MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 1945 Soldiers under the city

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The first thousand nine hundred and forty-five chapters

On the side of Lai Li, suddenly a pretty face, pinched his ear and said.

"I was... I was completely prepared to go..."

Lai Li said, "I used the method of slamming the West, and I entered the Zero Alliance. But it was really dangerous at the time. I still underestimated the Zero Alliance Alliance Fortress. If it wasn’t for Qin Chao, I It may have died early."

Two nearly died, the Qin Chao cleverly saved himself.

Looking back at the situation at the time, Riley couldn't help but groan.

It’s really a life of nine deaths. Qin Chao is really a lucky star of his own.

“Yes, it’s terrible, it’s a master of the world!”

Prophet Loli said, "According to my analysis, after having such an opponent in Huangshaling, the zeros must gradually withdraw most of the troops that have been in the battle! It can be said that their current generals should be gathered in the zero fortress. Within! In this case, to attack their base camp, it is simply a dead end!"

Lu Meijuan also looked at Su Shi a little angry, not knowing why she had to assign a task to die to her mother.

The Qin Dynasty was sitting there indifferently.

He seems to know what his name is in Su Shi’s small head.

"Wrong, I am not letting the ghosts go to the sneak attack, but let the predecessors attack in the bright light, and make a big noise in the fortress of the zero border. The bigger the trouble, the better."

"What, what..."

The Prophet Lori was even more shocked.

She began to suspect that the deputy commander of the Qin Dynasty, one of the women of the Qin Dynasty, was a madman.

"I will answer this question for Sister Su."

Athena spoke at this time.

This temperamental beauty, the opening of the eyes, has attracted everyone's attention.

As a goddess of wisdom and war, she always carries the glory of the goddess.

"Actually, Su’s plan is very obvious. It is to prevent us from taking advantage of the slaves when we are fighting with the slave army. Therefore, she wants the ghosts to attack the zero fortress and let the people in the zero sector not take the lead. It can only let most of the zero world have the power to go back to the defense and let its Huangshaling battlefield."

"Yes, Sister Athena knows my heart."

Su Shi smiled and nodded.

Lai Li was also shocked at the side. Before Athena opened her mouth, she also wanted to understand the plan.

But she also feels that this plan is really too bold.

Zhengda Bright attacked the Zero Fortress! Also have a big fight!


This kind of thing, when she was fighting the army, I really didn't even think about it!

Before sneak attacking the Zero Fortress and getting the ADP, she didn't know how long she planned, how much manpower and material resources she had sacrificed, how much preparation she had made, and finally she took action, and almost hanged in the Zero Fortress.

I have to say that Su Shi, the deputy commander of Huangshaling, is really bold!

Also very powerful!

"No, I am the first to object!"

Lu Meijuan protested.

"I agree."

What surprised everyone was that Xuanyuan Yingji raised his hand lazily. "I went with my mother. Not the fortress of the zero world, there is no place where the king of my beasts dare not go. Ling, you are really timid, it’s not like a sister who came out from a mother."

When I heard Xuanyuan Yingji say this, Lu Meijuan suddenly got up and tempered.

"Who said it! Who said that I am timid! Count me, let me go!"

Qin Chao was moved, knowing that Xuanyuan Yingji was deliberately stimulating Lu Meijuan.

This girl is always considered for himself.

I must find a way to get rid of the problem of this girl, and accept her.

Hey, Su Ji has made his own transformation successful, Xuanyuan Ying Ji can also get it.

Well, things are artificial, as long as the effort is deep, the iron shovel is ground into an embroidery needle.

As long as the face is thick, the girl must catch up!

"Okay, you two don't get involved."

The ghosts waved their hands and said.

"I can do this alone. It is not convenient for people."

"Yes, I agree with the words of my predecessors."

Su Shi also nodded. "A senior is enough. If there are too many people, you may be in trouble when you evacuate."

"Okay, that's the way it is."

Ghost nodded, "When did you leave?"

"Not urgent."

Su Shi smiled slightly. "We decided to fight a long battle with the slave army and slowly test our combat effectiveness. At the end of the final battle, the ghosts and seniors flew directly to the Battlestar with the transmission of Xiaobai."

"I can do a trick."

Xiao Bai raised his hand at this time and said.

"This method is placed on the body of the ghosts. As long as I set a time, after the time, Famen will automatically pull the body of the ghosts and bring her back to me."


The Qin Dynasty was very surprised, and the white space spells have evolved to this point!

I rely on it, and I also have the power of nine ghost spiders. Qin Chao is rushing to the hustle and bustle!

Sure enough, compared to this aspect, Qin Chao's talent is far behind the white!

Regardless of the Qin Dynasty, more are lucky.

As Qin Chao said, he is the one who is favored by the goddess of fortune.

"This is very good!"

Su Shi is also a bright-eyed eye. "It is good to give a ghost to the predecessors. It will definitely make the people in the Zero Alliance very happy."

"Okay, just do it. Well, the rest of us are ready to prepare, don't let the beastmaster and his slave army wait for an emergency. This is not our hospitality in Huangshaling."

At the same time, on the desert outside Huangshaling.

A large black-pressed force, like the tide, is heading in the direction of Huangshaling.

"Your Majesty, not far from the front is Huangshaling."

At the forefront of the team, a giant golden hair elephant sits above a blond man.

Next to a few men, one of the Eagle men flying in the air, said to the blond man.

This blond man is naturally not the other person, the supreme commander of the slave army, the Bi Meng, the Zaga III.

Although he has become a slave, he has played for the zero world, but in the body of Saga III, he still has the strong atmosphere of the royal family.

But a golden slave collar on his neck, but he does not prove his slave status all the time.

At this time, the face of Zaga III was very dignified.

He is very upset.

Seeing that they can re-emerge in the Bicester family, I did not expect Huang Shaling to cross a bar, directly destroying his troops under Ivette, and also conquered the Intelligent People's Legion.

This made Saga III hate teeth and itchy.

Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, you are bad for me!

I will tell you about the cost of bad things!

"When I get to Huangshaling, don't attack first. I have something to talk to them."

Saga III quickly calmed down again.

This time, the Zero Forces were surprisingly surprised. They did not send troops to the army, but let the slave army move freely.

Saga III felt that this was an opportunity.

If he calms down and uses Huang Shaling to form an alliance with them, it is not bad.

What is the alliance is what is the relationship between utilization and use.

Huang Shaling is worthy of use, they can make the zero world so taboo, and even spared all slave forces to annihilate.

This proves the strength of Huangshaling.

Strong, indeed strong.

I still bear the hatred, anyway, as long as the Bicester family can re-emerge and let themselves become the supreme Beast Beast, this will do!

In order to be able to do all this, the shame and anger that I have suffered before can be patient!

This time, the Zero World allowed them to move freely. The purpose was to let them fight with Huang Shaling for a life and death, and then they would take advantage of the fishermen.

But I am afraid they did not expect that they can bear it, and they can bear it forever!

As long as the prophet is alive, he can use its technology to shield the slave collar.

At that time, it is the nightmare of the zero world!

Then, there is no zero bound to yourself, what Huang Shaling is just the meat on the cutting board.

At that time, it is not how I want to pinch it, how to pinch it!

Oh, yes, that's it.

"Your Majesty, the chief commander of Huang Shaling, but committed suicide to Ivette!"

The eagle suddenly advised.

“Do we still have to talk to them?”

"I have lost the hatred of Ivette. I have a lot of heart."

Saga III clenched his fist and flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"But in the face of the interests, there has never been an enemy. Water, I ask you, do you want to avenge Ivette, or want to let my Bicester re-revival?"

"Of course, let the Bicester family re-emerge, my majesty!"

The eagle Walter replied but also wanted to avenge Ivette. ”

"Ivet's hatred, I will definitely report."

Saga III appeased his men, "but not now. When the zero world is killed, after we liberate the slave status, this hatred is not too late."

"Yes, my majesty..."

Eagle man wore nodded.

The huge slave army regiment came to the city of Huangshaling in such a strong manner.

Seeing the huge wall of more than 30 meters, the eyes of Saga III changed.

"I didn't expect... Huang Shaling's scale is not small, and some of them are beyond my expectations."

"Hey, Your Majesty, they have a lot of Insert slaves in their hands. It’s not a big problem to make such a huge fortress."

The eagle, Watt, said, and apparently dismissed the Huangshaling.

"Walt, you don't understand."

Saga III said coldly, "Although the Zero has been inactive since then, they have carried out many sieges on Huangshaling before. But you see, this wall is completely new. At first glance, it has never been attacked. That is to say, the attack launched by the zero world has not been settled under the city wall, and it has been settled by Huang Shaling. Can you understand, what is this concept?"


Eagle Ward is a bit stupid.

At this time, a voice of a woman came from Huangshaling.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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