MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 1877 Heaven's Secret

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Half a day passed in a flash, and Xueluo's strength finally recovered almost.

In fact, she did not receive any serious damage, mainly due to excessive consumption.

Seeing Lin Huang still sitting cross-legged, she couldn't help breaking the silence, "What's your plan next?"

"Find Kusuen and kill him." Lin Huang's answer was very concise.

"How confident are you?" Xueluo asked again.

"Ten." Lin Huang gave a very candid answer.

His opponent has always been Asa. As for these guys under Asa, they were never a threat to Lin Huang.

Xueluo was also stunned when she heard this answer. In fact, what she wanted to ask was whether she needed her help. But Lin Huang has already said that she is very sure, and it is not easy for her to continue.

"According to the information we got from Tianji, Kusun should already be regarded as a strong person in the second echelon under Asa, but there is a stronger first echelon above him. There are three strongest in the first echelon, who were called the Three Pillars of God."

"These three are said to be unimaginably powerful. The threshold for Nine Stars to dominate is to control hundreds of millions of chaotic universes, and the number of chaotic universes controlled by these three is likely to be as high as trillions. It is far beyond the limit we can reach. ."

"A trillion?" Lin Huang raised his brows slightly.

For this magnitude, he really didn't take it seriously.

The number of chaotic universes he merges every day is far more than this number.

"Actually, what I'm more curious about is, how did Tianji get these secret information?" Lin Huang shifted the topic to a direction that he had been somewhat puzzled about before.

When Xueluo heard this question, he sorted out his thoughts a little, and then spoke again.

"I've only heard a little about Tianji before, so I don't know if it's true. However, if you're interested, you can listen to it as gossip."

"As far as I know, Tianji was established very early, just after the ancient war with Asa and the others. After the war, almost all the powerhouses above the Seven Star Domination Realm were wiped out, and some of the powerhouses who still survived were also hidden. , disappearing disappearing.”

"Just after the entire endless universe calmed down, the secret suddenly appeared. As soon as they came out, they announced the news that Asa and his henchmen had been suppressed, and listed a list of the powerhouses who participated in the war. After that For a long time, they will fill the list with various details, such as who fell and how they died; who was suppressed, what was the process of suppression; and who was reincarnated..."

"Some things that no one else could have known were also exposed. It was as if they knew everything."

"At the beginning, some people suspected that their news was made up. Later, many good people went to verify them one by one, and it turned out that all the news from Tianji's walk was true."

"Since then, Tianji's reputation has spread like wildfire. It has gradually become the strongest intelligence organization in the entire endless universe."

"After a while, a rumor came out. It said that the chief owner of Tianji has refined the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao. Therefore, he can spy on everything in the entire endless universe."

Hearing this, Lin Huang frowned slightly.

He thought the rumor was too fake.

After entering the ninth-order **** realm, he knew that no one could refine the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao.

The upper limit of the Divine Kingdom in any human body is limited, and the endless universe is constantly expanding, and the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao is also getting stronger every minute and every second.

Controlling the infinite with the limited is simply impossible.

Even Lin Huang himself does not feel that the number of chaotic universes that he merges every day can exceed the daily increment of chaotic universes in the endless universe.

He also knows that even the current self, the number of chaotic universes in his grasp may not even be one ten thousandth of the total amount of chaotic universes in the endless universe.

He doesn't think that there is anyone who can merge more chaotic universes every day than himself.

If you can't do it yourself, Asa can't do it, let alone others.

"But it's good to listen to this kind of rumors. The low-level Domination Realm may still be believed, but we have all reached the ninth level, and we all understand that no one can refine the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao at all." Xueluo and Lin Huang are the same. view.

"However, this statement also gave me a new guess." Xueluo said with a smile, "I suspect that the chief owner of Tianji may have some way to spy into the great chaos of heaven. some fragments."

"Is it the direction of cultivation such as pupil technique?" Lin Huang immediately understood what Xueluo meant.

"I also think that the pupil technique is most likely. Or his soul is abnormal and can have some kind of shallow connection with the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao." Xueluo added.

Lin Huang nodded slightly when he heard it. Indeed, the two possibilities Xueluo said were the greatest.

"Didn't the old man of Tianji invite you? After this strange domain exploration is over, you can meet their chief owner to see what's going on." Xueluo laughed.

"Well, I have to meet." Lin Huang nodded slightly.

He really wanted to meet the chief owner of Tianji, not to explore his secrets, but to know more about Asa.

Even though Huang Quan had already provided a lot of information about Asa, he still wanted to know more.

And the chief owner of Tianji is the person who knows the most secrets in the entire endless universe.

After all, what Huang Quan knew was Asa's past, and what he wanted to know more was Asa's current situation.

"How much do you know about Asa's information?" Lin Huang asked Xueluo again.

He didn't want to miss any opportunity to gain access to Asa's information.

"I don't know much about Asa." Xueluo shook his head, "When I was born, He had been sealed for several epochs. If it hadn't been this epoch where activities in the abyss had become active, many people might have already Forgot about Asa's existence."

"To be honest, I always thought that Asa was just an ordinary nine-star ruler before the frequent opening of the stray realm in the past 100 years. Even if he is stronger than me, he should be limited."

"It wasn't until the last few years that I saw some news from Tianji, plus I personally entered some strange realms, that I began to realize that this guy is much stronger than I thought before. It's not on the same level as us at all. exist!"

"If you want to find out about Asa's information, you'd better wait until you go out and ask the master of Tianji directly." Xueluo suggested.

Lin Huang nodded, so it seemed that Xueluo probably didn't know as much as he did.

The two chatted for a while before Xueluo offered to act separately.

"I'm almost recovered, and I can continue hunting. Just keep looking for Kusuen. I'll try to hunt a few more nine-star rulers before you kill him."

She also considered that she might be dragged back, "When you find Kusuen, I'll go watch and learn."

Lin Huang didn't hold back, just nodded slightly, and then watched Xueluo leave.