MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 181 , the darkest moonless night (4)

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Desolate Snake was brewing an insidious idea, and on the front line of the battlefield, the fat bandit roared, calling the attention of a soldier in metal armor who had killed several of his men in a row.

There was no communication between their bandit gangs. Someone guessed that Kiel was probably a young knight from the fact that Kiel was able to lead so many refugees and that he was riding a tall horse.

But the fat bandit leader didn't know this, so as soon as the two sides fought, Kiel killed several bandits who didn't know Kiel's strength in a row in the scuffle.

Although the bandits had seen the metal armor on Kiel's body and knew that Kiel should be difficult to deal with, none of them thought that this man would be so difficult to deal with.

"Go to the net, throw the net! Forget about the other soft-legged shrimps, and focus on solving this difficult guy first!"

Before it's time for his men to take down nets against powerful warrior foes, the bandit leader initiates a challenge.

He leveled the spear that was as thick as an ordinary person's arm in his hand, and rushed towards Kiel with a roar.

The tip of the spear is a hard steel spiked spearhead, which is very powerful, and if it gets stuck, it is not a small problem.

Kiel was attracted by the opponent's roar. He looked up and saw that the opponent leveled his weapon and rushed towards him, but he didn't dare to dodge the opponent's attack, because the spear was several meters long, and Kiel was two meters behind him. But there are other young refugees who are fighting bravely. Once he gets out of the way, the people behind him will be exposed.

If he was unlucky, even a single blow from the opponent could take away the lives of several young people who were standing closely behind him.

Therefore, Kiel had no choice but to widen his eyes, and took the initiative to push the elf metal shield on his left hand in front of his body. The whole figure did not retreat but advanced, relying on the short-range weakness of the spear to take the life of the bandit leader.

In particular, it seemed that the bandit was going to be singled out.

"Ha! Die—" shouted the bandit leader.

Keel gritted his teeth, and finally adjusted the direction of the shield's inclination just before the collision.

Clang——, with a bang, the steel spear head was scratched from the upper left space of Kiel's helmet. He tilted his shield, and finally parried the heavy blow, and because the spear slid up and staggered, the young refugees behind him would not be injured.

The blow was blocked, and Kiel rushed forward without stopping. The fat bandit leader directly held the end of the spear with his right hand, and with his left hand, he pulled out a heavy machete with a handle decorated with the face bones of human children from his waist. In an instant, he took advantage of the momentum to block Kiel's long sword rushing forward.

Kiel was so powerful that he slashed backhanded with the long sword in his right hand, causing sparks from the heavy machete that collided with him to burst out.

"How is it possible? It is impossible for someone to be stronger than me! Ahhhhh!"

The fat bandit is extremely powerful, so in the past even with a knife with one hand, he could fight against ordinary people with a weapon in both hands, but at this time, Kiel also fought him with a sword in one hand. Moreover, he could feel the shock force coming from the handle of the machete. Not to mention that his own strength surpassed the young enemy in front of him, the opponent's strength was even gradually increasing, which in turn suppressed him.

"Impossible! Come on! Give it to me! Cut him off!"

After just a few fights, the fat bandit leader was suppressed and couldn't stop backing up. As soon as he retreated, the strength in his hands would weaken due to his unstable standing, and then he was blown away by Kiel in the fight. weapons.

The heavy machete swirled backwards and flew straight away, taking away half the head of a bandit who wanted to approach the fight, and finally the machete fell into the creek behind everyone.

"Huha!" Kiel yelled, and the life energy in his body gradually began to work. They quickly flowed to all parts of the body along with the blood pumping in the heart.

He still hadn't gotten used to having the life energy in motion to enhance his physicality in battle. But it is still possible to add it to the arms and legs first.

The leader of the bandits holding a spear stepped back urgently, and then more than a dozen bandits rushed up alternately shouting and killing.

Keir was afraid that they would get close to him and control him, so he retreated while fighting. The shield on this side blocked the one-handed ax that was smashing, and the long sword on the other side separated the combined attack of several long swords and machetes.


Kiel shouted, and his order was heard in the crowd fighting with other bandits behind him, and more than a dozen fist-sized stones came for emergency support.

In the chaotic battle, the young refugees grabbed fist-sized stones, then swung their arms and threw the stones towards the bandits who were fighting with the Kiel knights.

The whirring stones flew around, and some even hit the back of Kiel, who was moving laterally, but he didn't feel any pain or itching. I suffered a great loss.

They tried to surround Kiel, who was close to the armor, so that they ignored their own protection and dodge. The stones hit, and many bandits were smashed several times.

A bandit who was hit on the head seemed dizzy and couldn't see the surrounding things clearly. The long sword in his hand didn't work. He regarded the other bandit beside him as an enemy, Kiel, and hit his companion directly.

"Bastard!" Luckily, his companion was wearing a wooden hat that looked like a bucket, and the blow just now only shaved off small pieces of the wooden bucket hat and scalp, and did not directly kill him.

But Kiel seized this opportunity, taking advantage of the chaotic opportunity when the bandits surrounding him were instantly attracted by the oolong, he directly raised his long sword and stretched out, white light quickly flooded from the sword, and crawled in the blink of an eye. The entire gray-black long sword blade, followed by just an instant.

Bright white light suddenly flashed out.

The battlefield in the open space was originally brighter because of the large number of fires, but now it was even brighter and more transparent.

But the white light blooms and flickers only for a moment, and it will be closed as soon as it is released. It has not been a day or two for Kiel to use the blessing ability on this long sword, so he controls it accurately and releases the divine power that only blinds a few enemies within the combat range in front of him.

"What's going on! What's going on???"

"My eyes can't see! It's the magic of the story!"

"Back first! Back first!"

In an instant, the offensive was reversed like this. Kiel went up and quickly raised his hand to slash, beheading a bandit with his weapon in two. The turbulent life energy surged in his body, and the strength of his arm was strengthened many times at this moment, far surpassing that of ordinary humans.

Keeping walking, he saw a bandit who was waving a long sword in front of him indiscriminately, and Kiel rushed forward with his shield.

The legs and body strengthened by life energy stepped on the ground in an instant, stepping out of the pit on the dirt floor.

He himself accelerated instantly, and directly hit the bandit's body with his shield. Like billiard **** colliding, Kiel stopped on the spot after knocking down someone, but the bandit who was hit flew out without a sound, and knocked over three or four other bandits by the way. It shattered into several pieces and rolled on the ground.

Just now, it even smashed the person into pieces.

This was far beyond Kiel's expectations. He was stunned for a moment, then turned to fight again.

The other bandits who were blinded for a short time didn't know what happened. They just waved their weapons vigorously in place like headless chickens to protect themselves. Some even fought with fellow bandits because they couldn't see them. A young gang refugee who had cut off half of his head with a knife from the back.

The other bandits who were not within the blinding range of the sun god's divine power by Kiel were terrified when they saw the scene just now, and realized that they might be fighting a young knight.

"God! Run!"

"Don't run away!" The bandit leader roared, calming down the slightly dissipated fighting spirit: "Where is the net! ¥%¥, where is the net behind the man?"

A middle-aged bandit with hair on the top of his head hurriedly rushed over, hurriedly took a large bag of strong nets for trapping people from behind in his hands: "Boss! The nets are here! Come on!" Already!"

The fat bandit leader grabbed it, let go of the spear in his right hand, held the two edges of the net with both hands, and ruthlessly threw it in the air ahead.

Once the net wrapped in a certain way is thrown out, it immediately spreads out in mid-air because of the heavy objects tied to the front end.

In just a short throwing distance, it almost extended into a circle, wrapping several people including Kiel in it.

The bandit leader saw that he had covered the difficult enemy, and immediately shouted excitedly: "Give me #¥'s and come here!"

As he said, he grabbed the net and pulled it backwards, knocking down the people caught in the net at once, but Keel stood firmly on the spot.

As soon as the net was covered, he slashed at it with a backhand sword, but the usually indestructible magic material long sword couldn't do anything with this light and tough strong net. As the blade swung across, the net was pulled outward without much force.

Several bandits were surrounded by nets, and as soon as the bandits on the opposite side pulled, these people were thrown to the ground by the nets wrapped around their bodies and weapons, shouting and shouting indiscriminately.

Keir stood firmly on the ground with his feet on the ground, with the shield in his left hand on his head, and fell backwards, resisting the pull from the opposite side.

Soon there were seven or eight bandits standing together with the bandit leader, pulling at one end of the net vigorously, but the knight in armor seemed to have taken root in his footsteps, and refused to fall no matter what, stretching the net creakingly. rattle.

The people who were dragged down by the nets indiscriminately were even pinched by the twisted and tightened nets and screamed. One unlucky guy was even strangled by a twisted net around his neck, and Keel was strangled to death by the net tightened around his neck when he wrestled with many bandits.


Kiel was panting heavily, breathing heavily, transporting the air most needed by his body during the wrestling to his lungs.

He saw that there were even more and more bandits pulling the net, and then the bandit leader excitedly freed his hands and handed over the work of wrestling with Kiel to his subordinates. He grabbed the spear on the ground and used an extremely twisted and excited The expression and voice are ready to attack him directly through the net.

"So what about knights! I can kill one today just hahahaha! Hahahaha!"

That insolent look, as if Keir had already been defeated by his men.

But Kiel just let go of the long sword in his right hand, letting it hang on the tight net around his body. Then Kiel hesitated for a moment, but he still slapped his right waist, and drew out a gorgeous dagger with a fiery red body.

The palm-length dagger looks gorgeous and small, but the moment it is unsheathed, it seems to raise the extremely hot atmosphere around to a new level.

As if feeling the scorching battlefield around him, the two magic gemstones on the dagger were extraordinarily bright.

Kiel barely grasped the handle of the dagger with the steel glove, and then his thumb covered with cowhide and steel touched a gorgeous gemstone on the dagger gauntlet.

Through the visor of the steel helmet and the stretched and strong net, he stared straight at the fat bandit leader whose face was distorted due to excitement.

When the opponent raised his spear and was about to charge forward, Kiel stretched out his right hand and pushed the small and gorgeous heartfire dagger in front of him.

"Burning the enemy!"

Kiel coldly read this short word from his mouth, and the next moment, the front of him suddenly lit up.

This light is not the white light bloom on the long sword hunt, but a flame magic light that contains extremely high heat and magic sparks.

The white light of the Sun God's supernatural power would not have a great impact on himself, but the one in front of him was different at this time. In an instant, Kiel felt that he was not holding a dagger, and he even felt that his right hand was like a knife. Chopped the head of a fire dragon.

Huge flames sprayed out from the dagger, like the breath of a fire dragon. In just a moment, Kiel could feel the thrust from the dagger. This force even pushed him back who was standing firmly. half a meter away.

"This thing is a rocket!!"

This was Kiel's first thought at the time, and then, the drag force from the net covering his body suddenly disappeared, and he staggered, trying not to let the dagger, which was still emitting magical flames, point in the wrong direction.

But what Keir didn't know was that just a second after the flame erupted, nearly ten bandits in front of him were reduced to ashes in the high-heat magic flame.

The animal skin clothes they wore instantly turned into ashes and were forcibly blown away, followed by their own hair and skin, which also left their bodies in an instant.

Then there is the muscle part of the body. These body tissues that are still exerting force are quickly dehydrated and cracked, burned and swelled, mixed with the fat on the muscles, and turned into black-gray coke, shrinking and clinging to the innermost bones of the body superior.

The internal organs of the robbers were heated and exploded when they were swept by the magic sparks, but before the body tissues that exploded were scattered around, they were brought to the open space behind them by the blown high-heat flames.

When Kiel finally realized that the bandit in front of him had died in this wave of deadly magic flames, he immediately took his fingers away from the magic ruby ​​he was touching.

In the next instant, the yellow and whitish high-heat flame stopped spraying from the dagger.

"Whirring whirring."

Keel was panting heavily, and the surroundings were silent, only the crackling of firewood in the fire showed that time had not really stopped, but was still passing.

"Oh my God! Sir Knight! It's too powerful!"

Only then did the young refugees who stopped in the scuffle with the bandits behind Kiel let out their first exclamation, and then the young refugees became imposing, kicking the unbelievable bandits to the ground, or holding up stones, Or he slashed down with the short sword and machete in his hand, killing several bandits in a daze.

Kiel blinked some dry eyes, panted and looked in front of him, only to realize that standing a few meters away in front of him were no longer a group of bandits with ferocious and proud faces, but a group of robbers. Still standing on the ground, posing a scorched black skeleton in a pulling motion.

Some of them were tightly pressed together when they were pulling, and they were even glued together in the burning of the magic flames, and it was impossible to see who was who.

The fat bandit leader next to him had half of his body turned into a charred and shrinking skeleton, but the other half of his body remained roughly the same. When he looked closely, he realized that it could only be roughly described.

Because the skin on the surface of the man's body had fallen off and disappeared, and the skin was also destroyed by the high heat, leaving only the gray fat on the half of his body. Translucent high-temperature grease flows out.

Amidst the scorched stench, there was a strange smell of oily smell, floating on the battlefield at this moment.

Kiel looked down at the heartfire dagger in his hand, and remained silent.

With a trembling right hand, he inserted it into the dagger sheath on the right belt, and then picked up the long sword that fell on the net on one side to hunt.

"Keep fighting! Beat them! Victory belongs to us!"

Kiel shouted The morale of the young refugees who dared to fight is now high!


"Damn! Damn! Damn! Get out, come on!"

Desolate Snake was first flashed by the sudden burst of white light during the battle, and when he rubbed his eyes a few times to look again, he saw the knight covered by the net.

He knew that this was a move often used by bandit gangs to deal with some particularly capable enemies or enemies with thick armor. They are usually people with high martial arts skills. After all, there are very few armor-piercing enemies. These people generally seldom move alone. They are the core of the battle.

At that time, Huang Snake even thought that after Fatty and the others lost some people, they finally got the result according to their previous hard fighting methods.

But the reality slapped his judgment hard.

He just roughly saw the young knight using something in his waist, and then there was a wave of high temperature air coming from the pavement.

On the battlefield tens of meters away from them, there was also a wave of air that could make the skin feel scorching. He was also stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, the fat man and his 'elite' bandits had turned into scorched black skeletons licked by the flames.

Even after those guys died they kept their original movements.

An instinctive feeling made his hair stand on end, especially when he realized that the young knight had just met him not long ago, and the close kiss from the shadow of death made him shiver all over.

"Quickly withdraw! Don't care about this place, go back and grab the fat man's lair, let's pack up and leave."

After thumping his stiff legs hard, Huang Snake ran away, and his grotesque subordinates also reacted, and quickly caught up with their boss.

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