MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 212 , the ending of pulling

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"My lord knight, the Monta Valley City that this liar said is not what he said! I was shamelessly occupied by him, and without a decent engagement and wedding, I had no choice but to follow him everywhere to find opportunities to get rich. On the way, he always came back with a tired face and different money bags. I was too naive at the time to see that this guy kept looking for weak residents and robbing others every day. This made us have to constantly replace the possible settlements place."

"When I arrived at Monta Valley City, it's a big city. I wanted to open a small shop here. I still saved some of the money that this shameless guy robbed, so I didn't let him squander it."

Mountain wolf Barney's face was pale, because he had lost too much blood, but the stubborn ridicule kept hanging on his face. The vicious guy grinned and didn't defend Fenya's words, but there was a strange look in his eyes.

Keel noticed that the guy was muttering something under his breath, but not so loudly that no one could hear him clearly.

"But we're from small places, big cities after all, and oh, that's really not enough money. I'm desperate for it, but this guy sneered and had an idea!"

Keir flattened his mouth: "The idea of ​​hanging a man out of the city and then robbing? I have to say, this is really a stupid way."

Mountain wolf Barney immediately turned his face to the young knight leaning against the big tree. He could tolerate failure once, but he couldn't tolerate being called stupid. After all, if he is so 'successful', even a well-known bandit leader is stupid, then the other people who were robbed or killed by him, it is hard to compare their wisdom with goblins?

On the contrary, merchants who do business are often smarter than others, at least smarter than most people in society.

"Knight, what can you say?" Mountain Wolf Barney said suddenly.

Keir waved his hand: "I have nothing to say, but I think you haven't stayed in that city for long, right? After all, this kind of thing can't be done for long."

Mountain wolf Barney and Feneya fell silent, as if they had been poked into a sore spot.

Slowing down, Feneya skipped over her experience with Barney, even though she had already thought of an excuse to excuse herself.

"My lord, in short, I finally opened the shop here, which is the nearby inter-provincial commercial road, to provide food, water and accommodation for the business travelers who come and go, and also some entertainment to relieve fatigue."

Mountain Wolf Barney said loudly mockingly: "You might as well talk about this 'entertainment' project carefully. I think these young people around you like to listen."

"Phew, my lord, ignore the shameless accusations that this guy who is full of lies has added to me. I can say with my own conscience that I have indeed provided an indispensable help for the prosperity of the trade route. Not only me, I The subordinates, the chefs in the store, male and female waiters, they are all innocent and good people. Perhaps because of me, I was deceived by this guy's lies and deceived by him and his subordinates into this devil's lair. But we are Innocent."

Finally, Feneya raised her voice and pointed to Barney the mountain wolf who was no longer writhing on the ground: "You can see the injuries on our bodies and the complacent looks of these guys, these are clear and discernible Evidence. My lord, my lord knight, please avenge our sufferings, please avenge the innocent people who died at their hands. If you don't want your hands to be red, please give me a dagger, I, I believe I can finish this scum, this scoundrel, this liar, this conglomerate of crimes! This dark wellspring of disorderly violence."

Feneya stood upright with a serious face, but her eyes were full of pleading, it was perfect to cooperate with the weak sister who was supporting her.

If Kiel hadn't known that these two were not good guys, he would almost have given away his long sword to let him kill the villain. At least the young people next to them all looked like "we are here to help you".

Before he could speak, the mountain wolf Barney lying on the ground shouted excitedly: "Feneya, ah, my love, that's it, that's it, hahahaha, I thought you were killed Those boring business calculations and people coming and going shop chores have been washed away. I am so stupid, ah ha ha, you are still there, you are still there, ha ha, you are still the same you, I really love you like this Already!"

Mountain Wolf Barney looked surprised and arrogant: "I just love your face that doesn't even blink when you lie. After all, I can't be your most beautiful face no matter what. What kind of troupe's chief, they are more important than you." The shoes don't match."

"Enough! Shut up!! Shut up!!"

Feneya screamed loudly and stomped on the floating dirt on the open ground with her bare feet, but Barney the mountain wolf spoke faster and faster without thinking, completely as if speaking the truth in his heart: "And this, use words to provoke Killing others, this is also where I love you the most. This guy, I can only do it myself, or I can only instigate and lead other idiots to kill people and rob roads. .”

"It's still only you, only your method is the best, the most perfect crime and evil. You know, I knew you a long time ago, but only on that day, you ordered and provoked the two places to live in peace Only when there was a fight in my family, I realized that I want you, a woman like you, only a man like me can match."

"Ahhhhhhh, lies, all lies! This guy is a poisonous snake, stop his fangs full of venom, and don't let him squirt venom anymore! Please, anyone will do! Take Get down on this poisonous snake!"

Feneya shouted loudly, but it was as if two people were competing to see who was louder. Barney, the mountain wolf on the ground, whose blood-stained face was no longer pale, shouted madly with a flushed face: "Elegance! Concise! Don't do this! Let How about I see your most beautiful side before I die? The **** things you and I did together will soon be spilled on me, hurry up, say something! Hahahaha, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh? , and you are half as young as you are? Tell me, have I gotten rid of the look you have always looked down upon?"

"Hahahaha, I don't need to be vicious, I can make people die, haha, young knight, have you seen through her true appearance? Feignia, come with me, let's go to **** together, you are alone It must be very lonely in this world, right?"

Feneya is going crazy at the moment, everything she said before seems to be torn apart by Barney the mountain wolf, and what is especially terrible is that at this moment, the lives of her, Barney the mountain wolf, and even everyone around It was actually at the young knight's hand.

Everyone around looked at Kiel. The thick metal armor made it impossible to see his expression. Before Kiel spoke, no one knew what order he would give after seeing this.

Not only did Barney, the mountain wolf who knew he was about to die, stare closely at him, his chest was heaving and his lips were smiling, as if he had seen the result he expected.

Feneya also tightly grasped her sister's palm, and looked at him pitifully, not caring that her sister's palm was pierced by her nails.

The five bewildered young men also looked at him closely, and they swayed with the words of the couple several times. At this moment, the weapons in their hands seemed to be nothing, worse than a fire stick.

Oh, the crazy Will next to him wasn't looking at him, the poor, hateful guy was repeating his last name, as if it was something important to him.

"Hmph. What are you looking at me for?"

Keir shrugged, waved his hands and said, "You guys." He pointed at the bewildered young people around him.

"Don't worry about these nonsense, I've finished listening and resting, and all of you went to the bandit's cave, and slowly took out the cloth, ropes, and supplies you found."

Keir also reminded: "By the way, there is also a cat inside. Find something to put it on and take it away. Well, after all, there must be cats in the village, otherwise the food will be ruined by rats."

The young people answered a few words, and when they drilled into the cave, they kept turning their heads to see how Keir would deal with this matter.

After all his subordinates left, Keir said, "Don't talk about those useless things. What bad things did you do when you were young, such as instigating a duel to cause family hostility, or robbing and killing some lewd old men? , I don't really care about that."

Kiel spread his hands and palms: "Let's be honest, Mountain Wolf Barney, don't think I'm a fool, you know you're going to die, but you don't want to die alone, right? Don't be too busy denying it. Feignia Ma'am, and you want Barney the mountain wolf to die now, or even killed by you, right? At the same time, you can leave here safely, this is all clear and clear."

The girl supporting Feneya was so frightened that tears kept streaming down her face. She wanted to find a place to hide and hide, but Feneya held her hand tightly and couldn't escape, so she had to pretend to be deaf and dumb and lowered her head. Shushu trembling, like a poor rabbit.

"What do I care about? Tonight I took people to camp and spent the night, but I was attacked. After being identified by the captured bandits, they all said that it was Barney the mountain wolf, you, you manipulated and ordered it. "

Barney the mountain wolf gritted his teeth: "That's right, this would have been a perfect hunt, it's even as easy as picking up money in the field, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Knight, hum, the white wall The king is always talking about his family feud, and telling us about the young knight he killed. He is an idiot, a fool, and a megalomaniac."

Kiel raised his chin and patted the glowing magic pendant on his waist: "He still has some skills, although not much."

"So, Mountain Wolf Barney, you must die, because of you, at least dozens of young lives have been lost on my side. And now, you want to achieve your goal, oh, take this Feignia The ladies are going to die together, you know, it has to be expressed."

Keel rubbed his fingers.

His words, his actions terrified Madame Fenea and her sisters.

But before the lady opened her mouth, Keir continued: "Madam, in fact, your words and performances are not very clever. If you talk so much, you might as well give some real benefits, such as coins, treasures, land deeds, and loan certificates. What the hell, take out some of these things, let alone let you take revenge, this **** who was knocked down by me, you can bite him to death with your mouth. If you don’t feel relieved, hang him on a tree, and those night walkers around The birds seem to be used to eating humans, how about letting this guy enjoy the way they treat the weak?"

After hearing all the young knight's words, the lady took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled: "You are not as young as your voice suggests."

"It has nothing to do with age, it's about brains. I'm not stupid, and I don't blindly believe in other people's words. If it's a trustworthy person, it's another story. But you two, to be honest, I just watched the debate before. , huh, at most, it will add some talk on the wine table."

Keir coughed lightly, and said funny: "The story of the two of you may win a toast from the alcoholics? They will let me drink enough."

"What do you want?"

Ms. Feneya let out a breath and asked cautiously.

But before Keir could speak, Mountain Wolf Barney said loudly first: "Young knight, ha, in the center of this small open space, less than one meter deep, there is a box of valuable goods that I hid. How about it? Baby, how about you and I step into the arms of death together tonight?"

As soon as the voice fell here, Feneya screamed: "You madman, I finally left your devil's lair, controlled by your palm, I will not go with you again. Sir knight, my shop, Although it was burned, I have a hidden sum of money, take me there, and I will take it out for you! Put this guy to death quickly, please hurry up, I don’t want to do it myself.”

Keir hugged his arms and remained silent. The two guys looked at him nervously. Barney the mountain wolf had a slightly regretful expression. Ms. Feneia repeatedly clenched her palms nervously and then released them. Every time she clenched her palms, she would The other girl cried out in pain in a low voice.

"Equal price, not enough. Why don't you add something?"

"Greedy guy! Bah!" Mountain wolf Barney had seen the small metal box brought out by the young knight himself, so he knew that his most important weight had failed.

And Ms. Feneya glanced at her old friend unexpectedly, and said proudly: "I can't get anything out, right? Oh hehehe, Sir Knight, I am in the nearest town from here—Dorne Town, There is also a shop, I would like to present it to you, this is a gift to you for rescuing me and my companions."

"Very well, what Ms. Feignia said now seems more believable," Keel said.

But the mountain wolf Barney rolled his eyes, and said immediately: "I still know a place, it is nearby, that is a rock salt mine, really, a brother of mine who used to be a miner said it. Think about it, get a vein, Not a hundred times better than a broken shop! Your family's future prosperity can depend on it."

"Oh, rock salt mines? Tell me more about that."

Keir frowned, but he was protected by a visor, and no one else saw it, especially Barney the mountain wolf.

"It's a cliff with white powder on the rocks. It's nearby. It's very safe there. I chose this place as my base because I fell in love with the place where I can eat salt."

Ms. Feneya looked suspicious, and then she seemed to believe what Barney the mountain wolf said, staring at the old friend on the ground, and cursed: "You hid well, why didn't you lead people to develop there, and why are you doing robbers? After mining us, do we still need to do these things?"

Barney the mountain wolf dismissed it: "Stupid woman, it's not the first day you know me. Am I the kind of quiet man? Mining? That's what weak guys do. Real men always rob Live!"

"Haha, what are you talking about, looting to make a living? If you could really mine, I'm afraid you would have done it a long time ago, didn't you? Don't pretend to be rude and heroic, what kind of rock salt mine, mountain wolf Barney, you Is there really truth in your mouth?"


Ms. Feneya suddenly realized something, and Barney the mountain wolf was still stubborn, but this insistence was revealed in the next moment.

"Don't forget, you are not the only one who knows about your bandits! Before you, some of you were captured by me. Salt mine? How dare you say it, it is just a herbivore in the forest licking it It’s just a small rock wall of salt. Now I wonder if what you said before is true. Why don’t we see it on the spot?”

After Kiel finished speaking, he walked directly to the middle of the open space, moved away from the raised lighting fire and directly picked up the two-handed logging ax that the bandit next to him was planning to attack him before, and used the wide ax head of this thing as a shovel to start digging down. .

Kiel's quick movements and great strength, especially the existence of the **** of agriculture in his body, made him dig twice with half the effort, but in a short while, after the young people who searched in the cave came out twice, Kiel dug a deep hole .

Boom, the ax hit the top of the buried box, "There is really something, but what is it, I have to open it to see."

Keir then dug out a square box, carried it back to the open space with one hand, threw the thing on the ground, and was about to open it.

But before doing it, Keir thought of something. He secretly glanced at Barney the mountain wolf's face, and found that it was not a face that was nervous whether he would be satisfied with the things inside, but a face that seemed calm but tried to hide his joy expression.

What is he happy about?

As soon as Kiel rolled his eyes, he guessed what the other party was thinking.

"Mountain Wolf Barney, I've changed my mind again. UU Reading"

When Kiel said this, the face of the other party changed greatly, as if he knew that he had slipped into the trap, so he roared ferociously: "Open it! Quick! Open it! I let you open it! Open it and you can get the wealth inside ! Treasure! Hurry up!"

Frowning, Kiel strode over and stomped his foot, and the metal boots directly broke his other leg at the knee.

With a crackling sound, the opponent's knee became a puddle of minced meat.

"It seems that among you two old lovers, the end of the tussle has come to an end. Ms. Feneya, please find a place to sit and rest with that girl. This guy seems to be useless. Hmph, in your mouth A sinister guy without a word of truth."

Grabbing the mountain wolf Barney's neck from the ground with one hand, Keel carried him and walked to the side of the tree trunk. As he walked, the young knight's voice followed: "In the sinister trap area outside this lair, in the cave there is a hidden trap under the wooden chair. The coin box of the murder organization, and now, the wooden box dug out of the open space."

"If I'm not mistaken, it's probably a set of murder traps that take the lives of people nearby, right? Whoever drives it dies? And the people around you? You insidious guy."

The knight responded with grumbling words.

Afterwards, the two asked a few words in a low voice, and there was a rattling sound, and when the knight came back, he was carrying a corpse.

At this moment, Ms. Feneya finally let out a mouthful of air that was in her heart.

"I hope there is some truth in what you said, especially about property and gifts." Keel warned.

"Master Knight, please rest assured that I am different from this guy who is full of lies. A businessman who runs a store relies on the sincerity and reliability of his words."

"Is it."

Keel didn't believe it.

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