MTL - Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie-Chapter 754 Not from M state

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  Chapter 754 Not from M Continent

   But he is **** and brutal, and the entire M state is now like a purgatory on earth.

  If you want to become one, you want to get rid of it. He has intercepted the Huo family's goods several times, and even brought the transporter back to torture him to death.

  Some time ago, Huo Shen had a very important document intercepted by him. He seemed to be aiming at the Huo family, and seemed to predict why the Huo family would not let him, so he became even more unscrupulous.


   The group landed in a small city near M state.

  They need to enter Continent M in disguise.

  Meng Yutang noticed something was wrong when a group of people entered.

  Zhou Rui looked at her frowning brows: "Miss, what's wrong?"

   "Being targeted."

  As soon as she finished speaking, a jeep drove over from the front, and the dust was flying.

  Zhou Rui immediately pulled Meng Yutang subconsciously.

  The car stopped not far away, and then a man jumped off it, walked to the booth, walked in swaggeringly, and came out after a while, with a **** his shoulders, struggling.

  Two people followed behind him, a man and a woman, crying for him to put them down.

  He was carrying the man, and finally he raised his hand and pushed the man away violently. The subordinates around him directly stepped forward and knocked the two people down on the booth. He didn't get up for a long time.

  The group of them could see clearly that this was a robbery of a civilian girl when they first arrived.

   Listening to the voices of discussion around, Meng Yutang confirmed.

  People from the Wu family.

   is their goal.

  They found a place to live before discussing future plans.

   Now it seems that no one in the Wu family in M ​​state dares to speak out.

  They are going to take a walk around Wu's house tomorrow, to learn about the terrain first.


   Late at night, everyone is asleep.

  Meng Yutang sat on the bed, holding the photo with one corner burned off in his hand.

  She never knew she could miss someone so much.

   It was only two months, but she really felt like two years had passed.

  Her voice was very soft, and her fingers lightly swept across Zhou Beicheng's face.

   "Uncle Zhou, I miss you so much."

  The person standing leaning against the wall outside the door was stunned, and his hands were clenched by his side.

   "You wait for me, I can go back soon."



  The next day, several people wandered around Wu's house separately.

  Meng Yutang followed Zhou Rui.

  Zhou Rui found a cup from somewhere, and brought it along to pass water to Meng Yutang along the way.

  At first, Meng Yutang was taken aback.

I did not answer.

   She looked up at him.

  For so many years, only Zhou Beicheng would stare at her to drink water.

  Zhou Rui looked at her puzzled: "Miss, your mouth is split, it's too dry here, do you really not want to drink?"

  Meng Yutang raised his hand to touch his lips, and looked up at him, his expression was really dazed.

   Meng Yutang sighed.

  When did I become so suspicious.


  She raised her hand to take it and took a sip.

  When the water glass was handed back to Zhou Rui, before Zhou Rui had time to take it, suddenly a person raised his hand to hold the water glass and pushed Zhou Rui away.

   That hand was not happy with the water glass, and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to touch Meng Yutang's hand.

  Meng Yutang let go of his hand, and withdrew his hand without a trace.

  The man was not holding his hand firmly, she let go suddenly, and the water glass fell on his foot.

   "Oops! Are you okay!"

  She looked at him in feigned surprise.

  The man bared his teeth, and froze when he heard her voice.

   "Not from State M?"

  (end of this chapter)