MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 1928 Biggest secret

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The first secret of the nine hundred and twenty-eighth chapter

(The following content is 1200 words by the river crab)

Unexpectedly, my noble Swan family will eventually give a Hörmann...

But this Hohman gave himself warmth...and, and satisfied...

Although I felt a little too sudden in my heart, but thinking about the death that may be faced tomorrow, Nana squatted tightly to the Qin Dynasty.

There are so many things that I can give to my younger brother.

Her life was saved by her younger brother. Before she died, let her brother have no regrets.

Moreover, this feeling is quite comfortable...

After Qin Chao finally got the meat, she looked at Nana, who was sweating, and took her to the bathroom and rushed.

Because she was in the dark, and both of them had done such a thing, Nana was relieved a lot, let Qin Chao hold her like this, walked naked into the bathroom and washed it.

Nana is very tired.

She has not rested for a few days.

After Qin Chao and her release so much, she couldn't help it anymore and slept heavily.

Qin Chao looked at Nana, who was asleep, and couldn't help but kissed the forehead of the girl.

Let her sleep, and there are other things to do.

Some people want to be disadvantaged to themselves, and they will not let them sleep well.

Qin Chao took Nana lie on the bed, then a black smoke flew out of her body, flew out in the blink of an eye and landed on the tent.

Nine ghosts will appear.

At this time, the Qin Dynasty body has entered the state of Da Luo Tianxian, and his avatar has also risen, and then entered the stage of the fairy.

In this military camp, it can be said that it can go sideways.

Qin Chao stood on the tent, hiding in the night, staring at this huge slave army camp.

On the side of the ground, there is the most inferior soldier slave, who is wiping out the blood.

This must be the blood left by the female slave.

The black and red bloodstains were there, and the Turks made the Qin Dynasty feel the sting of the heart.

This is no longer a place to regard human life as a human life.

Soldiers are worthless.

Qin Chao tightened his eyes and then looked for Deron's breath in this military camp.

Where is Deron...

found it!

The Qin Chao body flashed, and the black smoke quickly fell toward a seemingly luxurious military camp tent.

In the end, it is the Warlord, and the real lady will enjoy it!

This luxurious tent is almost catching up with a small villa on the earth.


Qin Chao followed a gap and drilled in.

After I entered, I suddenly heard the woman’s **** = call.

I am a grass, this Deron seems to be the person who will enjoy the nightlife, no leisure in the military camp.

Qin Chao hides his body shape, slowly sneaking, and comes to the sound.

Nadron is busy, and it’s still a dragon and a pair of phoenixes.

I am a grass, two Insett women.

I am a grass! I am a grass!

Have you made a mistake!

Qin Chao saw two big crust shells swaying and swaying.

The two women of Insett were extremely embarrassed, and the tentacles of the corners of the mouth continued to fall in Deron's nostrils.

The Qin Dynasty has already vomited.

Male Gobi.

He didn't think Deron had such a heavy taste!

What is wrong, dry Insett's woman...


Sure enough, people are different...

The taste of the zero people is also heavy enough...

The Qin Dynasty had already been unable to bear to look at it again. He hid aside and waited for the two Inset female slaves to leave, and solved the Deron directly.

When Deron died, no one knew the password of the armor, and it was impossible to detonate remotely.

The Qin Dynasty can also safely complete the **** task that Ivette handed him.

Once this task is completed, the military merits are really not small.

At that time, I must be promoted, and then I can enter the higher level of the slave army and explore all the secrets Qin wants.

He wants to know the base camp of the slave army.

He wants to know the specific number of slaves and the specific combat power!

Then he will completely destroy this decaying slave army.

By destroying the slave army, it is equivalent to destroying the watchdogs in the zero world.

The only thing left is to kill what is going on at home.

Just when the Qin Dynasty and other Lunds were finished, a burst of music suddenly sounded in the room.

Lund, who was originally a big man, stopped immediately and stretched out two feet to kick the two Insett female slaves to the ground.


"Yes, adults..."

The two female slaves dared not defy and left without bowing their heads.

Deron immediately put on the proliferation coat, stood up and clap his hands.


The light from the screen lit up in the room, and there seemed to be someone on the screen.

Qin Chao did not dare to show his head, only listening to his ears.

"Lund, how is it going to explain you?"

"The vice president is almost the same. We have already identified the location of the Ocommi liquid mine. Within a month, we will capture the Ocommi liquid mine! By the time liquid Mine is our zero world!"

Deron said confidently.

"Okomi liquid mine is just by the way."

The vice president said slowly, "Our main purpose, you must not forget, is the prophet!"

"Of course I will not forget..."

"The president has never known that the departure of the prophet has taken away the biggest secret of our zero world!"

The voice of the vice president sounded. "If this matter is known to the president, I am afraid we will all die! You must find the prophet as soon as possible, and bring it back to the best. If you can’t bring it back, it will be destroyed on the spot! Absolutely, absolutely Can't let this secret leak out! Hear no!"

"Yes, Vice President, I will remember it."

Deron nodded again and again.

"Remember, just go do it!"

The vice president nodded. "There are many nights and long dreams. The strength of your team is also enough. When it is critical, let him attack the base of intelligent people. Everything can be no, the prophet must be done!"


Qin Chao was listening to the real side.

A biggest secret about the zero world...

what is it then?

As the saying goes, curiosity kills cats.

But now Qin Chao feels that his curiosity can kill the whole world!

This secret, he must know!

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!