MTL - More Than A Few Blessings-Chapter 42

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Probably because the other person's eyes were too obvious, Lu Chengyu felt that his smile on his face could not be stretched. He moved slightly to the side and found that Yan's second sight still followed himself. He said: "Mr. Yan Lao Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Young people, your eyes are peach blossoms, and the eyebrows are like spring willows. Although they are not male and female, this looks are too fascinating." Yan Lao Er’s back behind him, some disgusted: "I heard that there is such a look. Men can’t stand it.”

Even though Lu Chengyu, who thinks that the superficial kung fu is doing well, can't help but scream at the mouth after hearing this, he doesn't even have a girlfriend. Where is the peach blossom? He looked at Yan Mu with suspicion and found that there was some helplessness in the face of the other thousand years of change. Obviously, he did not believe this kind of rhetoric. He had to smile: "I am really sorry, my parents gave me this look."

Yan Lao Ermei picked up: "Your parents are very correct, you are not like them."

Lu Chengyu’s heart was suspicious, and Yan’s second brother knew how his parents looked, but thought that the matter about him and Liang Deyou had been so big ago, Lu Chengyu would understand that Yan Laoji might have investigated him after this incident. "Probably I have gathered my parents' strengths?"

Yan Laoji: "..."

"Two uncles," Yan Mu told Lu Chengyu to enter the office, shutting down the office by the way. "You don't have to take it seriously on the Internet."

Yan Lao Erpi laughed and said: "You are such a big person, I care about what you do with these things." He sat down on the sofa and cocked his legs. "This is not your assistant, how can you have a cup?" Doesn't coffee brew?"

Yan Mu took a glass of white water on the water dispenser and put it in front of him. He said with a face: "The elderly drink more boiled water and are good for the body."

Obviously, this kind of cheap disposable paper cup can't be ruthless. After he glanced at the paper cup, he didn't even reach for the cup. Yan Lao Er looked coldly at the neat president's office. "Although I don't care about Huading, I have a 10.6% stake in my hands, and I have the power to decide."

Yan Mu did not seem to hear the meaning of the inside of this statement, silent.

"Your father holds 48% of the shares before he dies, but only 38% of them are in your hands." Yan Laoji ignited a cigarette and slowly picked it up. "You know Why?"

Yan Mu looked at Yan Laoyi's eyes, and his expression did not change halfway as usual. It seems that the other party's words from beginning to end have no effect on him.

"You don't look like the kind of our strict family." Yan Laoji smiled indifferently. "Everyone said that most of us in the Yan family are smiling faces. How come to you, you will become this kind of life." Bored sex?"

Lu Chengyu, standing in the corner, touched his nose and thought that probably Yan Lao gave this genetic gene to Song Junyan, and Yan Mu might be more like the Mu family. He remembered the Mu family who came last time. It seems that he is also a less rigorous type. He is very close to Yan Mu.

Yan Lao Er did not care about himself, and he played the ash: "Your father has another 10% of the shares, 6 percent to me and the third, and the remaining 4 percent. I gave the woman and her son, if it wasn’t for your mother’s effort to calculate the 10% stake in Huading, then it’s not necessarily you who sat here today.” Until now, he felt that if Big brother and big sister are very close to each other, and the development of Huading is definitely more than it is now. It is a pity that this woman is married to his older brother.

"Two uncles also said, my mother still gave me 10% of the shares," Yan Mu mentioned the past, the brow does not wrinkle, "father is willing to give shares to other people, it is his business. But the second uncle It should be known that 52% of Huading's shares are in my hands. I am the most indispensable shareholder." If it is clearly a domineering side, once it is said, it is like telling a fact. Maybe not so domineering, but it is more helpless than the domineering tone.

"Yes, you didn't learn the tricks of our Yan family's smiles, but when you talk about it, Yan Jia's people can't compare with you," Yan Laoji took another cigarette. "When the Huading civil strife, I thought it was also your intention. Then, take this opportunity to drive away some people and buy back 4% of the stocks from the stock market. You are taking the Yanjiao industry adventure, you know?"

Yan Mu picked up his eyebrows. "How about that?"

"Yeah, how about that, without Yan family, you still have Mu's support," Yan Laoji sneered. "You are more like Mu's acting. Unfortunately, people are not as good as days. Someone is before you shoot." Buying Huading's stocks at an ultra-low price, if not, I am afraid that you will make Huading mess up for a little longer."

Lu Chengyu's brows shook and looked up at Yan Mu. It seems that the person who bought Huading shares at a very low price is him?

It is no wonder that the final share price of a large company like Huading will drop to the lowest level in the stock market, even cheaper than a bank with the lowest share price in the stock market. It turns out that there are these windings.

However, they are so bad at all that he said that these infighting secrets are not good at all. Isn’t he like listening to these things?

Yan Mu and Yan Laoji’s eyes met in the air. After some knives and shadows, Yan Mu suddenly stood up and opened the window behind him. He said with no expression: “I refused to smoke second-hand smoke.”

Lu Chengyu's mouth was pumped several times before he barely suppressed his impulse to laugh. He sympathetically looked at the cigarette caught on Yan's index finger. The other party was obviously in a dilemma of whether or not to eliminate the smoke. Finally he saw the slow smoke in the ashtray.

I felt that these conversations couldn’t be heard anymore. Lu Chengyu thought about it and was about to go out for a while and then come back. As a result, the hand had not touched the doorknob and was stopped by Yan Lao Er.

"You are Lu Chengyu, are you?" Yan Lao Er squinted at Lu Chengyu standing by the door, then turned his head to Yan Mudao. "Looking for a college graduate who is just graduated, you can really make a living. The third night last night. I called several shareholders over the night and said that it was your style. If I didn't help you, would you think it would be so quiet today?"

Lu Chengyu thinks that Yan Laoji is a bit strange, saying that he appreciates Yan Mu, and he has some words that are rather mean. To say that he is calculating Yan Mu, then why should he deliberately disclose to Yan Mu the things behind Yan Laosan, is this not equal to the cheaper opponents? And he looks at his own eyes, like watching a nuisance with a bad scorpion.

When he first entered Huading, he did not see these strange places. Today, this environment is enough for him to detect these things.

Yan Laoji is too contradictory.

Hearing the other party to bury himself, Lu Chengyu smiled politely, as if Yan Laoji said it was not his own.

"He finished his work well, I used it," Yan Mu opened a folder and signed the words. "Older age does not mean that the work ability is good. The human brain will not grow older. Become smart."

Yan Lao Er was blocked by this sentence. He saw the appearance of a dear truth, and turned to look at Lu Chengyu. "Since you are an assistant to Yan Mu, how come to filming?"

Lu Chengyu smiled and said: "Mr. Yan, I just help a friend, not ready to film."

"I think it is quite good for Lu Assistant to go to the filming." Yan Lao Erpi laughed and laughed. "After all, the shape is good."

Lu Chengyu smiled and said: "The appearance is given by the parents, the road is chosen by himself, and Mr. Yan looked up."

Seeing that he is not humble, Yan Laoji looks a little slower, remembering the hand of Lu Chengyu at the meeting: "Have you studied martial arts?"

"Isn't the martial arts interest class in the junior high school in the junior high school period?" Lu Chengyu asked seriously.

I don't know why, Yan Laoji feels that it is particularly laborious to talk to the two people in front of him. I don't know if he has a problem, or if these two people have problems: "If you are an assistant, you should be an assistant. I believe in professional conduct. These four words, the land assistant can still understand."

"Please rest assured Mr. Yan," Lu Chengyu raised his mouth and revealed a perfect smile. "Since I stepped into the gate of Huading, I understood the meaning of these four words."

Yan Laoji gave him a deep look and stood up and said: "In this case, I am relieved." He stood up and said to Yan Mudao, sitting at his desk, "I am going back, you are good at it."

“Mr. Yan Lao walked slowly,” Lu Chengyu sent the man to the elevator. He smiled and looked at the elevator door and closed his eyebrows. The interior of the Yan family did not seem as simple as he thought.

"Mr. Yan," in the parking lot, the bodyguard saw the appearance of Yan Laoji, and he opened the door for him. When he sat down, he sat down.

Looking at the driver's head, Yan Laoji suddenly said: "Lu Hefeng's son is really not like him."

After the bodyguard heard the words hesitated, he said: "What are you talking about? Mr. Yan is the assistant of the president?"

"Not who he is," Yan Laoji squinted. "His son is much more than his heart."

The bodyguard knew that this involved some trade secrets, so he dared not take it anymore and had to listen silently.

"Desperate people often don't like it," Yan Laoji put a cigarette in his mouth. The bodyguard lit the cigarette for him. He took a slow breath. "I helped him with a white, who knows how to turn around." I lost my life under the falling objects. So this person is a life. If the king wants him to die, no one can save it."

The bodyguard reached out to pick up the ash for him, so as not to splash on the suit of the strict second tailoring fit: "Mr. Yan, if those things are known by the land assistant..."

"Luo Hefeng kept things so tight, that is, he didn't want his son to know," Yan Lao squinted and looked at the scenery that flew past the window. "If the young man knows, look at me." I don’t want to bother to protect, or else it’s the end of an unexpected death.”

The bodyguard wants to say that this assistant is still not available at the age of twenty-two. If it is inexplicable, it is a pity. But when I thought about the dark things in the circle, I finally swallowed the words into my throat and carefully caught the ash that fell from the cigarette.

The work in the morning was no different from the past. When I went to dinner at noon, Lu Chengyu deliberately went to the restaurant in advance, and then met Tang Hao and others, and heard that they deliberately took the rumors on the Internet and joked with him. He was helpless: "I said, the person who posted the post would not be your sister?"

"Don't be awkward," Tang Yan took a step back and pulled the colleague behind him. "You can help me testify. I have nothing to do."

"Then you are so happy," Lu Chengyu played with the chopsticks in his hand. "Wait for the boss to come down, if you hear what you said..."

"Deduct wages, wear small shoes!" Other colleagues laughed and teased Tang Yan, apparently no one took this matter to heart, but instead became a joke.

What kind of identity is the president? It is a combination of the official three generations and the rich second generation. If the assistant and the boss are really so-called true love, Xiao Lu still needs to be bullied by the Prince Liang.

"If I was deducted, I will report you," Tang Yan walked around the high-heeled colleagues and walked around. "When I gossip, I am not alone."

Everyone burst into laughter, and there was a sharp-eyed view of Yan Mu appearing at the entrance of the canteen. He coughed and patted Lu Chengyu on his shoulder. "Lu Assistant, nothing, everyone will not believe the messy rumors on the Internet."

Lu Chengyu was helpless and half grateful to see this male colleague, but also noticed that Yan Muchao came over here and raised the volume: "Boss, here."

Tang Hao and others saw the atmosphere between Lu Chengyu and the boss and the impermanence of the past. Knowing that this would not affect Lu Chengyu, so they all spread their meals. When Yan Mu walked to Lu Chengyu, the people who were surrounded by Lu Chengyu had already gone.

Yan Mu looked around and saw Lu Chengyu holding chopsticks in his hand: "Have you made a good meal?"

"I only talked to them and forgot," Lu Chengyu smiled and looked at the small speculation area. "Today I went to the small speculation area to buy, the boss, you help me to cook, I will treat you."

Huading's internal canteen has a free staff meal, but in order to take care of the appetite of the staff, it has specially opened up a small speculation area. These small stir-fry tastes good and the price is cheaper than the outside restaurants.

Lu Chengyu has been familiar with the chef of cooking. When the person appeared in the window of the small speculation area, the master smiled and said: "Lu assistant, what kind of food do you want?" He turned the cooking pot neatly and brushed a dish. Then quickly wash the pot and fry a dish. "Today's ingredients are all fresh in the morning, fresh."

Lu Chengyu heard the words, quickly reported a few dishes, and thought that Cao Jingshen might come to eat leek, he added a dish, "Thank you, Master."

"Well," He Shifu poured the oil, poured vegetables, and seasoned. Not long after, Lu Chengyu wanted a few dishes to be fried.

Lu Chengyu used the tray to bring the dish to the table in front of Yan Mu, and sat down opposite Yan Mu: "Colleagues said that although the boss usually looks serious, but the things he does are still very grounded."

Looking at Lu Chengyu with incomprehensibility, obviously do not understand why the other party suddenly said this.

"The bosses of listed companies don't say that they often come to the cafeteria to eat, so they can't even come to the company." Lu Chengyu picked the vegetable dish. "You are too inconsistent with the status of the president."

"What should the president be like?" Yan Mu picked a chopsticks and green peppers and potatoes. After eating, I was not interested in the yacht luxury car. The star artist is even more boring. Every day I come to the company, you can still work with me. More interesting than other things."

Lu Chengyu held the hand of the chopsticks and stopped slightly. Then he said, "It seems that this is also the case." He took a sip of soup. "Like me, money is less and less, it seems that there is no difference."

Yan Mu thinks that Lu Chengyu is now a man with hundreds of millions of assets, but the life of the other party seems to have not changed a bit, as if it were 100 million and 10,000, the difference is not so big.

"It’s always useful," Yan Mu thought. "More money is better than no money."

"This comfort is not at all pleasant," Lu Chengyu smiled. "But it is very useful. It is better to have money than to have no money."

After the meal, Lu Chengyu went to other departments to deal with a temporary incident, and Yan Mu went to the secretary department to get the list of shareholders of the company that had been sorted out by Cao Jingshen.

"The list of more than 5% of the holdings is here." Cao Jingshen did not understand how the boss suddenly wanted these lists. Apart from the slight difference in the shareholding of these people, the others did not change much.

"I mean, those who are more than one percent more than one percent," Yan Mu did not look at the list of major shareholders. "I want to find out whether there is any relationship between these minority shareholders. Especially intimate."

When Cao Jingshen heard the words, he suddenly came up with the list of people. The list of nearly 20 people was big and small. When he saw a certain name, his expression changed slightly and he handed the list to Yan Mu without words.

During this time, because of the things before and after, they simply did not have the time to focus on the shareholders who bought a small share of shares, and knew that they would see the name that surprised him. He should have paid more attention.

It is no wonder that the manager of the finance department also mentioned Lu Chengyu with him in a vague way. It turned out to be because of this. Maybe the other person thought he knew this, so he didn't mention it again, and he thought that the other person mentioned Lu Chengyu casually because he was curious about Lu Chengyu's gossip, so he vaguely dealt with the other party, so he even missed this. Things.

"The personal information of these people shows that there is no connection, but I will let people check it again," Cao Jingshen said with a slight expression. "I missed my work, I didn't think..."

"It's not your problem. There are so many branches in the company. There are so many things lately. You can't take it seriously." According to the regulations, after the holdings reach 5%, the shareholders will report to the company, and the company will also The State Council Securities Supervision Agency and the Securities Office notified. And such a large company like Huading is very concerned about 1% of the minority shareholders, let alone shareholders like Lu Chengyu who hold 3 percent of the shares.

After he entered Huading, he checked several times before and after the Huading shareholders. At that time, there was no Lu Chengyu in the list of shareholders, indicating that 3 percent of Lu Chengyu’s holdings were after he decided to take back Huading’s power.

Is it... When Huading’s share price was the lowest, Lu Chengyu bought the stock?

Or to say, I thought wrong, Lu Chengyu was bought after the film was released and made a lot of money? However, the information on the investigation clearly stated that Lu Chengyu started a 3 percent stake in Huading a few months ago.

But even if Huading's share price is reduced to a minimum, Lu Chengyu is not likely to have enough money to buy these stocks. So much money, where did Lu Chengyu find it?

"Boss, would you like me to find someone to check..."

"No," Yan Mu turned the list over and looked at the back of a word. "No one is stupid enough to hold a 3 percent holding and use a real name to do a commercial spy."

Cao Jingshen frowned and said: "In case he really has a problem?"

The office was quiet for a few seconds, but Cao Jingshen felt inexplicably like it was quiet for a long time, and he was a little breathless for a long time.

"I will deal with this matter," Yan Mu stood up, smashed the list and threw it into the trash. "I believe him."

Looking at Yan Mu out of his office, Cao Jingshen’s headache smashed his nose. He actually believed Lu Chengyu. After all, Lu Chengyu’s smart person would not do such a stupid thing. The key is that the source of the other party’s money is too suspicious. Suspicious that he could not find a reason.

"Yu Chengyu of your sister, if you want to make a moth for Laozi, I really want to use your foot to step on your face!" Cao Jingshen looked at the company's internal information about Lu Chengyu, and worried about the problem.

Who knows that he just finished, Lu Chengyu came to him, and he still has a box lunch.

"Cao Ge, see you didn't come to dinner at noon today, I will bring you food," Lu Chengyu put the lunch box on the table and held his desk with his hand to Cao Jing Shen. "I am kind enough."

Cao Jingshen pushed the glasses and took a box of rice to open it. It was the dish he liked. He looked up at Lu Chengyu’s smiling face: “Do you know what I am doing at noon?”

"If you don't know what the secret should be, don't tell me," Lu Chengyu took a few steps back and sat down on the sofa. "I don't want to know at all."

One of the workplace rules, that is, don't be curious about curiosity, curiosity kills young people.

"It's not a secret. I just checked the list of shareholders of all sizes." Cao Jingshen looked up at Lu Chengyu. "These materials are messy. I spent a lot of time sorting out, and I didn't even have time to eat."

Lu Chengyu thought of the 3 percent stake, and he coughed: "Then you must have seen my name."

"I almost thought that I saw a person with the same name as you," Cao Jing Shen saw Lu Chengyu's expression, and his heart was loose. It seems that Lu Chengyu is not a spy sent by another company. "How can you get it?" There are three percent of the company’s shares, and I’m still blaming it?”

"I have forgotten it myself," Lu Chengyu sighed. "At that time, I had 20 million lottery tickets, plus the money my parents left me. I basically used them to buy the stocks of our company. Then I put the last The money left to go to the movies, and then busy every day, I will forget."

"Two million?!" Cao Jingshen felt as if he had opened a door to envy and hate. "Come on the movie? You... don't tell me, is there a part of your friendship?"

Lu Chengyu shyly smiled: "Hey, that is the one."

"I don't think I want to see you for the time being," Cao Jingshen was so weak that he took the box lunch. "Go to your sister's 20 million and go to your sister's movie to make three or four hundred million movies."

Cao Ge, I don't have a sister. "Lu Chengyu retired to the door and smiled and waved his hand. "Then I went back to work and I saw it." ”

"See you, I have never heard of this, it is too exciting." As the office door was closed, Cao Jingshen's original depressed expression slowly turned into a smile. If Lu Chengyu has a lottery ticket of 20 million yuan, then he can find out as a boss. Lu Chengyu will not be stupid enough to lie to lie.

Therefore, the truth of the facts is: the magicality and coincidence of the lottery getting rich.

Well, although he is relieved, but the door to envy and hate is not closed.

Lu Chengyu went outside the president's office and some hesitated to ask if he would ring the door. The stock is indeed his omission. With his friendship with Yan Mu, he should have told the other party actively instead of waiting for the other party to discover. If Yan Mu is a suspicious person, then even if this matter is clear, then there will be a flaw in the other party’s heart.

He calculated everything and expected everything. The only thing he didn't think about was that he and Yan Mu, the boss, would become such close friends. Friendship of this kind of thing, can not have too much suspicion, just like love, too much suspicion and suspicion, will only let the relationship break, and finally let both sides bow.

However, how should he explain that he will choose to buy Huading's stock after he won the prize? After all, at that time, Huading’s stock was not optimistic. He is a newly graduated college student. It’s hard to get 20 million. If you don’t buy anything, you can buy Huading stock. This is too doubtful.

If he said to Yan Mu that he has his own vision, I believe that Huading will develop into a national leading enterprise. Does the other party choose to believe in him or choose to paste him?

He wiped his face, and although he thought, Yan Mu might choose the second item, but he still had the courage to raise his hand and prepare to ring the door. Regardless of the outcome, he has to make things clear, otherwise his friendship with Yan Mu is too cheap.

As a result, the door opened from the inside when his hand had not yet reached the door.

The author has something to say: There is a base friend who has bound himself to the title of Tian Tiandi for the reason of his one meter six. I decided to give myself the title of punctuation on the grounds of my own 165, is it not? Is it a little higher than standing tall? (*^__^*)

Please raise a bug, I really don't understand the stock, I have the most headache to write this.

Thanks to demeter, the two large hand omelettes (╯3╰)╮

Thanks to the two great mines (╯3╰)╮

Thanks to the wind hall, the branding of the rhyme, the tree, the wind, the gods, the cold, the 嬴_like, the wind, the 懿~ group, the Hexi Hedong, the 婀娜大地的雷雷╭(╯3╰)╮2k novel reading network

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