MTL - My Father in Law is Lu Bu-v2 Chapter 879 businessman

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"So turn Jia Shangshu back?" Xu Wei asked on the side. {Chinese.

Now Xu Wei’s hands are not enough. Zhuge Liang has not returned yet. Liu Wei is digesting his Yangzhou Industrial Zone. As for Lu Su, there are other people who also perform their duties. Yangzhou’s current stall has been rolled out and needs to be taken care of by all parties. It is no longer the point where the whole family is full of food.

"No need!" Liu Wei shook his head. If Jia Hao defeated Zhao Wei alone, Liu Wei would now call Jia Yu back.

Because it is not very useful to keep Jia Yu in Wuxi, the punishment for Jia Wei is enough.

But now Jia Wei has won Yunnan and killed Zhao Wei, and this can be a fuss.

"Lord, do you want it?" Xu Wei is not a stupid person, and he suddenly figured out the key.

"Jian Ning's generation has been captured by Zhao Wei! Liu Wei's army is now stationed in the Shaoguan Jiange generation to guard against Han Lu, and there is only Jianning's squadron near the Chengdu government, and Zhang Ren's reinforcements!" Liu Wei looked The map of the whole Sasakawa is thought out.

There is a law in which Yizhou does not drive, Liu Wei wants to know the layout of Yizhou is still very simple.

"Yuan straight, what do you say if we enter the army?!" Liu Wei asked and looked up.

"Into the Chengdu government?!" Xu Wei is also hesitating. He knows how many soldiers and horses are in Jia's hands. Jia Wei's ability is also recognized by Xu Wei. This person is called a poison, not unreasonable. One person, when the country can be chaotic.

However, after the war with Zhao Wei, how many troops can be left in the hands of Jia Zhang, but he only took three thousand Wuxi barbarians to go.

"The warrior and horse, you can rest assured, this old fox, but not to throw yourself into danger!" Liu Wei and Jia Wei worked together.

Knowing this old fox, the one who has always believed in it is that the gentleman is not conducive to the dangerous wall. Now he has won the Yunnan City. This old fox will certainly not give up the opportunity to expand the army.

"The new army is established. How to have combat power?!" Xu Wei on the side is still worried.

"This is a problem!" Liu Yan frowned. Jia Wei’s terracotta warriors may only be able to protect themselves.

Liu Wei is also a headache. This Jia Jia Jia Wen and his three thousand soldiers and horses can lay down the city of Yunnan. If he is to give him three thousand barbarian army?

Liu Wei is regretting why he did not increase his support for the Wuxi barbarian. It’s too late to transport weapons and armor now.

"Lord, we are in Yizhou, not only Jia Zhang, all the way!" Xu Wei suddenly remembered what he said to Liu Wei.

"Yu Yue and Cai Wei!" Liu Wei also remembered, and he really did not only have such a way in Yizhou, but also a Yue and Cai Wei.

Why Jia Zhang wants to attack Yunnan, is not to reduce pressure on Liu Wei. Let him be able to discharge Zhang Ren’s assistance to Cai Wei and Min Yue to get through the road to Jingzhou.

It is a pity that Liu Wei is not a visionary master. After seeing the loss of Jianning's generation, he immediately abandoned Cai Wei and Yan Yue, and let Zhang Ren bring his men and women back to support Jianning.

"If Cai Yi and Yan Yue's terracotta warriors can enter Jiangzhou to Jianning, then Jia Shangshu may not be able to fight! Just!" Xu Wei said with a little hesitation.

"Just what?!" Liu Wei asked in confusion.

"Only the minister is afraid of this Cai Yiyue, do not listen to the life of Jia Shangshu!" Xu Wei explained to Liu Wei, after all, these soldiers and horses are Cai Yi and Yu Yue's own, west into Jiangzhou, must be with Liu Wei Conflict, by the time 1 loss is certainly not small.

Thus. This Jiangshan is played for him Liu Wei, this loss is Cai Yi and Yu Yue, you said that this Cai Yi and Yu Yue will agree.

"Haha, Yuan Zhi is worried about this matter! If so, this can be done!" Liu Wei laughed, and if Cai Yu and Yan Yue were in the past, they might not agree, but now Liu Wei received Cai Wei and Yan. After the letter of the more, I knew that the two men were already tied to the chariot of the Yangzhou army.

In addition, the words are now, are there any choices between Yu Yue and Cai Wei? They were blocked by the Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan and the army in the Yongan generation. I simply can't go back to Jingzhou.

The food and grass of Cai Wei and the 蒯大军 are almost running out, and they will not be able to fight the road. The final outcome will only be able to sleep in Yizhou.

So now Cai Wei and Yu Yue have no choice at all. "If this is the case, Yizhou is really possible!" Xu Wei also eyes lit up. Jia Wei was able to win Yunnan and rely on Zhao Wei, a three-point Yizhou, relying on the army of three thousand barbarians.

Now, let Jia Yu and Cai Wei and Yan Yue's terracotta warriors and horses merge, Yizhou is not at your fingertips.

Liu Wei said that he would do it. He immediately wrote a letter, and he sent a message to Yizhou. The above is written by Liu Wei as a younger generation. But still Liu has the prestige of His Royal Highness.

Let Cai Yu and Yu Yue two people, must help Jia Wei, if it is a matter of course, there will be a reward.

As for Liu Wei’s sympathy for Liu Wei before, he has been thrown into the country by Liu Wei. Now Liu Wei himself can find out that he has changed, no longer the former sentimental person, more It is the kind of dignity of the superiors and the kind of cold storage that treats everything as a bargaining chip.

For Liu Wei, Liu Wei will not retain the previous thoughts. Since he can't stand Yizhou, he will give Yizhou to him.

As for Liu Wei himself, Liu Wei will leave a spare job and a title for hereditary replacement.

"Let's go through Jiangzhou and go to Jianning's generation?" Cai Wei and Yan Yue soon received a letter from Liu Wei.

Subconsciously, Cai Wei will oppose it, because this Cai Yi and Yan Yue’s terracotta warriors are the private soldiers of the sects, and they are their own property. Now they have to go to the Jianning generation to help Liu Wei fight the world. This is not a loss. Buying and selling.

What's more, this is written on the order that Cai Wei and Yu Yue must listen to Jia Wei.

Why is this?

However, it was blocked by the embarrassing side of the "De Si brother, a good opportunity, a good opportunity!" Yan Yue and Cai Wei think differently, he did not see the loss, but if it is to take advantage of Yizhou.

"Good opportunity?!" Cai Wei is not in a hurry, want to hear the explanation of Yan Yue.

"De silicon brother, you and I have already promised His Royal Highness, enter Yangzhou! But De Si brother, I believe you know, you and me. Although there are talents, but in Yangzhou, you are stronger than you and me. Less, on strategy. I am not as good as Xu Wei Tian Feng, even Zhuge Kongming, Lu Su general juniors are also comparable to me! Not to mention, you and I are already old!" Yan Yue persuaded Cai Yu.

Cai Wei listened to the words of Yue Yue and he could not help but nod. He is a military commander. I think that it is the strength of his Cai Wei, but he also knows that he is not as good as the ones in Yangzhou.

Far away, the recent Lu Bu Zhang Liao and other people, those are all handsome, followed by Zhao Yun Gan Ning and others, that are the people who can take the first level from the army.

How can he compare with Cai Wei? If it is only based on a unified plan, at most he is a military commander.

"De silicon brother. This version of you and I went to Jianning generation, and Jia Jiajia and the United, this Jia Jia Jia Wenhe, you should also know! This person is unparalleled!" Jia Yu’s praise, even Yue Yue has also fought with Jia Wei, before Liu Biao used Zhang embroidery as the opening dog of his northern gateway to Jingzhou.

If there is no Jia Zhang, I am afraid that Zhang Xiu has been annexed by Jingzhou.

However, because of the existence of Jia Wei, Zhang Xiu became more active and even gave embarrassment to several places in Jingzhou.

"De Si brother, if you and I and Jia Jia and Jia won together Yizhou. That is different!" Yan Yue persuaded Cai Yu.

"Jingzhou Yizhou, this is a one-of-a-kind. Before we can use Jingzhou as a gift to Hanwang His Royal Highness, but now we can only send to Nanyang County! It seems a little stingy. If you add this Yizhou, then Germany Brother Silicon, this credit is enough for the Desi brother to be in the center!" Yan Yue said to Cai Wei.

"Get down Yizhou!" Cai Wei's eyes are also bright.

His original plan was to rely on the son of his sister to give birth to Liu Wei, relying on this big scorpion to protect Cai Fu's wealth.

But Cai Wei himself is also considering worrying, because his big nephew's opponent is too strong.

Mrs. Cai is not the first lady of Liu Wei, so his son is only the eldest son. But it is not the eldest son.

Second, Liu Wei’s several ladies are not weak at all.

For example, Miss Lu, he is in Yangzhou, behind it is the military commander of the Lu Bu group as a backup.

In the military can be regarded as a huge force.

If this Miss Lu had a son, then when the boy was born, he stood behind a large number of military commanders.

This second is the two daughters of Qiao Xuan. The original Da Qiao is still at a disadvantage.

Because Da Qiao did not dare to recognize his father, so the identity of Da Qiao is very embarrassing.

Now, Qiao Xuan has already admitted that Liu Wei is such a cheap woman.

So he has already got the approval of Qiao Xuan, although Qiao Xuan is a bad old man, but the aura of this person is Daru. There are countless students, and now Qiao Xuan is the vice president of the Yangzhou Academy. Every book on Yangzhou still has the signature of Qiao Xuan.

It can be said that Qiao Xuan represents a large number of civil servants in Yangzhou. Qiao Yu is also standing behind a giant. What's more, Da Qiao Xiao Qiao, the two sisters are still one of the same.

Even Yuan Fang, who has the least ability, is the daughter of Yuan Shu, Yuan Jia Si San Gong, although Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao are already dead, but there are also many people who give Yuan Jia face.

Like Yang Hong and others, Yuan Fang’s death to the ground, Yang Hong is the intelligence department that controls most of Yangzhou. Yang Hong’s son is now in the position of a minister, and it is not impossible to be qualified for Shangshu’s official position.

There is also a great force. There is also Tian Feng. Although Yuan Shao has been desperate, he is still very grateful to Yuan Jia. Yuan Shao is dead. Yuan Fang, Yuan Shao’s niece, is also taken care of by Tian Feng.

And now it seems that his sister is the weakest one.

Madame Cai, there is nothing, except for a son, even if he is a brother, the former Cai Wei may still help his sister. After all, he is the military division of Jingzhou, but now Cai Wei has only one Nanyang County.

Several times, there are all the family members of Cai Wei, a century-old family.

If it is only a state grazing position, Cai Wei can still have a decisive force, but now this Yangzhou Hanwang, it is not just a state grazing.

Yangzhou, Jiangdong, Xuzhou, Yuzhou, and even Jingzhou are now about to fall into the hands of Yangzhou Hanwang Liu Wei. It can be said that it is the hegemon of the Central Plains, and half of the country.

This person will certainly be able to do the position of the ninety-five. Even if it can't be reached, it can be ruled by Cao Cao.

In this way, his power of Cai Wei is really embarrassing, it is equivalent to a landlord, may play a role in a county, but after the capital is a landlord.

He also thought about relying on his big scorpion to shine the Cai family.

Now that the opportunity has come, his power is small, but it can be raised. If he can win the Yizhou now, this credit can be really big. Yizhou plus a Nanyang County.

He can say that one of the five kings of your Hanwang Liu Wei is the one I took down.

Cai Wei has the support of the Jingzhou sect. If he can win the Yizhou and get the support of the Yizhou sect, his Cai Yi family may not be able to compete with Lu Bu's military commander group, Qiao Xuan and Yang Hong's civil official group.

Tell them that the landlord also has a local tyrant.

After setting the gods, Cai’s eyes lit up. "Through my military orders, the three fires, the five more cooks, and immediately after the meal, I will go to the Jianning generation!"

"Oh!" He looked at Cai Wei's appearance and knew that things had become. This Cai Yi Cai De silicon, he can be regarded as having been with Cai Wei for decades, how can he not know Cai Yi's mentality.

Rather than saying that this person is a military commander, it is better to say that this person is a businessman.

Merchants are greedy for their interests, and they have no interest in it. How can he Cai Wei be a loser?

Now it is a big deal in front of us, but the cost is very big, but if it is, it can be a million, even if it is defeated, I believe that the last person will make up for Cai’s loss.

Such a big deal of income, you say that Cai Wei will not do it.

"De silicon brother, don't worry, don't worry, tomorrow can't go, today we have to fight with that Pang Shiyuan!" Yan Yue said to Cai Wei.

This Pang Shiyuan can be behind them. If they leave directly, it is inevitable that Pang Shiyuan will bite his tail and make himself difficult to look at the end. That is not good.

Therefore, the more you have to fight a pound of Pang Shiyuan, you must be afraid of him, do not dare to chase! (To be continued.)

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