MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 1917 you have to come on

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The original 4V3 situation has instantly become a 5V2.

But what made Nyarlatto and Yug even more desperate was that of the five giant trees, except for the first attacking method, the other four were different.

It's no longer a matter of battle pacing.

The second tree, the attack speed of each branch is extremely fast.

It has almost reached the limit that Yogg and Nyarrato can react to.

The third tree is even more difficult to deal with. The branches that protrude can hide their breath and avoid the spiritual sense of Yuge and the two.

Just now, Shabuni was hit by the ancient trick, which is the handwriting of this tree.

For the fourth tree, the chopped branches will split randomly in an instant to shoot 2 to 10 branches.

This random split is simply overwhelming.

As for the fifth tree of Shabunigu's incarnation, it is also quite difficult.

The branches that He was cut off would quickly grow into large trees with a slightly smaller size.

Although these big trees are not as strong as the five giant trees, their combat power is also more than the strength of the Chaos Universe.

Fortunately, these newly grown trees can only interfere with the two.

The defense and repair power are not as perverted as the giant tree.

With the strength of Nyarlatto and Yogg, it can be destroyed.

And even if they are hit by these big trees, they will not be assimilated out of the game.

This is the conclusion that Nyarrato has personally experienced.

However, although the threat of the big trees is small, the branches they protrude are exactly the same as the giant branches.

The two can only judge whether it is from a big tree or a giant tree from the strength of the breath after the branches are close.

But even so, the two did not dare to be easily hit by the big branches.

Because once it is entangled, even if it is only a momentary delay, it may cause itself to be touched by giant branches.

This third round of attacks almost exhausted Yogg and Nyarlatto.

After the whole day, both of them were running away in embarrassment.

Yog is even better, what he is best at is the way of time and space.

To a certain extent, escaping is his trump card.

Nyarlatto was quite uncomfortable.

Five giant trees, with hundreds of giant trees, and countless branches are like a net to him.

Every second, He is experiencing the battle royale.

In order to avoid being touched by the giant tree, He even resisted the attacks of the large branches several times.

Fortunately, this round is finally over.

Seeing the five giant trees retracting their branches, the big trees that split out one by one were also annihilated. The two finally found some free time and breathed a sigh of relief.

But it was only a slight sigh of relief, and the pressure immediately multiplied.

The third round is already like this, and the fourth and fifth rounds will only get more difficult.

"Am I going to make it to the tenth round?" Nyarlatto was a little skeptical.

He glanced at Yog, and the expression on Yog's face at the moment was not at all relaxed.

I don't know what he is thinking, and he didn't even notice Nyarlatto's gaze.

With the mechanical synthesis sound of "One, Two, Three, Wooden Man!", the five giant trees began to split at the same time.

Yes, even the giant tree that Shabunigu incarnated into has also entered a state of division.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Nyarlatto's face became more and more ugly.

The voice of the ghost face also came faintly at this time.

"Forgot to tell you, after you are assimilated into wooden people, each subsequent round will split like other wooden people and participate in the siege of your companions."

Just as the ghost face's voice fell, ten giant trees were completely split and formed.

The fourth round of battle has officially started!

Sensing an invisible sense of threat coming from his side, Nyarlatto dodged again without hesitation.

Yogg is still one step faster than him.

The five giant trees that split out have completely different abilities from the previous five trees.

The branches of one tree can flicker directly in space, and the ability is comparable to that of Yuge.

A branch has a time deceleration effect, which can slow down the time in a certain area near the branch.

One branch has the ability to change speed, and can be adjusted at will at 1 to 10 times the speed of the original giant branch, changing the battle rhythm.

The branches of one tree have a breath lock function, which makes all the concealment methods of Yugo and Nyarlatto invalid.

There is also a branch of a tree, which will burst out countless leaves once it is attacked.

This fourth round, compared to the previous round, is undoubtedly twice as difficult.

Nyarlatto was almost hit several times, but was rescued by Yog.

After a whole day, Nyarlatto was almost collapsed.

This round, He has exhausted all means.

If it wasn't for Yogg's shot, he would have been assimilated into a giant tree long ago.

After finally waiting for the ten giant trees to stop, the two finally got a chance to breathe again.

But Nyarlatto knew that it was impossible for him to make it to the tenth round.

Seeing that the ten giant trees began to split again, Nyarlatto said to Yug through voice transmission, "I have become a burden, you don't need to worry about me, save some more power to dominate, and try your best to survive the tenth round. "

Seeing Yogg staring at him without speaking, Nyarlatto continued, "Master Asa needs you."

Hearing this sentence, Yuger's eyes flashed for a moment, and then he nodded, "I see."

"One, two, three, wooden people!"

In the void, this mechanical synthesis sound soon sounded again.

The fifth round has begun!

Nyarlatto dodged almost without hesitation, but the next moment, a green vine quietly protruded from behind him, directly restraining his neck.

Nyarlatto's body immediately began to be assimilated by the giant tree...

The original 20V2 has instantly become a 21V1.

Watching Nyarlatto incarnate into a giant tree, Yogg's face did not fluctuate in the slightest, only his pupils dimmed for a moment.

Facing the pursuit of twenty-one giant trees, he dodged one after another.

There are countless afterimages in the void, and the main body hardly stays in any position.

Rao is the branch of twenty-one giant trees sticking out from the sky, almost covering the entire void, and still can't touch the corner of his clothes.

Just like that, the fifth round of the game passed quickly.

Then, the sixth round, the seventh round, the eighth round...

The number of giant trees in the void doubled again and again.

Twenty one!



One hundred and sixty-eight!

Almost every giant tree has different special abilities.

But in front of the ghostly figure Yug, it seems that he can't do anything about it.

His knowledge of time and space is too terrifying.

Not only can he move his position in an instant, but the way of time he masters can also affect the giant branches that are close to him at a certain distance.

This is also why after a few days, He is like a ghost wandering in the material world, unable to be touched at all.

But the high-intensity evasion for several days in a row was also a huge consumption of his dominance.

At the end of the eighth round, He finally exhaled a long breath.

In the gap between the splitting of the giant tree, the slightly mocking voice of the ghost face came again.

"There are still two last rounds, you have to cheer up~"

(End of this chapter)