MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 2007 Promotion power

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Chapter 2, Chapter 7, Promotion

The golden thunder, suddenly drifting in the body of the Qin Dynasty.

"Master... I have been sleeping for so long, let me help you."

A very nice woman voice, ringing in the ears of Qin Chao.

"It’s been a long time since I was sleeping... It’s been a long time... The power of the nine-turn Jinlei is somewhat suppressed..."

The woman said, turned into a golden five-claw dragon, flew out of the body of Qin Chao.

This huge five-clawed golden dragon flew directly into the clouds.

The clouds in the sky are all reflected in gold, just like the gods of heaven and earth are coming!

The five-clawed golden dragon flickered in the clouds.

Li Baishan looked at the huge five-clawed golden dragon and suddenly felt a pressure.

"You have awakened the air! My setting for the Kowloon Loop is obviously empty!"

"After I got the power of the law, I felt your hands and feet on the Kowloon ring."

Qin Chao looked at the nine-turn Jinlong in the air and said, "But my strength is far more than you at the time. This restriction is broken for me, not too difficult."

"Li Baishan, the three corpses of your main body, have made such a big rebellious thing!"

The empty faucet emerged from the cloud, but the woman’s petite was issued. “This nine-turn Jinlei is a punishment for you!”

Said, she opened a huge dragon mouth.

A golden thunder, slamming, falling from the sky.


This thunder and lightning fell on the palm of Li Baishan's hand.

Absorbing the soul of the Qin Dynasty, Li Baishan also possesses the power of the Diamond Sutra.

Nine turns to Jin Lei, stopped directly on the palm of Li Baishan.

But this is the golden mine of the nine-turned Golden Dragon, which is much higher than Linger’s fire.

Li Baishan suddenly felt a great destructive power on his palm and constantly disintegrated his defense.

If you continue this way, I am afraid he really has to suffer.

"Give me a break!"

Li Baishan’s mouth suddenly spewed a golden sword, which directly fell on the five-clawed golden dragon in the air.


Although the empty nine-turn Jin Lei is very powerful, her strength is much worse than Li Baishan.

This golden sword fell directly on the five-jawed golden dragon, screaming in the air, then fell down and turned into golden light, which was integrated into the body of the Qin Dynasty.

However, the Qin Dynasty still reached out and pointed to Li Baishan, playing a nine-turn Jin Lei.


Li Baishan spit out a golden lightning.

The light of the two men collided and exploded in the air.

The power of the nine-turn Jinlei suddenly raged.

The place where the lightning was rolled over was all turned into gold.

The little white snake of Li Baishan was still on the ground, swept away by Jin Lei, and instantly became a golden snake.

No matter what the object, as long as it touches the nine-turn Jinlei, it will be refined.

Some people may think that it is better to have a finger with a stone.

But if you have this finger, accidentally point to your own loved ones, your parents, your lover? Or, it is yourself.

I am afraid that gold or something at that time will become extremely scary!

Nine-turn Jinlei is this kind of thunder and lightning, and it will turn all things touched into gold!

The strength of Li Baishan and Qin Chao is still quite equal, no matter what!

Golden light is intertwined, but no one gives up.

And two people intentionally or unintentionally avoided Suji them.

Also avoided the destruction of the earth.

The earth that was originally unstable because of the power of the destruction of Li Baishan, and because of the power of the Qin Dynasty, began to slowly stabilize.

The earth cannot be destroyed.

Li Baishan wants to resurrect Xixi, and he needs the power of the Five Elements.

The Five Elements to the Treasure is just a medium to extract the power of the Five Elements from the power of the Earth.

If the earth is destroyed, then the resurrection plan will not be implemented.

So no matter what, the earth must be kept.

Both Li Baishan and Qin Chao have a high degree of control over their respective forces.

The people on the TV screen are dazzling.


These two people... are also gods!

It turns out that there is such a terrible existence in this world!

Most of the people are silently praying for the Qin Dynasty.

It is this person who is saving the earth.

Although Cao Cao died in the hands of Li Baishan, it seems that Li Baishan does not take the earth seriously.

No one likes to be alive as a cockroach.

"Qin Chao... I admit, some of your current strength surprised me."

Just as the Qin Dynasty thought that he could work harder and defeat Li Baishan, Li Baishan suddenly said such a sentence, so that Qin Chao was slightly surprised.

Li Baishan... What does it mean.

"Just, you are too small to look at the power of Ying Tian. In the days of the day, although he mastered the great idea, he only had a little fur of great ideas... The real mindfulness can be upgraded. After the upgrade, there are two directions. It is in order to pursue the upgrade of the big idea, only to wave the three bodies. The power that I symbolize is destruction."

Li Baishan said, behind the golden ribbon, and the golden halo, the color suddenly changed slowly.

Black and red color!

It is no longer the golden light of the gods, but the terrible light of the black and red colors!

"The big idea after I upgraded... is the Great Destruction. If the mind is not effective for you, let us try the Great Destruction..."

Said, Li Baishan's fingers slightly shrunk, and then suddenly pointed at the Qin Dynasty.

The black and red lightning suddenly erupted from the fingers of Li Baishan, whistling through the sky, and banging, and the nine-turn Jinlei of the Qin Dynasty slammed together.

"Zi La La!"

The harsh sound sounded.

In an instant, the glory of the Qin Dynasty’s nine-turn Jinlei was disintegrated!

Black and red lightning, directly on the shoulders of the Qin Dynasty, the body of the Qin Dynasty!

However, the moment when Qin Chao flew out was also unambiguous. Facing Li Baishan, a platinum lotus flower was sprayed in his mouth.

The white gold lotus flower is faster than lightning, and the blink of an eye runs through Li Baishan’s right shoulder, bringing out the red blood.


Two people controlled Suji and their power was broken.

The three beautiful women are all on the ground.

"Oh, let's fight back!"

Li Baishan's black-red belt flew over, and he stroked the wound, and he immediately cured the wound on his right shoulder.

"This guy... really wants to go against the sky..."

The injury on Qin Chao was also cured by the cold moon.

The black and red lightning was rejected by his power of the magical arhat.

The Qin Dynasty felt that its current strength was like a hodgepodge. It was really uncomfortable to deal with Li Baishan’s special destructive technique.

It's like a group of little sheep, going to attack a tiger.

Since the other party's strength promotion is a great destruction...

Can my own big idea be improved?

Even if you improve... how to improve!

In terms of combat, the Great Destruction is obviously against the sky!

Just like hanging up!

I need more progress!

Qin Chao pinched his fist.

"Master, the power of our Kowloon women can be the direction of your evolution!"

At this time, the empty sound sounded.


Qin Chao suddenly surprised, he suddenly used the power of Bao Tong, squatting Li Baishan did not pay attention to slightly slow down the time, and then entered the ethereal Zifu and the Kowloon women for an urgent conversation.

Prepare before the war!

I just slowed down the time to fight for the opportunity. As long as I don’t pause, Li Baishan should not be aware of it so quickly!

"Master, we are Kowloon women, you can choose the direction of evolution!"

Nine beautiful dragon girls sit on their dragon pillars.

The tallest one, the beautiful woman wearing a golden costume, was absolutely empty.

But the time is tight, Qin Chao has no time to communicate with the air, and now how to defeat Li Baishan is what matters!

"Master, there was a reason why you chose our Kowloon women to make the Kowloon Ring."

Empty is the big sister of all the dragon girls. She talks to other dragon girls who are afraid to interject. They sit honestly and listen to their big sisters talking.

"We are nine women in the world. They are the nine orders of the world. The king of the heavens symbolizes the power; the ancient wooden dragon symbolizes the vitality; the dream purple dragon symbolizes the thought; the Xiaotianfeng dragon symbolizes the sound; the purgatory dragon It symbolizes destruction; the side dragons symbolize the war; the Chishui dragons symbolize life; the dragons and dragons symbolize the time. And I, the nine turns the golden dragon, symbolizes the power of the supreme god!"

"Oh? Then what would it be if I promoted your strength?"

Qin Chao asked quickly.

"Master, your power to promote me is useless."

Empty but laughed, "I suggest that you also promote the Great Destruction. Several of our sisters, in addition to the power of Linger and the cold moon, several other upgrades are not the opponents of the Great Destruction After the promotion of power, it is a great deity. You can turn everything into gold when you wave."

"That's not a big deal... what about the power of the cold moon?"

Qin Chao asked again.

"Great creation."

Empty replied, "The world, there is destruction, there is nature to create. The power of the cold moon is the ocean, the source of all life in this world. But in terms of combat power, it is still slightly inferior to Li Baishan's great destruction."

"Then I will promote the power of the cold moon."

In the words of the Qin Dynasty, I was surprised by the air.

"Why? Is the master really going to give up the Great Destruction? Nine great powers, you can only promote one, the chance is only once! The master will not regret it?"

"Because I am more guardian than the destruction."

Qin Chao smiled. "And only creation can fight against destruction. If it is the power of destruction, I am afraid that this world should be ruined by our two. At that time, I really regret it." ""

Qin Chao said, "I... use my own strength to protect my home!"

"okay then!"

Empty to see the Qin Dynasty's resoluteness, "No matter what, we will be the last force of the master! Now, let me help the master to promote strength!"

After that, the empty wave waved directly to isolate the space and shielded the two old men, Rooney and Rhodes.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!