MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 12 Ketchup is delicious 咩

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Chapter Twelve Ketchup is delicious 咩

"This is the post of the school. The above is a post sent yesterday."

Hu Lili slammed the computer and let Qin Chao and Fang Wen see it, then pointed to the screen and said, "Look at this post. 'The security campus is fierce and angry and innocent students.'"

When Hu Lili opened the post, Qin Chao immediately saw his big picture. In the photo, he is lifting his foot and kicking a student to the ground.

There is a large and impassioned text below the picture. Qin Chao probably looked at it as follows. It means that he is a security guard, how arrogant and unreasonable, and beating several innocent students. Moreover, there is a large row of replies below. There are many crickets and less refutation.

What is the shape, such as what.

"The security guard is too arrogant now. Is there a clean place in this society?"

"Let the brains and the security guards go! Also on my civilized campus!"

“Parents said that they are worried about such campus management. It is recommended that schools immediately expel such people, otherwise they will consider the transfer of students.”

"The Mahle Gobi, the security guards dare to hit the students, is there any Wang Fa?"

There are also sporadic refutation stickers.

"Fang Hua, just your virtue, and the face made such a post."

"Lanzhou biscuits (landlord SB), the identification is completed."

"Fang Hua, grass your uncle, you grab a girlfriend, but also beat Liu Chuan so bad, and ran out to scream!"

Most of these posts are anonymous. Or, there are students who have exposed their names and are also very backgrounds.

More onlookers of soy sauce, this type of post occupies the most.

“The front row is strong and onlookers.”

"Post a post for points."

"I rely!" Qin Chao finally couldn't help but rushed out. He slaps heavily on the table, and the food of those fries is like a ballet, one foot and a foot high, and falls back to the table.

With such a big movement, the whole Kendricky suddenly calmed down, and everyone looked at the buddy wearing a security uniform.

The Qin Dynasty did not care about the eyes of other people. At this time, he was angry and burned. "This Fanghua is too old to reverse black and white. There are still a bunch of peace." If not, Liu Chuan is estimated to be disabled by them. It!"

When the Qin Dynasty said this, the brow suddenly jumped. He remembered what happened last night, and it seems that he was indeed surrounded by a group of gangsters. This student named Fang Hua is indeed poisonous!

"Hey!" Hu Lili quickly caught the mouth of Qin Chao. "Big brother, you don't want to die!"

After that, she lowered her voice and said, "There are so many students in KFC. Maybe one is Fanghua. If you let him hear it, you must be unlucky."

"How can I hear it!" When Qin Chao was angry, nothing was ignored. He said coldly, "He doesn't know a few confuses, let them come, I haven't seen it!"

I remember that the last few nights seemed to be being run by myself. Qin Chao said, some of the gangsters are so scared, they seem to be able to fight now, and then they are running.

Thinking of this, Qin Chao’s heart was set in a big way, and his face was even more disapproving, indicating the disdain of the other side.

"You came to school one day, offended the king bachelor, and offended Fang Hua, who are you?" Fang Wen, holding the computer, could not help but ask.

"I?" Qin Chao could not help but smile. "I am a tragedy man who can't find a job after graduation! The blessing of the chairman of Tosu, came to Guangyuan to be a security guard. Otherwise, I now estimate where to eat."

"Oh, you are really serious about speaking." The two little girls were teased. "So, do you know our principal? No wonder so arrogant, it turned out to be a backing!"

"Where do I know her old man!" Qin Chao said, "I just helped her once, she is still human."

The Qin Dynasty did not mention the story of his hero’s rescue of the United States. It was the first time to meet with Suu Kyi, an unforgettable memory...

"Right, who is your principal, Su, who is it?"

"Emotions have been said for a long time, you don't even know what the principal is!" The two beautiful women rolled their eyes together. "In this city of Sunan, do you know what the Su family is!"

"Su Jia?" Qin Chao said that he did not understand. He is not a native of Sunan City, but after graduation, he came to Sunan City for gold.

I thought that there would be a lot of work opportunities in this big northern city. Who knows, there are many job opportunities, but there are more requirements, and he is turned away from time to time.

"Of course, Su Xianqin of Sujia is a famous big consortium in Sunan City! Su Shi is his eldest daughter, Miss Qian’s daughter."

"No wonder so young is so rich!" Qin Chao shrugged his shoulders again. "It turned out to be the second generation!"

The two beautiful women laughed again. Hu Lili said at this time, "School Su is actually a good person. It is good for our students. Yes, she has a sister, our gymnastics teacher, called Su Ji!"

"Su Ji?" Qin Chao remembered the little girl who called his husband that day, and his heart suddenly became hot. "I still think that Su Ji is more lovely."

"That is, this honorary principal and her sister are completely two characters." Hu Lili slammed on the keyboard a few times, on the screen, suddenly lit a smile of the best MM.

This MM has a sweet smile on his face, and his smile is bad, as if he had just done something bad.

The little MM lived off and her sister was carved out of a mold. In addition to no glasses, temperament and sunshine, it was just another Susie.

And Su Shi's hair was dyed a touch of gold, and Su Ji was more thorough, with a long red hair, and was burned into a cute little scroll, swaying on both sides of her ears.

Both sisters are light blue pupils, and it seems to be a mixed-race.

"Look, this is our gymnastics teacher!" Hu Lili said.

"I feel that Su Ji is more lovely than the president of Su Shi." Fang Wen commented.

"Yeah, yeah, I still like to dance with us! President Su Ji likes to dress up as a men's wear, stick a mustache, and dance jazz! Wow, I was fascinated by a lot of girls!"

Said, this Hu Lili pulled out a photo again. This time, Qin Chao was even brighter.

I saw a slanted black top hat on the photo, and a small little black MM with **** black lips on my lips. This kind of beautiful woman, dressed as a men's clothing, looks heroic.

"Oh? The principals and teachers of your school are all beautiful, really interesting..." Qin Chao couldn't help but smile, and suddenly I was looking forward to seeing such a beautiful woman again.

"Of course!" Hu Lili's face suddenly raised a strange smile, said, "Our school is very interesting. You know, recently, the school is still haunted."

"Oh? Haunted?" Qin Chao came to an interest, and he likes to hear ghost stories. The side of Fang Wen apparently had a bad face. She was holding Hu Lili's arm and her face was white.

"Of course, a lot of students know." Hu Lili said, "It is said that in the school's male dormitory, there is a female ghost, often coming out in the middle of the night..."

Qin Chao discovered that when Hu Lili said, Fang Wen’s face was pale and scary. Her hands were pinched and the joints were white.

"Don't say, look at you and scare Fang Wen."

"I didn't say anything!" Hu Lili rolled her eyes and said, "This is what Wenwen has seen before, so I am so scared."

"Fang Wen, have you seen it?" Qin Chao suddenly wondered, squinting at Fang Wen. A weak girl like this should not like to lie.

"Yes, one night, I am studying..." Fang Wen held Hu Lili's arm and forced her to calm down, but her face was still pale, and her eyes flashed with panic. It seemed to be remembering the day's things. "I saw that on the 2nd. In a room on the first floor of a male bedroom, a white shadow, in two upper berths that are far away, jump and jump..."

"Maybe it is a cat." Qin Chao guessed that although he likes ghost stories, he does not believe that there are ghosts in the world.

"The cat is a hairy!" Hu Lili immediately retorted. "The first floor of the No. 2 building has been closed for a long time. It is usually locked by a large iron gate. I heard that there was a girl bedroom in the past, and later a girl didn't know how. Suicide. The entire building was closed for a long time, until our freshman year, only re-opened, changed a lot of boys to live. But the first floor is never lived, where the cat, or such a big cat! ”

"Ha ha ha, maybe Fang Wen is too tired to study, and the eyes are a little flower..." Qin Chao thought of another reason.

"No..." Fang Wen shook her head. "I have a good And, not just me, many people have seen it..."

"I still can't believe it..." Qin Chao shrugged his shoulders. "Ghosts and gods are all clouds!"

"Hey, what do you know, waiting for you to see it yourself, you won't say it!" Hu Lili rolled her eyes and expressed contempt for Qin Chao.

"Cut!" Qin Chao in order to express a counterattack, deliberately disgusting Hu Lili, "Do you think you get ketchup, like blood?"

"What's there!" Hu Lili picked up a bag of ketchup, smothered it and sucked it, deliberately made a mouthful of sauce, and then said, "Even if you say this is a big aunt, it doesn't matter, the old lady likes to eat!" ”

"Oh!" At the same time, the ketchup in the hands of the whole KFC children's shoes fell to the ground. The Qin Dynasty quickly erected the white flag. This Hu Lili was too embarrassed. He said that he was not an opponent.

"How, do you want to take a bite?" Hu Lili said, and handed the red and greasy tomato sauce to the mouth of Qin Chao. "It's delicious! It's sweet!"

Qin Chao looked at the so-called sweet tomato sauce, and his stomach rolled.

"Let's go with me, I'm going to the bathroom!" He pushed the stool open and slammed his mouth and fled. Behind him came Hu Lili, who was heartless and laughed.

"Ha ha ha, fight with the old lady, you are still far away!"

To the friend buddy chapter to push two books, "Infinite Spike of Online Games", our 17K online game second person's new work! Must see! "Yufeng Wu Xiu", newcomers, new support, everyone supports!

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!