MTL - Metropolitan System-Chapter 1979 The Tauren is coming again.

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The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine chapters, the Tauren are coming again.

The big-bodied blond princess and his party, who were scared and trembled, settled in the hotel under the tough arrangement of Jiang Bai.

But there is no such thing as Jiang Bai’s fist, and he can only return to stay here.

The master of the heavenly demon who prayed in the heart should not find it here.

This planet is large enough, and the capital of the Andromeda is full of prosperous and populous. The masters of the demon outside the field will not find it here.

Even if the Tauren did not keep the credit and ran over again, they couldn’t find it here for a while. Now it’s so messy outside, as long as they are careful to avoid it.

"What do we do now?" Sitting in the room, blonde big-breasted princess, Selena was sitting there with a sad face, looking at Galen in front of him, some worried.

When I spoke, I also glanced at the door and threatened myself to let the young man who was the wife of Mrs. Zhai still be opposite.

"Now there is no other way. I think this person is a little bit too good. Although the strength is very strong, he simply does not understand how dangerous the current form is. What is helpless is that Chen is incompetent and has no way to help the princess break away. Dangerous."

"We can only plead for it and stay here for the time being."

"But it's okay, I have already told everyone that it is not allowed to turn on the lights, not to make a sound, to hide their breath. This piece is enough to be prosperous. I want to come to those who are busy with the Chinese military, and have no time to explore it."

"Even if the Tauren betrayed us, it would not be possible to find us unless we searched heavily. Now the battle is still going on. I don't think the possibility of a big search is very big."

"So you don't have to worry too much!~"

Galen comforted Selena in front of him. After saying this, there were some sorrows on the white cheeks. The fairies of the white race were particularly obvious, and Galen was no exception.

Seeing that this reflects that Serena has not yet opened the other side has already said: "Compared to the extraterrestrial demon, I am more worried about this unidentified guy, his origin is very mysterious, I can not understand, the power is terrible, It seems that the head is not very clear."

"I don't know what he is thinking."

"I don’t know if it’s a disaster to be a princess!"

Two people are discussing, Serena is full of sorrow, just wanting to ask Galen how she should do it, suddenly the door is pushed away, an anxious voice came: "Not good, Princess Royal, Galen Adults, something big."

"What's wrong?" The two men stood up suddenly and their faces were extremely dignified. Nowadays, the wind is so loud that they can't let them go.

"It’s a big deal, you guys... you’re coming out to see it.” The young silver armor guard said with tears and tears, his face was superb.

This allowed the two people to follow each other and walk out of the hotel. Under the guidance of the guards, they walked out of the hotel, just landed and walked to the door, and they saw a picture that almost made them fall.

On the building of the hotel building that was originally used for advertising, the 100-storey building was used for advertising, the equipment was extremely cash, and it was able to play various pictures. Now there is no picture, but three words.

Three big characters of bright red and red: "I am here!"

"Hey ~" Galen spit blood at the time, his face pale and muttered to himself: "It's over. It's over. It's over, we are mad!"

Not to mention him, other people are also pale, blonde big breasted Princess Selena, the whole person is white, not a little blood, desperately grabbed his forehead.

"How come you have such a neuropathy?"

The first time, the first thought, Galen, they wanted to leave this ghost place immediately, and not to stay with a mental patient like Jiang Bai, it is too dangerous.

However, the cute Tauren will not give them a chance. At this time, they have broken two corners. The body that was beaten by Jiang Bai is wounded, wrapped in white cloth. After a simple dressing, it is only like a half of a mummy. The tauren with his mouth and one eye reappeared in front of everyone.

Pouting and smirking at Selena and his party.

Insidiously said to a young man with a **** pupil next to him: "The gods are the gods, they are! They just killed the people, killed General Aron, and many masters."

"The woman standing in the middle is the only royal bloodline of the fairy dynasty, Princess Selena!"

After saying this, she did not wait for Selena and others to reflect. She stood up and stood up and said, "Where is that bastard?"

"That daring to murder my masters of the Demon Protoss, killing General Aron, and seriously wounding this uncle twice, what is the **** who escaped from me?"

"Let him hurry out and meet our great demon gods!"

The name of the demon is very special. Like the emperor, it is a kind of honor. Only the demon who has reached the quasi-emperor class is eligible to receive such a title.

The arrival of Chengtian Mojun made Jiang Bai, who stood on the top of the building, very satisfied. This time, the Tauren delayed a lot of time, and for several hours, Jiang Bai thought that this guy would never return. He really obeyed the oath and swears. Keep yourself.

A small disappointment in my heart, I had no choice but to play the previous advertisement, hoping to attract people.

But did not think that the Tauren Raxi really did not accept Jiang Bai's expectations, decisively chose a shameless remark, here vowed never to sell himself, then immediately turned around and went to find a helper.

Moreover, the task was over-completed and a monster was found. This was to let Jiang Bai accident.

Originally, Jiang Bai felt that he had settled Aron. The Tauren went to find a helper. He definitely wanted to find a better one. However, given the fact that the goods were not high, Jiang Bai felt that he was at most looking for a group of Tianzun.

All decided, this time he is going to kill him, leaving a level of Tianzun, who makes the Tauren limited?

However, I did not expect that the Tauren gave Jiang Bai a big surprise, and even brought an emperor, which made Jiang Bai happy.

"I am here!" Jiang Bai walked from the top of the tall building, falling cleanly on the ground, a beautiful turn, appeared in front of a person.

"Kid, you really didn't go, don't you let me bring people to kill you? Hey, Grandpa, I am coming."

"This is the **** of the gods of the demon gods! The quasi-emperor, your boy's death is coming, even dare to kill my master, this time the devil is coming, you must be born to die."

"If you are smart, you will be shackled and left to dispose of it. Maybe our demon is in a good mood and can give you a way to live."

"If you don't know what you are, don't blame us for being so hot, when we are, we are..."