MTL - Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary-Chapter 44

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All blame Chen Kezhen, which made him upset, and even such important things were thrown behind.

Unfortunately, after Zhou Li said, the other party was not interested in Mo Zhenfei. Secondly, the time was too tight and could not catch up.

"You used to like him," Zhou Li thought. "Have you seen "Looking for the Dragon"?"

Yi Yi suddenly inexplicably panic. Although it has not yet been determined, Chen Kezhen’s ten-nine-nine is the dream of Lushan. Suddenly hearing the topic related to him at this moment, it is inevitable that the consciousness is excessive.

"Yes, okay." Yan Yi's eyes drifted. "He also played the earliest movie version. I am not very interested in the original."

"Have you heard the rumors of the rivers and lakes?" Zhou Li looked like a mysterious secret. "The film was not able to fly the protagonist. He was not red at the time. It was the author who liked him so much. The protagonist of the third novel is simply following him."

Yi Yi stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head: "How is it possible?"

Chen Kezhen’s resentment against Mo Zhenfei, where is like a fan, not to mention using him as a prototype.

"Really, since you like him, haven't you heard of it?" Zhou Li recalled. "I remember that someone else has done a test. It is almost a moment when Mo Zhenfei and an omega actress rumored. Time..."

"That's all fake," Yi Yi was very serious. "Someone wants to black him. He has already clarified it!"

"He said that he didn't have any use. The photos and videos are all true." Zhou Li raised his eyebrows. "You also believe this."

"It’s all the woman’s deliberate design,” he said. “I’ve seen that video. There’s an action in the middle. People with psychology have analyzed that it’s the meaning of inner resistance, in fact...”

"I have done it," Zhou Li quickly interrupted him. "You can listen to this brainwashing bag. Anyway, after that, the whole story of the dragon is not normal. Then, It’s pitted.”


"Hey, I just heard about it. You don't think it's easy to pull it down." Zhou Li was much more interesting than Chen Kezhen. Seeing the entanglement of Yi Yi immediately took the initiative to transfer the topic. "These people will not be ordinary like us anyway." It doesn’t matter if people have an intersection."


The psychological activities of Yi Yi at this moment are more complicated than those imagined by Zhou Li.

He has always been a free-style periodic chase star, only to focus on the idol when there is no unrequited love object, and it is not indulged, and will not take the initiative to pay attention to the gossip. It is a self-satisfaction that all negative news does not exist when the eyes are closed, so little is known about such news. The video was so loud that he would hear it. As for the other trails, I have never heard of it.

Chen Kezhen hates Mo Zhenfei. Is it really because he can't accept the idol's anecdote, so the powder turns black? With this in mind, the whole thing suddenly became unexpected and reasonable.

After all, this person's aesthetic vision is actually quite close to himself. He Yi Yi has envied Mo Zhenfei as a male god, and there is no reason why Chen Kezhen can be completely immune.

Seeing that Yi Yi didn't scream and frowning, Zhou Li was a bit flustered, worried that he had just said something wrong, so he racked his brain to transfer the topic.

"Oh, yes, guess who I met yesterday!" He shot the table very arrogantly.

The Yi Yi Wen Yan, who was still working on his mind, was immediately greeted with interest.

"...Liu Yuan?"

"Right right," Zhou Lim nodded. "How do you know, he said to you?"

"I saw him leave a message to your circle of friends," he asked. "He helped you find Mimi together?"

"Not too much..." Zhou Li thought about it and then suddenly smiled. "He still hates Mimi. If I am late, I suspect he might just bake Mimi."

It turned out that Zhou Wei’s cockroaches suddenly attacked him and came to his house. He was very angry after seeing his alternative pet, so he threw it out with the container without saying hello.

Zhou Li was anxious, but the old man was stubborn and unreasonable. He did not let him know where he was thrown. In desperation, he can only carry out a carpet search near his home. From noon, I found no gains in the evening, and finally burst into tears under desperation.

While crying for a while, I suddenly saw a person on the edge of a flower bed not far away, and I was familiar with it.

The man frowned and was staring at a box in front of him.

"He said to me, 'Hurry up and take it away, I look at the troubles,'" Zhou Libi said and laughed. "I asked him, then you look at me, don't worry, he said, 'also it is good'."

"..." Yi Yi did not have an interface, just staring at him.

Zhou Li did not care about it, and continued to say: "Do you know, he really hangs the key ring that I lost to him. If you don't take it with me, I will endure hardships."

Yi Yi knows, but he decided to pretend not to know.

He is in a very complicated mood now, because he feels like he has seen the sprout of a beautiful love. It was a bit sweet, and people couldn't help but be happy, but then it was a bit sour.

Because his own love is almost a ruin. In comparison, it is even more miserable.

"And then you exchange contacts?" he asked Zhou Li.

"I want to thank him, but he said that he didn't think about what he wanted for the time being. He owed it first."

Yi Yi thinks that she probably knows what Liu Yuan wants most.

He smiled and asked Zhou Li: "Do you think this person is quite interesting now?"

"Well..." Zhou Li thought for a moment. "Alright."

"He thought I was a couple with you," continued Yi Yi. "Do you think there is a need to explain?"

Zhou Li heard the words hesitating, and then slammed his head: "Does this matter?"

Yu Yi suddenly felt that the child was a bit stupid. People obviously have a good impression on him, but as long as they do not show their pursuit, he will have no idea.

Perhaps you should give him a little developed imagination. Looking at each other, the children and grandchildren are full.

When I went back in the evening, Chen Kezhen still closed the door. Yi Yi specially sneaked into the trash bin of the kitchen and saw that the takeaway packaging had been left inside.

Chen Kezhen honestly ate a takeaway and did not raise any protests. Looking at this appearance, obviously I don't want to talk to him anymore.

In fact, Yi Yi originally thought about it. If Chen Kezhen pleaded guilty to this, ask him why he didn't go home to cook or not, he would admit his mistake by squatting, and then continue to cook with him from tomorrow to eat with him.

Perhaps after a few days, the relationship between them will be eased.

...but what is the use?

Still better now. It is impossible to get a feeling of response, the more you invest, the deeper you hurt. Now that the other party is willing to let him live a life, he should seize the opportunity to save himself in time.

When the feelings are not smooth, the work will be smooth.

The project finally ended perfectly. After the last meeting was over, Party A set up a banquet and invited them to participate.

I have to go home alone in the evening, and I have recently started to question my own wine. I only drink juice all the time. I was persuaded to drink several times in the middle, but I was blocked by Liu Yuan, who was in the same room.

Yi Yi and Liu Yuan had eaten more than once, but it was the first time I saw this person drinking. When I first saw him half a glass of beer, the face was reddish and I thought it was about the same level as myself. I didn't expect to change the variety of cups and drink for a long time. Liu Yuan is still just a reddish look, and the tone of expression is almost the same as in the weekdays.

This made Yi Yi could not help but give him a three-point respect.

However, when it was about to be released, the guy who didn't know how many bottles he had blown up finally showed a three-point drunkenness. He began to speak big tongue and was excited.

He ran to the edge of Yi Yi, and Da La La reached out to hook his neck and forced his face to say that he wanted to take a selfie. After the filming, I added a strange filter, and I plan to send it to a circle of friends. Yi Yi sat on the side and watched him edit a nine-square grid, which was full of self-portrait photos of him and the members of the Yi Yi team. This person also knows to be politely away from other omegas when he is drunk, but he is especially close to Yi Yi. He can still see him as Alpha in the subconscious.

"Oh, yes, when the end is over, don't leave, wait for me," Liu Yuan said after sending it, and said to him in a particularly serious tone, "I have something to say to you."

So after the break, Yi Yi specially stayed to wait for him, and then accompanied him to the hotel garden to smoke.

"Thank you today, or I will definitely be miserable."

"What kind of politeness, this wine is a small meaning," Liu Yuan waved his hand. "Of course I have to complete the task of Ke Wei."

Yi Yi immediately frowned: "... Who told me?"

"Ah." Liu Yuan, who was obviously very slow in thinking, took a moment and took a picture of his head. "He told me not to tell you, I forgot. Then you remember not to tell him I told you."


"That, I am looking for you to come out with special matters. I must tell you in person." Liu Yuan still looks a little drunk, but his expression is very solemn.

"You said?"

"Yi Yi, I really, especially treat you as a friend," Liu Yuan said. "Although the time of understanding is not very long, I feel that I can get it right."

Yan Yi smiled: "I also treat you as a friend."

"But I did something that I am very sorry for you," Liu Yuan said. "Oh, it’s not right, I haven’t done it yet, I’m going to do it. That is, although I’m a friend, I’m still planning to do something sorry for you. So special. I am so sorry."

He is a bit incoherent, but Yi Yi feels that he seems to understand his meaning a bit.

"However, in fact, you are also a bit problematic," Liu Zigu continued to say, "You and Ke Wei look like that, he is not fair to Zhou Li, isn't it?"

Suddenly, Chen Kezhen’s name appeared again, and the sorrow that had been laughing out was completely frozen.

"Yi Yi, I am sorry for you, I like Zhou Li." Liu Yuan said that he finished, and added, "I am sorry for lightning."

"So when you came to eat that day, it was tangled like this?"

"But I figured it out now, I want to chase him. He is very good, he can't be with a half-hearted person."

"...oh." Yi Yi nodded.

"I think I have to say it to you anyway, but even if you are angry with me, I will..."

"That," Yi Yi interrupted him. "Zhou Li does not like others to be too active."


"If you really like him, it's best to restrain yourself, first pretend that you don't like him so much," said Yi Yi. "Give him some time, start with friends, come slowly."

The alcohol consumed by Liu Yuan seems to have gradually come to an end after a period of delay.

He was a little confused, and he didn't know how much he listened to. Yu Yi stopped the car for him and saw him and the driver confirmed the address before he was relieved to show him away.

I am planning to hit another car again, and the phone suddenly vibrates.

It’s actually the news that Chen Kezhen, who has been quietly eating and taking out these days, has not raised any protests.

"Not too early, come back early, be careful on the road."

Yi Yi looked at the news and sent it for a while. I entered the response several times and deleted it again. The whole person was even a little overwhelmed.

Then, the prompt that the other party is entering appears on the window.

After a few seconds, the new message jumped out.

"Or, I will pick you up?"

The author has something to say:

One day after half a month.

Yi Yi: You specifically let Liu Yuan give me a stop?

Chen Kezhen: I rely on me to let him not mention it with you!

Yi Yi: Oh... then don’t tell him that I mentioned it to you...

the next day.

Liu Yuan: I rubbed me so that you don't tell him I told you!

Yi Yi: I rubbed him how to tell you!

Liu Yuan: Hey... then don’t tell him, I’ll talk to you...