MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 1857 God's creation

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After Bai finished dealing with this Dagon, his spiritual sense was quickly washed away again.

This time, he discovered more monsters that dominated the realm.

It was a tentacle monster that was similar to an octopus and a little bit like a jellyfish.

These monsters come in various colors, with slightly different shapes, and their combat power ranges from one-star to five-star.

Bai also discovered that two four-star rulers encountered such monsters in different areas, and they all fell into a hard fight.

The tricky thing about these tentacle monsters is that their tentacles can transform into various forms. Not only can it be turned into a sword, spear, sword, and halberd, it can even be turned into a large shield, spraying flying knives, arrows...

Individual combat capability is comparable to that of a small army.

In addition to this, they have a very strong regeneration ability.

The strength of the tentacle itself is comparable to the treasure, and even if it is cut off, it can be regenerated in an instant.

Bai observed for a while, and found more troublesome places.

These octopus monsters can quickly draw energy from this sea area, so that no matter how much **** power they consume, they can quickly get energy replenishment.

And the power of dominance they really consume is actually less than one-tenth of the used power.

That is to say, the power of **** that they can invoke is almost ten times that of a powerhouse of the same level.

If the powerhouses of the same level delusionally consume them by consuming them, the final result will only be to consume themselves.

"The breath of these octopus monsters is very close to Kesu's breath. And the fact that they can directly absorb the dominance of this sea area means that they are of the same origin as Kesu." Bai frowned slightly and thought, "Could it be Kesu's clone? "

With this doubt,

Bai dodged and appeared in one of the battlefields.

With just one blow, he instantly killed the octopus monster that dominated the realm with four stars.

Seeing that his opponent was suddenly killed in seconds,

The sturdy four-star ruler froze in place.

Bai ignored him,

Spiritual Mind quickly swept the body of the octopus monster that quickly collapsed.

He finally found out,

After this monster fell, it did not leave a physical body,

Instead, it collapsed quickly, and even all the energy that made up its body was fed back into this sea area.

"Not like a clone,

It seems more like a creation in the kingdom of God..." Bai Xin silently had a new judgment, "It seems that it may be a creature created by Kesu through the kingdom of God. It is no wonder that the highest combat power is only five-star dominated. "

At this time, the four-star ruler finally came back to his senses.

Of course he knew it,

After all, that white hair is too eye-catching, and this white-haired young man is so respectful even when the landlord of Tianji sees it. Now it seems that it really has this strength.

"Thank you for your help, senior." He quickly cupped his hands.

Bai glanced back at him,

Still gave a warning,

"Stop messing with this octopus monster. Unless you have the ability to instantly kill, you will only be consumed by them."

Without waiting for the other party to respond, Shiro disappeared in a flash.

his next destination,

is another battlefield.

It is also a battle between a four-star lord and a four-star octopus monster.

This four-star ruler,

A woman in red.

She holds a spear,

On the contrary, he was even more brave than the strong man just now.

Where the spear was washed away, all the tentacles of the octopus were smashed to pieces.

But Bai can see at a glance that this is just an appearance. Actually,

Her situation is even more difficult.

This woman's attacking ability is indeed strong, but her defense and evasion ability is relatively weak, so that she can only keep attacking,

Don't give the octopus a chance to fight back.

Gu Jing also caused her dominance to consume speed,

Almost twice the size of the previous strong man.

If no one intervenes in this battle, she will only lose faster than the strong man, and may not even be able to escape.

Shiro pointed out again and executed the second octopus monster.


After this octopus monster was killed,

There are still no flesh and soul particles left. Its body also collapses directly,

Turned into the source energy and integrated into this sea area.

this time,

Without waiting for the red-armored woman to speak, Bai immediately walked away.

After a while, Bai found that Xue Wuya in Xueyu and the fifth landlord of Tianji also encountered this kind of monster.

The two even encountered the octopus monster group led by the five-star ruler.

Each group is composed of more than ten octopus monsters, the leader is the five-star domination, and the rest are the four-star domination.

If the five-star ruler encounters such a situation, it is estimated that he will die.

But Xue Wuya is already a six-star dominant powerhouse, only one step away from entering the seven-star realm.

His strength should not be underestimated.

Bai was in a hurry to find Kesu, but when he saw what happened to the two, he couldn't help but stop to watch the battle.

Xue Wuya was reluctant to reveal his true strength at first, and only fought with the combat power of the five-star dominance realm.

An ice crystal spear swept out in his hand and turned into an ice crystal dragon and rushed out.

Wherever the ice crystal dragon passed, everything was frozen.

The octopus monsters were no exception. Including the leader, all the octopus monsters were instantly frozen into ice sculptures.

Even if the combat power is suppressed, the level of Xue Wuya's attack has completely reached the level of six-star dominance.

Seeing that he was about to close the gun, the corners of his white lips raised slightly.

"Huh?!" As soon as Xue Wuya was about to withdraw her gun and leave, she noticed something abnormal.

In the next instant, the ice block that wrapped the five-star dominating octopus monster burst directly, and countless dark purple tentacles swept out towards Xue Wuya like blooming petals.

The speed of this blow is so fast that no five-star ruler can dodge it.

When Xue Wuya saw this, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his true combat power could no longer be hidden.

The six-star ruler's combat power exploded with all his strength, his toes were a little empty, and his figure instantly retreated, and the long spear in his hand was handed out again at a more terrifying speed.

the tip of the gun,

The terrifying white light erupted in an instant, and the white snow and ice like an avalanche instantly engulfed the countless tentacles, and even completely swallowed the octopus monster that had just broken out.

This time, Shiro finally sensed that the octopus monster's breath was instantly swallowed up.

It felt like a little fire just lit,

was poured directly into a basin of ice water,

It couldn't be colder.

"The strength is not bad, but I underestimate the opponent." After reading it, Bai gave this evaluation to Xue Wuya.

There must be no slack until the opponent's death is completely confirmed.

This is what Lin Huang taught Bai before stepping into the transcendent.

Bai has always kept these words in his heart.

Bai is also convinced that if he encounters such an opponent, he will never give the opponent any chance to counterattack.

After watching the battle on Xue Wuya's side, in another area, the battle between the fifth ruler of Tianji and the octopus group officially started.
