MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 635 Open up the devil world

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"That's right, it's the Demon Realm."

Su Mu said happily.

In the demon world, where there are immortals, there are demons.

"You are an immortal emperor who created the immortal world and the immortal clan. How do you create another demon world?"

Queen Mother Xi looked at him in astonishment and asked.

Miao Yin beside him asked suspiciously: "Could it be that you still want to be the devil emperor, one immortal and one demon, and want to control everything like the emperor of heaven?"

Speaking of the Emperor of Heaven, the two of them understood each other deeply.

The old silver coin of the Emperor of Heaven is a real boss with many methods. Not only did he create the heaven himself, but he also cultivated a real body of God and created the Western Heaven to rule the Western gods.

Not to mention the exposed lord of civilization, the founder of billions of cosmic civilizations, who created the avenue of civilization and became the lord of civilization.

This method is horrifying and dreadful.

Now that Su Mu said that he wanted to open up a demon world, didn't he just want to control both immortals and demons?

The Queen Mother of the West took a deep look at Su Mu, and sighed, "I have some doubts that you are one of the true bodies of the Heavenly Emperor."

"If not, why are your various methods and abilities the same as the Emperor of Heaven?"

She said this with a trace of complicated emotions, and the ups and downs in her heart could not be calmed down.

Miaoyin was straightforward, and thoughtfully said: "If you create the Demon Realm, it's just right, how about I enter the Demon Realm and become the ancestor of the Demon Buddha?"


Su Mu's eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed.

In the fairy world, there is the power of the Queen Mother of the West to naturally strengthen the fairy world.

And next, Su Mu will definitely open up the demon world, after all, the demon clan is also a mountain and sea clan he founded.

The immortals have appeared, and the demons can't be left behind.

Therefore, as the real boss behind the demon clan, Su Mu decided to quietly create a demon world to oppose the fairy world.

And Miaoyin joined the demon world, which naturally made the two worlds form a balance. On the surface, the fairy and the devil are opposed, and secretly engage in some shady activities.

Anyway, if the Emperor of Heaven can do it, why can't I do it?

"How do you open up the devil world? Could it be that you want to separate out a clone of the devil emperor?"

Queen Mother Xi asked with some doubts.

This guy really dares to think, and he is as cunning as the Emperor of Heaven, he is a cunning little man.

"Don't worry, I'm sitting in the Immortal Realm to prevent the Heavenly Emperor from making troubles. I don't need to do or participate in the creation of the Demon Realm. In fact, it has nothing to do with me."

Su Mu explained with a calm face.

It really doesn't have much to do with him, the creation of the Demon World doesn't require his participation.

With the clone of the original true demon, there is no need for Su Mu to do it.

"Look, the person who created the Demon World has appeared."

Su Mu narrowed his eyes and pointed to the void to signal the two of them.

Queen Mother Xi and Miaoyin looked at the same time, only to see a mysterious figure appearing in the void.

This person was covered with clusters of primitive demonic energy, and the chaotic void around him was crushed and distorted, tearing apart chaotic cracks.


The Queen Mother of the West looked at the mysterious phantom in surprise.

Miaoyin's feelings as a magic Buddha are naturally more sensitive and clear, and there is a look of shock on his face.

"Original True Demon?"

Miaoyin exclaimed, obviously recognizing the other party's identity and heels.

It was a primitive true demon.

"how is this possible?"

The face of Queen Mother Xi changed slightly, and she whispered: "The original true demon is the most primitive ancient chaotic demon born in the era of great chaos, and it has long been extinct."

The two of them naturally knew the heels of the original true demon, and they were even more shocked.

In the era of great chaos, the original true demon belonged to a powerful ancient demon born in the chaos in the early days of chaos, a powerful existence that could challenge the chaos demon god.

But in the later period, he was killed by three thousand Chaos Demon Gods and was eventually extinct. Since then, Chaos Demon Gods have dominated the Chaos Era.

Unexpectedly, they can still see a primitive true demon now, which shows how shocked the two of them are.

"He's yours..." Miao Yin looked at Su Mu in surprise and joy.

Su Mu nodded slightly, and said calmly: "That's right, that's a primordial true demon avatar that I refined. He is in charge of the demon world, and it's up to him to create the demon clan."


Queen Mother Xi was a little speechless, looking at him with weird and complicated eyes.

This guy is really as insidious as the Emperor of Heaven. wΑΡ.āйsΗυwu

Such a hole card is actually hidden, if not for the intimate and in-depth communication between the two of them, they might still be kept in the dark.

"The Demon Realm actually existed in the past, but it was wiped out by the Heavenly Emperor and Xitian."

Queen Mother Xi shook her head lightly and sighed.

In the past, there was actually an Unrivaled Demon Ancestor who created the Demon Realm, and was in the limelight for a while, but unfortunately, it was destroyed by the cooperation of the Emperor of Heaven and the Great Sun Tathagata.

After all, once the Demon Realm comes out, the merits and luck of Heaven and West Heaven will be divided. The world is so big, and there are only so many cakes. Who wants to share the cakes in their hands with you.

So the former Unrivaled Demon Ancestor was jointly exterminated.


Su Mu thought about it, and suddenly said: "Could you be talking about the demon ancestor in the depths of the cemetery of the gods?"

"Hey, you know?"

Miaoyin looked at Su Mu in surprise, and then suddenly said: "That's right, you saw me resuscitated in the battlefield of the gods before, you should know that the gods buried deep in the cemetery of the gods are actually the burial place of the ancestors of the demons."

"The demon ancestor may have recovered."

When she mentioned it, Queen Mother Xi reacted.

She said clearly: "That's right, in the previous battle, Heavenly Court and Western Heaven united, although I didn't make a move, I could see clearly that the Demon Ancestor was killed by the Heavenly Emperor and Tathagata, and his body was suppressed in the cemetery of the gods. "

"Use the power of the cemetery of the gods to suppress the demon ancestor and not give it a chance to recover. It seems that something has changed there."

Speaking of this, Queen Mother Xi sighed a little.

Miaoyin snorted coldly: "After I recovered, the Buddha set foot in the cemetery of the gods. Obviously, the recovery of the Demon Ancestor must have something to do with him."

"...." Su Mu had a headache.

These big guys are messing with life and death, and they don't know how many things are going on behind the scenes.

The Demon Ancestor has been suppressed and sealed. Now that Miaoyin said that the recovery is related to the Tathagata of the Western Paradise, there is a big problem.

In the past, it was the two of them who suppressed and killed the Demon Ancestor, and now they are the ones who revived the Demon Ancestor.

"If you open up the Demon Realm, you will obviously face off against the former Demon Ancestor, and maybe you will **** the sovereignty of the Demon Realm."

Miaoyin gave a warning.

After hearing this, Su Mu nodded slightly, thought for a while and said, "It's okay, you and I will work together to stop the Heavenly Emperor, Buddha, and God. As for the Demonic Ancestor, even if he recovers, there will be a primitive true demon to deal with it."

"No way, this time the Demon Ancestor was completely ashamed."

Su Mu said with a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

Demon Ancestor, if you jump out to make trouble or **** the sovereignty of the Demon Realm, then I'm sorry, I'll let you be completely ashamed first.

Both the fairy world and the demon world are under the control of Su Mu, one is bright and the other is dark, how can anyone get their hands on it, not even the ancestor of the devil.


At this time, there was a loud noise from the depths of nothingness.

Just like the opening of the world, the chaotic energy rolled out, causing waves of disasters that would destroy the world.

The ground, fire, feng shui surged, and the immeasurable demonic energy shocked all parties.

"Demon Realm, get out!"

In the chaotic void, the primordial true demon showed his true body of a hundred thousand feet, exuding monstrous demonic energy, which attracted infinite magical energy to gather and cast a powerful secret method to open up the world.


A blow from the real demon shattered the chaos, and the earth, fire, feng shui continued to surge, and began to build a gray world.

This is to forcibly open up a big world.


An angry shout resounded through Nine Heavens.

I saw bursts of sky light falling, and the Heavenly Emperor emerged, looking angrily at the original true demon who was opening up the demon world in the chaos.

The demonic energy in his body is mighty, suppressing the nine heavens and ten places, causing the shock and frenzy of countless monsters.

An Unrivaled Demon Ancestor appeared, which naturally attracted countless monsters.


The Great Sun Tathagata also appeared, but what came was just an incarnation of thought, turned into a phantom of a great Buddha standing in the depths of nothingness, looking at the unrivaled true demon who created the world.

He looked strange, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

A demon ancestor, beyond his expectation, because this demon ancestor is not familiar at all, it is obviously an unknown and strange demon ancestor.

Because Da Ri suddenly knew very well that the former Demon Ancestor was killed by him and the Heavenly Emperor.

Moreover, he quietly released the sealed Demon Ancestor to wake up the former Demon Ancestor.

No one knew that the former Demon Ancestor was in his hands.

But what the **** is this demon ancestor who suddenly appeared now?

Isn't the demon ancestor the only one? Why is there a second demon ancestor, and I have never seen or heard of his existence.

"Tathagata, hasn't the Demon Ancestor been exterminated?"

The Emperor of Heaven was a little furious, and looked at the original true demon who was opening the sky in surprise, always feeling a little familiar.

Tathagata twitched, put his hands together and said, "Haotian, he is not the demon ancestor you and I killed in the past, it seems that a new demon ancestor has been born."

"A new demon ancestor?"

The Emperor of Heaven's face was gloomy, his eyes swept across the vast fairy world, and then at the powerful true demon who was opening up the world in the chaos, his heart was suddenly burning with anger.

"God, you're playing with fire!"

He was so angry that his eyes almost spit fire.

The Emperor of Heaven was a little annoyed, thinking that the Dao of Heaven was doing something wrong.

After all, Tiandao took back the power of Tiandao that he controlled, which made him completely lose the power of Tiandao. The birth of the fairy world, let alone the birth of the fairy clan, divided half of the luck of the heaven.

Now another demon ancestor has emerged to open up a demon world. Isn't this the way of heaven and what is it?

"Heaven is disobedient."

"Has your Heavenly Dao authority been taken back?"

The Emperor Tian's expression returned to indifference, and he said something slowly.

Not far away, Da Ri Tathagata's expression changed, showing a hint of compassion on his face.

"Amitabha, the sky has lost its way, it's time to change it."

Da Ri suddenly had a compassionate face and bursts of Buddha light all over his body.

"Tian Dao put it aside in advance, let's talk about how to deal with this demon ancestor in front of me?"

The Heavenly Emperor stared murderously at the original true demon in the chaos.

"Just kill one more."

Da Ri suddenly said calmly and calmly.

So what about the demon ancestor, one was killed in the past, and now another one is killed.

"very good!"

The Emperor of Heaven readily agreed, and said coldly: "Then I and you will join forces again to kill this new Demon Ancestor, the Demon World should not have been born."


The big day Tathagata Buddha's eyes shone with fiery golden light, and his powerful will locked the original true demon.

The two big brothers joined forces again to kill the newly emerged Demon Ancestor.

"Haotian, Tathagata, what do you want to do?"

Suddenly, three figures appeared quietly, standing in front of the Heavenly Emperor and Da Ri Tathagata.

The person who came was Su Mu, the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Realm, followed by the Queen Mother of the West and Miaoyin.

"It's you again!"

The Heavenly Emperor looked at Su Mu and the Queen Mother of the West, and their expressions suddenly darkened. ΚáИδんǔ


The Great Sun Tathagata squinted his eyes, and the rays of the Great Sun burst out.

"Today, even if you come, you can't stop my determination."

The Emperor of Heaven was angry, not to mention losing the authority of the Heavenly Dao, but now he was stopped by Su Mu and others, so he couldn't help it.


In the next second, a person walked out of the Emperor's body, bathed in the light of civilization, holding an ancient spear of civilization, full of murderous aura.

A holy light fell from heaven, and God descended.

Immediately afterwards, the **** slowly unfolded, and a terrifying Lord of Hell walked out of it.

The emperor of heaven, the lord of civilization, God, the lord of hell, and the Buddha, surrounded the three of Su Mu together.

"Su Mu, today, I will kill you!"


Following the order of the Emperor of Heaven, the five powerhouses made a bold move. After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, UU Reading should be in the ward now.

And my own could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflected his current appearance, he was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapter content without ads for free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website will be closed soon, download the Star Reading app to provide you with the mountain and sea of ​​the great **** Yaomeng: starting from a thatched hut


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