MTL - Metropolitan System-Chapter 2024 Slaughtering the sky

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The second thousand and twenty-four chapters

"铛~", the spear of judgment was tied to the wheel of fortune.

In an instant there is no fate round, and the white spear is swallowed up.

The spear of the trial was silent, and it was integrated into the supreme fate of the wheel.

There is already a faint agreement to break through the limits.

"How many treasures are infused as much as possible!" The sword of the ruler was low. The next moment he looked at Jiang Bai and warned Jiang Bai: "Don't forget to avenge my master."

Then it is also integrated into this supreme fate.

The Tower of Chaos repressed the heavens, and in the blink of an eye, it teared the void and opened up its greatest power. All the emperors in the nearby void were transferred to the chaos through chaotic space.

There are hundreds of great emperors.

"Hand over your emperor and integrate it into it!" The Tower of Chaos commanded with an unquestionable tone.

As if there is anyone who dares not to, I will be beaten as soon as possible.

There are many masters present, you see me, I see you, no one dares to say anything.

No one dares to sing, does not mean that he agrees with the Tower of Chaos. He is certainly immortal and inexplicable. These people are powerless to compete, and they can let them surrender the treasures that are regarded as life, but they cannot be.

It is really reluctant.

This is the cost of their lives. Many people can get away with the treasures in their hands today. Now let them hand them over. They are really sad.

"What are you doing, give it to me!" Or the ancestor had enough prestige to fall, and those extraterrestrial demons did not dare to be vague. In an instant, there were hundreds of emperors flying out, and treasures of servant races appeared. Incorporate the supreme fate of the wheel.

Headed by the treasures of the extraterrestrial demon, the demon ancestral court, the first ancestor of the zombie automatic hand, regardless of this semi-immortal demon sacred screaming and unwilling, directly put this thing into the supreme fate of the round.

There is no fate round, the center reveals a hole, the hole is constantly shining and shimmering, but the treasures that are close to it are absorbed, and then absorbed, as if the **** mouth is open, the visitors are not rejected.

The pattern of the crystal color of the wheel of fortune is constantly increasing. It is the manifestation pattern of various treasures. The size of the head is also constantly increasing. It is like a mountain. It is still the result of extreme compression. The real body is afraid to be more than the sun. huge.

The crystal-colored body has been flooded with gold, and the power is even stronger. It seems to be breaking the limit. Unfortunately, it is restricted, and it still cannot break through. No matter how it struggles, it has no effect.

"We can't lose to the extraterrestrial demon!" The Three Emperors are cold-hearted. For the extraterrestrial demon, despite the previous side-by-side battles, they have been deep-rooted for many years.

In the past few years, everyone has killed each other, and the hatred between each other is a **** sea enmity. It is not a momentary solution.

At this time, I don't want to fall behind.

The Three Emperors mobilized the treasures, the Emperor Heluo books, the Emperor Shennong ruler, the Emperor Xuanyuan sword, and the flashing of Baoguang, were thrown into the body of the supreme fate by the Three Emperors.

The Five Emperors have the same kind of learning, and other people are naturally not vague, and they endure all the treasures with their pain.

Xu Changsheng silently joined Cheng Tianyi with his three-footed Qingfeng together with the witchcraft scepter passed down by the Wuzu.

Ye Jingshen’s mouth was pulled out, his expression was very ugly, and he eventually spurred Wanbao’s long river.

The Wanbao Changhe River burst into a splendid light, and a brain swayed out of the sky and headed for the supreme fate.

"And me!" As the Lord's Tower of Chaos is not willing to be a man, after warning to avenge his master, he will enter it completely.

The supreme fate of the wheel is more dazzling, constantly expanding, and the energy is constantly improving. It is a pity that the boundary of the layer cannot be broken. Although it has grown to the limit of immortality, it still does not break the limit and reaches the emperor. That level.

This made the people around open their mouths and looked awkward. It was followed by disappointment. All the means were used. All the magic weapons were thrown among them, but they still did not break the limit. . They have failed.

"What expression do you have? What time did I say that I want to break through? I am stronger after all, just a magic weapon, not a creature, unable to break the limit!"

The system said coldly, and the voice fell to the eye of Jiang Bai: "Jiang Bai, this time depends on you!"

"Rely on me?" Jiang Bai stunned, not clear.

"Open the invincible, smelt the avatar, damn. I don't have enough soul support now, I need a lot of souls, you have given too few prestige points, not enough!"

"I need the energy of the soul to bring you and me together!"

The system screamed, and the voice fell here. The ancestors had already waved their hands, and their minds moved, and they screamed coldly: "Tu!"

The next moment, the masters of the demon and the Protoss began to start, and began to move toward the huge fleet of the void, regardless of the enemy and me, to kill.

The ancestors stood in the void, arranged the array, and let countless souls merge into the supreme fate through the array.

The influx of souls of hundreds of billions of calculations is strong and weak, and they all enter the body of the supreme fate.

Let Jiang Bai's prestige points continue to improve.

It was only a moment that many seeds were slaughtered. Some of the great emperors of the heavens wanted to move, but they finally opened their mouths but no one did anything, because the three immortals of Ye Jingshen, Xu Changsheng and Cheng Tianqi had blocked their way.

If they dare to have any action, they will be killed immediately.

This is beyond doubt!

"Not enough!" After more than a trillion masters were slaughtered, the system roared: "It is still not enough!"

The ancestors were also unambiguous, and they reached out to destroy one planet after another, one after another, and let these souls flow into the supreme fate.

"You devils!" At that time, the masters of the heavens and the world couldn't help it. The emperor of a certain dimension saw his own place being slaughtered, and was ruined by the ancestors. He couldn't help but scream.

However, the next second, Cheng Tianyi killed him and made him a member of the soul army.

Completed all this, seeing the Emperor of the Emperor will be out of the trap, the body has been assembled, the boxing and punching of the net of the rules, the ancestor is also unambiguous, a wave of hands, the most elite hundreds of Heavenly Emperors, have been violent .

All of them blew themselves up, and the soul entered the wheel of supreme fate.

"Enough is enough!" Completed all this, the ancestors asked with a stiff voice, and looked at the masters of the heavens and the world. It is foreseeable that if the system says that it is not enough, he will immediately start with the masters of the world. .

The ancestor's stalemate has never been a kind-hearted person.

"Just a little!" said the system, and the tone was a bit heavy.

"Good!" The ancestors immediately started to kill, killing many masters of the heavens and thousands of circles, killing more than half, the face of the three emperors and other people suddenly changed, want to start, but unfortunately was finally blocked by Ye Jingshen.

In addition to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the rest of the people waited for the commandments.

"Not enough!" The system is open.

The ancestors changed their faces and looked at Jiang Bai. They once again bowed to Jiang Bai: "You saved my life and returned it to you today."