MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 2 Heavenly romance

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Chapter II

The Qin Dynasty had a dream, and the scene in the dream was very chaotic. He only saw that he was wearing a black suit, and there were a lot of people who were not good at it. Holding a weird bell in his hand, before he even thrown it out, a sharp sword fell from the sky and stabbed into his body.

Then, a loud bang, resounding through the sky.

"Mom, stinky boy, don't pay the rent, I will throw your cover roll out!" Then, Qin Chao saw his landlord, a wretched man who likes to wear a big vest crotch, pushes the crowd, holds a cucumber in his hand. I was rushing over myself.

"Don't, I will pay the rent tomorrow!" Qin Chao shouted and sat up directly from the bed. At this time, he discovered that he was not in his more than 40 square meters of kennel, but in a hospital full of disinfectant water.

"I am going to go to the hospital," the Qin Dynasty immediately remembered that he seemed to have a shocking hero to save the beauty last night. This man’s head was wrapped in a thick bandage, but he still touched the wound and hurt him. .

"Calling what! Spring!" Standing in front of him, standing an old nurse in his forties, still a woman, carrying Qin Chao, "You have nothing to do with your head, remember to come to the hospital for medicine tomorrow! Yes, hurry down the stairs and pay the money, this is your bill!"

Said, the old nurse took out a white list and took it on the bed of Qin Chao. Qin Chao took a look, well, add a lot of miscellaneous, even more than two thousand!

"Is there anything wrong!" There is so much money in Qin Chao's purse, he immediately screamed at the bill. "Look at this, I just broke my head and used it to do B-mode! You don't Is it clear that it is a pothole!"

"If you are stunned, you may have broken the prostate. Let me check it for you! Hurry and pay!"

The old nurse rolled his eyes and said.

"No money!" Qin Chao Xindao, anyway, the body of Laozi added less than a hundred, this one hundred kilograms of Laozi will be put on hold, you love to do it.

"Oh, no money, I see you, this poor ghost has no money!" The old nurse suddenly squatted and yelled. "You see this poor ghost, I see you are the blind force in the society." Hey, no job, no girlfriend, even hospital fees can't afford to pay, I want to say, you have no difference with the food on the street! Don't pay this money today, you don't want to go out of the hospital!"

"You!" Qin Chao's body shivered, this other mother's, this old nurse is irregular menstruation, talking too poisonous. Also, is this hospital robbing money, and it is not allowed to go out without paying the money.

Just when the old nurse was in the ward, a beautiful woman suddenly came in. The woman was so beautiful and terrible that when she came in, the entire noisy ward suddenly disappeared. A patient who was drinking water, looking at the beauty, the cup fell on the bed, and sprinkled a bed of water was not noticed.

"Husband, you are safe and sick, I will pay you." Said, the beautiful woman grabbed the payment bill in the hands of Qin Chao. Then she looked around and frowned. "Oh, it's too messy here. I went to the procedure and went to the intensive care unit."

After that, in the stunned old nurse, he was out of the ward and left a ward to see the stupid person.

The Qin Dynasty, when she left, clearly saw that this chick quietly squeezed his eyes.

Qin Chao’s heart was warm and could not help but laugh. This chick named Su Ji is really interesting.

The old nurse did not dare to talk too much and left. Soon, Su Ji came back and sat down to the bed of Qin Chao, cutting an apple very seriously.

"This money will be when I borrow you, I will definitely pay you back..." Qin Chao stared at the beauty for a long time and finally took a word.

"Comrade Qin Chao is here!" Su Ji gave him a look, then stuffed a chipped apple with almost no core into his hand. "You are glorious and hurt, and the organization is very satisfied with you. Can you make your own medical expenses?"

"This... No, I will pay you back if you say it." Two thousand is not a small number for Qin Chao. He is still a typical machismo. If a woman is allowed to pay for her hospitalization, it is better to wipe it out. The neck is gone.

"You, this person, is really sincere. Well, then it is borrowed, wait for you to have money." The chick looked at Qin Chao in a complicated way and gave him a big smile. "Right, the doctor said you. Nothing wrong, you can leave the hospital. Also, listen to the nurse and say that you haven't worked yet. Right, my sister is a director of Guangyuan School. I told her, you will go to work at her."

"This can't be done, I can find a job myself..." Qin Chao was a little embarrassed. After all, he saved Su Ji, it was a **** punch, not a retribution.

"What can't be done, now I am your creditor, you have to work, take what I pay for!" Su Ji said, taking out his black Apple phone, like a butterfly, floating outside the ward I called.

Soon, she ran back again and said to Qin Chao.

"Get it done, you will go to Guangyuan for a while. I have something to do, I have to go to Jingyang City, I can't accompany you to the plane for a while. You can go to school and mention my name!"

After that, the little girl was raging, picking up her coat and ran out again. When I arrived at the door, I did not forget to come back and mixed a face with Qin Chao.

"bye bye, my cottage husband!"

Holding the apple core in his hand, Qin Chao felt like a dream. It seems that I have saved a big lady, and the problem of this work has been solved.

Qin Chao cleaned up and left the hospital immediately. He can't look down on the extra hospital charges. This way, Qin Chao’s rate of return is absolutely 100%. He has never received such treatment from small to large. Because I am not fat, but I am definitely not thin. One meter and seventy-five, the weight is one hundred and fifty pounds.

Such height and weight, even if Qin Chaochang looks good again, can not be seen. Summer is ok, big vest pants, can't see it. But in the winter, a set of cotton trousers, Qin Chao is a ball.

At this point, Qin Chao suddenly felt that his body was somewhat different. He had some eyes with myopia, and he felt very powerful in his body. It was obviously different from the big man who just left the school.

Is that brick that shoots itself out? Qin Chao thought about it.

"Mom, look, mummy!" A very tender child of Loli, while holding her mother's hand, pointed to Qin Chao, said the milk.

"Go, don't say it!" Or the adults will talk more, then when the mother quickly patted her little daughter and pointed to Qin Chao, "This is the uncle of mummies, the next time I remember polite words."

"Know it, Uncle Mummy." Xiao Loli was very sensible and immediately changed her mouth.

The Qin Dynasty burst into tears and felt his head entangled in gauze, and slammed the street. At this time, the ringing tone of his cottage phone suddenly sounded.

"Master, the grandson is calling again..." The phone slammed loudly, and the horn of the domestic goods was the burdock! Almost everyone on the street heard the ringtone and continued to pay attention to the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Chao slammed the phone and saw it as a strange number. Maybe it’s the landlord guy, and it’s coming to the house.

"Big brother, can you let me two more days, you force me again, I will hang in your house!"

"That... is Mr. Qin Chao..." Who knows, there was a sweet female voice on the phone, which shocked Qin Chao. I am going to go, as the saying goes, the left eye jumps peach blossoms, and the right eye jumps chrysanthemums. Laozi did not jump on the eyelids in the past two days. How come the peach blossoms?

"Yes, that's right, I am Qin Chao."

"Hello, this is, I am Guangyuan International School of Economics, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Su Shi, Qin Ling. Please come to our school in the afternoon, we will go through the formalities for you."

After that, I didn’t allow the Qin Dynasty to say anything. Qin Chao is depressed, grandmother drops, the secretary of this chairman is so tempered. Cursing her every day after menstruation is not adjusted, find a Yangshuo husband!

But in any case, his work was finally solved temporarily. It took more than twelve o'clock to look at my mobile phone. That Su Shi said it was afternoon, and the afternoon time was big. However, since it is to ask her to do things, or not to make it too late.

Guangyuan College is far from here, and there are probably more than a dozen streets. Qin Chao touched a few green paper money in his pocket and was not willing to take the car, so he planned to walk for more than an hour.

As he walked through the two streets, he saw a very lively and beautiful girl standing in the middle of the road. Although it is the middle of the road, at this time it is a pedestrian green light, so the vehicles are parked on both sides of the road.

The girl looked around and seemed to be looking for someone. At this time, a red sports car, like a dislocated wild horse, suddenly rushed out of the parked car group, madly rushed toward the woman.

The sports car was screaming with the sound of the wind, and the car also had harsh metal music.

The girl apparently did not respond, and she was still holding a beautiful mobile phone and was calling there. At this time, the sports car has already screamed to her side.

At this time, the Qin Dynasty had no time to think about it. It is now a time of human life. The power in his body suddenly picked up and rushed toward the street. At this moment, his speed is like a **** help, as if a gust of wind, lightning generally rushed to the girl's side.

At this time, the sports car came to the front, and Qin Chao subconsciously reached out and blocked the sports car. A huge force was transmitted to his arm. He felt his arm tremble, and then he began to grow a piece of black scales, like a monster's arm, which forced the car to stop.

At the same time, with a bang, the front of the car was sunk, and the entire front face was This car was all forward, and the tail of the car followed, but it was very weak, the pedestrians around it. Did not pay attention.

At this time, the car was still ringing with the heavy metal songs, and the people’s hearts suddenly jumped.

Then, a drunk young man drunk up from the car and squatted on his own car, and gave a punch to the Qin Chao, who was still a little scared.

"Fuck your mother, you don't have long eyes to walk!"

"You!" Qin Chao was almost hit, and someone was beaten, and his heart suddenly started to fire. He frowned and glanced at the man. As a result, the other party sprayed with alcohol and shouted.

"Fuck! Oh your mother! You know who my dad is! I tell you, my father is Li Fumin!"

"Your grandfather, my dad or Li Shimin!" Qin Chao suddenly had a stomach fire, my heart is this person, hit people still so horizontal! It is estimated that this man has not seen the bumper of his tragic car. If he sees it, it is estimated that he will cry out.

"Come on!" Just as Qin Chao wanted to talk to him, the very beautiful female student next to him suddenly panicked and pulled up his hand and ran a slap. And a group of people around the soy sauce, they also gathered around, blaming the man who drank too much.

When the Qin Dynasty was dragged and run by the little girl, the man shouted with a drink of wine.

"Give me a break! Know who my dad is, my dad is Li Fumin!"

Today, three more, there will be one more at 9 o'clock.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!