MTL - My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse-Chapter 72 Mutant wolves (catching insects)

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Returned to the hotel, the idle cloud of the exhibition took off the top, and began to push-ups on the ground, the swell of the strong muscles, Su Ruizhe looked at the side. When the exhibition cloud made hundreds of push-ups in one breath, when he was sweating from the ground, he saw his little lover's wood staying dumb and couldn't help laughing.

"Little fool, what are you looking at?" Zhanyun smirked and scraped the nose of Su Ruizhe.

Zhanyun's figure is more perfect when he is close to the distance. The eight-abdominal male dog waist, plus a pair of long legs, is a hormonal blast, not to mention that he has just finished exercising, and the muscles are stained with sweat. It’s really sexy, don’t want it.

"No, I didn't see anything... Brother, you must really want to take a shower? I, I went to find Song Big Brother to give you water." Su Ruizhe's face suddenly became red, and quickly opened his eyes, and dropped a sentence and hurried. Run away.

Zhanyun looked at the back of Su Ruizhe Cangjie, shook his head with a chuckle, and his little lover was still too young, so he was too shy.

Soon, Song Chengshu came over to the exhibition cloud to release water, and it was very thoughtful to adjust to hot water, so that the exhibition cloud washed a comfortable hot bath.

During the day, everyone still sleeps and sleeps. At night, they will follow the original plan and go outside the base to find a way to find a batch of supplies.

Guan Hong and Dr. Yang are still staying in the base and continue to contact the local garrison. As for the information on the new bullets and vegetable juices, they will wait until they return.

Guan Hong’s decision was made by two hands. If Zhanyun can find the materials smoothly, then they can use the materials exchanged for soilless cultivation techniques according to the previously stated plan, and then hand over the information they have to the local garrison. On the other hand, he has to do a good job in the exhibition. They can't get any preparations. It's really not good, or they can only use information for technology.

They may not be able to find enough supplies in the vicinity. The nearby sites are all in the city of Yucheng. It may have been collected several times. The chances of they can find enough supplies are very small. It is estimated that it is necessary to go further afield to gain something. The zombies in the farther places have not been cleaned up, and it will be very troublesome to deal with.

However, Zhanyun’s strength is extraordinary, and Guanhong trusts them very much.

Therefore, Guan Hong decided not to act in the future, always wait for the cloud to come back.

Guan Hong gave the keys of the two military trucks to Zhanyun, in case they found the supplies, but there was no way to bring them back.

Zhanyun did not deny the good intentions of Guan Hong. After taking the key, he left. He is well-prepared, and when they come back, they will bring enough supplies. Even if there is not enough supplies nearby, do they still have the space of Su Ruizhe?

There are still a lot of things like tobacco and alcohol collected in the space. It seems to be quite valuable in the base of Yucheng. Anyway, it is not very useful for them. If it is not enough, let’s take it out and say a top. .

At the gate of the base, there are quite a few teams that are preparing to go out of the city to search for supplies. They are all affiliated to different teams of power. They are so vast that they look like a lot. In such a harsh environment as the Yucheng base, anyone who is a little combative will choose to rely on the team of the abilities and rely on the daily collection of materials to fill their stomachs.

Those people began to notice them when they saw the poor team of Zhanyun. This team seems to have very few people, but all of them are versatile. Even the child in the team has a red badge on the chest.

They did not squint, and they went straight to the side of the military card and opened the door with a key. He and Cheng Qi each took the seat of a military card, and left the base with a military card one after the other.

They randomly chose a road and drove down the road. Anyway, they are not familiar with the city, and they just opened it.

"A show, there are a lot of cars behind us." Cheng Qi glanced at the rearview mirror and said with the walkie-talkie and Zhanyun.

"Oh, they want to follow, let them follow." Zhanyun sneered and continued to move forward.

He knew that the vicinity of the base must have been searched for a long time. He wants to gain something that he must go farther. It is better to have a little more zombies. Such a place may not have been swept away.

Unexpectedly, more than 30 kilometers were opened, and there were still many vehicles behind them. It seems that they all want to take advantage of the opportunity.

Yucheng is an agricultural city, so there are many villages that depend on farming for farming. Only those villages have become more and more dead. In the past, the green fields have all withered under the scorching sun and turned into a large piece of ridiculous fields. When the lights are shining, only one piece of grass can be seen.

"Brother... there is something..." Yu Dongdong suddenly sat up straight, pointing his finger at the black-painted field in front of the right.

Su Ruizhe heard the words immediately, but the sky was too dark, not really cut, only to see the hidden green light hidden in the grass.

"What is that?" Zheng Jiahe also looked around the window and looked up.

"I don't know..." Su Ruizhe's words have not been finished yet, Yu Dongdong suddenly smashed him, then turned his head and looked back.

"Brother! It's them!"

Yu Dongdong’s voice just fell, and he saw a black shadow quickly smashing out of the grass. When he jumped up, he threw himself into the car behind Cheng Kai.

The car that Cheng Qi was driving seemed to have been hit by an elephant. The whole balance was rushed out to the side. Fortunately, it was surrounded by fields, or else there must be a traffic accident.

Zhanyun saw the emergency brakes, turned the front of the car and chased the past.

Under the illumination of the powerful lights, they all saw what was thrown into the car.

It turned out to be a wolf. Its skeleton is wide and solid, the fur is messy, and the body is very thin, but it can be seen from the skeleton that it is very strong. The green scorpion scorpion flashed with bloodthirsty light, staring at the people inside the car.

"Hey!" The wolf raised his hair and made a wolverine.

Then there was a wolf in the surrounding fields.

Large and small, it seems to have more than twenty heads.

And behind Cheng Qi’s car, there were many vehicles that were also hit into the field.

"Variant wolf!" can have such a great strength, and with such high intelligence, it must be a wolf after the mutation.

"Ha ha ha! Get rich!" followed by the people they wanted to miss, laughed and opened the door, took the gun and got off the car.

The meat of the mutant animal can be eaten, and it is also very delicious. Now in this end of the world, all people who don't know how long they have not tasted meat. Now, in front of them, there are so many variations of wolf meat. If all of them are killed and brought back, I don’t know how much material can be exchanged. Is it equal to making a fortune?

Is the mutant wolf really so good to deal with?

Even if it was the common wolves before the end of the world, the hunters would be embarrassed when they encountered them, not to mention the wolves that had obviously changed.

At the moment when the man was armed and ready to shoot, a wolf rushed toward the man, and he quickly bite into his throat.

"Oh--" **** smell stimulated the wolves, all the wolves showed decompression, eyes flashed with fierce green light, lowered their body, posing an offensive posture.

Countless people drilled out of the car, or fired with machine guns, or attacked with weapons, but these wolves seemed to be hanging up, one by one, and the speed was amazing, and people were thrown to death by the wolf.

The sorrow of humanity, the roar of the beast, mixed with the sound of guns constantly...

The wolf that rushed to Cheng Qi’s car also whispered to the crowd in the car. The claws slammed on the car and grabbed a deep scratch. The claws were simply claws. Can be comparable to a steel knife.

"Hey!" Can you let this wolf attack the car again? This car is a military thing. If it breaks, it can't be explained to Guanhong.

Cheng Qi saw the window and mobilized his abilities. A thick blue lightning bolt shot from Cheng Kai's fingertips and hit the wolf outside.

"Hey!" The wolf screamed and rolled from the front of the car.

Cheng Qi rushed back and wanted to drive back to the road, only to find that the ground here did not know why it was very muddy, and their wheels were trapped inside.

How is this going? It is obviously the high temperature of the day, and the general field has long been cracked by the dryness of the sun. How could there be such a muddy ground?

Unless... these wolves have abilities?

Just thinking about it, the wolf who had been driven by Cheng Qidian had climbed up again, and the screaming move toward the car inspired a low-pitched roar, slamming toward the car, made of tempered glass. The front windshield was hit by the huge force of the wolf.

Cheng Jiao immediately got off the bus and aimed at the wolf to make a wind blade. The sharp wind blade cut through the flesh of the wolf, but it did not kill the other side, but it even stimulated the other's fierceness.


Cheng Qi’s thunder and lightning attacked the wolf again, constantly hitting its head, and with the help of Cheng Jiaofeng, the wolf could not reach them and eventually fell.

No process Kai and Cheng Jiao are tired enough, their abilities are so thoroughly used after they are awakened for the first time.

Looking back, Wu Jing and Zhang Yuliang have also fought with the two wolves. Wu Jing’s body is looming, and every attack of the wolves has lost its effect. Zhang Yiliang mobilized his abilities, and one after another sharp-soiled thorns plunged into the bodies of the wolves.

The scene is full of blood...

I heard that the wolves are particularly afraid of fire, but unfortunately there is no firepower among them. Otherwise, they will put the fire, maybe these wolves have already ran.


The wolves apparently found that the same kind of people died in their hands, and they left behind the humans with low attack power, and gradually surrounded them.

The author has something to say: [Little theater on the street]

Woman: Little handsome guy, are you coming in to sit down?

Su Xiaozhe: Sorry, look at me, do you think I am an adult?

Woman: That big guy, do you want to come in and sit down?

Zhan Xiaoyun: Sorry, I have a family.

Woman: Oh, it’s all in the end, who cares about it.

Su Xiaozhe: Although I look like a minor, I have a family.

Zhan Xiaoyun: Although I have a family room, my wife and children seem to be underage.

Su Xiaozhe: Speaking of it, my family can be sticky, and it is very ferocious. If I go in, I will be terrible!

Zhan Xiaoyun: My family is soft and cute. If you are not careful, you can easily go home. I don't look at it.

Su Xiaozhe & Zhan Xiaoyun: So, do you understand?

Woman: I just want to come out and find a bite to eat, I didn't expect to have a mouthful of dog food!