MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 43 2 in 1

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After confirming that Garcia would not do anything to Collins, Boyce assured Collins that he could go with him the next day.

Garcia had known the day before that Collins would also be with Boyce, and there was no other reaction to seeing him.

However, because of Collins' existence, Garcia kept a distance from him under Boyce's instructions to prevent Collins from seeing anything.

However, although he can't get close to Boyce, Garcia still won't miss the opportunity to meet.

Boyce breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Garcia, who had come over without seeing each other. Seeing that Collins was still looking at the mermaid in amazement, he gave Garcia a soothing look behind him.

Seeing the mermaid directly face-to-face was different from the one in the video, Collins looked at the blue figure and couldn't help but whispered in admiration: "It's so beautiful..."

He subconsciously wanted to move forward a little closer, to see more clearly, Boyce had been paying attention to Collins and Garcia, and seeing that Collins had the intention to move forward, he pulled his sleeve in time and made him stop in place.

"Mermaids are dangerous," Boyce reminded him.

Collins stopped and looked at the pool with his eyes still a little reluctant. Garcia was a little uncomfortable in his eager eyes, looked back at Boyce, and then dived into the water.

After he could no longer see the figure of the mermaid, Collins reluctantly retracted his gaze towards the pool.

"I think this pool is too big." Collins looked at Boyce seriously.

Boyce was stunned for a moment before he remembered that Collins should be referring to the fact that he said earlier that the pool he planned to raise was too small.

"I think the fish tank I prepared could be a little smaller."

Collins gestured to Boyce: "It's almost that big, and I can't see the merman if it's too big."

"Mermaids need space," Boyce retorted, "too small space makes mermaids uncomfortable."

"You're right." Collins nodded along with his words. "But, it's just a pet to watch."

Boyce also knows that not everyone can regard mermaids as intelligent creatures equal to humans, but hearing this remark from Collins again, Boyce still feels a little uncomfortable.

Boyce glanced at Collins, and was suddenly curious as to what the merman relies on to choose his or her mate.

After all, Collins didn't look like someone who would want to be with a merman.

After leaving Garcia's house, Collins wanted to follow Boyce to see the s-24.

After Collins arrived at the institute, s-24's attitude towards Boyce changed a bit, trying to find out about Collins from him.

Based on s-24's abnormal reaction and what Garcia told him yesterday, Boyce guessed that Collins was likely to be s-24's destined partner.

He hesitated to take Collins to see him.

"Why are you interested in mermaids?" Boyce slowed down his steps to the s-24 breeding room and looked at Collins beside him.

He was hesitant to stop Collins from meeting with s-24.

Boyce has always believed that the merman is destined to be bound by a partner, and it will make the merman pursue a specific object, but it has no effect on humans.

Boyce had heard Garcia say before that when the merman is within a certain range with the destined partner, the mermaid will be induced to start/estrus, and in the mermaid family, there are also mermaids who have not met the destined partner.

Apart from being undisturbed by heat/estrus, they are indistinguishable from other merfolk.

In Boyce's understanding, the fate of the mate is just a means for the merman to reproduce. Due to the differences between humans and mermen, they may not have love for their mates.

After this period of time, Boyce probably also figured out that the mermaid is probably no different from other pets in Collins' eyes, and therefore, it is probably difficult for him to develop other feelings with the mermaid.

Boyce was a little worried that Collins, who knew nothing about mermaids, would get entangled with him when he promised s-24 without realizing it.

"Because of a fairy tale about a mermaid that I read when I was a child." This fairy tale was widely circulated, and Boyce guessed which one it was.

"I wanted a mermaid at that time." But as he got older, Collins also gradually realized from his mouth that the existence of mermaids was fictional.

However, when he became an adult and the elders introduced the family industry to him, Collins realized that the mermaid really existed, but it was only in the hands of a few people.

And Garcia was the first mermaid he saw.

"Have you seen the footage of s-24?"

Collins nodded. He had seen images of all the fish still alive at the institute, but he was more interested in Garcia than s-24.

"It's not as pretty as the s-37," Collins said, though Collins didn't mind if he could stop by to see another merman.

"Have you ever thought about being with a merman?"

"How is that possible?" Collins laughed as if he heard something funny, "That story is just a fairy tale? How could someone be with a mermaid in reality."

"They are beasts, they are aliens." Collins defined it in this way. He looked at Boyce again, and he couldn't understand why he had such a bizarre idea.

Collins wiped the mucus that had just accidentally stuck on the fish, then glanced at the bucket containing the fish: "The s-24 seems to eat a little less than the s-37."

Boyce saw a hint of enlightenment on his face: "No wonder it's not as good as the s-37."

Boyce nodded in agreement, and then turned to Hobbs, the assistant assigned to him by the institute: "Hobbs seemed to have something to do with you before."

Collins has a very clear definition of himself. He came to the institute mainly to see the mermaid, and to visit the institute by the way. After staying here enough, he will take the mermaid back, and he does not need to study anything.

So Collins didn't pay much attention to the team that the institute gave him, and spent more time in Professor Cyril's experimental group.

Since he is the only heir to the investor family, others turn a blind eye to this and ignore it.

During this time, Collins really didn't go to the office assigned to him by the institute, and Hobbs and the others didn't see him much.

After Boyce's reminder, Collins also felt that he should see Hobbes, although he still regretted not seeing s-24.

Boyce went to the lab after feeding s-24.

Laurie was being examined when Boyce arrived.

During this period of time, although the change in him was delayed, it was still going on slowly, and Boyce's eyes fell on his hand.

They are recording Laurie's body data every day. Just today, his fingertips are growing several times faster than before.

The nails that were cut very short have grown a few millimeters overnight, and the thickness and hardness have also been greatly different from before.

Matthew took the scissors and cut the nails and put them on the white paper in the tray. The nails that were supposed to be transparent had a hint of blue.

Because of the new changes in Laurie's body, everyone's attention was on his nails, and they didn't pay attention for more than his usual time to soak in the water.

Laurie opened his mouth and breathed with some difficulty, making a heavy gasp.

Someone noticed his strangeness and held Laurie's side: "Come and help me out with someone."

Another research institute close to the side supported the other side: "Let's go."

He gave Laurie a worried look: "Are you okay?"

Laurie looked weak, with sweat dripping from his forehead, but when the two beside him supported him to walk forward, Laurie backhanded with five fingers and claws toward the two beside him.

No one expected Laurie's sudden action, and when he reacted, he had already scratched a few white marks on the hands of the people next to him.

Fortunately, his nails had been cut off at that time, leaving no wounds.

After being pinned to the ground, Laurie still tried to struggle, raised his head and looked at the people around him hatefully, showing his fangs.

Boyce and Laurie looked at each other, and his red eyes slowly returned to normal, gradually calmed down, and struggled a little less.

Then Laurie lowered his head

, After a while, Boyce heard his voice with a panic that could not be hidden: "What happened?"

After the people around him explained it to him, Laurie began to apologize in a panic.

White dead skin rolled up on the red bumps exposed on the outside of the clothes, and the red lines on it were deeper.

Laurie clutched the skin that was beginning to ache, and went out to soak in the water for a while, but when he passed Boyce, he subconsciously ducked to the side.

After Laurie left, someone said, "How many times?"

Boyce figured it out, since the first time Laurie was out of control and started attacking others, this should be the seventh time.

And the time interval between each episode is getting shorter and shorter.

"He's like a monster now." Matthew frowned.

Others apparently agreed with this statement.

"I think that young master's proposal is still meaningful." One of the colleagues who had supported Laurie before looked down at the white marks on his hand. If they hadn't cut Laurie's nails before, he should have There will be a few faint traces.

Originally they thought they would be able to develop a supplementary drug before Laurie's condition deteriorated, but now they are a little unsure.

The finished product researched before, it is estimated that even if the side effects of z-III cannot be eliminated, there should be a great delay.

But for some unknown reason, the speed of abnormal changes in Laurie was delayed to a certain speed and could no longer be reduced.

"I'll report to Professor Cyril."

"Maybe this experiment can be stopped."

After this unsuccessful experiment ended, Boyce went to Garcia's breeding room with the things he had recently brought back from the logistics.

Although he had told him in advance, Garcia was obviously a little concerned about Boyce bringing Collins.

After Boyce opened the dividing glass, Garcia leaned over to Boyce and started complaining about Collins getting in the way.

Boyce followed his words with a few words, resisting Garcia's body that was getting closer and closer.

"I brought you something," Boyce said, taking out a tablet.

When asking Anthony to bring this for himself, Boyce emphasized waterproofing. When Anthony handed the thing to him, he emphasized: "This is a new product from the a family. Don't worry, it is absolutely waterproof. You can just put it in the water and see it!"

Boyce told him that the reason he wanted the tablet was to pass the time and have Anthony download some videos for him.

After receiving it, Boyce looked it over roughly. Anthony put a lot of things in it, which should be enough for the mermaid to spend time to learn about the living habits of human beings.

Boyce demonstrated the operation steps to Garcia. The mermaid learned very quickly. After seeing that he had learned it, Boyce gave him the tablet and let him use it to pass the time.

"This can't be seen by other people." Boyce reminded him that Collins was very interested in Garcia recently, and Boyce was a little worried that one day he would come to see the mermaid on a whim.

After the merman nodded, Boyce asked him to open a video to watch, preparing to leave to feed s-24.

He glanced at it, Garcia was very interested in the daily life of human beings, staring at the screen intently, Boyce stood up with confidence, and was about to leave but was stopped by Garcia.

"Anything else?" Probably thinking that the merman would be sent away after a while, Boyce became more patient with him than ever.

Garcia turned the screen over to show Boyce the pause on the screen.

Boyce looked suspiciously, the two above were kissing, and there was nothing strange about it.

He looked at Garcia suspiciously.

Garcia saw Boyce's reaction and knew that he had probably forgotten.

"You said that kissing is a very offensive behavior among humans." The merman used a word he had just learned.

Boyce thought for a while before recalling that he had indeed said such a thing to fool Garcia, who knew nothing about it at the time.

But Boyce later forgot about it, and Anthony heard that Boyce wanted to watch videos to pass the time, and specially downloaded a lot of recent hit dramas and movies for him.

And these are always in love with each other.

Boyce didn't expect such a coincidence. The first video Garcia opened had two people kissing at the beginning.

The author has something to say: Happy New Year's Day~

The hands are so cold, the coding speed is directly halved

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-12-3022:34:01~2020-12-3123:59:13~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of one mountain and one river; 13 bottles of Yangchun white cod; 1 bottle of Feibai and Yan Ziran;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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