant, and at the same time can bend and stretch. When he meets someone who is stronger than himself, he is very convinced on the surface. Not convinced, thinking that one day I can surpass him.

Xia Qi analyzed Luo without telling Wu An, knowing that he must have analyzed it long ago.

That's why he is so calm, Luo is like a prey, no matter how he jumps, he will eventually fall into the trap of the hunter, and this hunter, except Wu An, has no one else.

"You're still amazing."

Xia Qi admired him sincerely, she was not frivolous at all at a young age, but was very thoughtful, and everything was under his control.

"Aunt Xia, you are more powerful."

"Don't call me Aunt Xia.\" Xia Qi was so angry that she told him how many times that only Xiaoba could call her Aunt Xia. .

"It's right to follow Xiaoba."

Wu An took words to block Xia Qi, Xia Qi could only stare, it was really hateful.

"If I say no, it's not allowed. You all listen to me. Except for Xiaoba, you are not allowed to call me Aunt Xia."

Xia Qi was forced by Wu An and spoke directly to Fan Oka.

"Calling your sister?" Fan Oka said tentatively, Xia Qi was a lot more satisfied, her sister is always better than her aunt, and it's not allowed to call her old, that's the point.

"I'll call you sister after that."

Fan Oka glanced at the captain, who was puzzled. This time Xia Qi was satisfied, she should be called her sister.

Xiaoba couldn't help laughing, Aunt Xia was so cute, so many people called her sister.

It is true to call her a lot younger. Originally, Aunt Xia couldn't tell her actual age, and Xiaoba didn't know how old Aunt Xia was this year. All she knew was that at the beginning, she called him Aunt Xia.

Xiaoba feels that age is a secret, especially Aunt Xia, it is even more impossible to know her age.

"Are you satisfied now?"


Xia Qi spoke contentedly, she was indeed happy to call her that, much happier than his Aunt Xia.

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