MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 680 680 empire three

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  On the black earth, pillars of skylight flew down one after another and fell into the earth. Where it was illuminated, the ground slowly began to turn red and melt, forming magma. The land is full of rolling hills and hills.

  Among several of the hills, among the ruins of a town.

  The two wandering ghost cars are slowly patrolling around. They flapped their wings, and the dark red vertical pupils on their chests kept shining with a faint red light.

   "These evil spirit vehicles themselves were once strong gods and Buddhas from all over the world. After being polluted by evil spirits, they transformed into such unconscious monsters.

  Essentially, there will be very few of them that will produce sanity, but according to the information we have collected, so far, only the ancestor has ever encountered one. "

  Outside the ruins, a group of fifteen black-armored figures were slowly and silently surrounding the two ghost cars.

  Their bodies are covered with black armored stomachs, leaving no gaps on their faces, except for two red crystals inlaid in their eye sockets.

  The armor has a bone luster, and there is a **** lotus pattern on the shoulders. That is the national flower that represents the entire Great Spirit today, and it is also the symbol of the Blood Immortal Dao.

  At this time, the person leading the team was three meters tall and strong. He was also covered in armor and held a serrated black knife in his hand. "Everyone, clear them quickly, we need a clear road, and no obstacles are allowed."

  The leader of the team raised his black knife and pointed at the two ghost cars. "yes!"

   Those who came to carry out the cleaning tasks were all the most elite military masters in the Spirit Empire.

  As super products, they were not selected for the Character Academy. After all, the super products of the Renzi Academy are all carefully selected geniuses of the same level with various potential talents.

   But even if they are not selected, after they become blood descendants, their strength has improved a lot compared to before. The captain's voice fell.

  Suddenly, a team of four people dispersed, each in groups of two, and rushed towards the two ghost cars.

   The speed of the ghost car far exceeds them.

  But Daling, who has studied this monster in detail, now has a whole set of countermeasures. An evil spirit vehicle shook its wings, and suddenly turned into a dark red blood shadow and rushed towards the besieging person.

  The man didn't dodge, he let out a low growl, and his whole body entered the limit state. The body size swelled a lot. He held the knife in both hands and stood in front of him.


  With a loud noise, he was knocked out abruptly, and a large part of the black knife in his hand was dented inward.

   After the ghost car attacks, it will stop at the same place every time, judging whether to continue to attack with a confused consciousness. Their instinct is to plunder the spirit threads of living creatures and devour their lives.

  But there doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm for blood descendants. Take advantage of this moment of pause.

  The person on the other side took this opportunity to activate the limit state, burst out the limit breaking technique from behind, and punched the ghost car's vest heavily.


  Under the huge explosion, the ghost car staggered, and the back was punched several times by the sharp gloves. Although these breaches disappeared quickly under the action of the evil spirit line.

   But at the same time, the soldier who was beaten into the air also stood up, and the shock injury on his body has also improved. In this way, one person attracts firepower, while the other takes the opportunity to sneak attack, and the two cooperate tacitly.

  With the terrifying self-healing power and speed of the blood, as long as the reaction can barely keep up with the speed of the ghost car. The ending is already doomed.

   Not long after, a soldier found the right opportunity. A punch hit the huge vertical pupil between the ghost car's chest and abdomen. The dark red eyeballs were impacted by the huge force, and instantly burst open, gushing out the slurry.

  The two soldiers retreated quickly, but still a step slower. boom!

  The evil hearse exploded completely, turning into a mass of dark red flames, sending out shock waves in all directions. The flames covered tens of meters around, and the speed was extremely fast. Let everyone have no time to react.

  The two soldiers who were besieged and killed were the first to bear the brunt. With the enhanced speed of the blood descendants, they only had time to raise their hands to protect their heads. Soon, the light dissipated, and the two people's necks were all corroded and pierced by the flames, and they became riddled with holes.

   "Give up!" The team leader said coldly.

  A soldier behind him immediately stepped forward, raised his knife and dropped it immediately. laugh!

  The blade decapitated the two soldiers who were shot through. Two human heads flew high and rolled to the ground.

  But soon, the captain took a step forward, took out a water bag from behind, untied the mouth of the bag, and poured it down on the heads of the two men.

   Gulu gulu blood flowed out of the bag.

   Within a few seconds, countless fleshy beards grew from the bottom of the two heads.

  These thin whiskers are like roots, piercing into the blood and absorbing them greedily and quickly.

  At the same time, new necks, new shoulders, chests, and torsos grew under the two heads. In less than ten seconds, their bodies were completely restored.

   "Thank you, my lord." The two soldiers didn't care about being naked, and saluted with fists together.

  The roots under their feet also sucked up all the blood at this time, retracted to the skin of the soles of their feet, and disappeared. Another soldier who had already prepared by the side handed over the robes and asked the two to put on the robes again.

   "Go back and get the armor again. These ghost vehicles are not hard to kill, after all, they are too stupid, but they are a bit useless." The captain felt helpless.

   "I just did maintenance yesterday, it's really troublesome." A soldier muttered.

   "I told you earlier, don't do useless work. Anyway, it's a set once when you come out, and you have to wait a long time to recover after using it." Another person raised his eyebrows and said.

   "It's a pity that there is no armor protection, and the skylight is too strong, which consumes too much for us. It would be great if we can just wear whatever we want."

   At this time, the two besieged on the other side also ended the battle.

  After a ball of red light exploded, the two people here moved much faster. After predicting the time of self-explosion in advance, they immediately retreated.

  The two ended the battle unharmed in the end. Only the armor and weapons were dented. The team leader took a step forward and looked at the bodies of the two soldiers covered by the flame explosion.

   The flesh and blood under the two body armors are partly purple, and the other part is normal red.

  Purple represents the pollution of the ghost line. At this time, the two colors are constantly fighting, and the purple is obviously stronger, constantly eroding the range of red flesh and blood.

   "Both of you went to soak in the new Youquan the day before yesterday, and now it seems that it really works.

   In the past, our flesh and blood could not resist this kind of pollution to this extent. The captain was a little amazed. "The Tianshu Pavilion of the Empire is still useful." "A soldier leaned over to check in surprise.

  In Daling, in order to deceive others, Zhang Rongfang specially established a research institution called Tianshu Pavilion. As long as there are various changes related to his new abilities, they can all be pushed to Tianshu Pavilion.

   In this way, it can also be justified and quickly transform and promote the blood strength of the blood of the Great Spirit.

   "And I feel that the regeneration speed is much faster than before." A soldier agreed with a smile.

  As the front line of advancing and opening the way, they are responsible for the arduous task of getting through the Daling and another gathering place of gods and Buddhas—Baixiu.

  So dealing with evil spirits is already extremely rich experience. "Okay, let's move on."

  The captain raised his hand, indicating that he could stop.

   "Yes!" A group of people ignored the polluted bodies left behind, and these bodies would soon consume all their nutrients in the fight against pollution and turn into clusters of proliferating polluted flesh.

  The meat **** will turn into some weird purple bugs that can wriggle, and will be cleaned up by the cleaning team behind. Just as a group of people were about to continue on their way.

  Suddenly, a cloud of black smoke floated up in the distance, and there was a faint hissing sound slowly drifting over. "Be careful!" the captain suddenly fixed his eyes and said loudly.

  All soldiers quickly alerted and looked in the direction of the sound.

   "It's locating by sound! This is: "The captain clearly recognized the source of the sound. call!

  Suddenly, a monster with a horse head and a human body shrouded in black smoke jumped up from the distant hills.

  The huge four-meter-long body quickly pressed down on everyone with a growing shadow.

   "It's a horse!" The captain instantly pulled out the scimitar behind his back, and his figure of more than three meters also expanded rapidly, becoming taller and bigger. Boom!

  The shadow in mid-air landed steadily, hitting the middle of a group of scattered soldiers.

  The ground cracked, and the magma below was splashed everywhere. It splashed on the surface of several people's armors, emitting faint black smoke. The whole picture of the shadow at this time is completely revealed in front of everyone.

   It was a deformed purple-black monster more than three meters high and four meters long.

  Horse-headed human body, with bear-like sharp claws on both hands, and a purple eyeball with vertical pupils on the chest and abdomen, which is turning nervously, scanning the people in front of it.

   "This is a big guy." The captain's palms were sweating, and he was only a super-level Sankong, so it was still possible to single-handedly deal with some stronger ghost cars.

   But the thing in front of him obviously exceeded his expectations. "Get out of the way." Suddenly a voice drilled into his ears.

   Before the captain had time to react, he felt a phantom flash by his side. Clang!

  In an instant, a silver light suddenly lit up from the middle of the evil spirit horse's body.

  Silver light slanted from the shoulders, passing through the purple pupils, dividing the entire evil spirit horse into two.

  The phantom retreated with one blow, flickering continuously at a terrifying speed far exceeding the crowd, and it was a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye. boom!

  The evil spirit horse froze in place, and its body exploded.

  At this time, the captain and others who saw the situation was not good had already run far away.

  The purple flame exploded, and the evil spirit horse was instantly killed before it even displayed its strength. Under the intense light of the fire, the phantom that killed the evil spirit horse stood still.

   "Stand back." Phantom raised his head, revealing a somewhat pale man's face. "There are evil spirits in front of you. It's not something you can deal with."

   "Thank you, my lord." Everyone in the team recognized the man from his attire.

  These masters of the four courtyards received the blood essence of the ancestors, speed and reaction, strength and self-healing ability, all of which were not at the same level as them.

   It's just that the evil spirits still kill?

  Everyone in the team was a little curious.

  The pale man shook the long sword in his hand, the blade was covered with a layer of wriggling flesh and blood. It was a special weapon made of statues of gods and Buddhas.

  This weapon is extremely hard, and covered with a layer of blood and flesh. After cutting the evil spirit's body, as long as it hits a vital point, it can cause extremely terrifying fatal injuries.

   This is also the reason why he can kill the evil spirit horse with one blow.

  The man took out a red cylinder, and gently pulled off the cover towards the top. laugh!

  In an instant, a firework soared into the sky.

   At this time, in the distance ahead, between the two hills, a black smoke quickly moved towards here and shrouded it. There were dense crowds of ghost vehicles flapping their wings and rushing towards here.

  The black smoke is also mixed with the source of the black smoke, the evil spirit horse. The man clenched his long sword.

   "Lin Jie." "His eyes suddenly turned into a void. Boom!

  In an instant, the speed of his figure increased even more than before, and there was almost only a gray line left, and he suddenly shot into the group of evil spirits. It wasn't just him, behind him, a series of figures turned into gray lines, constantly galloping past the team.

   Just for a moment.

   All the ghost cars were cut open just by meeting each other.

  Extreme masters combined with a powerful body of super blood descendants, plus temporary solutions. Facing these unconscious monsters is basically crushing.

  Even if they are extremely fast, Zhang Rongfang is no longer what it used to be. With his essence and blood, all the masters of the Four Courts who have soaked in the Youquan have greatly increased their bodies.

   On the surface, this secluded spring is used as a similar blood pool, but in fact it is Zhang Rongfang's blood booster under cover.

   All blood descendants within 500 meters from Youquan can get a strong boost.

   And all those who soaked in Youquan have received a new blood transformation. With the characteristics of Zhang Rongfang's newest blood at this time.

   That is to say, all blood descendants who have soaked in Youquan at this time are equivalent to a weakened version of Youquan, or a mobile version. As long as there is Zhang Rongfang's flesh and blood, the Youquan will be effective, and this is the key.

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