MTL - My Father in Law is Lu Bu-Chapter 13 Cao boss's calculation

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"Liu Wei?!" The lower jaw originally belonged to the state pastor of Lu Bu. Cao Cao was carrying a name in his mouth. From the rescue of Lu Bu, to the banner of Xiahou De, and then to the final counter-measure, almost all The shadow of this person!

"Han room clan?!" Cao Cao is dumb, another Han family clan? !

This person can really take him to the old Cao pit, almost a little life has not learned from the mouth of the captured Lu Bujun soldiers!

"Great talent, great talent!" Cao Cao exclaimed, "It's a pity, but it is not for me! Feng Xiao, you said that I can recruit this Liu Wei?!" Cao Cao's success is not accidental, this and the attitude towards talent There are important relationships.

"Lord! You are so hearted!" Cao Cao's next literary scribe, who had picked up the glass, didn't stop. Even Cao Cao asked him if he didn't get up. It was such an arrogant attitude, but that's it. An attitude will be the reputation of a generation of ghosts Guo Jiaguo Feng Xiao.

"Don't say that this person has almost killed your life, and said that General Xia Houyuan, who was seriously injured by Lu Bu, said that General Xia Houjun will allow such a person to join us?!" Xia Houyuan almost died in the hands of Lu Bu. Even if you have left a life now, you have to recover for half a year! This hatred can be settled!

"Yuan let and Miaocai where I can go to dredge!" Cao Cao is still a little bit unwilling. For the sake of talent, why is he whispering for his great cause!

"Oh, the Lord, the Lord, you love the heart, I understand! But I also want to see who it is!" Guo Jia smiled and shook his head to himself. "There is a return below. This person is called Liu Wei as a Han family." Do you think that people in the Han room will be interested in Cao Yu? Will it really work for you?!"

"So impossible! Liu Bei is not a Han family ancestor" or his uncle! And Liu Wei Liu Ziyang! They are not all under my Cao squat?!" Cao Cao said full of self-satisfaction.

“Liu Bei?!” Guo Jia sneered a cold smile. “It’s not a person who is safe in this position. The main public is still removed as soon as possible!” Guo Jialu and others are the most thorns in Cao Jun’s eyes. !

Guo Jia learned that Liu Hong’s father, Liu Hong, died prematurely. The young Liu Bei and his mother were engaged in woven and sold, and their lives were very difficult. On the southeast corner of Liu Bei's house, there is a mulberry tree with a height of five feet. From a distance, it looks like a hood. People who come and go think that this tree does not look like a mortal thing. He thinks this family will be noble. When Liu Bei was a child, he played with the same child under the tree and pointed to the mulberry tree. "I will definitely ride this kind of feather car in the future."

Huagai! This is the qualification of the Ninth Five-Year Plan to be able to sit, but a person who is a woven and sold person dares to speak like this. It can be seen that this person is not a small ambition!

Sure enough, this Liu Bei Liu Da Er started from the yellow towel, although he was not ambition, but he has always lived in the Han Dynasty, and finally even received the recognition of Han Xiandi!

This makes Guo Jia even more alert to him! Ambition is not terrible, terrible is too ambitious! If Liu Bei is a single person, Guo Jia is not so. The key is that Liu Da’er has three brothers! Guan Yu Zhang Fei is not a common man. Have a great talent!

Guo Jia gave Cao Cao every time to let him separate the three brothers, and broke them, but they were solved by Liu Daer again and again. You said that you are a courtier. If you are effective, why are you always The general in the handle is hiding and not taking it out? Do you want to rely on them to rebel? !

"Feng Xiao, although Xuan De is not good, but it is not the time to save him!" Cao Cao is not reluctant to kill Liu Bei, for such a suspicious person, it is another mistake to kill three thousand can not go one!

However, Cao Cao saw it, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu of Liu Bei, especially Guan Yu, who is super-powerful, and also read the military books, and loyalty is definitely a tiger!

If you kill Liu Bei now, you don’t want to accept such a tiger in this life!

"Hey!" Guo Jia also knows what the master of his family is thinking! Good will be difficult to get rid of the enemy!

"As for Liu Wei Liu Ziyang? Oh, the Lord, you have to frame me, do you really dare to use him?!" Liu Wei Liu Ziyang does have a talent, this talent is not under him Guo Jia, but Cao Cao did not really believe him. !

Xu Shao of Weinan once said that Liu Wei’s Liu Ziyang had the talent of Zuo Shi. According to the heart of Cao Cao’s love, he regarded Liu Wei as a confidant, but he never did, but gave Liu Wei a singer. Official position, what is this official position? Qi Cao is in charge of grain and grass. If it is the army of the three armies, then the official position is very good, comparable to Liu Bang’s Zhang Liang! However, it added a squad, Cao Yuxiang was Cao Sikong, and Sikong Cao was in charge of the money and food on the Sikong House. In other words, it was the meaning of a big butler!

Such a talented person asked him to be a housekeeper! It can be seen that Cao Cao valued Liu Wei!

"Fengxiao, filial piety, everything is nothing but you!" Cao Cao said with a smile.

"What is the preparation of the army? It is really a trouble to leave Lu Bu this time!" Cao Cao has no idea about Liu Wei’s solicitation. Now he is considering Lu Bujun!

"Why should the Lord be scared! Lu Bu Tiger also! The tiger who lost the home is now sadly sad! Now chasing must be a big casualty!" Guo Jia said with a drink.

"Don't you chase it? Let him leave Lub?!" Cao Cao didn't want to let Lu Bu, the impression that the person left him was too deep, Dong Zhuofu, Baimen downstairs! The power of one person is comparable to ghosts!

"Lu Bu lost his squat, it is equivalent to losing most of Xuzhou! His 70,000 soldiers and horses can break out of the thousands of districts! So the only thing he can do now is to find a chance to come back and find the soldiers and horses that support him! "Guo Jiayu talks about" Lu Bu is known for his hegemony, Xuzhou borders, Qing Yang and Henan, we naturally do not dare to come to Luzhou! Although Lu Bu is from Yuan Shao to Panzhou and then to Xuzhou, but Yuan Jia is a little bit to Lu Bu There is no good feeling! So Qingzhou Yuan Tan can't accept him!

Yangzhou? Yuan Shu is hard to protect himself, and even more impossible! Yuzhou, you said he went there? ! "

"Where will Lubu go?!" Cao Cao asked.

"He doesn't go anywhere, he is still in Xuzhou!" Guo Jia is not a ghost, but he guessed the place where Lu Bu was. "There are also the Taishan thieves who are one of the ruins of his Lu Bu Ba Jian!"

"District Taishan thief, how could it be a success!" Cao Cao laughed, he had been beaten by the yellow towel thief, he is still afraid of this Taishan thief!

"The Lord can not look down on this person!" Guo Jia said, "The talents of the people who can be seen by Lu Bu are Chen Gong’s words, then the military commander is the hegemony!"

“Hey?!” Cao Cao said with a puzzled question, “How is it compared to Zhang Liao Gaoshun?!”

"There is nothing more than it!" Guo Jia said, although this tyrant is not famous, but Liao Gaoshun is big, but he is indeed the real boss! Taishan thieves, a large number of people, mixed with fish, but they can be seen by the management of the tyrants can see the talent of this person!

Than training, than the commander, perhaps the hegemony is not the opponent of Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, but than the generals, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun will learn a lot!

"Would you let Lu Bu get the thief of the Taishan thief? This Xuzhou just got it! Is it necessary to start the battle?!" Cao Cao was anxious, Lu Bu is a tiger, this tyrant does not seem to be a good deal!

Once the two are united, Xuzhou, his old Cao, is in trouble.

"The main public is in a hurry!" Guo Jia drank another cup, his face was already red, Cao Cao was in a hurry, but he was steady!

"Let's go to the evil spirits, more than 300 hundred miles! If it is an urgent march! The generals of General Xia Houyuan will also be three days or so! And Lu Bu's current people are still home, he estimates that the body of the family will delay the speed, such a There are no three or five days they can't get it! And Lu Bu's breakout is successful, but he has a fatal flaw!" Guo Jia said that it is not said here, because there is no wine in the bottle!

"Come to people, give wine to the wine festival!" Cao Cao was dropped by Guo Jia's appetite. He dismissed the soldiers and went to the wine slowly to pour the wine for Guo Jia!

"In addition to the sergeant of the family, Lu Bu broke through the grain!" Guo Jia said on the key point!

"The three armed forces have not moved the grain first!" Guo Jia said with a smile. "Three or five days, the length is not long, and the short is not short! Hungry is not dead, but it is absolutely hunger! The Lord only needs to send a tiger leopard to ride behind Lu Bujun. Slowly marching, after three or five days, when Lu Bujun is hungry and dizzy, it is the time to take Lu Bu!"

Cao Cao listened to Guo Jia’s words and his face was full of joy, but he thought it was wrong! He hesitated again. "If Lu Bu squats and rushes to the army, isn't it possible to get to the evil and the tyrants?!"

"Do not worry, the Lord, this one is someone who helped me fight!" Guo Jia did not feel that he could not bear the drink of a cup of old Cao.


"Guangling Chen Deng!" Guo Jiakou said these four people! Chen Deng of Guangling is more anxious than Cao Cao! Xuzhou was broken, and the reason for the majority of them was that their Chen and his sons had made plans to sell Lu Bu! Therefore, Lu Bu's first trouble may not be troublesome to find Cao Cao, but this Chen family has already been on the blacklist of Lu Bu!

Cao Cao’s great cause has been guarded by his own soldiers, but he did not have Chen’s family. If Lu Bu came to a surprise attack, he would end his Guang’s Guangling. Then his Chen family may really be removed in the late Han Dynasty!