MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 646 bombardment, black coffin

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】


The long river is mighty, and as soon as it is brushed, the black hands will rot and fester in an instant, and turn into a mass of ashes in the blink of an eye.

"The power of time?"

Yinggou was taken aback and quickly backed away.

It's a pity that it's too late to avoid it, the mighty river of light enveloped it, like the Milky Way falling from the sky and submerging its huge corpse.


Sensing the crisis, Ying Gou roared up to the sky, revealing the true body of the corpse ancestor, the devil god, half human, half beast, a horrible zombie covered with black scales, with a hideous appearance, and a terrifying roulette made of flesh and blood growing on his back. The two fangs shone like blood-colored sharp swords.


Yinggou roared, the chaotic corpse energy boiled and burned, and there were huge black rivers coiled around him, in which hundreds of millions of corpses floated up and down, like the Styx sweeping across.

Countless black rivers converged, and Taotao swept and crashed into the long river of time.

The Heihe River and the Guanghe River collided, and the two long rivers twisted and merged continuously.

"Ah..." Yinggou let out a miserable scream.

Its black river was swallowed by the long river of time, as if it had been cut off, hundreds of millions of corpses weathered and disappeared one by one.

Even the real body of the ancestor with it was involved in it and sunk by Guanghe. Countless time swept over the body, cutting off the flesh and blood like a knife and an axe.

Decaying, crumbling, falling silently into collapse.

"I am the ancestor of the chaotic corpse. I am immortal and cannot enter the six realms of reincarnation. How can I be eroded by time?"

Yinggou was howling, struggling hard, and jumped up, wanting to jump out of the long river of time.

It's a pity that the river of light is vast, and the rolling tide of time engulfs it wave after wave, constantly obliterating its original vitality.

The power of time wiped out the vitality, and the real body of the ancestor was defeated and decayed bit by bit, and the huge real body continued to collapse and disintegrate.

Dangerous, the breath of death enveloped him, making Ying Gou panic.

"Longing for countless years, although you survived, but you no longer have the strength of the peak of the past, how can you withstand the mighty power of time?"

Su Mu's face was expressionless, his palms were pressed down, and endless time was shrouded, forming mighty rivers of time to wash away the body of the Chaos Corpse Ancestor.

It was beaten again and again by the tide of time, and finally sank.

A decayed corpse floated above the river of light, and the true spirit of Yinggou was completely obliterated by Su Mu's power of time.

Eternal Empty is an ultimate move that has just been realized, and its power is terrifying.

With one blow, the corpse ancestor Yinggou, who was as strong as Chaos, was robbed, and died tragically in the long river of time, leaving only a decayed and dilapidated corpse.

This corpse is terrible. As one of the four great corpse ancestors, it possesses the terrifying origin and power of the Chaos Demon God, so of course it cannot be wasted.


Behind, Queen Mother Xi and Miaoyin looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

One face to face, the powerful Chaos Demon God Remnant, one of the Chaos Corpse Ancestors, was killed by Su Mu just like that?

Is it too childish?

In fact, it's not a joke at all, it just reflects the strength and terror of Su Mu's current strength.

Especially after just undergoing a transformation and reorganization, it became even more terrifying, just like Da Dao chasing after feeding, stepping into a higher level all of a sudden.

With the mysterious power that can touch the threshold of immortality, it can be said that Su Mu's combat power has soared to an extremely terrifying level.

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】


With a wave of Su Mu's hand, he grabbed it with five fingers, and the huge real body of the corpse ancestor flew towards him quickly, shrinking and falling into his palm.

Looking at the real body of the corpse ancestor who was imprisoned in the palm, although it was decayed and dilapidated, it still contained an origin that belonged exclusively to the Chaos Demon God.

This is what Su Mu is greedy for. Even if he can't use it himself, it's still okay for his wife to use it.


[Congratulations, you have successfully killed the remnants of the Chaos Demon God, one of the four Chaos corpse ancestors, and won the hook. Reward: a Chaos Treasure Chest. 】

When a reminder came, Su Mu looked happy.

Sure enough, there are good things, kill Yinggou to get a Chaos Treasure Chest.

This is the first Chaos Treasure Chest. I don't know what kind of good treasures can be opened?

It would be perfect if a piece of Chaos Supreme Treasure could be obtained.

"Do you want this?"

Su Mu looked at the sluggish Queen Mother Xi and Miao Yin and asked softly.

The two woke up, looked at the real body of the corpse ancestor imprisoned in his palm, looked at each other and shook their heads to express that they didn't need it.

Although the origin of the Chaos Demon God did have powerful effects, the two didn't want it because the origin of the corpse ancestor didn't fit their systems.

"If you don't want it, forget it, I will first extract the origin of the corpse ancestor, and let others use it."

Su Mu thought for a while and directly cast the sky-replenishing technique to refine the corpse ancestor.

The origin of a group of chaotic corpse ancestors was extracted, sealed and put away, thinking about who would be better to give it to.

This is the origin of a Chaos Demon God. As one of the four great Chaos Corpse Ancestors, as long as someone takes it, they can directly obtain the blood of the Chaos Demon God, inheriting the origin and becoming a new generation of Chaos Corpse Ancestors.

Simply fantastic.

"This thing is in line with the demon clan, or should it be given to the devil emperor or witch?"

Such a thought flashed through Su Mu's mind and he suppressed it immediately.

Put it away for now, and talk about it when I go back.

"My deity!"

At this time, the original true demon clone appeared.

"How?" Su Mu nodded as expected.

I saw the original true demon replied: "It has completely devoured the origin of this abyss, completely controlled it, and can connect eighteen abyss realms."

"Yes, you are now the Lord of the Abyss, right?"

Su Mu looked at the avatar, and realized that he had merged with this abyss, or that this abyss was completely absorbed and accommodated by the original true demon.

"That's right, my way is to keep devouring the abyss, absorbing billions of abysses into my body, and achieving my own immortality."

The original true devil answered truthfully, telling his plan.

This is the way of avatars, swallowing billions of abysses and merging into one's own body to achieve oneself.

Abyss, not one, but countless.

There are as many abysses as there are in the heavens and worlds, and it's right to count them anyway.

If the original true demon avatar really devoured and accommodated billions of abyss realms, it would definitely be able to merge with billions of abysses and step into true immortality.


Queen Mother Xi and Miaoyin looked at each other, stunned by Su Mu's daring idea.

To actually want to devour billions of abysses and refine them into one's own body to achieve immortality. It's too terrifying, too terrifying, and you're not afraid of killing yourself?

"It's crazy." Miaoyin exclaimed.

Queen Mother Xi admired a little: "Perhaps, the road to immortality should be like this?"

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

"Then how should we go about our road to immortality?"

For a moment, the two were at a loss and fell into a daze.

Immortality, they know that there is such a supreme realm, but they have no idea how to go, and they can't even see the way forward.

Can't touch, can't see, makes people fall into confusion.


Su Mu waved his hand to let the original true demon leave, to plan billions of abyss worlds to achieve himself.

As soon as the avatar left, Su Mu found the two people in a daze, and felt that they seemed to be lost.

"wake up."

He spoke softly, and suddenly woke up the two of them.

"Don't think too much, push your comprehension of the Dao Law to the extreme, immortality is not impossible."

Su Mu casually said such a sentence.

Queen Mother Xi and Miaoyin woke up as if they had realized something.

"Have you understood the ultimate law of the Dao?"

The two no longer entangled. After all, they had cultivated to the extreme state of the ancestor gods, and their mental state was already very strong. How could they achieve such achievements without great perseverance.

Su Mu beckoned and said, "Let's go in and have a look together. What kind of treasure does Yinggou have on him? After all, it's impossible for a Chaos Demon God to have no family background."

Let's talk, he took the lead and walked towards the magic palace ahead.

The three stepped into the magic palace and began to search for Yinggou's old lair, but to their surprise, there were no treasures in it.

There wasn't even a spirit treasure, something felt wrong.

"This winning hook, isn't it the Chaos Demon God? Why doesn't it even have an innate spirit treasure?"

In the depths of the magic palace, Su Mu looked blank, looking at the empty magic palace, there was really nothing.

If you win the hook, you will die of poverty.

"No, I feel that this magic palace is the companion treasure of Yinggou?"

The Queen Mother of the West suddenly noticed something strange and opened her mouth to guess.

"Do you feel that this magic palace looks like a coffin from the outside?"

Miaoyin suddenly reminded me.

Su Mu was stunned for a moment, then left the magic palace in a flash.

Looking from the outside, let alone, the entire dark magic palace is like an enlarged coffin.

A magic palace turned into a coffin?

"The coffin, the companion treasure of Yinggou?"

Su Mu's eyes were strange, and a ray of light suddenly shot out.


The demon palace trembled, trembling inexplicably, sending out a series of terrifying chaotic demon energy.

Wisps of brilliance and aura of the most precious treasures permeated the air, which lifted the spirits of the three of them.

"Sure enough, it is a treasure, but it seems that the source is damaged?"

Su Mu was thoughtful, raised his hand and kept offering sacrifices to the devil's palace, which quickly shrunk down and gradually returned to its original origin and turned into a pitch-black devil's coffin.

It is really a magic coffin, and it is an innate treasure.

It's a pity that it is incomplete, as if a corner was smashed by something.

"You, who wants it?"

Su Mu held a delicate and small black magic coffin in his hand and looked at Queen Mother Xi and Miaoyin.

The two shook their heads in unison to express that they didn't need it.

"What kind of coffin do you want?"

Queen Mother Xi gave him a blank look.

Two delicate goddesses, using a coffin as a treasure?

"Forget it, I'll keep it."

Su Mu smiled and put away this little devil's coffin, it must be a good thing as an innate treasure.

"Maybe this chaotic fragment can be refined?"

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

He stood here, looking at the vast chaotic air around him, wondering if he could refine it.

After all, a small fragment belonging to the Great Chaos might gain a lot after refining it.

"Heaven-replenishing technique, practice!"

Without hesitation, Su Mu directly cast the sky-replenishing technique, and under the extreme explosion, the multicolored divine light spread mightily, covering the shattered chaos.


The horror of mending the sky is really vividly displayed, it can refine all things, even the world can be directly refined.

Including the shattered chaotic fragments in front of me, they were also unable to withstand the refinement of the Sky Mending Technique, and were gradually shrinking and condensing.

People have to be shocked by the horror of mending the sky, it is hard to imagine, what kind of great existence Nuwa is?

Refining stones to mend the sky, Su Mu even wondered in his heart, is Nuwa's so-called refining stones to mend the sky, is it possible to mend the sky by refining worlds into colorful stones?

After all, if you want to mend the sky, only things of the same origin can do it.

Repairing one world, how to do it after smelting the origin of the world that is not the same source?


The shattered chaos was shrunk, and the multicolored divine light shrouded and condensed, gradually refining the shattered pieces of chaos.

In the end, a cloud of gray matter fell into Su Mu's palm, it was a mass of chaos, and there was a ray of primordial aura faintly.

"Could it be that there is a primordial purple energy in the great chaos?"

Such a thought flashed through Su Mu's mind.

This is a good thing, devouring the countless worlds that can strengthen one's body.

"Hey, Di Jun ran to the other side again."

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly noticed that Su Mu raised his head in surprise.

He left an imperceptible aura with Di Jun for tracking purposes, and now he found that Di Jun had gone to Purgatory Continent.

Could it be that there are also the remnants of the demon **** hiding there?

With some curiosity and anticipation, Su Mu decided to follow Di Jun to explore.

"Go, follow Di Jun, maybe this guy knows a lot of Chaos Demon God's secrets."

As he said that, Su Mu put away the source of chaos, pulled Queen Mother Xi and Miaoyin to tear apart the void, and disappeared under the abyss. Some people died, but not completely dead...

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the iRead Novels app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the iRead Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflects his current appearance, UU reading is about seventeen or eighteen years old, and looks very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the iRead novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's gaze was serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. Master Yaomeng's Mountains and Seas for All: From a Thatched Cottage

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