MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 185 , the darkest moonless night (8)

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In a deep and dark ancient forest, there is a clearing full of tall glowing moss and glowing mushrooms.

Keir's figure appeared.

He stepped on the ground of the platform made up of clusters of mushroom canopies, let out a breath, and relaxed.

"Huh, it's dangerous."

Kiel flicked the double-edged metal spear in his hand to the open space in the distance, and then lay on his back on the tough and elastic mushroom canopy platform.

Open the visor, and then remove the helmet.

The part where the helmet connected to the neck armor was deformed, and Kiel had to use his gloved fingers to move the deformed lock back into place before he could remove the helmet.

He touched the surface of the armor on his body with some distress. Scratches from bows and arrows are left everywhere, and every time a bow and arrow hits, it will leave long or short concave scratches on the surface of the armor.

On the outer side of the steel shoulder armor and arm armor, the scratches and dents on the upper surface are very slight, but the inner sides of the arms, the back and the side of the body, which are generally not attacked by weapons, were made by Keel. The Ganna craftsmen of the armor made it from ordinary iron materials.

Although they are all iron metals, the hardness and toughness of steel are much stronger than ordinary iron materials.

Sighing, Keel reckoned that he would have to find an armor craftsman to give his armor a thorough repair.

The main reason is that these scratches and scratches all over the body are really ugly on the armor.

He lay on the mushroom platform well, letting the luminescent mushrooms under him and around him gradually light up the strange pattern on the canopy, gradually treating his body slowly but effectively.

Keir knew that the passage of time in Mirkwood's dream was not consistent with the outside world, so he walked leisurely to heal his body and relieve his nervous spirit.

When he was idle, he blew his whistle, hopping ~ Hush ~ he blew a lively small tone.

Thinking of the thrilling situation just now but it was all in his calculations, Kiel couldn't help showing a happy smile.

"Haha, I don't know what that guy will look like. But it won't be long before I can take a look for myself. Heh heh, what kind of king of the white wall? It's really ridiculous. Just a noble family of bandits."

After making complaints, Kiel shaved the beard protruding from his chin with his fingers, remembering the weapons and equipment his opponent had.

"Hmph, it's all mine, it's all mine~"

He drew out his long sword to hunt, sat up carefully, and gently scratched his chin with the blade, carefully shaving off the beard that had grown wildly in his youth.

The long sword in his hand vibrated slightly, as if dissatisfied that Kiel used it to shave his beard instead of killing the enemy.

But then he was intimidated by Keir: "Hey, this is love, I trust you, do you understand? Why don't I use other weapons? Why don't I use other sharp blades to shave my beard, I don't worry."

"Otherwise, I'll just use the newly acquired magic dagger to shave my beard. It's even lighter."

The long sword hunting was persuaded by him, and he immediately became obedient.

Keel discovered that there is an advantage of using a spiritual weapon to shave, that is, as the owner of this spiritual weapon, when he shaves, the weapon in his hand will consciously be careful not to let the sharp blade hurt him.

Feeling the smoothness on his chin again, Kiel put the long sword back into the scabbard with satisfaction.

After sitting on the mushroom platform for a while, he felt much better physically. Although the continuous fierce fighting had consumed a lot of his physical strength and life energy, at least his injuries had healed a lot.

The cold and humid air in the dream, breathing more, also made him feel refreshed.

But physical strength.

Kiel climbed up from the mushroom platform, hesitated for a while, and then crossed his hands left and right, placed them on the sides of his armor, and then communicated with the blessed divine power pattern on his skin.

The leaves and leaves sensed his strong thoughts, and immediately emitted a strong blue light of divine power. If it weren't for the blocking of the metal armor on his body, if he was only wearing ordinary clothes, the intensity of the blue light of divine power would probably be able to penetrate the clothes.

But unlike the blue light emitted from the ribs on the surface of his body, the real powerful divine power extends to the inside of his body.

From the blessing pattern to the inside, countless tiny tentacles of divine power extended and contacted the internal organs of his body like several, and spread to all the physical tissues of his body along the various blood vessels.

It was the first time to use the blessing of 'Fountain of Grass and Trees'. It started slowly. The tentacles of divine power extending to all parts of the body for the first time made Kiel feel itchy all over his body. A set of nerves and blood vessels have been added all over the body.

The life energy in his body does not block these new friends, because these tentacles of divine power look no different from the divine power of the God of Saturn in his body before, but stronger and more domineering.

Some of the life energy moving along the blood vessels in Kiel's body naturally touched the tiny tentacles of divine power that also spread along the blood vessels. Once they came into contact with this divine power, Kiel's life energy seemed to be replenished. Many life energies became active again.

Moreover, Kiel suddenly had a feeling that when he performed actions beyond the limits of the human body during the battle, he would inevitably consume part of his stored life energy.

But now, he feels that during the time when the blessing of 'Fountain of Grass and Trees' of infinite energy is in effect, no matter how he performs actions supported by life energy, his life energy will not be consumed, but the powerful agricultural power brought by the blessing Divine power is consumed instead.

Kiel's eyes lit up, he drew out his long sword violently, and then slashed forward with great force.


With a powerful sword, there was an imposing whistling sound in the swing of the sword.

It's something he's never seen before.

Because it's not that it can't be done, but that it can't be used.

When this sword was struck, ten people piled up together would probably be severed by the powerful long sword.

And his enemies are now mostly ordinary humans. Even the bandit leader Nobi Fisbiru, who had just fought against each other before, was afraid of his simple bow and arrow, and obviously didn't have many means of self-defense.

Well, as a former aristocrat, even if the other party falls into the grass, he probably still has one or two protective magic props for self-defense, such as exempting him from the attack of the sun god's divine power that blinded him with white light.

But a simple force attack is not so easy to block. After all, the attack of the divine power white light only ends in one wave, but when he gets close to him, he swings the long sword. With just one breath, he can cut more than ten swords. fatal.

Putting away the long sword, Kiel jumped off the mushroom platform, picked up the double-edged metal spear stuck in the ground, and swung it heavily.

The heavy metal spear whizzed in his hand, although the speed was not fast, but the strength was extremely heavy, and the wind brought up rolled up the surrounding glowing moss flowers.

The khaki old goblin poked its head out of a tree trunk, yawning and getting excited at the sight of Keel going crazy alone in every clearing he entered.

Summoning its mount, it flew up and down in the air, watching Kiel swinging the metal spear, hitting left and right like overwhelming rivers, and stabbing continuously like scorpion tail needles.

It applauded, and screamed and shouted in its mouth.

Keir didn't know that at this time, because of the activation of the blessing of the 'source of grass and trees' in his eyes, the whole eyes glowed with green light of grass and trees. Of course, his vision was not affected, on the contrary, it was because the life energy was replaced and consumed within a certain period of time, so his vision was enhanced a little.

"You little thing, watch me juggle, don't you?"

Kiel stopped the experiment in his hand, and put the metal spear weighing tens of kilograms on his shoulder.

Seeing that Kiel stopped, the little face of the old goblin felt bored. It waved goodbye to Kiel, and then flew towards the colorful pond not far away.

Keir happened to be a little thirsty, and planned to drink some of the clear water he had stored there before, so he followed.

The old goblin noticed Kiel who was following behind him. It raised its brows, which were not too big, and turned to look at Kiel.

"What? Don't let me go to the pond too? After all, there is only one way."

As soon as Kiel finished speaking, the old goblin sank to the ground on a snail shell the size of a palm, and then disappeared.

"Hey, cheapskate."

With a word of complaint, Keir took another step and walked towards the pond.

But when he walked over, he immediately went mad with anger.

"The food I prepared! The water I prepared in advance! Damn, they are not the raw materials you use to grow mushrooms! Ahhhh!"

Keir yelled, because in front of him, the bags of food in the reserve that he had taken time to prepare for the dream, and the clear water in the water tank, were now covered with plants of different colors and shapes. 'Poisonous mushrooms.

From the various mushrooms growing on the food bags and the canopies protruding from the jugs, Keel recognized some of the mushrooms he had given to the goblin before.

Among them, the weird mushrooms that appear everywhere in the dream come from this way.

But he didn't expect that just because he didn't come to the pond for a while, the reserve materials here would be turned into this by the little goblin.

"Hey! Come out for me! Didn't you promise not to tamper with the things I packed in the box? You can only use things that are placed by the pond to be thrown away! But look, you have done everything What! I'm fighting outside, and now I can't even drink a sip of water here."

Keel walked up and down the clearing by the pond, complaining hoarsely.

The little goblin heard what he said, and came out of the ground licking his face. It smiled and patted the jug that used to hold water, but now it was full of mushrooms protruding from the mouth of the jar.


The jar, which was slapped hard twice by it, shook slightly, and there was the sound of water sloshing inside.

Chirping, it patted its chest and proudly pointed to the jug beside it, obviously saying, I left some water for you to drink in the jug.

But Kiel's face was contorted with anger. He resisted the idea of ​​yelling and tried to explain to the goblin, who was not the size of his palm: "I am a human, do humans understand? A complex and fragile intelligent animal, we humans cannot Drink this water contaminated with poisonous mushrooms. You will die."

He sighed: "Even if you don't die, after drinking this unknown liquid, you will vomit and have diarrhea, and everything will be very bad. Can you understand?"

But the little goblin nodded to understand what Keir said, but it still meant you come and taste the clear water in the jar.

"Hey, forget it, the common sense of goblins is indeed different from that of humans, I shouldn't have hoped for that."

Kiel breathed out, put the spear on his shoulder again, put on his helmet, and got ready to fight again.

I ordered some food bags with mushrooms, and a water storage tank with a mushroom canopy: "You should deal with them as soon as possible, and when the opportunity is right, I will prepare some more supplies. You, hey, I will prepare them specially. Some materials are for you to tinker with those poisonous mushrooms."

After speaking, Keir's figure quickly disappeared.

After Kiel disappeared, the goblin smiled triumphantly. It floated up and slapped the poisonous mushrooms bred by it one by one. The strange thing was that those mushrooms also shook the umbrella cover slightly and let out joyful laughter.

On the grain bag, one of the largest, thick mushrooms with a palm-sized red canopy and spots was struggling to shake its roots, and then it fell from the grain bag on the shelf with a clatter.

The goblin excitedly called its car and flew to the place where the mushroom fell.

The poisonous mushroom struggled for a moment on the mossy ground, and then the mycelium at the root grew its feet, and stood up unsteadily.

The goblin jumped out of the snail shell car and walked around the long-legged poisonous mushroom. It patted the poisonous mushroom that was as tall as it with satisfaction, took out a set of colored pens from the small vest it was wearing, and then A human face is drawn on the thick stipe of the mushroom.

If you look closely, you can see that the face was painted according to Kiel's appearance. Not to mention, its painting skills are not bad, it is exactly the same as Kiel's face.

The goblin patted his new follower in satisfaction, and stopped riding in the snail shell, and walked in front, followed by the poisonous mushrooms with long legs, staggering, and they began to patrol the small pond.

Pointing to the 'tall' weapon rack in the distance, the goblin murmured something to the long-legged poisonous mushroom behind him. The poisonous mushroom couldn't speak, and only made some weird squawking sounds similar to laughter.

But the goblin understood. It patted its chest, indicating if there were blood stains cleaned in the gaps of some weapons on the weapon rack, and it could be tasted by poisonous mushrooms.

So, the goblin with the gray beard led the way, and the small team followed by the poisonous mushrooms with long legs strode forward towards the Mount of Weapons.


Still in the dark woods, in a small clearing.

Nobby Fisbiru looked at the empty space with a strange face, wondering that the young knight who should have been cut off by the secret technique disappeared directly into the mouth of the skull driven by the secret technique.

"Impossible? What's the problem? Is it, no, it didn't happen when I killed the knight before. But there has never been a secret technique before. of a skull."

Just when the bandit leader squatted halfway in the open space, suspicious.

Where Kiel was originally standing, the place where the mysterious skull emerged to bite.


The figure of Kiel carrying a spear reappeared here.

Nobby Fisbiru's eyes widened, unable to believe it. After all, his eyes didn't leave there at all, and Kiel just appeared so suddenly.

"What's the matter? Answer me! What's the matter?"

He yelled, completely unaware of his situation now and next.

The eyeholes of Kiel's steel mask glowed green, which looked weird, but Kiel didn't know it.

"Who knows. Save the question for the afterlife. Ask the person you killed."

As soon as the words fell, Kiel stepped on the ground with a bang, and the whole person burst forward. The double-edged metal spears in his hands were held flat, and he stabbed straight at the chest of the bandit leader.

Keir's speed was too fast, and the bandit leader didn't have time to make contingency actions. He was directly poked in the chest, and he was thrown into the air, hitting the trunk of a big tree at the edge of the open space with a bang.

The steel tip of the spear was firmly pressed against Nobi Fisbiru's chest, and on his chest, a twisted mass of small cyclones burst out to repel air waves, desperately trying to push Kiel's spear back to the ground. push away.

But Kiel didn't take a step back, and even held the gun with both hands to kill the opponent, while his legs kept pushing and pushing on the ground, pushing forward with stronger force.

"Sure enough, it's a magic item for body protection, but how long will it be useful?"

Keel growled viciously.

The magic cyclone on his chest kept receding, and he had already been pushed onto the chest of the bandit leader. The delicate clothes he was wearing were torn apart, and the skin underneath was also torn apart by the magic cyclone, followed by blood and blood on his chest. muscle tissue.

The magical cyclone that was supposed to protect him had now become the harshest punishment he had imposed on himself.

The bandit leader Nobby Fisbiru couldn't stand the pain. He struggled to resist the cyclone with his hands, but the magic cyclone for the body protection was very violent. Besides, it doesn't care about anything.

Even the bandit leader himself tried to push away the magic cyclone that tormented him, but it was completely useless. As soon as his fingers touched the magic cyclone, they were directly strangled by the high-speed twisting and rotating magic air, and then even his palms were twisted into pieces. Minced please kill me quickly—"

Nobby Fisbiru wailed in pain, the magic cyclone in his chest was crushing his chest bit by bit as Kiel pushed forward.

This is undoubtedly a cruel punishment.

"The protective equipment is your own, heh, but it has nothing to do with me. Let your wailing mourn the innocent refugees who died tonight."

Kiel didn't immediately understand the opponent's plan at all. He also moderately relaxed the force of the push, and pushed the magic cyclone of the opponent's body toward the opponent's abdomen.

But Kiel overestimated the magic reserve of the magic protective props used by the other party.

Originally, it was a magic item for short-term protection with one or two attacks. In front of Keel, who continued to push a long spear that could pierce people, the magic cyclone maintained rapidly consumed the magic power accumulated in the protection item.

With the flash of magic power bursting out from a small leather pouch on the cowhide belt around the waist of the bandit leader Nobby Fisbyru, the magic body cyclone on the opponent's chest finally dissipated.

Immediately with a puff, the steel double-edged spear head pierced Nobi Fisbiru's chest and body the next moment, and directly pierced the tree trunk behind the opponent with a puff.

With blood spitting out of his mouth, Nobby Fisbyru grunted a few words, and then died.

"It's cheaper for you."

Kiel let out a breath, raised his foot and kicked the opponent, and then pulled the spear, pulling the spear out with great force, and the opponent's body fell to the root of the tree, with blood flowing on the ground.

After the battle, bugs crawled out of the grass on the ground and found the corpse following the smell of blood.

It picked up a small piece of flesh and blood, and walked back satisfied. Go back and call more companions by the way to share the pie that fell from the sky.

Read The Duke's Passion