MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 168 , all beings in the hall, priest Batar's apology

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Priest Batar gradually woke up from his coma.

He looked at the unfamiliar wooden ceiling and felt the soft bed around him instead of the cold and hard church stone bed.

After lying down for a while, he realized what had happened before he passed out.

"It's too impulsive, Lothar! You useless guy, you will hold people back! Look at what you have done!"

He was about to raise his hand to slap himself, but in his sore open palm, plump wheat grains soaked in sweat slid down and landed on his face, which made him startled.

Reason regained the high ground, and the young priest panicked. He finally realized how bad the consequences of his previous actions might be, instead of complaining about himself here.

Stuffing the seeds into the pocket of the robe, he got up from the bed with bare feet, looked around, and walked towards the wooden door of the house.

Kuangtangtang, Kuangtangtang.

"Damn it! Locked up!"

The young priest became more and more anxious, and when he saw that the windows were open, he walked across them with bare feet.

Just as he was about to flip out, he noticed the situation outside.

He was in a room on the second floor of a hotel facing the street, on the street outside, and there was no emergency scene where conflict casualties occurred as he imagined.

The street was far more empty than when they came before. At this time, a carriage just passed by, and it didn't slow down because of the crowd of refugees. There were originally a large number of refugees from the southern provinces, although there were still some on the streets outside, but they all leaned on the street shops and carefully exchanged some things in their hands in twos and threes.

With the perception ability of the priest of Saturn, he could sense that the things exchanged by the refugees contained the divine power of Saturn from a long distance away.

"Is it the God-given food that was made by blessing?"

His breathing gradually calmed down. Priest Lothar Batal was sweating coldly, but he gradually calmed down.

He glanced left and right outside the window, and found that there were no checkpoint soldiers wandering on the street, and the street did not seem to have been cleaned by splashing water. Looking up at the sky, the shining white light shines from the left side of the street, making the whole street as bright as day, but the sky is still a deep night.

A goddess of the moon slid from the deep sky to the sky like aristocratic silk. You can tell which goddess of the moon it represents by looking at the color. From this, you can judge the time. It seems that not long has passed since he fell into a coma.


Exhaling heavily, he completely relaxed.

Only then did he notice the amber metal staff on the bedside. This precious church blessing weapon could only be placed here by his new companion.

Turning his eyes again, the priest saw a piece of paper with words on the bed.

Walking over to pick it up, the room was a little dark, so he went to the window to read the words on the thing with the light from the white stone city wall.

"Priest, I persuaded the crowd to disperse. The soldiers have dispersed. You are unconscious. I will put you in the hotel room and lock the door from the outside. Just wait a moment when you wake up. We will come up to you, Keir."

Letting out another breath, the priest finally smiled.

"Fortunately, I didn't mess things up. Really, if I'm the only one, I'm really afraid that my good intentions will lead to an unstoppable disaster. When you go out, you really need a reliable companion!"

Refugees on the street noticed the Batar priest by the window on the second floor of the hotel. The priest's conspicuous shoulder armor and breastplate are very recognizable. Someone waved at him with excitement on his face.

Priest Batar noticed and waved his hand in the same way.

Unexpectedly, those refugees knelt down to him excitedly and kowtowed a few times.

This made Priest Batar blush. He felt that he had done nothing. What made the fellow refugees grateful was nothing more than the power of blessings. He had no relationship with him, but it was not that big. Don't dare to be greedy.


Boom, boom, "Priest Batar? Are you awake?"

After a while, Priest Batar, who was sitting honestly on the soft bed and resting, heard a call from outside the door.

It's Kiel's companion, a caravan guard in his thirties.

"Well, I woke up, please open the door."

he replied.

There was the sound of metal locks rattling outside the door, and the sound of the lock falling off.

The wooden door was pulled open from the outside, and Xueyasite stood outside the door: "Priest, Kiel said that you are awake, and if you are well, go down to the hall for dinner. I have to rest at the opposite door, and Kiel is in the backyard Reinforce the carriage here, you can go find him after you finish eating."

After explaining, Xueyasite put the padlock and key of the house on the wooden cabinet against the wall inside the door.

"Wait a minute, what happened just now? I was in a coma and didn't see it."

Xueyasite waved his hand: "How do I know, I was watching the carriage in the backyard. But it seems that Kiel asked the people to go down and help each other with food, so that everyone can have enough food."

"How is this possible?"

Priest Batar is a priest in the village, and he has a special understanding of the narrow side of the rural people. In the village, not to mention asking everyone to take out the grain for each other, even if you urinate, you don't want to urinate in other people's fields.

It's not that people are stingy, it's just a survival strategy for poor and remote villages where supplies are scarce and wealth is not much.

Xueyasite was confused by Priest Batar: "No, how is it impossible? They are all people from the southern provinces who have not been able to escape so far. What's wrong with helping each other in difficult times? Oh yes, Kiel also borrowed The reason why you used the blessing spell is that the **** of agriculture is looking at everyone, and if everyone behaves well after receiving the food given by the gods tonight, we can come back tomorrow morning before we leave. By the way, can you come back again?"

Priest Batar smiled wryly: "It's still possible, the ability to bless is restored every day, and it's connected to my own divine power, but it's also independent. It's just that it's too bold for Kiel to use the name of the great Saturn. "

In the end, the priest lowered his voice: "Whether the **** of agriculture is looking at everyone, only the gods know. We mortals cannot use the name of the gods to do things that have not been approved by the gods. This is disrespectful. The punishment is very severe."

Blood Fang gave him a squinting look: "You are a priest of Saturn, I don't know much about it."

After finishing speaking, Blood Fang returned to the room opposite the door, unlocked it, entered the door, lit the lamp, closed the door, and bolted the door.

All in one go.


The outstretched hand retracted, and Priest Batar didn't say anything in the end. He keenly felt that Kiel's companion, his fellow traveler, was a little disappointed by what he said just now.

If you are disappointed, be disappointed. He is just a priest in the village. It is enough to save his villagers and believers during this trip. He has no control over the affairs of these refugees, and he is not qualified to intervene.

Shaking his head, he put on his boots, tidied up the bed, then closed the window, held the amber metal staff in his hand, went out, and locked it.

Looking left and right, there is a downward staircase at one end of the corridor, and there are faint bright lights and noises coming from it.

He walked there a little weak and hungry.


Priest Batar, who was walking down the stairs slowly, did not attract the attention of the people in the hotel lobby at first. They should eat and drink. The busy male waiter walks out from the small corner door leading to the kitchen in the corner of the hall with a large plate of food and smiles, and the smiling waitress walks around outside the guest wine table in the corner of the hall with a copper wine jug. At the end, she added another glass.

A businessman from other places took advantage of the opportunity to pat the waitress on the buttocks. Under the feigned glare, he laughed and stuffed a copper coin into the career line of the waitress' white chest.

And took advantage of the opportunity to touch it.

The waitress didn't care, she tilted her chest, but she was not trying to seduce, but from the sound of coins colliding in the belly of the tight spring dress, to figure out how much money she made today?

The results did not satisfy her.

The surrounding quickly quieted down, and the waitress saw that the foreign merchants at the table she was serving all turned their heads in one direction.

She also turned to see that it was not a refugee from other places, but a Saturn priest who looked a little weak.

More formal robes than the usual Saturn priests, special decorations on the shoulders and chest, and a metal staff that rests on the ground in his hand. God! The top of his long staff turned out to be a glowing gem the size of a fist.

The waitress didn't know amber, but she didn't guess wrong. High-quality amber can be used as a gem to measure its value in many places.


The young priest spoke.

The hall was silent, and even the fat cook poked out half of his head from the back kitchen.

"Please give me one stew and two wheat cakes, thank you."

The hall was once again noisy, the drinkers drank, ate, and chatted. The waiters and waiters were still doing what they had been doing. The cook also agreed with a flattering smile, retracted his fat head, and decided to use the best skills in his life to present the great man with the best Montoka stew.

But amidst the commotion like usual, the drinkers got their hands and feet clean, and they didn't dare to touch the waitresses anymore. The businessman who was eating took his time, and seemed to have used all the noble dining methods he had seen before, regardless of the half fat chicken on the plate in front of him and the chicken **** on the knife, which made him look stupid.

The few high-ranking guests who were chatting no longer talked about the public security problems brought about by the refugees in the southern province at the Baishi City Wall checkpoint, but changed the subject and talked about the corruption of the southern province and the pity and innocence of the refugees.

The male waiters walked stiffly, swallowing spittle secretly. However, the waitress felt that the coins between her belly and her skirt made her feel embarrassed and embarrassed for the first time.

Priest Batar looked around, sighed, and said, "Call me in the backyard when it's done. I'll talk to my companions there." After speaking, he walked out through the wooden door leading to the backyard.

No sooner had the door closed than there was chaos in the hall.

The drinking merchants bowed their heads and gathered together the heads with flushed faces, discussing the priest just now in a low voice.

The businessman who was eating realized that he was chewing on the chicken butt, but instead he chewed hard and swallowed it with satisfaction.

The high-ranking guests who were chatting looked at each other, and the topic changed again, from the security of the southern provinces to the strength of the Saturnalia Church and its attitude towards this matter.

The serious faces of the male waiters finally relaxed, and they gathered together to discuss the identity and origin of the priest. Even in his attire, Priest Batar's frail look was more in line with the waiters' imagination of the status of a young and promising priest.

The waitress apologized, and trotted to the underground warehouse of the hotel. She wanted to find a place where no one was around, and take out the coins. It wasn't that she thought the coins earned by beauty were not good. She just felt that it was much more appropriate for the money to be stored in a purse than to be stuck in the clothes room.


"Keil! You're here."

As soon as Priest Batar went out, he looked around and noticed the backyard near the stables. On their carriage, Kiel was climbing on the roof of the car, removing the original car roof cloth, and re-laying a thick layer of cowhide. .

There are also a few hotel guys who take care of the merchants' horses and guard the carriages. They are squatting beside them, watching Keel's busyness curiously.

"Oh, you woke up Priest, have you had your supper yet? Go and have some."

Kiel greeted, then twisted the small iron nails with his hands, put the iron nails on the edge of the wooden frame covered with cowhide leather, and tapped lightly with the small mallet in his right hand.

Duo duo, duo duo.

A small iron nail fixed the cowhide to the carriage hood.

Priest Batar came over and looked up at the Kiel warrior who was busy reinforcing the carriage: "I have already ordered dinner, and they will call me when it is ready. How about you, have you eaten yet?"

Keir had a weird expression on his face, so he had to hesitate to eat it, and after he finished speaking, he rubbed his cheeks.

After confirming that the warriors of Kiel had also eaten, Priest Batar returned the salute to the guys who took care of the horses in several hotels beside him. Just now these young men bowed deeply to the priest.

"Please go to work or rest, I have something to say to the Kiel Warriors."

When Priest Batar said this, several young men took the initiative to walk away and stopped watching.

"What's the matter? What do you want to say?"

Keir continued to put down the small iron nail, and then hit it with a mallet, thump, thump, thump, thump.

"I'm sorry, Keel. Before releasing the blessing just now, I didn't discuss it with you, so I just did that for a while." The priest's voice was not loud, and he couldn't hear it when he was a little far away.

He was a little worried that his reckless action just now would annoy the attitude of Kiel, the main force of the rescue operation.

If there is a gap, or if you don't work hard after that because of anger, then it's really bad.

Kiel shrugged, "No."


The priest looked strange.

"No, you don't need to apologize for what you did just now, you didn't do anything wrong."

Keel said so.

He kept moving his hands, placing the small iron nails, pricking the small iron nails shallowly on the cowhide, and then swung the hard wooden hammer in his right hand, boom, boom, boom.

"You are a priest of the **** of agriculture, and you should do something when you see people suffering from hunger."

Duo duo, duo duo.

"You are from the southern province. When you see your compatriots suffering, you should do something to help."

Duo duo, duo duo.

"When officially using the blessing 'blessed food' on the saved people, it is indeed necessary for UU Reading to test the situation and capabilities of the blessing in advance."

Duo duo, duo duo.

"I also have plans to find an opportunity to release the 'source of grass and trees' prepared by the deputy headmaster for me, and the powerful blessing 'summoning the spirit beast in my heart' specially bestowed by the **** of agriculture once or twice."

Keir smiled: "Before you use it officially, you have to understand these blessings that can be of great use, right?"

Priest Batar relaxed and chuckled: "That's right. But thank you, you can wipe out my untimely trouble and the chaos and disaster that may be caused in the end."

The priest stood the metal staff beside him, covered his face with his hands, and rubbed it carefully.

"I almost caused an accident that ruined others."

Keel jumped off the roof of the carriage and landed easily.

"Don't say that. First, in my opinion, the situation is not out of control. Second, those suffering people really need help. If you didn't do it then, what do you think I will think of you?"

The priest poked his eyes out from between his fingers: "Cowardly?"

This is Priest Batar's own understanding of himself.

"It's selfish arrogance and ignorance. If you can't even see the suffering in front of you, but worry about the believers and people in your own village who don't know what's going on in the distance. Then such a person is a selfish person, because he only sees I am concerned with the interests of others. Even if the suffering of others is in front of my eyes, I am indifferent.”

"That's right, that's right."

Keir patted him on the shoulder: "So, I am optimistic about you, Priest Lothar Batar."

At the same time, Keel silently thought in his heart that the God of Saturn might also change his mind about you here.

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