MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 91

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In fact, as long as two people find the right topic, they can still chat happily.

For example, talking to people with children about their kids, people with pets complimenting their pets, and couples talking about their lovers.

The two people who were not very familiar with them could chat happily after opening the topic.

In the end, because Boyce had something to do, he looked down at the time and reluctantly offered to say goodbye.

"See you later." The person opposite waved.

After Boyce said goodbye to him, he took Garcia's hand and wanted to walk forward with him, but Garcia stopped.

Boyce looked at him suspiciously, but Garcia let go of his hand and turned to stop Boyce's colleague who wanted to leave.

"What's the matter?" He had seen Hearst at Louis once, and knew that when his partner was around, these mermaids were actually just paper tigers and would not hurt anyone.

Garcia looked at him, and the blue tail flicked slightly.

The mermaid looked at the human in front of her seriously: "You are very discerning."


Both Boyce and the other person didn't understand Garcia's sudden words because of the strangeness.

But Garcia only said this sentence, then turned around and walked in the direction of Boyce, took his hand again, and intertwined his fingers.

It wasn't until the two walked forward for a while, Boyce glanced at Garcia and saw the red on his ears, and then realized something.

When he met Boyce's colleague, he said to Boyce: "Is he your boyfriend?" "You look like a good match."

And Garcia's "You are very discerning.", in response to the two sentences he said before.

Boyce's footsteps paused, clasping the opponent's hand with a touch of dampness, and the redness that had just faded from his ears climbed up again.

Boyce went to help destroy the materials today, and all the research materials about the mermaid in the institute are kept here.

Boyce looked at the information that had been collected and piled up in a room, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes. Ivey clapped the ashes on his hand: "This is all the information."

"Everything about mermaids is here."

This is the hard work that the entire institute has accumulated for more than a hundred years. Boyce looked at this with a complicated mood. But the action of destroying the data was unambiguous, probably because he completely accepted Garcia, Boyce also seemed to have a feeling of love for the mermaid.

He felt that he could probably understand the behavior of Louis spending so much energy to solve the research institute and take away the mermaid.

He also hopes to do something to cover up the existence of the mermaid.

Ivey and Boyce continued to destroy the data while talking. Garcia was now next to Boyce and handed him the information at hand.

Ivey watched Garcia's actions, looked at Boyce when the merman turned around, and winked at him like a joke.

Boyce met a lot of people along the way, and he was no longer shy because of other people's teasing. He smiled calmly, and then looked at Garcia's back and called out.


"What do you want me to do?" Garcia turned to look at him and asked.

Boyce shook his head, looking at Garcia and couldn't help but smile: "I just wanted to call you."

After spending a few days finishing the information at the research institute, Boyce and the others were also ready to leave.

They've done everything they can, and maybe in a few decades, someone else will be tempted to expose the existence of the merman, but that's a few decades away.

After Ivey packed up his luggage, he went to Boyce's dormitory to find him. When he entered the door, he felt that the mermaid inside seemed to be not very friendly to himself who rashly entered Boyce's room.

He raised his eyes and looked at the man and the fish on the opposite side. Garcia stood beside Boyce and embraced him possessively.

Boyce is probably used to Garcia like this, and has not felt anything different, and although Garcia is not very willing to see other people appear in the "Boyce's territory" that he knows, but also Know that this is normal human communication.

So he restrained his irritability and curled his tail around Boyce's feet.

"Come in." Boyce invited him.

Aiwei lowered his head, remembered the virtue of the black mermaid in the boss's house, looked back at the traces left by the door panel on the ground, then took a few steps back and stopped at the door.

"I'll stay soon." He leaned against the door, noticing the merman's somewhat satisfied expression because of his actions.

"I came to see you today to ask how you're packing." Ivey said, subconsciously glanced inside, Boyce's luggage was about to be packed.

"We'll leave here in a few days," he said, looking at Boyce. "What are your plans next?"

"I'm going to go back first, and then go with Garcia." Boyce glanced sideways at the mermaid next to him. They had already discussed it before. Boyce would go back first after leaving the institute and take care of himself. Deal with the things to deal with, and then go to the beach to find Garcia.

Going back this time is also saying goodbye to some friends on land. After all, there are not many days to see each other in the future.

At the same time, Boyce is also ready to officially entrust the cat to his friends. After all, he may stay in the sea with Garcia most of the time in the future, and he can't take the cat into consideration.

When Boyce mentioned this, he clearly felt that Garcia was very happy about it, and even a little smugness appeared in his eyes.

After Boyce asked him, he realized that Garcia didn't know when to regard cats as his competitors. Hearing Boyce said that he would give cats away, he felt that his success surpassed the status of cats, so he was a little proud. .

Boyce and the others left the institute on a sunny day.

They left during the day, and the merman had been put back into the ocean by them the night before.

Boyce stood on the deck of the ship, looking down at the sea. At this time, the ship had been traveling for several hours, and the island where the research was located was far behind.

When Boyce was a little absent-minded, some dark shadows suddenly appeared under the sea surface, Boyce looked over there subconsciously, and the water surface was suddenly broken open, revealing the upper body of the mermaid.

"Garcia..." Boyce's eyes showed a bit of surprise, looking at the mermaid walking side by side with the boat, considering that there were people on the boat who didn't know the existence of the mermaid, so he only whispered his name.

The mermaid apparently also heard Boyce's voice, Boyce stared at the mermaid in the sea, and he looked a little different from the one in the research institute.

Boyce looked at him with inexplicable relief.

Garcia followed them until the day they landed without being noticed by others. At night, this mermaid would sneak into bed quietly while no one noticed him, and knocked Boyce's at night. door.

Boyce was a little helpless about Garcia's behavior, but he could only open the door to let him in, and even went to Ivey to help erase the traces of Garcia's visit.

This went on until Boyce came ashore. After that, Garcia couldn't keep up and could only stay in the ocean.

Because he has been with Garcia all the time, even during the period of time at sea, Garcia would appear at night. Boyce remembered that he would be separated from him next, and felt some reluctance in his heart.

Before entering the institute, Boyce bought a house in a small town. The town is not very prosperous compared to the outside, but Boyce has always liked the atmosphere there.

The middle of the town is crossed by a river, which is divided into two halves. There is a bridge connecting the two banks. Not far away, there is a lake.

Three days after going ashore, Boyce returned to town.

Because no one lived for a long time, there was a thick layer of dust in the house. As soon as Boyce opened the door, he was choked by the dust and coughed all the time.

Because the town is not very big, many people knew the news just after Boyce came back. After he cleaned the house, some familiar neighbors knocked on the ring with some ingredients and other odds and ends. his door.

"Boyce is back?" Boyce opened the door and saw an old lady standing outside holding a few eggs.

When Boyce met someone, the aunt smiled and gave him the eggs in her hand: "I haven't been back for a long time, I must be missing something. This is my chicken's eggs. I'll give you a few."

Boyce thanked her for her kindness, and then the enthusiastic neighbors came to knock on the door one after another. They all remember Boyce who lived here for a while before, and he brought a lot of things with him. Boyce With the enthusiasm of the residents of the town, the things that Si originally expected to buy actually got together.

The second day after the repair, Boyce bought a gift in return, and went to the door to thank each family. At this time, it was inevitable to chat with everyone.

As they talked, the older elders began to ask the young people's emotional issues.

"Boyce, you are not too young this year, do you have a partner?"

Boyce remembered the mermaid who was still waiting for him, and nodded, without denying: "Yes."

"Why didn't you take it home to see?"

"It's a little inconvenient." Boyce said with a smile, even if the most conspicuous big tail was covered, Garcia's face could still be seen at a glance that he was not human.

"Does she look good? What kind of girl is she?" a mother-in-law asked curiously.

"Not a girl," Boyce said, "but she looks good."

"Ah, it's not a girl." The old woman was stunned for a moment, and then said, "If it's not a girl, you have to take it home."

Boyce replied with a smile, and said a few more words, and suddenly someone called his name.

Boyce turned his head to look, it was the friend who gave the cat to his care, and he seemed very happy to see Boyce back.

The old woman glanced at him, then waved at Boyce: "You young people, let's go play together."

After saying goodbye to the old woman, Boyce walked in the direction of his friend.

"I heard that you came back just after I came back last night." The friend looked at him with a smile, "So I came to look for you when I was free today."

"Are you going to settle here?" The friend looked at him curiously.

Boyce shook his head: "I plan to live here for a few days, then sell the house and move out."

The friend was stunned by this answer: "Are you going to move out? Where are you going next?"

"Walk around." Boyce replied vaguely.

"Then... what about the cat?"

"Are you willing to keep her?" Boyce had made this decision before he came back. He knew that his friend had always liked the cat he asked him to take care of before he left.

"Of course." He nodded without thinking, but because Boyce was going to sell the house and leave, there was still a bit of shock on his face.

"Then... we're going to see the cat at my house now?" he asked Boyce hesitantly.

Boyce nodded.

The two quickly arrived at their friend's residence, and as soon as they entered the door, the white long-haired cat greeted them and rubbed back and forth against their friend's trousers.

After a while, she seemed to notice Boyce next to her, squatted down and looked up at him for a while, and then found a bit of familiarity from the human in front of her, and rubbed next to him while "meow". rub.

But it's still a little less close than with friends.

The friend picked up the cat, handed it to Boyce, watched the cat get closer to him, touched the tip of his nose, and explained, "It may be that you haven't come back for a long time, so she is not familiar with you..."

Boyce was very relieved, after all, he couldn't take the cat away, but he was relieved to see her closer to friends.

Boyce lived here for a few days and posted the sale of the house.

Different from the atmosphere of the institute, the life in the town is leisurely and comfortable, Boyce even regretted that he could not bring Garcia with him.

Although the sale of the house is out, it is not easy to do so soon.

Although Boyce also enjoys life here, but thinking of Garcia who is still waiting for him, Boyce is a little anxious.

He wanted to go back to see Garcia earlier.

While waiting for the news, rumors of a "water monster" suddenly flowed out of the town.

Boyce first heard about it when he was going out one day and heard someone mention it, but Boyce didn't take it seriously and didn't take it to heart.

The first rumors came from the slightly older people in the town, and the young people in the town were just as unconvinced as Boyce.

"Believe in science, how could there be water monsters!" the young man retorted.

Boyce didn't expect that just a few days later, the young man also changed his caliber and believed in the existence of water monsters.

Boyce listened to the people coming and going talking about water monsters. He was a little inexplicable. He casually pulled a younger person and asked him, "What are you talking about about water monsters?"

"It's in the river in our town! There's a water monster there!" The young man was different from the older people. He seemed a little excited when he mentioned the water monster, and his tone was full of eagerness to find the water monster.

"Didn't you guys still say you want to believe in science a few days ago?" Boyce asked curiously.

"That was before." Another person came over, "The water monster is real!"

"We also saw it a few days ago!"

"What does it look like?" Boyce asked curiously.

"We didn't see it clearly either." The person who said he saw the water monster scratched his head embarrassedly, "I only saw a shadow that day, just under the water, and I didn't see what it looked like."

A middle-aged man who heard them talking also interjected: "I said a few days ago that there was a water monster, but you don't believe it, you've seen it now."

"The water monster is obviously in the river." The young man couldn't help but retorted.

The middle-aged man said, "It's clearly in the lake!"

"I went to visit Axe that night, and when I passed by the bridge, I saw a dark shadow in the river."

The young man couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gestured for the length: "At least it has such a long tail, and the shadow on the upper body is a bit strange, completely different from the fish head."

"We saw it in the lake before." The middle-aged man retorted him, "The big one should be two or three meters long, and its tail is thicker than a human waist..."

Boyce was next to him, listening to the arguments on both sides, but he didn't take their words seriously. He couldn't help but smile. It was estimated that the big fish in the river was misread by people passing by at night.

One night a few days later, Boyce left the town to run errands because of a temporary business. The station in the town was across the river. When Boyce came back, it was already dark, and when he was approaching the bridge connecting the two sides, Boyce suddenly remembered the recent rumors about water monsters.

I don't know if it was because I just thought of the water monster, Boyce listened to the flow of the river, and some couldn't help but think of the water monster in the mouth of the town residents.

Boyce still believed in science, but the young man in the town who had sworn that he never believed in the existence of water monsters changed his mind a few days later, which made Boyce a little concerned about this point.

He was getting closer and closer to the bridge. I don't know if it was an illusion. There seemed to be a sound from the river that was stirring the river.

Boyce paused in his footsteps, and looked over to the river through the dim street lights. A whirlpool was left on the water, which turned a few times with the current, and then disappeared into the river.

He looked at the river a few meters away and took a breath. The bridge had just been rebuilt a few years ago. Even if there was a water monster, it should not have jumped directly from the river.

After being mentally prepared, Boyce stepped on the bridge deck, and the only sound that could be heard around was his own footsteps except for the sound of the river flowing below.

At the same time, there seemed to be some giant creature swimming under the bridge. Boyce subconsciously glanced at the river, and a huge black shadow followed his shadow cast by the street lamp on the river.

It is no different from what I heard from several town residents a few days ago. The black shadow is bigger than a person's body. The back looks like a thick fish tail, but the front is not the front half of the fish. .

Boyce looked there and took a few steps forward.

As the shadow on the water moved forward, the black shadow, who was a little behind the shadow, also followed.

Boyce's heart lifted, he watched the underwater creature vigilantly, and subconsciously squeezed the thing in his hand.

Probably because Boyce stayed on the bridge without moving, the shadow under the water moved, and Boyce, who was staring at him, raised the thing in his hand subconsciously, ready to smash into the water.

Before the thing in his hand was thrown out, Boyce saw something from the twisted shadow under the water, and put down his raised hand in disbelief: "Garcia..."

The water moved a little, and Boyce's familiar face broke through the water and revealed.

"Why are you here..." Boyce was shocked, and Garcia had promised before he left, saying that he would stay in the sea and wait for Boyce to find him after finishing his work.

Garcia glanced at him, then began to explain why he was here.

After separating from Boyce before, Garcia missed him a few days ago, so he followed Boyce's breath, crossed rivers large and small, and finally arrived at this small town a few days ago.

On the first night here, I accidentally saw the shadow underwater, so there were rumors about the water monster.

He is the monster in the river and in the lake.

Because it was inconvenient to go ashore, Garcia also knew that this place was no better than a boat, so he stayed in the river peacefully and did not try to sneak into the town.

He could only follow Boyce's shadow when he passed by.

"Why didn't you show up just now?" Boyce asked him.

If he hadn't called out Garcia's name, he probably would have followed him underwater until Boyce left.

Garcia felt a little guilty: "You said before that I would wait for you in the sea..."

So Garcia just wanted to follow, not to be discovered by Boyce.

He looked at the humans on the shore: "I miss you so much, so I came to find you."

Boyce was silent for a moment, then said, "I miss you too."

The author has something to say: Transition map, after a few more sweet chapters, I will do something big! Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-2416:53:25~2021-02-2420:18:53~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Ranjia;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!