MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 202 , in the rainy second half of the night (3) potion ingredients

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The distressed appearance of this unlucky guy at this time amused the young people around him, including Keir.

His face was as swollen as a pig's head, and he was also uttering a slurred lingua franca. But even guessing, you can know what he is talking about.

Keel checked the swelling of the guy's tongue, and found that there was no possibility of suffocation due to blocked trachea, and there was no more serious sting reaction, so he concluded that the group of bees in the bandit camp were really just ordinary bees.

It's not some poisonous bee in the forest that can sting all the beasts with thick fur to death.

"Okay, if you're like this, just go and rest on the sidelines. Get better, and you'll probably feel better in a day or two. Anyway, when you go back and join most of the people, Priest Batar will find a way to treat you."

To comfort the swollen young man, Kiel decided to wait for the others to come over and ask the guys from the Wild Snake bandit gang why there was a beehive in their camp.

After all, this is a very dangerous hidden danger, and I don't know what the bandits think, but they even prepared a high tree house specially for raising bees.

The rescued girls, who were awakened by the commotion, also recovered from the panic when they woke up. Knowing that it was not a big problem, they tried to move to the fire, and whispered to the young man who was cooking porridge. People beg for food.

Although these girls were in a state of embarrassment, their injuries and smell were not satisfactory, but the large body that was not covered by the animal skin still made the young man who was cooking blush in shock. He hurriedly took out the wooden bowls and spoons of the robbers who had been found, and served several bowls full of steaming wheat porridge to the girls.

Ordinary porridge looks a lot thicker because a lot of grain is put in it, and it makes people appetite to eat it.

The girls were not strong enough, so the four of them took turns scooping up a mouthful of porridge with a wooden spoon, and then took small sips of the cold food together, and then put them into their mouths one by one.

The oldest among them is like a big sister, feeding the other three more. After the other three were full, she picked up her bowl of wheat porridge and swallowed the slightly hot food in big gulps.

"Cook some more food. After the other people come over, everyone will eat something here. In the first half of the night, we fought again and trekked in the dark. We must be hungry. Let's take a rest here when we are full. Return to the clearing."

While looking at the treehouse with beehives on the top, Keel arranged work for the young people who had nothing to search for.

So several young people who used to cook often found a small bag of root food, potatoes, radishes, and sweet roots from the grain they found. They sat down and scraped the skin off the food with their newly acquired daggers, washed the food in a bucket, went to the iron pot sitting on the fire, and chopped the food into small pieces and threw it into the boiling water. .

The water used for washing the rescued girls was also boiled nearby, and the hot water and clean water were mixed into the washbasin found in the bandit leader's wooden house, and the young man put the hot water basin next to the girls.

"Wash it up, here, and wipe yourself with these clean rags."

The girls thanked the young man who brought the water, but they looked around in embarrassment while holding broken steps the size of a palm.

They were right in the center of the camp, surrounded by the fire and piled up with all kinds of found items, not only had a clear view, but also surrounded by twenty young men, the sensitivity of women let them know that there were many young men at this moment He was secretly looking at them.

This made the few of them feel very embarrassed, but when they thought about the experience of being humiliated in the bandit's cellar, they felt that the idea of ​​embarrassment at this moment was superfluous and ridiculous.

But at this moment, because he was wearing armor, he couldn't climb up the tree house with limited load-bearing capacity, and Kiel, who was idle and bored, noticed their helplessness and their meager dignity, and quickly waved his hand to order them to go down.

"Find some wooden poles, and build them a shelter with animal skins and clothes. You really are rough in your work, and let the girls be watched by you like this? Move quickly, and build a shelter for them. You, You, and you, you guys don't sit there, get out of the way."

With Keir's arrangement, the young people seemed to have nothing to expect. They reluctantly pulled out two wooden beds used by the bandits, and simply put one of these two small wooden beds sideways to form an L-shaped Angle brackets, and then piled up beast furs and clothes stolen by robbers on a wooden bed with seams, barely propping up a private space that cannot be seen.

When everything was done quickly, Keir waved his hands when he saw the girls who expressed their gratitude to him: "Hurry up, more people will come over later, if there are too many people, it will be bad."

He followed suit, and sat by the fire, urging the young cooks to add more food to the pot.

After looking over again when they were out of sight, the girls dared to take off the animal skins they were wearing and began to scrub each other.

They wiped and cried, and at first they couldn't shed tears, but after the stomach and intestines absorbed the water in the porridge, the tears finally flowed out.

Some young people wanted to go over to see what was going on, but they were suppressed by Keir.

"What's interesting, do your own business. Well, most of the sufferings in the world are similar, so don't ask about these things. It's the same as I didn't ask about the various things you encountered along the way when you fled your hometown before."

When Kiel said this, the young people around who were still in good spirits all lowered their heads. Successively taking down the bandits' lair, this success made them seem to forget that when it was just dark, their relatives and friends suffered heavy casualties when they were attacked by bandits.

So far, there are still people with minor injuries that are not in the way. Some young refugees twitched the corners of their mouths as they touched the bruised skin left by the bandits. Someone thought of the friend who was killed, obviously yesterday everyone was still begging together in the Baishi City Wall checkpoint, and today during the day they were still talking enthusiastically about the new possibility of 'escaping' from the old, weak, sick and disabled. But the sudden attack of the bandits at night separated life and death.

Everything is so sudden, but it is only natural.

A few smart young people understand that despite being so strong and strong, they seem to be able to break through everywhere, but they actually have no strength.

Regardless of whether it was at the Baishi City Wall checkpoint, they did not have the ability to survive the checkpoint decently, let alone the ability to forcefully pass the checkpoint without paying the customs duty that was deliberately set up to stop them.

Not to mention the ability to deal with bandits in this wild area.

They are like pig urine bubbles, which look like a big bag, but are actually hollow and light. Anyone or an organization taps them lightly, and they can be manipulated and rolled at will.

A young man held the weapon on his lap, lightly brushed the not-so-sharp blade with his fingers, and then cast his eyes on the young knight.

A young man wiped the tears and snot from his face with the back of his hand, and cast his gaze on the young knight named Keir.

There were also young people who ran over excitedly, lying down next to Kiel, staring at the young knight's glowing eyes. Not only not afraid, but also very envious of the heat.

"Master Knight, please lead us, I will listen to you and fight hard."

This straightforward young man baffled Keel as soon as he opened his mouth.

"What's the matter, you suddenly say that?"

Another young man came over, knelt down in front of Kiel, and put the seized weapons distributed by Kiel on his forehead: "Master Knight, we don't want to be bullied anymore. I also swear here, listen to you Order."

Keir stood up from the ground, squinted his eyes, and looked at the young people who came one after another. They seemed to have figured out something in their whispers, and they came to use their own methods to offer their 'loyalty'.

Seriously, Keel was taken aback by the actions of these people.

Because he had no intention of accepting people before, even if he led young refugees to act together, it was because of two points. One was when the old refugees among the refugees came to the door at the checkpoint, and after seeing the distress of those people, they agreed to help take them away.

The other is that in his judgment, rescuing the captive villagers in Changmai Village is not just a simple matter of rescuing people. If only it were that easy. Because as far as he knew, the security in the southern provinces was constantly deteriorating. After the villages in various places have lost the protection of the soldiers led by the superior knight lords, the long-suppressed bandits are expanding crazily. Moreover, the stragglers of the army that retreated last year also fled back to their hometowns. Most of them rely on the guys in their hands to do evil. .

Just rescue the villagers of Changmai Village, and then let them return to the burned original Changmai Village with the Batar priest, is the matter over?

It's impossible to think about it with your feet. Other intact villages ran away to avoid disaster. Taking the captive villagers back to the village and leaving them alone is no different from killing them or sending them to the tiger's mouth.

In the end it was just a tragedy.

Therefore, the only thing he really needs to do is to gather and train a group of militiamen and manpower who can assist him when saving people, and can spontaneously protect and resettle the village after saving people.

Just to complete the mission appointed by the gods, and casually leave people alone after rescuing people. It is estimated that it will not be easy to maintain the existing good relationship with the Saturnalia Church, not to mention the possible rewards.

Therefore, in Kiel's view, he armed these people and trained them simply so that they could safely protect the resettled villages in the chaotic days of the southern provinces.

He didn't want to really take these people away. Sooner or later, they will stay, cultivate the land, and protect the village spontaneously.

That's what he intends for these young men.

But now, in the face of young people who offered their loyalty to him and expressed their willingness to follow Kiel.

He was at a loss.


At this time, among the dozen or so young people, not all of them agreed to follow Keir.

After all, some people know their own weight. Compared with fighting and relying on force to survive, young people with self-knowledge prefer to farm the land to survive according to their previous life experiences.

There are also people who don't think too much and are not too sensitive to the changes in their lives, so they just sit on the ground and watch other people's actions in surprise.

But at this moment, there were still eight young people gathered around Kiel, including two guys in leather armor who were promoted by Kiel, had influence among the refugees, and dared to fight at the same time.

"Let me think about it. Get up first, get up first. Don't make important decisions so easily, think about it before you talk."

Keir waved his hand, temporarily stopping the actions of these young people. He is actually a young man, at least in appearance, even younger than most of the people present.

The knight's refusal made several young people regretful. They put away their weapons and sat on the ground in silence at first. After a while, several young people who were about to follow Kiel gathered together and talked in a low voice.

Sighing, Keel stepped aside and stroked the long horse's face with his glove along the Bloodlicker's mane.

It seemed that the metal gloves were too hard, and the blood lick kept shaking its head, trying to get rid of Kiel's hand.

At this time, the direction of the gate of the bandit camp was gradually approached by flames, accompanied by the sound of the wheels of the carriage creaking and the sound of colliding with weapons.

"Come on, don't be dazed, leave the area near the gate free, and prepare to move valuable supplies into the car!"

Keir's loud voice sounded again, and the atmosphere that had been slightly silent before became active again. The food and bags containing clothing and other items that blocked the road were moved away. The scattered weapons were tied together with ropes and lifted aside. Clay pots containing living animals were also carefully moved aside. Special caretaker.

At this time, the young man who came in first confirmed that the camp was all his own people, so he stood at the door and greeted the carriage and others behind to come in quickly.

Three carriages carrying trophies and rescued people came in with an awkward sound, the three horses stopped one by one, and the other young people who came after them first pushed the robbers under custody to the ground, telling them to stay calm , Then they joined the handling work one after another.

Keir saw that everyone was moving quickly, so he turned around and said to the rescued girls who were placed horizontally behind the wooden bed, "Have you finished cleaning? Let me know when I'm done."

"Riding, Lord Knight, we're done." It was the oldest girl among the girls who answered, her voice was no longer hoarse and weak after eating porridge, and her physical strength seemed to have recovered a little.

In the noisy and chaotic environment, Keir still heard the other party's not very loud reply clearly, nodded, and called two young people: "Go and help send them to the carriage, pay attention to laying the cushions, they all Very weak and can't stand the extra jolts."

"Yes, my lord, leave it to us."

The two young men who were summoned were exactly the two who wanted to follow Kiel before. They seemed to have discussed it before, and they didn't know what judgment they had made. At this time, the voice that responded to Kiel was loud and powerful.

With a snap, Kiel put down the steel visor, then smiled bitterly that no one saw, and walked towards the place where the surrendered bandit was being held.

And here, the girl covered with a large piece of animal skin embarrassedly covered the water basin that was used for scrubbing. They were much cleaner, but the water basin became dirty and smelly at this time. The girls were very embarrassed. When the person in front was picked up, the others relied on their bodies to cover the water basin behind them.

Although the two young men were thin and thin, they still had a lot of strength to farm the land before, so it was easy to pick up the girl who was also thin.

The two of them first sent the person to an empty seat in a carriage, and then put the soft animal skin on the wooden box, and the two girls gently moved onto the animal skin to snuggle together.

Afterwards, two more people were brought in, and the four of them huddled together, keeping their bodies stable, and buried their heads in each other's hair, who didn't know if it was wolf skin or other animal skins, shrunk away from looking at them, and talked in a low voice The businessman was rescued in the same car.


Kiel kicked a bandit from the Wild Snake gang.

With Kiel staring down at him, the bandit who was sitting on the ground quickly got up and forced an ugly smile: "My lord, my lord, what do you need from me?"

Pointing to a tree house on a big tree high in the camp, Keir asked, "Why, among you bandits, there used to be bees? The food is pretty good. Life is sweet, and there is honey to eat."

After he slapped his head and knew it was wrong, the bandit lowered his head and complained and stared at the other former companions who were also members of the Wild Snake gang, and then quickly put on a smile and said, "My lord, you are joking, it wasn't us who raised it, it was us, no, It’s the hive that the Desolate Snake raised himself.”

"Oh, the bee raised by your dead ghost leader? What is he using it for, to eat? Or is it for other purposes?"

"It has another effect! It has another effect! Dog tail, dog tail, you know, tell the knight."

As he said that, the bandit kicked another bandit from the same gang next to him. This short bandit had a pair of triangular eyes, and his face was swollen and swollen from the beating. The lines on his face were very heavy. He didn't look like a good guy. .

But at this time, the bandit nicknamed Dog Tail nodded and gave a flattering laugh, and said to Kiel, "My lord, my lord knight. Let me tell you, I know what that **** guy, Desolate Snake, does for keeping bees. "

There seemed to be a woman's low exclamation and terrified sobs in the carriage behind him. Keir raised his eyebrows, and the voice under the mask remained calm: "If you know it, just say it, don't hang around, you don't have the qualifications. Recognize Do you understand your current situation?"

The short dog tail nodded violently: "Understood, I understand. I'll just say it. The guy from the wild snake took us to rob a caravan with a small number of people but a strong force. It is probably not those people who confronted us head-on. The opponents are all ruthless characters, Fatty didn't plan to attack."

"But those people are few in number. Although they are strong, they are the opponents our gang is good at dealing with."

Speaking of this, the bandits of the Wild Snake Gang raised their chins proudly.

Kiel snorted coldly: "Use poisonous snakes, right? Continue."

"Yes, my lord. It's a poisonous snake! In order to ensure a success, we took out all the poisonous snakes at that time, because that fellow Desolate Snake judged that a caravan with few people and strong strength must have good goods. The risk is worth taking."

"We followed them for two days at that time. Those people were traveling on a commercial route, so we took advantage of other bandit gangs' sites and walked through the woods to get to a place where they might spend the night before they did. It happened to be a place where there was no inn along the road, only They can spend the night in the wild. We opened the jars containing the poisonous snakes in advance and hid them outside the open space where the caravans spent the night, because the jars were covered by the lids, and the poisonous snakes inside would not come out after a short period of time.”

"So later on, let's get to the point, I don't really want to hear about another illegal atrocity from you."

"Yes, yes, after we threw the live rats at night, the poisonous snakes were drawn out and killed those guys. Although the guards killed many poisonous snakes before they died, the goods fell into our hands intact. The wild snake was very excited at that time, It turned out that after opening a secret box hidden in the general cargo, only some small bottles and cans were found."

Keel immediately remembered those little jars with strange names and contents that nearly froze his nose. UU reading

"Huh, I saw those things in the searched loot. The names marked on them are weird, do you know what they are?"

"Returning to my lord, we didn't know at the time that one accidentally killed two people when we opened a certain jar. Because it can kill people, we copied the words on those jars and sent people to towns to ask people separately. In the end, when they asked what the raw material of the potion was, one of the people who inquired about it died for no apparent reason.”

The corner of Kiel's mouth curled up: "You've caused a lot of trouble, haven't you?"

The bandits from the Desolate Snake smiled wryly, apparently they had offended some people.

"But the other party doesn't know which bandit team on this trade route is the one that snatched the valuable goods-potion materials, right? It's impossible to really kill all the bandits. What happened later? The bees are up, and still in your old hive camp."

"Everyone is illiterate, so I took apart the vocabulary and asked the literate people, and only then did I know what kind of honey one of them was from those bottles and jars. That guy, Desolate Snake, wanted to raise bees to produce honey to follow this path. As a result, the honey produced by the bees was just ordinary honey after more than a year. The failure of this matter also made Huang Snake feel very embarrassed at that time."

After figuring out what happened, Keel told the guy to go back and sit quietly.

Then he found the crate of bottles and jars that was guarded by special personnel again, and this time he carefully put the wooden crate on the back of the blood lick.

It's hard for him to judge the value of this thing, but at least, no matter how much these magic materials are worth, they can be used as a stepping stone to contact people and organizations that can refine magic medicine.

And it's a very useful stepping stone.

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