MTL - My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse-Chapter 103 Lincheng Prison

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Su Ruizhe took an imported off-road vehicle that they used to use from the space, and flattened the seats in the back row, making it into a bed, but in the car. After all, the space is small, it is impossible to lay down seven girls, it is estimated that they can only sit on the wall of the car. After Su Ruizhe put a clean blanket on the seat, let others help the poor girl to get into the car.

After Zhang Yuliang used the soil abilities to bury the bodies of those people, they went on the off-road vehicle. Song Chengshu followed the medical kit and Wu Jing.

The two cars left the village one after the other, and the falling snowflakes quickly accumulated and buried the traces of their arrival.

Follow the instructions on the map and head toward the Lincheng Prison. On the way, they will inevitably encounter some zombies, but they have not taken care of them. If they dare to block the road, they will directly crush them. If they chase, they will chase them. run.

Soon, they saw the Lincheng Prison far away, and the two cars were chasing twenty or thirty zombies behind them. From a distance, they were chased by the zombies and kept running.

On the outskirts of Lincheng Prison is a towering high wall. The high-pitched watchtower stands on the whistle. At a glance, it sees the snow cruiser and off-road vehicles.

A man hurriedly went down to the watchtower to report up, and another person stayed on the watchtower, constantly paying attention to the outside movement.

Zhanyun quickly came to the door of Lincheng Prison and found that the prison gate had been firmly sealed by the soil abilities. It seems that the abilities of the abilities are needed to get in and out.

It’s just that this little difficulty is hard to beat them. When he is about to let Zhang Yuliang get off, the earth wall that blocks the road in front of him has collapsed and opened a road that is enough for two cars to enter.

"Come in!" Two young people appeared behind the collapsed earth wall, waving to them.

Zhanyun did not hesitate to step on the gas pedal directly, and the two cars drove directly into Lincheng Prison. The two young men immediately shot at the same time, closed the door with the earthen wall, and blocked the zombies that had been chased.

The zombies roared outside and began to slap and hit the wall.

At this time, more and more people came out, as if they were gathered in the open space, but they actually slowly surrounded the two cars.

"It's okay, you can come out." A woman wearing a dark red cheongsam, Nana's walked to the snowmobile door, knocked on the window, and said with a smile, "The door has been sealed." Waiting for us to enter the house, they will not smell, they will leave."

The car glass of the snow cruiser is affixed to the film, and the figure inside can only be seen from the outside, and it is not really cut.

Zhanyun looked coldly at the woman of the ‘beautiful frozen person’. She dismissed the hooked lips and used the walkie-talkie to let Zhang Yuliang’s people in the car not get off the bus, and then they opened the door and went down.

Zhanyun took the lead and got off the bus. The other people on the snow cruiser naturally went down.

When the woman first saw the appearance of Zhanyun and their dress, the smile on her face expanded a lot, but when she saw Su Ruizhe, the smile on her face suddenly became stiff.

Su Ruizhe is also the same, he did not expect to see her here...

This big winter wears cheongsam, the woman who reveals the long white legs of the snow is not someone else. It is Su Ruizhe’s nephew Linxi, whose eyes are on the top of his head.

"It's Xiaozhe." Lin Xi soon calmed down and made a surprise expression. He stepped forward and hugged Su Ruizhe.

Exhibition cloud: ...

Su Ruizhe: ...

Fortunately, Linxi himself must have felt awkward, just hugged and quickly let go.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be the show brothers." At this time, another person recognized the exhibition cloud, the five masters who had seen them before.

Zhanyun nodded slightly to him, even if he had said hello.

"Haha, let's really have a fate, walk around, go into the house, and blame cold outside." Wuye said enthusiastically.

Zhanyun nodded undecidedly, and took the others to follow the building behind the Wuye.

"Show brothers, can't the people behind the car come down?"

"There are patients in the car, which is not convenient."

"It turns out that." Wu Ye did not ask more, and took the person directly inside.

In the first part of the Lincheng Prison, the first half is the management room and the security facilities. As for the second half of the prison, it is naturally the prison and the labor place. Management rooms are generally places where the correctional staff can stay, work, and meet. The security facilities are guard rooms and guards’ barracks established to prevent prisoners from jailbreaking, riots, etc.

When the beginning and the end of the world broke out, the Eight King Kong was the barracks that raided the security forces and got firearms and bullets.

Nowadays, the Eight King Kong people returned to the Lincheng Prison with their people, but they occupied the management house and became the upper-level leader of the Lincheng Prison.

Wuye took the exhibition cloud and they entered the management office. They came to the conference room. The tables and chairs and benches in the room had been turned into firewood. They were piled up in the corner of the room. There was a fire in the middle of the room. Many people gathered here to warm up. Among them, there is a long face, and the middle-aged man wearing a navy blue-padded jacket stands up.

"The fifth, these people are...?"

"Boss, they are the people of the southern base. They have come to our base before."

It turned out that this middle-aged man is the head of the Eight King Kong, which is the base of the Lincheng base, Cao Qishen.

“Oh?” Cao Qishen’s eyes squinted and looked at Zhanyun’s group of people, and then they showed a smile. “Come and come, sit and sit, it’s so cold outside, it’s frozen, come on. Grilling fire."

As the saying goes, reaching out and not smiling people, Zhanyun did not have a good impression of this Cao Qishen, but still find a position to sit down.

At this time, Lin Xi suddenly came to Cao Qishen's side, pointing to Su Ruizhe and said with a smile, "Cao boss, it is also a coincidence, my brother is here too!"

“Oh?” After Linxi approached, Cao Qishen’s hand was very consciously placed on the waist of Linxi, and there was a slight downward trend. However, after listening to Lin Xi’s words, his eyes turned to Su Ruizhe’s direction.

Su Ruizhe wore a white down jacket, more and more said that his skin is as clean as jade, a small face with five facial features, but also with a little boyishness, actually let Cao Qishen a little open his eyes.

The person who was so keen on the exhibition cloud immediately noticed that Cao Qishen’s eyes were not right, and immediately got up, and he was so rude that he would stop Su Ruizhe behind him.

Cao Qishen suddenly raised his eyes and was about to attack. The five masters came together and whispered a few words to him. He told him that this group of people are all extremely powerful and cannot easily provoke things like that. Cao Qishen’s face soon showed a smile, and this smile was a bit stiff.

"Is the captain of the exhibition? Are you here again?"

"Yeah." Zhanyun should have a random voice.

The smile on Cao Qishen's face was a little stiffer, and then said, "It's not too early. It's not convenient to hurry at night. Would you rather stay here for one night?"

"Excuse me." Zhanyun also planned to take the opportunity to find out the situation in Lincheng Prison, and he was very happy to agree.

"The old five! You have to arrange a place for them to go! I went back to the room." After Cao Qishen finished, he took Lin Xi’s waist and went out.

"The captain of the exhibition, please come with me." Wu Ye accompanied the smiling face and said to the exhibition cloud.

Zhanyun is also unambiguous, and he will go with the five masters.

"We have a lot of people, and the houses in front are full. I am afraid that you will let the prisoners who live in the back... Don't know if you don't mind?" Wu Ye said and hurriedly added, "Although it is a prison, but There are also rooms that are on duty for the prison guards, which are much cleaner than the cells."

"Well, it doesn't matter, it will be overnight." They are not too picky people in Zhanyun. It is good to have a place to lie. When they used to hurry, they basically slept in the car.

"Good!" The five masters quickly took them to the back of the prison. When they entered the door, they were two rows of neat cells. Those in the cell were actually living. The men, women and children all sat quietly on the bed. There is a brazier for heating on the ground.

There was no light in the prison, it was very dim. Those people looked down again and couldn’t see the expression. They could only see the fire through that little bit of fire.

Zhan Yun felt that these people should be the survivors who came out of the Lincheng base when they fled. Their clothes looked very thin, and they were huddled in a group of three and three, warming around the brazier.

"Show brothers, you will stay here tonight." Wuye took them to the left and entered the duty room of the prison guard. The duty room is about a dozen square feet, and there is a lounge with only a small bed.

The monitors in the room have all failed because of the power outage. The five masters simply let people throw them out, and the tables and chairs in the duty room are also carried away, and people have moved a few bunk beds. Fill up the small room.

"This should be able to live down." Wu Ye said with a smile. "I will let you give me something to eat later. Let's take a rest."

"Well, trouble." The exhibition cloud faded.

The author has something to say: [Little theater on the street]

Su Xiaozhe: scum!

Zheng Jiahe: Scum!

Dr. Song: The beast is not as good!

Winter and winter: What are you talking about? For the secret number?

Zhan Xiaoyun: My brothers are talking about a group of beasts who eat people. These animals can be very powerful. They look like this kind of human-like dog. After meeting such a long-lived beast, they must be unrelentingly beaten. For a meal, of course you can play a few more times.

Cheng Jiao: The point is to play in a deadly place, like this. (^_^)

Leading: Ah~help! My children and grandchildren!

Everyone has a pair of legs and shivering: It’s terrible!

Winter and winter: Yes! I learned!

Ps Yesterday, the theater had a small theater, but it was swallowed by the all-or-nothing jj!

Read The Duke's Passion